

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 54e5edac6608bce3fd7beaf31b52ab48 > files > 5


* Introduction

As we are approaching the 1.0 release, it is a good time to summarize
subtle (more or less) changes and new features introduced in the past

These note may be classified as either interface changes or features
not covered in the XSLT specification.

This file should be a primary source of information, for those
interested in Sablotron specific features, and/or for people using
Sablotron native interfaces.

The most recent changes are described as well as a bit older issues,
which was not yet described in this way, or there is need to put
things together.

* Specification Conformance

Since the version number of 0.95 almost complete XSLT 1.0 specification 
is covered (and mostly well tested). There are just few minor issues, the id()
function support and embedded stylesheets are the most important ones.

Although we'd like to meet this requirements too, this is not sure, we
will do it prior the 1.0 release, since we'll aim our efforts to bug
fixing and code cleanup.

	- id(), 
	- embedded stylesheets, 
	- some possible operations with RTF that should disabled,
	- case insensitive sorting

** Ambiguities

There are few issues, where the specifications allows more then one
solution. Sablotron processor respects a set of options, that control
the behavior in such cases. See ``API and Architecture'' for more.

** Specification Leaks

We found several minor specification leaks. The most important of them
is the namespace output and namespace aliasing.

The spec says, that the XSLT namespace must not be output for XSLT
literal result elements. This brings a problem, when the XSLT
namespaces is marked as a target namespace for the

Sablotron bypasses this issue and outputs this namespace, if specified
in as the namespace alias.

** The XHTML Output Mode

Although this mode is not described in the spec, it is defined in XSLT
1.1 and surely will be a part of the 2.0 spec.

Sablotron supports xhtml mode, but it doesn't exactly what newer
spec. version say. in any case it is useful and works fine.

* Extensions

** Multiple Document Output

The multiple document output is fully supported as described by initiative (what is actually based on XSLT 1.1 working

We tested this on pretty huge piece of data (Definitive Guide to
DocBook), and it seems to work fine.

See <> for more

** JavaScript Embedding

The scripting is supported (based on XSLT 1.1 again). 
See <> for more.

Implementation specific topics:

*** JS Engine

The Mozilla Spider Monkey engine is used. We alway use the standalone
library, nobody tried to link against library brought by Mozilla.

*** Language Supported

The 'language' attribute of the 'func:script' extension element may be
either of 'javascript' or 'ecmascript' (case insensitive).

*** Inline Scripts

On contrary to the exslt specification, the 'src' attribute is not
mandatory. If it is not present, the content of the 'func:script' is
used. it allows the script to be inlined in the stylesheet.

It is not error, if both of the element content and the 'src'
attribute are present. The attribute wins in such a case.

*** DOM Support

Almost all DOM2 functions and classes are supported. The whole DOM
model is read only (it fits the spec). Any write attempt will raise the

Just few functions are missing.

	- Document.docElementsByTagName,
	- Document.docElementsByTagNameNS, 
	- node name lists may be accessed with
	  the item() member function only, 
	  not as the array items.
	- NamedNodeMap.getNamedItemsNS

*** Type Mapping and the Context object

Should be OK.

*** Accessing Other Documents

Currently is not possible to access another document as given in the
Context object or passed in the function as a parameter.

Some support of document() function at the script level would be nice.

** More Sablotron Specific Features

*** Sablotron Version and the system-property()

The system-property() function return the Sablotron version. The QName
to be used is ga:version, where the 'ga' prefix is bound to

* Command-line interface 

** Batch Mode

Thanks to Stefan Behnel, the sabcmd command allows the batch
processing, when single XML document is processed with multiple XSL
sheets, or several XML document are processed with single sheet. See
the manpage for details.

** Processing Options

Processing options may be passed into the sabcmd using the --flags

* SXP and Processing on External Documents

Sablotron supports the XPath evaluation on external documents as well
as XSLT processing of these documents.

An application may register a set of callbacks and provide nodes
(abstract opaque handles to them) to the engine.

There is detailed documentation here:


Currently it is slightly out-of-date, please always check the sxpath.h

If you want to process an external document, use the

* API and Architecture

** Constant Pointers

Recently we changed the type of all (char*) passed in to (const
char*). we hope it won't bring much troubles, but we wanted to do it
before 1.0. Sorry for any inconvenience.

** Old vs. New Interface

The ancient versions of Sablotron introduced a couple of API
functions, like SablotProcess, SablotProcess etc. They still works
(and will), but are obsoleted and shouldn't be used.

Here is the list of function to be used (in alphabetical order)

SablotFree (*)
SablotFreeResultArgs (*)
SablotGetInstanceData (*)
SablotGetResultArg (*)
SablotRegHandler (*)
SablotSetBase (*)
SablotSetBaseForScheme (*)
SablotSetEncoding (*)
SablotSetInstanceData (*)
SablotSetLog (*)
SablotUnregHandler (*)

Function marked (*) do not take a situation handle as a parameter,
since they are older by design. we won't fix this issue (unless we
redesign the processor vs. situation ownership - see ``What Next?''

A better documentation will be provided soon.

** Parameter Encoding

All parameters must be passed in utf-8 encoded. This is an issue.

** Memory Allocations

Any memory allocated by a calling application must be freed by this
application and any memory allocated by Sablotron (and returned to
application) must be freed using an appropriate SablotDestroy*
call. String values (the most frequent case) must be disposed with

* Perl Extension

The Perl extension supports most of Sablotron features. Including the
DOM2 (almost complete) interface to native Sablotron trees.

See XML::Sablotron and XML::Sablotron::DOM for more details.

* What Next?

** Specification Conformance

We must beat all unsupported features. id(), embedded documents
and case insensitive sorting are the most important ones.

** Extensions


More exslt stuff, namely func:function, func:result, exsl:node-set(),

*** JavaScript and the document() function

As stated above, JavaScript users should be allowed to access any
document (even not-yet-parsed)

*** XHTML Output Method

The xhtml output method should be checked to match recommendations.

** Documentation

The API documentation should be redesigned (use ApiDoc). The SXP
documentation should be updated.

** API Changes and Enhancements

*** Situation vs. Processor

Some stuff registered currently with the processor (handlers, base
uri), should be registered to the situation object. This is not an
critical issue, but would make the architecture more compact.

*** Parameter Encoding

Some way, parameters (SablotAddParam) might be recoded would be VERY
nice. Actually this is one of the most important things to be done.