

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 71846ad7a652f8edcbe80b20512179e1 > files > 7


## VOCP General Configuration file

# The options here you really need to setup correctly are:
# 	pvftooldir
# 	rmdformat
# 	rmdcompression
#	rmdsample	
#	programs	email
# For the rest, defaults should be fine

#    vocp.conf, gen config file of the VOCP voice messaging system.
#    Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Patrick Deegan
#    VOCP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# All configuration lines start with a character, are seperated by 
# 'whitespaces' (space, tab) and are on a single line.
# Empty lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.
# NOTE: if you need to include spaces/tabs in values for certain keys 
# (eg email_subject), you may use double quotes ("").  For example:
# keyname	"a single value including spaces for this key"

# boxconfig - file containing description of voice box tree
boxconfig	/etc/vocp/boxes.conf

############### Raw Modem Data Format (rmd) ##################### 
# Set the rmd options below according to your modem specs

# rmd format used with your modem (see 'pvftormd -L' for possible 
# values, like 'Lucent', 'US_Robotics', 'V253modem', etc)
rmdformat	Lucent

# rmdcompression. The numerical value passed to pvftormd to indicate
# compression type, e.g. the '4' in 'pvftormd MT_2834 4 file.pvd file.rmd'
rmdcompression	5

# rmdsample. The sample rate for rmd files (only used during conversions
# from .wav files).
rmdsample	8000

# pvftools location. Directory containing executables installed
# by m/vgetty, like pvftormd, wavtopvf etc.
pvftooldir	/usr/bin

# pause - time to wait for user input (seconds)
# It's good not to make this too short, but make sure you're box
# messages let user's know they can press pound (#) to get things
# moving right away.
pause		3

# max_errors - maximum number of invalid selections a user
# can make in a single mailbox.  Set it to a number > 0.
max_errors	2

################## Email Notification #####################
# attach message
# Set to '1' or 'true' to attach a copy of the voice mail 
# message when sending email notifications.  Set to 0 otherwise.
email_attach_message	0

# message_in_email_format
# Selects the type of audio format you would like to receive in your e-mail
# currently, 'ogg', 'mp3' and 'wav' are supported. If you choose 'mp3' or 'ogg', then you
# need to make sure that the relevant /usr/share/vocp/bin/pvftoXXX file is set 
# to work correctly with your system.
# Check pvftomp3 for mp3s and pvftoogg for ogg vorbis files.
message_in_email_format   ogg

# email - mail program used to deliver email messages
# It is expected to act like sendmail 
# Must take stuff from command line.  If 
# cat file | /path/to/mailprog
# works, the program should be fine.
# Note: sometimes, the sendmail executable is hiding
# in /somepath/lib/sendmail
programs	email		/usr/sbin/sendmail

# email_subject - A single word or "quoted string" to use as the subject for pager boxes
# and voice mail boxes with email notification.
email_subject	"VOCP VoiceMail"

# email_from_address - Address to use as from in email notifications
# usefull mainly for detecting bounces from invalid/overquota/etc mail
# boxes.
email_from_address	vocp@localhost.localdomain

################ Root (start) box setup ######################
# All calls normally begin in the default root box - 001.
# You can howevery overide the default rootbox using 
# rootbox BOXNUMBER, by uncommenting and modifying this line:
#rootbox		001

# VOCP also allows you to override the start box on a per device
# basis.  Assuming you have 2 modems, you can set a different root
# box for each, by using
# rootbox_DEVICEID  BOXNUMBER, where device id is the ttySX the line
# is coming in on (ie the modem device you wish to override) and 
# BOXNUMBER is the root box to use for this device.
# rootbox_ttyS3		100

############ Call logs and Caller ID #####################
#### Call Logging ####
# VOCP can log incoming calls and messages.  This is used by the
# Call Center
# The call_logfile will contain entries for incoming calls and 
# new messages
call_logfile	/var/log/vocp-calls.log

# If you've got caller id, and your modem can understand it
# VOCP will keep track of CID info, set log_incoming to 0 and 
# see the doc/caller-id.txt file.
# If you don't have caller ID, but wish to be notified of incoming
# calls, leave log_incoming at 1
log_incoming	1

#### Caller ID Filter ####
# If you have caller id and your modem groks it (see doc/caller-id.txt)
# and you'd like to shunt particular callers to specific boxes (instead of starting
# at the root, 001, box), uncomment this line and edit the file
# it points to
#callid_filter /etc/vocp/cid-filter.conf

### Default branching ###
# default_branch_to - A branch number.
# If you set default_branch_to to a positive number then, if the 
# user enters no input at some point, the system will react as if
# he entered the value of default_branch_to.  If the current box
# actually has this branch set, the system will proceed to that box.
# Set to 0 to disable this feature
default_branch_to	0

### repeat_message_on_error ###
# If repeat_message_on_error is 1, the box message (if available) will be repeated
# after an invalid selection is made.  Set to 0 if you do not desire
# this functionality.
repeat_message_on_error	1

############ Command Shell Selection listings ###########
## If you use command shells and have Text-to-speech installed
## you can hear a listing of available selections using the settings
## below

### cmdshell_list_key
# Value to enter within command shell box to hear a listing of available selections.
cmdshell_list_key	9

# cmdshell_list
# The 'programs cmdshell_list' program is run within command shells
# when the user enters [cmdshell_list_key]#.  The program location should be 
# relative to the [commanddir].
programs	cmdshell_list

### disable_cmdshell_list ###
# If disable_cmd_shell_list is 1, command shell listings will be unavailable.
# Otherwise, entering the [cmdshell_list_key] value while in a command shell 
# will cause commanddir/[programs cmdshell_list] BOXNUM to be run.
disable_cmdshell_list	 0

################### Log in ####################
# login_num - this box is reserved for logins to retrieve messages
# or enter command shells
# i.e. DON'T set up a voicemail box with the same number.
login_num 	999

### Always multidigit ###
# VOCP now supports single digit entry by default.  This means that
# pressing a single key will stop all playing and move the caller forward,
# so users no longer need to "press the # key" after each step.
# In cases where multiple digits are expected (eg, while logging in, in 
# command shells, etc.), VOCP automatically switches to multi-digit mode.
# To enable the old-style "always multi-digit+#" method, set
# always_multigit_input to 1, else leave it at 0

always_multidigit_input	0

### Autojump preselect ####
# (yes, this needs a new name)
# If this value is set to 1, an invalid  user selection inside a
# an autojump box will cause VOCP to try the (next) destination 
# box to see if the selection is valid. For example, in box 001 (which
# is set to jump to box 002) the user enters a '1', which is invalid.  Since, in
# box 002, a 1 is a branch to box 003 the preselect returns 003 instead
# of an error.
autojump_preselect	1

##########################  VOCPweb ###########################
# Check these options if you plan to run VOCPweb.
### Group ###
# If group is set to a valid system group, all messages will be
# set as readable by members of this group.  This is necessary
# when running vocpweb in the (safer) non suid mode.  See the
# vocpweb docs for details.
# If you don't intend to use vocpweb, leave this commented out
# (with a '#' at the beggining of the line) and messages will
# only be readable by the box owner.
group vocp

### cachedir ###
# If you are using the VOCPweb interface, we need 2 directories
# that are writeable by the process.  One is under the web accessible
# directory (see the VOCPweb docs) and the other is used as "scratch"
# space - it must not be accessible by the web server.  
# This directory is relative to the incoming message directory. Set it
# writable by the VOCPweb process (apache) -- please read the vocpweb
# docs as this involves security considerations.
cachedir cache

########################## END USER CONFIG ###########################
# You shouldn't need to change anything below this line 
# ( but you can if you must :) )

### Directories ###
# Contains directories for storing incoming and system
# messages.

# inboxdir - recieved messages are store here
inboxdir	/var/spool/voice/incoming

# messagedir - system messages are all store under this dir
messagedir	/var/spool/voice/messages

# commanddir - For security reasons, all commands executed
# from command shells must be executed within this directory.
commanddir	/usr/share/vocp/voice/commands

# tempdir - scratch dir
tempdir		/tmp

################### Programs ###########################
# Contains local system programs used by VoxBox

# ls - list, the utility used to list files
programs	ls		/bin/ls

# rm - remove, the utility used to delete files
programs	rm		/bin/rm

# menu - the menu used for logged in users to control their box
# Form 'menu	number	action'
# Users press 'number'+XX, number determines the action, XX determines the message
# XX = 00 is special -> applies to all messages, ie '300' -> delete all
menu	1	play
menu	3	delete
menu	5	date
menu	7	record_box_message
menu	8	listen_box_message
menu	9	help
menu	0	quit

### Messages ###
# Location of files for system messages
# All the locations are _relative_ to messagedir above

# general blurbs
# Form: 'messages	name	file'
messages	youhave		system/youhave.rmd
messages	new		system/new.rmd
messages	messages	system/messages.rmd
messages	error		system/error.rmd
messages	goodbye		system/goodbye.rmd
messages	enter_command	system/enter_cmd.rmd
messages	enter_cmd_input	system/enter_cmd.rmd
messages	line		system/line.rmd

# login messages
messages	boxnum		system/boxnumber.rmd
messages	password	system/password.rmd
messages	loggedin	system/loggedin.rmd
messages	record_box_verif	system/recboxverif.rmd
messages	help		system/help.rmd
messages	help		system/loggedin.rmd

# help menu messages
messages	menu	play	menu/play.rmd
messages	menu	delete	menu/delete.rmd
messages	menu	date	menu/date.rmd
messages	menu	quit	menu/quit.rmd
messages	menu	record_box_message	menu/record_box.rmd
messages	menu	listen_box_message	menu/listen_box.rmd

# "x for help" msg is dumb, since if they hear it they know where it is...
# messages	menu	quit	menu/help.rmd

# days of week
# Form: 'messages	day	theday file'
messages	day	monday		day/monday.rmd
messages	day	tuesday		day/tuesday.rmd
messages	day	wednesday	day/wednesday.rmd
messages	day	thursday	day/thursday.rmd
messages	day	friday		day/friday.rmd
messages	day	saturday	day/saturday.rmd
messages	day	sunday		day/sunday.rmd

# numbers
# Form: 'messages	number	thenumber file'
messages	number	0	num/00.rmd
messages	number	1	num/01.rmd
messages	number	2	num/02.rmd
messages	number	3	num/03.rmd
messages	number	4	num/04.rmd
messages	number	5	num/05.rmd
messages	number	6	num/06.rmd
messages	number	7	num/07.rmd
messages	number	8	num/08.rmd
messages	number	9	num/09.rmd
messages	number	10	num/10.rmd
messages	number	11	num/11.rmd
messages	number	11	num/11.rmd
messages	number	12	num/12.rmd
messages	number	13	num/13.rmd
messages	number	14	num/14.rmd
messages	number	15	num/15.rmd
messages	number	16	num/16.rmd
messages	number	17	num/17.rmd
messages	number	18	num/18.rmd
messages	number	19	num/19.rmd
messages	number	20	num/20.rmd
messages	number	30	num/30.rmd
messages	number	40	num/40.rmd
messages	number	50	num/50.rmd
messages	number	60	num/60.rmd
messages	number	70	num/70.rmd
messages	number	80	num/80.rmd
messages	number	90	num/90.rmd
# messages with numbers higher than 999 are spelled out 
# (sheesh empty your box!) i.e. 1327 = 'one' 'three' 'two' 'seven'