

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 8ec400ef9f7a97432e522d8f2dac5ed1 > files > 700


<RefEntry id="url-encode-char">
<!-- This file is generated automatically from the DSSSL source. -->
<!-- Do not edit this file! -->
<?html-filename url-encode-char.html>

  <RefMiscInfo Role="file">dblib.dsl</RefMiscInfo>

  <RefPurpose>Returns the url-encoded equivalent of a character</RefPurpose>

(url-encode-char ch)


Converts <literal>ch</literal> to a properly encoded URL character.</para>



Norman Walsh, &lt;;
<RefSect1><Title>Source Code</Title>

(define (url-encode-char ch)
  ;; Returns the url-encoded equivalent of a character
  (cond ((char=? ch #\space)  "%20") ; space
	((char=? ch #\U-0026) "%26") ; ampersand
	((char=? ch #\?)      "%3F") ; question
	((char=? ch #\{)      "%7B") ; open curly
	((char=? ch #\})      "%7D") ; close curly
	((char=? ch #\|)      "%7C") ; vertical bar
	((char=? ch #\\)      "%5C") ; backslash
	((char=? ch #\/)      "%2F") ; slash
	((char=? ch #\^)      "%5E") ; caret
	((char=? ch #\~)      "%7E") ; tilde
	((char=? ch #\[)      "%5B") ; open square
	((char=? ch #\])      "%5D") ; close square
	((char=? ch #\`)      "%60") ; backtick
	((char=? ch #\%)      "%25") ; percent
	((char=? ch #\+)      "%2B") ; plus
	(else (string ch))))
