

distrib > * > 2010.0 > * > by-pkgid > 988ed9be0a135911fa91d9b99bf55d8f > files > 25


GPixPod 0.6.2
- Fix for iPod Nano, odd code for the save thumbnails menu
- Fix for single folder selection in the filechooser
- New right mouse button context menu in the treeview
- Double click to expand or collapse albums in the treeview
- Some other cleanup for main menu and treeview previews

GPixPod 0.6.1
- Reacting to double-click on image displaying fullscreen
- Slideshow at intervals of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 seconds
- Slideshow keys combinations (PageUp/P - PageUp/N - Esc/Q)
- New Export menu with save thumbnails options
- Fixed iPod Photo/Color fullscreen thumbnail
- Made HAL autodetection completely disabled by default
  (it segfaults in Ubuntu Edgy)
- Using mmpython to get image date from EXIF headers, for
  the path to store the image (patch by William Waghorn)
- Fixed proper size of the album icon when adding a new one
- Fixed bash script as suggested at #1549407
- New packages with correct dependencies

GPixPod 0.6
- Bottle-neck image formats code converted to C for speed!
- Rebuilding thumbs only when needed for much faster saving
- Safe CLI app SIGTERM and CTRL-C interrupt, saving before
- Pause save & resume later or just stop at reached point
- Thumbnails in treeview to preview photos
- New "View" menu to hide/show GUI sections
- New "Photo Album" notebook page
- Rename album option now also in the "Edit" menu
- New "Rescue" option tries to fix Photo DB if inconsistent
- Fixed exception when using sync file from CLI
- Fixed exception when adding photos and thumbnails cache 
  directories are missing (deleted)
- Removed wrong filechooser options when saving images
- Properly managing special empty database iTunes-formatted
- Made all dialogs modal to avoid multiple instances
- Updated translated strings
- Some other GUI clean-ups (ugly borders removed, etc.)

GPixPod 0.5.2
- Fixed bug when adding a photo with GUI for the first time
- Automatic rotation option for detected portrait images
- Fixed exceptions when trying to set missing title icons
- Fixed previously buggy sync used to avoid duplicates
- Automatic hiding of the scrollbars in image details pane

GPixPod 0.5.1
- Simplified full resolution image options support, with
  option now straight in the filechooser, instead of menu. 
- Manually select iPod model if autodetection doesn't work
- Alert box to specify iPod model when autodetection fails
- Scanning directories recursively option when adding photos
- Option to avoid known duplicates when adding photos
- Fixed bug #1523592: often too many open file descriptors
- Fixed exception with CLI when config dir is missing
- Fixed exception when removing thumbnails cache
- Specified correct minimum Glade dependencies

GPixPod 0.5.0
- Fit, zoom, stretch as uploading behaviours for images:
  global option in preferences, single action per image.
  Default is 'Fit'. A behaviour affects only thumbnails.
- New basic command-line interface automatically activated 
  when passing options to gpixpod. Look at the man page or 
  use --help. Don't pass any option to get regular GUI.
- Basic synchronization using new command line interface
- Better packaging in both python and debian ways
- Updated preferences dialog
- Fixed menu disabling "new album from unrefer.." at start

GPixPod 0.4.4
- Updated parser code to properly handle Photo Database
  files probably generated on Macs by iPhoto, containing
  irregular type-2 string MHOD in MHBA and label in MHII
- New iPod info dialog launchable from the help menu

GPixPod 0.4.3
- Avoid managing iPodLinux ext2/ext3 partitions!
- Fixed crash when rotating images, affecting Photo iPods
- Clockwise rotation code rewritten, used when displaying
- Fixed iPod Photo fullscreen image display
- Improved graphics with simpler icon and more refined logo

GPixPod 0.4.2
- Multi-threading! Adding photos and saving actions should
  be faster, specially on multi-core/processor machines
- Full progress indication now when opening/saving Photo 
  Database/thumbnails, thanks to threads implementation
- Stop/Abort update operations before actually saving
- Photo references! Link photos in multiple places/albums
- Delete photo references, and find unreferenced photos
- Main website URL updated:
- Fixed exception when exiting after deleted thumbs cache
- Fixed debian package dependencies

GPixPod 0.4.1
- Blazing-fast opening with thumbs checksum instead of copy
- Thumbs update on saving; extracting only on checksum fail
- Option to choose where thumbnails cache should be kept
- Speed-up in some RGB565 functions using operator module
- Some speed-up when open/save in extract/rebuild thumbs
- Fixed treeview when selecting an album for the first time
- Fixed addition/removal/display of photos with accented or
  other not ASCII characters
- Fixed cross-platform pack/unpack specifying little-endian
- Maybe it now supports the latest model, iPod Nano 1Gb

GPixPod 0.4.0
- Now loading properly Photo Databases generated by iTunes 
  with the option to not copy full resolution images
- Spanish translation by Diego Belotti
- Global option to copy / not copy full resolution images
- New Add Photo (with/without) full resol. single actions 
- Adding/removing full resol. images for existing photos
- Displaying iPod thumbnails in new notebook right pane
- Little optimization of the full resolution image display

GPixPod 0.3.4
- Image details available if not saved yet, too. Status shown.
- Image in details zoomed to all available space by default
- Change the zoom for the image displayed in the details pane
- Save the currently displayed image on the details pane
- Expand/collapse photo album in the treeview with single click
- Default album name selected when creating new photo album
- Existing photo album name as default text when renaming it
- Fixed an exception with gettext in iPod/HAL import code

GPixPod 0.3.3
- Drag & Drop of supported image files added for the treeview.
- Added gettext support for internationalization
- Added Italian translation
- Fixed a bug when browsing the filechooser with the keyboard
- Fixed a bug in the details pane: previous image not cleared 
  if the next one is not found
- Removed iPod Photo/Nano warnings. Modified iPod Color warning
- Fixed exception about filechooser when creating new photo db.

GPixPod 0.3.2
- Preview and file details when choosing images to import
- Dialog for adding and renaming albums now accepts <Enter>
- Refined preferences, filechooser for iPod mountpoint
- Last Photo Database and images directories now remembered
- Photo selection in treeview now with single-click
- Message in details warning about missing full res. photo
- Fixed exception if requesting details of a new added photo

GPixPod 0.3.1
- Fixed ratio scaling when converting images to interlaced UYVY
  (used in the iPod for TV output)
- Single function to load pixbuf properly scaled and with alpha
  channel removed
- Fixed HALdetect function, parsing only when modules available
- Fixed a bug when scaling fullscreen iPod thumbnail
- Fixed to launch if passed to the python interpreter
- Fixed exception when displaying details of a new added photo
- Fixed details still displayed after deleted photo, now cleared
- Fixed details cleared when double-click a photo album
- Using webbrowser module for links
- iPod Color treated as iPod Photo: testing feedback needed
- Added menu entry to make a PayPal donation
- More tooltips in menu
- Debian/Ubuntu package
- Cross-platform fixes and win32 installation package
- Correct dependencies are python 2.4+ and gtk/pygtk 2.8+

GPixPod 0.3
- Now iPod Photo seems supported fine (probably iPod Color, too)
- All gdk-pixbuf image formats now supported for photo import.
  Thus in addition to JPEGs, now also PNGs, BMPs, GIFs, SVGs...
- Preferences dialog: automatic detection/opening, mountpoint, etc.
- Refined image conversion functions to keep ratio when scaling
- Added basic image conversion functions to rotate CCW and CW

GPixPod 0.2.3
- Now iPod Nano seems supported fine.

GPixPod 0.2.2
- Added "Eject iPod" feature, with the "Do not disconnect" iPod 
  message checking.
- Easy swap/not swap bytes in image conversion functions

GPixPod 0.2.1
- Fixed 4 bugs that caused iPod Nano not interpreting Photo DB 
  and therefore not displaying photo albums. Thumbnails still
  have problems.
- Added debug logging in Photos directory, file .gpixpod.log

GPixPod 0.2
- Added highly experimental support for iPod Photo, Color and Nano
  Create backups of your Photos and Photo Database before trying!
- Added in GUI 'New' action, to create Photo Database from scratch 
- Added iPod model detection
- Added DBUS/HAL autodetection implementation thanks to the
  contribution by Abaakouk Mehdi
GPixPod 0.1.1
- Solved a small bug when creating database from scratch

GPixPod 0.1
- First public release!