

distrib > * > cooker > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 0243c8b7bca94179c78b9bd6ac76c033 > files > 373


/* CgFX 1.4 file for layers effect intended for cgfx_interfaces.c. */

/* This effect demonstrates how interfaces can be used to
   combine multiple abstract implementations of a shading
   concept.  In this example, a layer returns a color given
   a texture coordinate set, object-space light vector,
   and object-space view vector.  The implementation of a
   layer return the appropriate color of its layer.
   Several layers implementations and an example instance of
   each are provided:
   checkBoardLayer - red and transparent checkerboard
   triangleLayer - green and transparent triangle pattern
   constantLayer - thick yellow constant color
   diffuseLayer - based on diffuse lighting
   specularLayer - based on specular lighting
   fresnelLayer - view-dependent blue-ing of edges
   The "layers" effect parameter is an unsized (run-time
   sized and specified) array of Layer interfaces.  The
   "LayerOrderList" annotation on the layers effect parameter
   is a string listing the layer instance in a given order.
   The application can read this annotation to determine
   how the layers should be applied. */

// Abstract interface for a layer
interface Layer {
  float4 evaluate(float2 uv, float3 L, float3 V);

// Implement a Layer defining a checkerboard pattern
struct CheckerBoardLayer : Layer {
  float2 scale;
  float4 color1, color2;

  float4 evaluate(float2 uv, float3 L, float3 V) {
    uv = frac(scale * uv);
    float4 color = uv.x >= 0.5 ? (uv.y >= 0.5 ? color1 : color2) :
                                 (uv.y >= 0.5 ? color2 : color1);
    // Pre-multiply by alpha for later over compositing.
    color.rgb = color.rgb * color.a;
    return color;

// Parameterized instance the checkerboard layer
CheckerBoardLayer checkerBoardLayer = {
  float2(4,4),  // scale
  float4(1,0,0,0.5),  // color1 = 50% red
  float4(0,0,0,0.0),  // color2 = transparent

// Implement a Layer defining a triangle pattern
struct TriangleLayer : Layer {
  float2 scale;
  float4 color1, color2;

  float4 evaluate(float2 uv, float3 L, float3 V) {
    uv = frac(scale * uv);
    float4 color = frac(0.5*(uv.x+uv.y)) >= 0.5 ? color1 : color2;
    // Pre-multiply by alpha for later over compositing.
    color.rgb = color.rgb * color.a;
    return color;

// Parameterized instance the triangle pattern layer
TriangleLayer triangleLayer = {
  float4(0,1,0,0.8),  // color1 = 30% green
  float4(1,1,1,0.1),  // color2 = 10% white

// Implement a Layer defining a constant color
struct ConstantLayer : Layer {
  float4 constant;

  float4 evaluate(float2 uv, float3 L, float3 V) {
    // Pre-multiply by alpha for later over compositing.
    return float4(constant.rgb * constant.a, constant.a);

// Parameterized instance the constant color layer
ConstantLayer thickYellowLayer = {
  float4(0.8, 0.8, 0.2, 0.7), // 70% yellow

// Implement a Layer defining by diffuse shading
struct DiffuseLayer : Layer {
  float opacity;

  float4 evaluate(float2 uv, float3 L, float3 V) {
    const float3 N = float3(0,0,1);

    L = normalize(L);
    float diffuse = dot(L,N);
    // Pre-multiply by alpha for later over compositing.
    return float4(diffuse * opacity);

// Parameterized instance the diffuse layer
DiffuseLayer diffuseLayer = {
  0.2, // opacity

// Implement a Layer defining by specular shading
struct SpecularLayer : Layer {
  float opacity;
  float shininess;

  float4 evaluate(float2 uv, float3 L, float3 V) {
    const float3 N = float3(0,0,1);

    L = normalize(L);
    V = normalize(V);
    float3 H = normalize(L+V);
    float diffuse = dot(L,N);
    float specular = diffuse > 0 ? pow(max(0, dot(H,N)), shininess) : 0;
    // Pre-multiply by alpha for later over compositing.
    return float4(specular * opacity);

// Parameterized instance the specular layer
SpecularLayer specularLayer = {
  0.8, // opacity
  31.5, // shininess

// Implement a Layer defining by fresnel shading
struct FresnelLayer : Layer {
  float power;
  float3 color;

  float4 evaluate(float2 uv, float3 L, float3 V) {
    const float3 N = float3(0,0,1);

    V = normalize(V);
    float fresnel = 1-pow(dot(V,N), power);
    return float4(fresnel * color, fresnel);

// Parameterized instance the fresnel layer
FresnelLayer fresnelLayer = {

// Effect parameter for an unsized (run-time sized and
// specified) array of layers
Layer layers[] <string LayerOrderList = "thickYellowLayer,"

// Fragment program to "over" composite the array of layers
void RenderLayers(float2 texCoord       : TEXCOORD0,
                  float3 lightDirection : TEXCOORD1,
                  float3 eyeDirection   : TEXCOORD2,

              out float4 color : COLOR)
  float4 result = float4(0,0,0,1);
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<layers.length; i++) {
    float4 layerRGBA = layers[i].evaluate(texCoord,

    // "over" compositing operator.
    result = layerRGBA + (1-layerRGBA.a)*result;
  color = result;

// Fragment program to "over" composite the array of layers
void RenderReversedLayers(float2 texCoord       : TEXCOORD0,
                          float3 lightDirection : TEXCOORD1,
                          float3 eyeDirection   : TEXCOORD2,

                      out float4 color : COLOR)
  float4 result = float4(0,0,0,1);
  int i;

  for (i=layers.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
    float4 layerRGBA = layers[i].evaluate(texCoord,

    // "over" compositing operator.
    result = layerRGBA + (1-layerRGBA.a)*result;
  color = result;

// RollTorus is based on C8E6v_torus from "The Cg Tutorial"
// (Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0321194969) by Randima Fernando and
// Mark J. Kilgard
void RollTorus(float2 parametric : POSITION,

           out float4 position       : POSITION,
           out float2 oTexCoord      : TEXCOORD0,
           out float3 lightDirection : TEXCOORD1,
           out float3 eyeDirection   : TEXCOORD2,

       uniform float3 lightPosition,  // Object-space
       uniform float3 eyePosition,    // Object-space
       uniform float4x4 modelViewProj,
       uniform float2 torusInfo)
  const float pi2 = 6.28318530;  // 2 times Pi
  // Stetch texture coordinates counterclockwise
  // over torus to repeat normal map in 6 by 2 pattern
  float M = torusInfo[0];
  float N = torusInfo[1];
  oTexCoord = parametric * float2(-6, 2);
  // Compute torus position from its parameteric equation
  float cosS, sinS;
  sincos(pi2 * parametric.x, sinS, cosS);
  float cosT, sinT;
  sincos(pi2 * parametric.y, sinT, cosT);
  float3 torusPosition = float3((M + N * cosT) * cosS,
                                (M + N * cosT) * sinS,
                                N * sinT);
  position = mul(modelViewProj, float4(torusPosition, 1));
  // Compute per-vertex rotation matrix
  float3 dPds = float3(-sinS*(M+N*cosT), cosS*(M+N*cosT), 0);
  float3 norm_dPds = normalize(dPds);
  float3 normal = float3(cosS * cosT, sinS * cosT, sinT);
  float3 dPdt = cross(normal, norm_dPds);
  float3x3 rotation = float3x3(norm_dPds,
  // Rotate object-space vectors to texture space
  eyeDirection = eyePosition - torusPosition;
  lightDirection = lightPosition - torusPosition;
  lightDirection = mul(rotation, lightDirection);
  eyeDirection = mul(rotation, eyeDirection);
  eyeDirection = normalize(eyeDirection);

// Effect parameters passed as vertex program parameters
float4x4 ModelViewProj : ModelViewProjection;
float OuterRadius = 6;
float InnerRadius = 2;
float3 LightPosition = { -8, 0, 15 };
float3 EyePosition = { 0, 0, 18 };

// Technique with best profiles for GeForce 6x00, 7x00, and higher GPUs
technique RenderLayers_nv40 {
  pass forward {
    VertexProgram =
      compile vp40 RollTorus(LightPosition,
                             float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile fp40 RenderLayers();
  pass reverse {
    VertexProgram =
      compile vp40 RollTorus(LightPosition,
                             float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile fp40 RenderReversedLayers();

// Technique with best profiles for GeForce 5x00 GPUs
technique RenderLayers_nv30 {
  pass forward {
    VertexProgram =
      compile vp30 RollTorus(LightPosition,
                             float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile fp30 RenderLayers();
  pass reverse {
    VertexProgram =
      compile vp30 RollTorus(LightPosition,
                             float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile fp30 RenderReversedLayers();

// Technique using OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) profiles
technique RenderLayers_glsl {
  pass forward {
    VertexProgram =
      compile glslv RollTorus(LightPosition,
                               float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile glslf RenderLayers();
  pass reverse {
    VertexProgram =
      compile glslv RollTorus(LightPosition,
                               float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile glslf RenderReversedLayers();

// Technique using multi-vendor ARB assembly profiles
technique RenderLayers_arb {
  pass forward {
    VertexProgram =
      compile arbvp1 RollTorus(LightPosition,
                               float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile arbfp1 RenderLayers();
  pass reverse {
    VertexProgram =
      compile arbvp1 RollTorus(LightPosition,
                               float2(OuterRadius, InnerRadius));
    FragmentProgram =
      compile arbfp1 RenderReversedLayers();