

distrib > * > cooker > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 17a5f44838ed3769635386dd269fba2a > files > 1


/*  libGringotts - generic data encoding (crypto+compression) library
 *  (c) 2002, Germano Rizzo <>
 *  libgringotts.h - general header file for libgringotts
 *  Author: Germano Rizzo
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef LIBGRG_H
#define LIBGRG_H

#include <sys/types.h>

// if you feel a wee bit confused please
// read the manual, tipically found at 
// /usr/share/doc/libgringotts-<version>/manual.htm


//encryption algorithms
typedef enum
	GRG_RIJNDAEL_128 = 0x00,	//00000000
	GRG_AES = 0x00,		//alias for GRG_RIJNDAEL_128
	GRG_SERPENT = 0x10,	//00010000 (default)
	GRG_TWOFISH = 0x20,	//00100000
	GRG_CAST_256 = 0x30,	//00110000
	GRG_SAFERPLUS = 0x40,	//01000000
	GRG_LOKI97 = 0x50,	//01010000
	GRG_3DES = 0x60,	//01100000
	GRG_RIJNDAEL_256 = 0x70	//01110000

//hashing algorithms
typedef enum
	GRG_SHA1 = 0x00,	//00000000
	GRG_RIPEMD_160 = 0x08	//00001000 (default)

//compression algorithm
typedef enum
	GRG_ZLIB = 0x00,	//00000000 (default)
	GRG_BZIP = 0x04		//00000100

//compression level
typedef enum
	GRG_LVL_NONE = 0x00,	//00000000
	GRG_LVL_FAST = 0x01,	//00000001
	GRG_LVL_GOOD = 0x02,	//00000010
	GRG_LVL_BEST = 0x03	//00000011 (default)

//security level
typedef enum
	GRG_SEC_NORMAL,		//default


//I/O Ok
#define GRG_OK							0

//I/O Errors
//error codes in writing
#define GRG_WRITE_COMP_ERR				-2
#define GRG_WRITE_FILE_ERR				-6
//unused since 1.2.1 (don't use!)		-8

//error codes in reading
#define GRG_READ_FILE_ERR				-1
#define GRG_READ_MMAP_ERR				-19
#define GRG_READ_MAGIC_ERR				-3
#define GRG_READ_CRC_ERR				-5
#define GRG_READ_PWD_ERR				-7
#define GRG_READ_ENC_INIT_ERR			-9
//unused since 1.2.1 (don't use!)		-11
#define GRG_READ_COMP_ERR				-15

//error codes in file shredding
#define GRG_SHRED_YET_LINKED			-52
#define GRG_SHRED_CANT_MMAP				-53

//generic error codes
#define GRG_ARGUMENT_ERR				-72

typedef struct _grg_context *GRG_CTX;
typedef struct _grg_key *GRG_KEY;
typedef struct _grg_tmpfile *GRG_TMPFILE;

// General purpose functions

unsigned char *grg_get_version (void);
unsigned int grg_get_int_version (void);

// Security related functions

unsigned char *grg_rnd_seq (const GRG_CTX gctx, const unsigned int size);
void grg_rnd_seq_direct (const GRG_CTX gctx, unsigned char *toOverwrite,
	const unsigned int size);
unsigned char grg_rnd_chr (const GRG_CTX gctx);
void grg_free (const GRG_CTX gctx, void *alloc_data, const long dim);
double grg_ascii_pwd_quality (const unsigned char *pwd, const long pwd_len);
double grg_file_pwd_quality (const unsigned char *pwd_path);

// libGringotts context (GRG_CTX) related functions

GRG_CTX grg_context_initialize (const unsigned char *header,
				const grg_crypt_algo crypt_algo, const grg_hash_algo hash_algo,
				const grg_comp_algo comp_algo, const grg_comp_ratio comp_lvl,
				const grg_security_lvl sec_lvl);
GRG_CTX grg_context_initialize_defaults (const unsigned char *header);
void grg_context_free (GRG_CTX gctx);

grg_crypt_algo grg_ctx_get_crypt_algo (const GRG_CTX gctx);
grg_hash_algo grg_ctx_get_hash_algo (const GRG_CTX gctx);
grg_comp_algo grg_ctx_get_comp_algo (const GRG_CTX gctx);
grg_comp_ratio grg_ctx_get_comp_ratio (const GRG_CTX gctx);
grg_security_lvl grg_ctx_get_security_lvl (const GRG_CTX gctx);

void grg_ctx_set_crypt_algo (GRG_CTX gctx, const grg_crypt_algo crypt_algo);
void grg_ctx_set_hash_algo (GRG_CTX gctx, const grg_hash_algo hash_algo);
void grg_ctx_set_comp_algo (GRG_CTX gctx, const grg_comp_algo comp_algo);
void grg_ctx_set_comp_ratio (GRG_CTX gctx, const grg_comp_ratio comp_ratio);
void grg_ctx_set_security_lvl (GRG_CTX gctx,
			       const grg_security_lvl sec_level);

unsigned int grg_get_key_size_static (const grg_crypt_algo crypt_algo);
unsigned int grg_get_key_size (const GRG_CTX gctx);
unsigned int grg_get_block_size_static (const grg_crypt_algo crypt_algo);
unsigned int grg_get_block_size (const GRG_CTX gctx);

// libGringotts keyholder (GRG_KEY) related functions

GRG_KEY grg_key_gen (const unsigned char *pwd, const int pwd_len);
GRG_KEY grg_key_clone (const GRG_KEY src);
int grg_key_compare (const GRG_KEY k1, const GRG_KEY k2);
void grg_key_free (const GRG_CTX gctx, GRG_KEY key);

// File encryption/decryption functions
int grg_validate_file (const GRG_CTX gctx, const unsigned char *path);
int grg_update_gctx_from_file (GRG_CTX gctx, const unsigned char *path);
int grg_decrypt_file (const GRG_CTX gctx, const GRG_KEY keystruct,
		      const unsigned char *path, unsigned char **origData,
		      long *origDim);
int grg_encrypt_file (const GRG_CTX gctx, const GRG_KEY keystruct,
		      const unsigned char *path,
		      const unsigned char *origData, const long origDim);

// Their "direct" versions, requiring a file descriptor instead of a path
int grg_validate_file_direct (const GRG_CTX gctx, const int fd);
int grg_update_gctx_from_file_direct (GRG_CTX gctx, const int fd);
int grg_decrypt_file_direct (const GRG_CTX gctx, const GRG_KEY keystruct,
			     const int fd, unsigned char **origData,
			     long *origDim);
int grg_encrypt_file_direct (const GRG_CTX gctx, const GRG_KEY keystruct,
			     const int fd, const unsigned char *origData,
			     const long origDim);

// Memory encryption/decryption functions
int grg_validate_mem (const GRG_CTX gctx, const void *mem, const long memDim);
int grg_update_gctx_from_mem (GRG_CTX gctx, const void *mem,
			      const long memDim);
int grg_decrypt_mem (const GRG_CTX gctx, const GRG_KEY keystruct,
		     const void *mem, const long memDim,
		     unsigned char **origData, long *origDim);
int grg_encrypt_mem (const GRG_CTX gctx, const GRG_KEY keystruct, void **mem,
		     long *memDim, const unsigned char *origData,
		     const long origDim);

// Encrypted temporary files functions
GRG_TMPFILE grg_tmpfile_gen (const GRG_CTX gctx);
int grg_tmpfile_write (const GRG_CTX gctx, GRG_TMPFILE tf,
		       const unsigned char *data, const long data_len);
int grg_tmpfile_read (const GRG_CTX gctx, const GRG_TMPFILE tf,
		      unsigned char **data, long *data_len);
void grg_tmpfile_close (const GRG_CTX gctx, GRG_TMPFILE tf);

// Miscellaneous file functions
unsigned char *grg_encode64 (const unsigned char *in,
			     const int inlen, unsigned int *outlen);
unsigned char *grg_decode64 (const unsigned char *in,
			     const int inlen, unsigned int *outlen);

int grg_file_shred (const char *path, const int npasses);
