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Revision history for PerlDAV
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Revision history for PerlDAV

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=head2 v0.41 (released 2010/07/24):

=over 4

=item * B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #59674 (,
	When SSL support is needed but not installed, a more specific
    error messages is now displayed, instead of "not DAV enabled or not accessible".


=head2 v0.40 (released 2010/01/27):

=over 4

=item * B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #47500 (,
	HTTP::DAV::Comms->credentials() method erroneously autovivified
	basic authentication internal values, causing wrong or undefined
	credentials to be sent out, or credentials to be "forgot" by HTTP::DAV.


=head2 v0.39 (released 2009/12/12):

=over 4

=item * B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #52665 (,
	Using dave or propfind() on URLs containing escaped chars (%xx) could fail,
	due to upper/lower case differences. Thanks to cebjyre for the patch
	and the test case.


=head2 v0.38 (released 2009/06/09):

=over 4

=item * B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #14506 (,
    about the missing get_lastresponse() method. It was a documentation bug.

  - Fixed RT #29788 (,
    avoid file corruptions on Win32 when calling HTTP::DAV::get() method.

  - Fixed RT #31014 (,
    probably already in v0.34, since it seems related to propfind() "depth" bug.


=head2 v0.37 (released 2009/03/24):

=over 4

=item *

B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #44409 (,
    Small bug in HTTP::DAV::put(). Passing a reference as local content resulted
	in the "SCALAR(0x12345678)" being logged instead of the real scalar.


=head2 v0.36 (released 2009/02/25):

=over 4

=item *

B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #19616 (,
    LWP::UserAgent::redirect_ok() is not changed anymore. We're subclassing
    it from HTTP::DAV::UserAgent and overriding redirect_ok() there.

  - Fixed RT #42877 (,
    HTTP::DAV::UserAgent::credentials() has been modified to behave like
    LWP::UserAgent::credentials(), otherwise basic authentication breakages
    can occur.

  - Fixed a problem with C<-depth> argument to C<HTTP::DAV::propfind()> that
    could lead to massive performance degradation, especially when running
	C<propfind()> against large folders.
	C<-depth> was set to 1 even when passed as zero.


=head2 v0.35 (released 2008/11/03):

=over 4

=item *

B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #40318 (,
    about getting single or multiple files directly to \*STDOUT.


=head2 v0.34 (released 2008/09/11):

=over 4

=item *

B<bug fixes>

  - Fixed RT #39150 (,
    about downloading multiple files in the same directory.


=head2 v0.33 (released 2008/08/24):

=over 4

=item *


  - Clearly state that opera software asa is now co-maintainer of http::dav

  - Fixed various inconsistencies in the v0.32 documentation


=head2 v0.32 (released 2008/08/24):

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=item *


 - Now HTTP::DAV requires Perl 5.6.0+ and Scalar::Util (core in 5.8.x).

=item *

B<bug fixes>

 - Now HTTP::DAV objects are correctly released from memory when
   they go out of scope. Now it should be possible to use multiple instances
   of HTTP::DAV even in long-running processes.

   Was caused by circular references between HTTP::DAV and HTTP::DAV::Resource.


=head2 v0.31 (released 2002/04/13):

=over 4

=item *

B<Apache 2 mod_dav support>

 - Now works with mod_dav under Apache 2.

=item *

B<bug fixes>

 - Fixed bug to correctly handle the put/get of filenames with spaces in them.

 - Fixed bug to allow the PUT of empty files.

 - put() now uses binmode so that it works under Windows.

 - HTTP redirect code added in the previous release was incorrectly returning a HTTP::Response instead of a HTTP::DAV::Response

 - Fixed bug to allow https for copy and move (http:// was hardcoded).

 - Fixed strange copy/move bug for Apache2.0's mod_dav.


=head2 v0.29 (released 2001/10/31):

=over 4

=item *


https support as provided from the underlying LWP library has been tested against mod_dav and mod_ssl. Seems to work well. See INSTALLATION for more detail.

=item *

B<Digest authentication>

Requires MD5 to be installed. See INSTALLATION notes.

=item *

B<various bug fixes>

=item *

B<more powerful callback support for get()>

Useful for giving progress indicators.

=item *

B<get() to filehandles and scalar references>

the get() routine now allows you to pass by reference a filehandle or scalar in which to save the contents of the GET request.

=item *

B<added namespace abbreviations in proppatch>

Thanks to Jeremy for this patch.

=item *

B<improved redirect handling in>

Thanks to Jeremy for this patch.


=head2 v0.23 (released 2001/09/07):

=over 4

=item *

B<file globbing for get and put>

HTTP::DAV::get() and HTTP::DAV::put() now supports file globs. This functionality also propagates to dave. This allows you to do the following:

 dav> put /tmp/index*.html
 dav> get index[12].htm? /tmp

 ?,* and sets ([]) are supported. See the docs for details.

HTTP::DAV now requires the Perl module File::Glob which comes bundled with perl5.6 and later.

=item *

bug fix in -overwrite flag in HTTP::DAV::copy/move.


=head2 v0.22 (released 2001/09/03)

Complete overhaul of API, recursive get and put, addition of dave.

=over 4

=item *

B<dave -- the new command line client>

I wrote dave (the DAV Explorer) because I needed an end-user application that allowed me to "feel" how well the HTTP::DAV API was performing. dave is quite similar to Joe Orton's C-based DAV client called cadaver (yes, imitation is the best form of flattery).

=item *

B<A new and simpler API>

This new API is accessed directly through the HTTP::DAV module and is based on the core API written in previous releases. 

=item * 

B<new methods>

The new API now supports, proppatch, recursive get and put.

=item *

B<A substantial core API overhaul>

Moving from v0.05 to v0.22 in one release might indicate the amount of work gone into this release.

=item *

B<A new interoperability test suite>

is now included in PerlDAV. The test suite is built on top of the standard Perl Test::Harness modules. Still in development, the test suite is highlighting interoperability problems with DAV-servers a lot quicker than before. See L<the test suite & interoperability> section.


=head2 v0.05 (released 2001/07/24)

General bug fixes and addition of proppatch

 - added PROPPATCH method to HTTP::DAV::Resource, thanks to Sylvain Plancon.
 - fixed uninitialized warnings in test scripts.
 - fixed new lock bug in DAV::Lock, thanks to Ben Evans
 - fixed dumb mistake where PUT was calling get instead of put, 
   thanks to Sylvain and Ben again.
 - fixed call to Utils::bad, thanks to Sylvain

=head2 v0.04 (released 2000/04/25) 

Initial Release

 - supports PUT,GET,MLCOL,DELETE,OPTIONS,PROPFIND,LOCK,UNLOCK,steal_lock,lock_discovery

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