

distrib > * > cooker > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 4102c59ad7836f9c49293523c82e6807 > files > 55




Installing the rpm

    rpm -ihv collectl-x.y.z.noarch.rpm
Installing from source

    unpack the tarball, which you've obviously done
    follow the instructions in the README, which basically says to run INSTALL

Configure to start on boot

    In both cases, collectl will not be configured to start on boot
    but can easily be set to do so with the command:

    chkconfig collectl on


  - There is a known problem with older perl Time::HiRes modules, newer
    versions of glibc and colletcl intervals of 1 second or greater (see for more details) that
    can result in 'setitimer' messages being logged at system startup when
    collectl has been configured to run as a daemon.  these messages appear
    to benign, but be sure to let someone know if that proves not to be the
    case.  If collectl determines your system has this mismatch, it will 
    report it as a warning in collectl's message file in /var/log/collectl
    every time it starts as a daemon.  If you choose, you can easily turn 
    off the checking by editing the entry at the bottom of /etc/collectl.conf 
    named TimeHiResCheck and setting it to 0.
  - if run as a non-privileged users, network speeds will NOT be recorded in
    in file headers and the default speed specified by DefNetSpeed in the conf
    file will be used to determine if any network stats are bogus
  - if system time is changed by more then the log rolling frequency after
    collectl starts, multiple log files will be created during the next polling
  - if a symlink is used to point to the executable, it MUST contain the full
    path or collectl will not be able to find ''

3.4.0-4 Jan 04, 2010
  - updated envrules to include additional parsing rules for dl185 [thanks evan]
  - changer envrules header for dl585 G1 to G5
  - if running an ofed >= 1.5, ignore 'CounterSelect2' field, which is right in the middle
  - send errors in getExec() to /dev/null because perfquery for > ofed 1.4 is braindead
  - was incorrectly using 256 to print IB debugging info instead of 2

3.4.0-3 Dec 14, 2009
  - was not clearing right variable for CPU Detail Totals in
  - fixed typo on QLocic HCA name from qlib to qib

3.4.0-2 Dec 13, 2009
  - fixed typo of HugePages from HughPages [thanks Frederic] 
  - fixed typo of 'openib' in start script LSB headers to 'openibd'
  - clarified help and man page for --all to indicate ONLY summary data will
    be reported, meaning NO process or detail data either

  - restructure installation directories to be more standard
  - pid was not properly set for suse flush command

  - added support for psv [polyserve] disks
  - added support for QLogic IB HCA
  - changes to INSTALL/UNINSTALL to handle gentoo and to restructure 'generic'
    distro processing for more flexibility in the future
  - 3 'standard' tools turned out not to be standard on gentoo and so:
    - limit checking for ethtool to writing to log file OR --showhead
    - if can't find lspci during -sx processing (and -sx IS a daemon default), 
      disable -sx rather than throw a hard error.
    - only use dmidecode if -sE and if not found, set product name to 'Unknown'
  - creating /var/log/collectl in INSTALL so when installed this way the 
    daemon writes logs into that directory instead of /var/log.  this now 
    matches what an RPM install does
  - if required include files can't be find in same directory as collectl, look
    in ReqDir which is initially set to /usr/share/collectl.  This can be 
    changed in collectl.conf
  - when exiting due to a fatal error, be sure to exit(1) and not just exit.
  - some process I/O counters found to be missing on CentOS 4.8 and so had to
    initialize to 0 in case not found
  - wasn't catching 'ioall' as invalid --top option

3.3.6-2 Sep 16, 2009
  - if printing interrupts in brief mode, Cpu headers have to be changed as the number
    of cpus increase to 2 or 3 digits.  [thanks Aron]

3.3.6-1 Aug 19, 2009
  - changed error message about missing ethtool or lspci to just ethtool since 
    missing lspci was already caught and reported
  - change location of collectl to /usr/bin in collectl-debian
  - make -P honor --hr which it currently does not [thanks giles]

3.3.5-4 Jul 20. 2009
  - performance optimizations in dataAnalyze()
    - check process/slabs first whenever type is proc/slab.  then in a separate clause
      look at subsys, thereby preventing parsing of type in other checks
    - always include test of subsys and do it first.  found to be completely missing
      in lustre tests

3.3.5-3 Jul 17, 2009
  - expanded meaning of -G to include slabs in 'rawp' files and to add 'g' to the Flags
    in the header, which also uncovered a number of bugs in the way batches of files for
    different hosts/dates were selected/handled even before slabs were added
  - drop support for -sy in brief mode since it really doesn't make much sense and if you
    do specify -sy it now forces verbose mode.  see Slab documentation for more on playing
    back files generated with -G
  - if can't find an ofed utility AND rpm isn't on system, don't use it [thanks seb]
  - fixed some problems with -oA processing
  - removed a couple of error checks for switches that don't apply to a particular option
    since they are silently ignored already, making it easier to recall a command and add
    switches rather than having to remove those that don't apply
  - flush STDIN at startup in case someone typed extra CRs
  - added col2tlviz to kit
  - changes to --export processing broke --vmstat so moved call to setFlags() from right 
    before playback code (which sets them itself) to right after call to $expName init routine
  - changed start scripts so that if you can specifice "start/restart {[extension] switches]"
    making easier to use/document.  the old syntax which put the switches 1st meant you had to
    use "" if you didn't want to change them AND it didn't work with redhat's 'service' command

3.3.5-2 June 30, 2009
  - added to examples/ and moved readS to /examples
  - added new switch --procstate, which allows you to limit process displays to
    only show those processes in one or more explicit states
  - incorrectly looking for 'LustreVersion' in header instead of 'CfsVersion'
  - when dropped SubOpts from header it broke pattern matching for subsys in 
    header during playback
  - only calculate disk detail stats using CPU time when hires not available
  - when reporting a lustre server that is both an MDS and OST in brief mode,
    the 2nd line column headers are reversed for the types of server
  - removed obsolete switches (and warnings) -b, -e, -oP, -Y, -Z, -O, --subopts and -sLL
  - changed buddyinfo headers in verbose, plot and detail files being sure to include 
    name/zone after : in details [thanks bayard]
  - use mergeSubsys() everywhere $userSubsys is used to reset value of $subsys
  - changed some instaces local variable $file to begin sorting out of local variables
    with the same name as the global one
  - if newlog starts and NOT an interval 2 interval, we don't record correct slab data so
    only clear $newRawSlabFlag (also renamed for clarification) during interval 2

3.3.5-1 June 19, 2009
  - print load averages to 2 decimal places in plot format to match interactive format,
    which also required adding to lexpr and allowing it to deal with fractions
    [thanks stevef]
  - when disk order changes, error message was not reporting correct old maj/min
    numbers [thanks philippe]
  - code for including >ignore< stanza in envrules was causing unititialized variable errors
  - do not make sure ipmi available when running with --envtest
  - do not include ':' in lexpr network name string
  - re-enable sending startup and E/F messages to syslog

3.3.4-5	June 14, 2009
  - old redhat distros don't recognize the -p switch on the start script so check
    first before using it

  - make sure all LSB headers the same and only contain "$network +openib" for
    services so that collectl can run diskless and not require ntp

  - fixed a few things with
    - incorrectly used ' instead of " for detail counters variable names [thanks evan]
    - using wrong variable name for interrupt totals by CPU
  - changed way lustre OST names are parsed so that they handle embedded _s correctly
  - include LSB comments in start script headers
  - make SubsysCore in collectl.conf match real subsys core, even though just a comment

  - changed all hardcoded occurances of /etc/collectl.conf to $configFile even in
    error messages, in case someone ran with -C [thanks philippe, for this and others]
  - added DiskMaxValue to collectl.conf, with default of -1.  If >0 and a disk
    read/write rate is greater, reset all stats for this disk to 0 because something
    reset them and they're probably all bogus
  - moved code that initialized disk names to separate subroutine and added logic to
    save disk major/minor numbers so it can also be called later if disks are reordered
  - if DiskFilter specified in collectl.conf, use that string for disk filtering.  if
    not specified continue to use separate if statements for tests in getProc() since
    they're slightly more efficient
  - if exists, call internal remapDisk() routine when disk array is being
    initialized in initDisk()
  - newLog() was clearing $printHeaders instead of $headersPrinted
  - if playing back multiple files for same day with -sD and disk config changes, generate
    an error if not -ou because mixing the data in the same detail file will make it impossible
    to interpret
  - remove unused variable '$intFlag'

  - added "ProLiant BL490c G6" to envrules as a 'standard' system since there
    is nothing special to do to parse the data
  - changed lustreMDS data for sexpr, lexpr and gexpr to be consistent with what
    is being reported.  this wasn't done when lustre 1.6 support was added and
    should have been
  - fixed a typo in a lustre ost variable name in gexpr
  - don't just report ETH traffic in -sn brief mode, use same numbers as --verbose
  - added [ignore] stanza to envrules to allow ingoring anything that matches
  - only call loadEnvRule is -sE or debugging with --envtest
  - rewrote formatting code for g/G option because it wasn't working correctly for
    all situations

3.3.3-1   April 28, 2009
  - forgot to include in INSTALL   April 28, 2009
  - screwed up $rootFlag and set to 0 after it was intialized correctly
  - fixed a couple of problems in INSTALL: added 'q' to gzip, added gexpr/envrules.std
  - added DL385G5 top envrules.std

3.3.1-10  April 27, 2009
  - If root, add product name from 'dmidecode' to header
  - If !root, don't allow -sE because ipmitool will fail
  - When running -sE and no --envrules, look in 'envrules.std' for matching product rules
  - remove '.' from ipmi device names before applying parsing rules (screws up =~//)
  - change ipmi value of 'no reading' to -1

3.3.1-9 April 24, 2009
  - When splitting off the daemon options, needed to include ',2' in the split
    or any *expr options get screwed up since they can have their own =
  - removed 'C' from -s in daemon command string since no longer needed

3.3.1-8	April 22, 2009
  - renamed cmuextras to misc and renamed all variables accordingly
  - added inactive memory to lexpr
  - set default interval for '' to 60 seconds
  - a couple sets of data names in gexpr (for cpu and disk detail) were framed in
    single quotes and neede to use doubles
  - wrong variable name for $intrptTot
  - removed check for CPU data in presence of -sD since always there
  - -sL --lustopts O not properly parsing read/write bytes for CFS/SUN release
  - accidentally left some debugging code in that changed 'sd' disks to 'xvd' disks
  - added support for disk types of 'emcpower'
  - when running with -P and --rawtoo, collectl only write to the raw file but still created an
    empty prc file.  Not it doesn't create that empty file.  Also added reason to FAQ

  - removed memhuge from cmuextras and added to core memory stats as well as
    gexpr, lexpr and sexpr
  - cleaned up a couple bugs in gexpr for i= processing
  - silently remove 'x' from 's=' in gexpr, lexpr and sexpr if not part of -s since it
    could have been disabled.  this allows one to specify -sx as well as s=x without
    fear of getting a hard error from the *expr

  - updated collectl-debian
  - added avg/min/max options to gexpr and lexpr
  - added import '' to kit
  - removed line that set $message to 'unexpected perfquey error' which was
    clearly the wrong thing to be doing
  - in 3.2.1-6 added 'unexpected message' for perfquery failures that was wrong so
    removed it

3.3.1-5	Apr 09, 2009
  - need to include command switches when changing process name
  - rewrite of all the start scripts (collectl, -generic, -debian and -suse) to support
    multiple daemons.  In the process fixed a bug where debian wouldn't restart correctly.
    Added --restry 2 to start-stop-daemon and that seemed to fix it.
  - added type 4 to gedtExec()

3.3.1-4  Apr 06, 2009
  - changed interface to sexpr and lexpr to more closely reflect gexpr dir/file naming,
    updated documentation and also changed lexpr to include only sending changes and 
    handling TTL, mainly by stealing a lot of code from gexpr.
  - got rid of --expdir since that now handled with 'f=' option to all 3
  - Had to move calling of ${export}Init to after initRecord()
  - Reporting incorrect variables for -si with all 'expr' routines.  Had changed
    inode data a long time ago but apparently nobody uses 'expr' or -si or both
  - Needed to add -sC with -sj in sexpr
  - Added SwapFree to *expr even though it can be derived
  - new switch: --pname name, tells collectl to run as a different process name
    and use a different pid file with that name, which in conjunction with hacking
    up another init.d/collectl file will allow you to run a second instance of a 
    daemon with a different name
  - reset $interval2SecsReal to 1 at same as $intereval2Secs when $i2Secs is 0

  - when writing to plot files not including new headers on subsequent days
  - typo on major fault display string in
  - if only logging plot detail data, was getting errors trying to print to
    unopened tab file
  - API for --import allows custom data collection, includes example
    - had to allow for playing of file with blank Subsys field

3.2.1-6 March 03, 2009
  - added --nfsopts z to filter lines of 0 in -sF mode
  - if collectl.conf is not writeable (eg in R/O filesystem), do not try to add
    IB paths dynamically
  - wrong logic for handling --nfsopts z
  - minor formatting changes to column positions in brief format and slab detail
  - wasn't including CPU type, speed, cores and siblings when converting to plot files
  - dropped inode info from header which was dropped from collectl awhile back
  - don't report open failures on nfs data since not always there
  - add support for XEN xvd disk types [thanks brian]

  - incremented $nfsCommit instead of $nfsCommitTot
  - wasn't handling --nfsfilt correctly on playback of 3.2.1-4 files
  - don't set $sockFlag until after socket opened otherwise we can't report socket errors
    on terminal
  - if read & write fields for an nfs version are both zero assume not active and don't
    report in detail format
  - make nfs one of the default subsystems to collect data for
  - UNINSTALL wasn't removing link to start script on Debian
  - file selection logic for playback wasn't working correctly for multiple hosts with
    multiple files on same date
  - fixed preprocessPlayback() to deal with +/- when -s specified
  - fixed very subtle bug involving playing back multiple files for same day, the first having
    -sy and the second having -sY and -s overrided with -s+.  caused print on opened filehandle

  - always write client/server nfs data, using nfsc- and nfss- as prefix
  - added --nfsfilt to control details output
  - other misc stuff for support of ALL nfs data in raw file at once
  - dropped SubOpts and NfsOpts from header
  - added NfsFilt to header

  - do now allow -O any more, must use --nfsopts and --lustopts
  - support for nfs V4.  will now collect ALL data in /proc but still only report 
    on 1 type either interactively or during playback, based on --nfsopts
  - only turn echo back on in error() if not a PC
  - only look for passwd file when recording/playing back process data
  - when playing back a file with a prefix in front of the host name and specifying
    multiple directories the destination was not being correctly resolved.

  - only set $nfsOpts from header during playback if -s wasnt' specified OR it
    was and contained an 'f'
  - do not exit on broken pipe if "-A server"
  - --vmstat wasn't respecting --hr 0 or 1

  - fixed a couple of bugs in INSTALL
    - init.d scripts and release notes copied to wrong directory
  - added Passwd to collectl.conf which if defined will point to default passwd file
  - changed the way /proc/vmstat read to get more data
  - added swap in/out and page faults to verbose memory display
  - added page faults to tab file
  - when running interactively over multiple days with -P, headers were not being
    including in subsequent files
  - changes some verbose summary headers to mix-cased

3.1.3-1 January 23, 2009
  - output for '--procopts i' off by one column near accutim
  - if RETURN entered in brief mode before 1st interval reported, ignore
    it because we'll get a divide by 0 error
  - add +openibd to sles startup script so collectl will start after IB
  - fixed problem processing data from different time zones with new 
    --from/-thru processing
  - fatal bug in playing back process data was missed before release
  - another fatal bug in --procanalyze.  if looking at a process which were only
    there for a single interval, when calculating the % of cpu which takes into
    account the process lifetime (in this case 0), you get a divide by 0 error!
    the fix is to set the duration to 1.
  - not all files were opened if -s specified with + and --procanal/--slabinfo
    so added restriction against doing so
  - when playing back interrupt data in plot format you have to include -sC and this
    was too confusing so just silently (unless -m) adding it in and documenting in FAQ.
  - if --slabanal or --procanal but no -sY/Z, don't write to slb or prc file
  - allow --passwd for ALL situations since /etc/passwd not valid for NIS.  also add
    to help output
  - selection of task by UID wasn't working
  - if uid can't be translated to a username, report the UID instead of ???
  - fixed problem with divide by 0 errors if proc/slab analysis on multiple host/days

3.1.2-4 January 20, 2009
  - bug fixes to handling of interval times
  - -sm --verbose needs 1 extra line with --top
  - when exiting from --top, move cursor to bottom of display
  - if playing back files for same host, don't reset header counters between them
  - ignore parent process when looking for duplicate instances of -sx [thanks kaya]

  - support for allowing multiple clients to connect when in server mode
  - new documentation page: Genenerating Plottable Files
  - dropped support for data files generated by pre V1.3 version
  - when rolling logs, write a timestamp onto end of last file
  - in playback mode, if last timestamp of previous file matches first timestamp of
    new file, treat as contiguous data which results in no 'holes' in output stream

  - check for nfsopts/playback in checkSubsysOpts was incorrectly looking at 
    $plotFlag when it should have been looking at $playback
  - added Power Meter (ipmitool sdr type current) to env data when available
  - added all environmental data to lexpr and sexpr
  - added swap total/used to lexpr and sexpr
  - building incorrect symlinks to collectl-suse and collectl-debian in INSTALL
    - also wrong in collectl.spec
  - for IB monitoring, when couldn't find ofed_info was still trying to run it
  - need to intialize $interval2SecsReal to i2 first time when 0
  - do NOT report process/slab data for the first interval with data in it

  - more cleanup to INSTALL to give work read access to ARTISTIC, COPYING and GPL
    and set a few more protections on other files
  - chage to --from/--thru processing since error messages implied you could use 
    dates too, so now you can.  see man page or web documentation on playback for 

3.1.1-5 November 5, 2008
  - two new fields added to slab data to show changes in total allocation between samples
  - when mixing --procanalyze with other subsystems, the non-process data wasn't getting
  - new switch: --slabanalyze
  - in header for process data change 'faults are ...' to 'counters are ...' since
    we're now including I/O counters as well
  - wasn't printing process i/o headers with --procanalyze output.  thanks Sven
  - when using -on, cpu % needs to divide by the real interval and not 1. thanks to Sven again!
  - added percent CPU utilization for process I/O format as well as prc and prcs files
  - also --procanalye now honors -om for msec level times
  - new process option: c.  will include cpu times of any child processes (not threads)
    that have since died

3.1.1-4	October 29, 2008
  - fixed a rounding problem with numbers between bewteen 1000M and 1024M
    that were getting printed as 0G (thanks Marko)
  - found error in conversions to K, M, etc where in some cases dividing by
    1000 instead of 1024!  Specifically: i/o sizes for disk, networks lustre and infiniband.
    Also lustre BRW states and some of the KBs fields processes for I/O and memory usage
    in the default format - the detailed memory format had it right.
    brief formats for: disk, network, quadrics, IB, lustre
    But also note these only come into play when values being reported exceed the  default 
    field widths and so ususally aren't tripped.
  - changed -oF to --procopts f
  - limit username in process display to 8 chars
  - make sure terminal echo turned on when falling through error()
  - if processes AccumTime>999 minutes in Process Summary, which is pretty rare, drop 
    fractional seconds resulting in a different format
  - included sort-type in top process display
  - added ioall to --showtopopts menu
  - allow a numeric width to be included with --procopt w
  - removed restriction for considering -sl ambiguous and it will be assumed to mean lustre
    subsystem rather than a typo for -slab
  - misspelled RSys/WSys as RSYS/WSYS in procanalyze code

3.1.1	October 8, 2008
  - missing leading space before 'sd' when determining disk names during initialization
    can result in wrong devices being listed with -sD and the header if they contain 
    an embedded 'sd'
  - fixed problem with --slabopts s and or S with -P or in playback
  - fixed --top checking to verify ALL different I/O related types
  - generate an error message for mixing lustre client option O with M or R
  - allow printing detaild in --top mode, BUT user needs to control top part of
    display with --hr
  - playback of environmental data in plot format was printing values every interval rather
    than just during interval3
  - some impi values may be '' and so report them as 0 to make sure gnuplot can handle it
  - make a few changes to INSTALL for debian-based installations
  - added 'AccuTime' to top I/O display format
  - new feature: top slabs!  same switch as top processes, --top, but include names of
    slab column to sort by.  see --showtopopts
  - filtering for old slabs now matches beginning of slab name just like slub
  - lustre OST/B data wasn't shifting headers when -oT included

3.1.0	September 3, 2008
  - fixed 2 problems in INSTALL (thanks sebastien)
    - forgot to copy collect.conf to BINDIR/etc
    - forgot to set protections on collectl and inet.d script
  - cleaned up interval header printing
  - new feature: environmental monitoring via ipmitool
    - added environments to daemon defaults in collectl.conf
    - changed default interval3 monitoring interval to 2 minutes
  - 1st line of brief headers were 1 column too narrow for -t,m,h&f
  - when reading lustre MDS stats, don't tell getProc to skip over anything and
    save everything that starts with 'mds_'
  - extended lustre MDS data reporting
  - added I/O size to lustre Client/OST verbose/detail output and make it honor 
    --iosize in brief mode
  - fixed a 1 column formatting shift when using -oT with some lustre client/ost output
  - fixed problem in which --hr 1 wasn't causing a new header every intereval for
    detail data of same type
  - increased size of KBBytes for lustre/interconnect data to 7 digits
  - very minor, but if user specified -s+l and --lustsvc and lustre
    disabled, only looking at subsys in checkSubsysOpts was generating an error
    so now it looks at '$userSubsys' too.
  - make $filename local in getSys()
  - another pair of switches: -X, --helpall lists ALL help making it possible to
    grep for something if you can't remember where it is
  - added --grep which allows printing all entries in raw file as timestamped
    lines.  may mix with other playback switches
  - if filtering processes and no data initially collected, interval2Secs will be
    0 first time and flt/sec will generate illegal division error so set i2 to 1
  - was calling procAnalyze even if no data processed during an interval and as a result
    the last pid seen was being credited for that interval when it shouldn't have been
  - added parent pid to top i/o display
  - when looking for collectl procsses with -sx, be sure to ignore those instances
    where the command is 'ssh'
  - discovered '$lastInt2Secs' not getting reset when a new set of prefixes
    were being played back.  This meant the denominator for first line of 
    process/slab rate data would be wrong, but most people probably wouldn't
    have even seen this
  - a couple of fixes to correct --procanalyze reporting errors
  - removed extra space from --procopts i header.
  - significantly expanded --top sort types
  - "waiting for..." message will now honor --quiet
  - if more than one file played back with interrupt data AND latter one had more
    CPUs $intrptLast{}->[$cpu] wasn't getting getting initialized
  - allow commas in addition to spaces to separate files in 'playback' list
  - discovered a user app can modify contents of /proc/pid/cmdline and so cannot
    assume it will always end in null (see test of $cmd1)
  - change test of !$slubinfoFlab to $slabinoFlag since both may be missing

3.0.0-4 July 1, 2008
  - major switch cleanup
    - completed cut-over from -O to xxxopts started in V2.6.4 by creating 
      --nfsopts/--lustopts.  -O kept around for backwards compatibility
      for nfs and lustre
    - a couple of switch changes to reduce complexity of -o and to clarify new
      meaning of handling time offsets and from/thru times for playback
      - replaced -ot with --home
      - replaced -oP to passwd
      - replaced -t/--timezone to --offsettime which now takes a time in seconds
      - replaced -b/-e to --from/--thru
  - new switch: --procanalyze will produce space separated process summary file
    (extension = prcs) that summaries process data for each unique process
  - big enhancement for --top.  now when -s specified prints a scrolling window
    showing histories (-oT recommended but not required) if in brief OR verbose
    and all lines the same.  note - this mode does NOT support detail subsystem data
    - also now identifying the parent who created the thread correctly
  - output format cleanup to make things more concise.  no changes to plot format
    - changed order of columns for brief lustre client to be consistent with all
      other brief fields
    - changed order of I/O related verbose subsystems (disk, network, infiniband 
      and lustre) to be more consistent with brief mode.  in other words, all input
      stats preceed output stats and KBs preceed I/Os.  NOTE - the order of the
      fields for plot data have not been touched.
  - reformatted help to make more readable (I hope) and fit in 80 columns too!
  - nfs got inadevetantly dropped as a valid subsystem in V2.6.3 and it's now back
  - wrong logic for verifying --procopts Z only allowed in -top mode
  - -oA was calling printMini1Counters() instead of printBriefCounters()
  - renamed printVerbose() to printTerm() because it makes more sense
  - when reading diskstats, make sure leading space before 'sd' as there is
    with $diskFilter in
  - fixed printing process data that got broken in plot format
  - made brief fields 1 column wider for lustre/infiniband in brief mode
  - lustre client names didn't make it into header with -sLL was specified using
    old option format
  - discovered the cvt() routine wasn't being used everywhere in printBrief()
  - found/fixed bug that's been there almost forever!  if you play back a file
    recorded with -sZc but force collectl to only process -sZ it got fatal errors.
    Just goes to show how many combinations of conditions there really are!
  - fixed problem (I hope) where extra 'RECORD' separators were getting printed
    for empty intervals
  - fixed code that checks for another instance using IB since it wasn't dealing
    with -s using both + and - in it such as a daemon that has -s+YZ-x
  - couldn't play back process data on a PC without --passwd since /etc/passwd
    not there
  - wasn't dividing lustre client OST details by 1024
  - discovered/fixed file header entry for switch options which only showed switches 
    and not options.  since a read-only field it shouldn't have hurt anything.

2.6.4 June 11, 2008
  - fixed references to gzerror() to be in string context and so error text correct
  - miscellaneous documentation changes, mainly to support code changes
  - do not report /proc/pid open failures since they happen often enough to be
    a nuisance
  - changed order of options for --top to be type,num and if no num use the screen
  - dropped --procio and --procmem replacing them with --procopts i and m
  - new options for --procopts: r and z
  - broke --vmstat when changed $cls to $clscr
  - removed inline code for vmstats since now down via
  - collectl --top generating uninitialized variable message when blank line in
    /etc/passwd was fixed
  - wasn't honoring -ot for a single subsystem in --verbose mode (sheesh) and now it is
  - remove special code that removes collectl from --top display unless explictly 
    requested.  this will help make users more aware of collectl overhead
  - found at least one system that returned different format from 'resize' and so
    changed pattern match to make it more general

2.6.3 May 12, 2008
  - added a README, INSTALL and UNINSTALL to the tarball to aid in manual 
    installation and removal
  - changed --procopts to --procfilt and --slabopt to --slabfilt because I want
    to differentiate between options and filters.
  - enhanced socket error handling
  - new I/O output data for disks, networks and interconnect
    - i/o sizes will always be included in verbose output
    - new switch --iosize will add to brief displays
    - NOTE this data is not written to tab file since it can be derived
  - changes to -si (inode data)
    - removed info from header and will get it from proc instead
    - changed what is reported as some fields no longer valid and added 'number' of
      dentry noting that the values for 'unused', which increase as files are 
      created makes no sense to me.  also including file handles and inode counts 
      in brief format.
  - as a result of adding -si to brief format, --all results in brief output for
    everything and so you'll need to include ---verbose to see verbose form
  - several new options for --procopts (thanks for the push Matt)
      s: will add read/write system calls to process stats
      t: will force collectl to look/display threads for ALL processes
         note that this can be a lot of overhead if there are a lot of threads on 
 	 your system.  All you threads can also be seen via 'ps -eLf'
      w: will make display wider by including arguments to process names
  - you can now request what to sort on for --top (cpu, io or page faults)
  - you can now include --procfilt with --top and it will only consider
    those processes that match for display
  - you can now use --top in playback mode

2.6.2 Apr 29, 2008
  - forgot to rename call to resetMini1Counters() in
  - do NOT clear $miniDateTime when --export
  - added swapin/sec and swapout/sec to [MEM] data in tab file

2.6.1 Apr 24, 2008
  - for perl version checks, use 2 digit minor/patch levels (thanks devzero)
  - report zlib and HiRes vesions in collectl -v output
  - grab ALL of /proc/meminfo for non-2.4 kernels even though we're not
    processing all of it
  - added the number of active lustre file systems seen by the client for lexpr/sexpr
  - was incorrectly restricting -A to -P or --export and that was wrong
  - allow --export in playback mode, making it possible to use --vmstat as wellx
  - extended --top to allow -s to be included along with proc stats.  not that pretty
    but very useful
  - renamed printTerm() to printVerbose(), briefFormat() to printBrief() and other
    associated printMin1 routines
  - when changed syswrite() in writeData in last version, lost trailing /n and
    so put it back
  - ibcheck was redefining global $port so reopening socket in 'server' mode failed!
  - when --export added forgot to handle writeData() conditional correctly for
    process and slab data

2.6.0 Apr 03, 2008
  - lustre
    - typo for lustre readahead 'not consecutive' variable!
    - added 2 new readahead variables for 'failed grab...' and 'wrong page...'
  - extended meaning of --headerrepeat and added a synonym of --hr for it
    a value of -1 means never display a header and 0 means only display it once,
    eliminating the need for -oH and -oh which are still supported but not shown
    in help.  They will be eliminated in a future release.
  - bug in regx prevented gzclose on zipped tab file
  - cleaned up code (finally) that deals with displaying headers such as how often
    and when to skip entirely.  this included dropping the -oh option which
    predates --verbose mode
  - if we can find 'resize', use it to get number of lines in display and use for
    default.  This can still be overriden in collectl.conf
  - slight change to -ot behavior.  only erase screen one time and then just
    overwrite what's there as it's softer on the eyes
  - fixed format error in 's-expr rate' for disk summary stats
  - modification to the way --custom is used to make it work with -f, -P, sockets
    and --rawtoo just like --sexpr.  In fact, sexpr and vmstat code has been 
    removed from and are now standalone include file named
    and respectively.  See documentation for more details.
  - renamed --custom and --custdir to --export and --expdir to better reflect
    that the main purpose of these is to export data to a file or over a socket
  - had to move subsys/interval initialization code around to happen before
    calling --export
  - changed init.d file for SuSE as it couldn't detect collectl running 
    when pids was 5 digits
  - added code to handle write of partial data over socket
  - based on popular demand, --all has been provided to show all summary stats.
    be sure to try it with -ot
  - added CPU number to process detail report.  since this data has actually been
    collected all along, you can play back older raw file and now get them
  - changed default socket port to 2655

2.5.1 Mar 21, 2008
  - added OFED 1.3 location for perfquery to collectl.conf
  - added new constant for ofed_info to collectl.conf
  - if can't find perfquery and/or ofed_info, ask rpm and if there update collectl.conf
  - redefined debug flag of 8 for lustre checks and leave 2 for interconnect only
  - adding more debugging details for infiniband initialization
  - changed daemon startup switches to include -sC. this will NOT generate any extra
    load on collectl but will cause CPU details to be generated in plot format which
    will include interrupts/cpu
  - make sure user have privileges to run perfquery
  - moved location of --sexpr with -sj check
  - for lustre versions < 1.6 don't limit BRW stats to being in directory with
    MNT in its name, which was certainly the case for HP-SFS
  - changed headers for lustre rpc buffers to 'P' rather than 'K' 
  - changed directory on MDS that we look in for stats from .../MDT/mds/stats for
    older versions of lustre to ...MDS/mds/stats for versions >= 1.6
  - need to check lustre version BEFORE calling lustreCheck() routines
  - in lustreCheckClt(), only do OST level tests if really a client

2.5.0   Feb 29, 2008
  - if HCA present but IB stack not completely loaded, the cat of /sys/class/infiniband/*
    fails and reports error.  redirecting STDERR supresses that error
  - added support for reporting interrupts by CPU
  - removed all but the collectl and collectl-data man pages, moving their content
    to the collectl web site at sourceforge AND to /opt/hp/collectl/docs
  - when installing is a brand new ROCKS environment /bin/rm not there yet so make
    conditional in %pre section of spec file [thanks roy]
  - modified spec file to add build level to release so I can keep the release number
    the same [thanks again, roy]

2.4.3	Feb 04, 2008
  - cpu percentages calculations need to include iowait in denominator
  - memory stats: include AnonPages in mapped memory
  - fixed pattern match for IB device number to properly select mlx4_ adapter
  - was incorrectly including network bond stats with total network stats
  - wasn't printing date/time for --vmstat when requested
  - added IbDupCheckFlag to collectl.conf to allow disabling the check for 
    duplicate instances both trying to read IB counters
  - removed a couple of spaces from default output so now <80 columns wide
  - when someone creates a new logical disk after collectl has been started, we need
    to add that disk to the list of valid disk names
  - changed the algorithm used to check for bogus network data.  you can also
    disable these checks by setting DefNetMax to a negative value in 

2.4.2	Jan 16, 2008
  - changed purge algorithm to explicitly purge any files in the logging directory
    that match hostname, contain date/time stamp and do NOT end in 'log'.  Before only
    raw files were purged and this was clearly not the intent.
  - on a lustre MDS, the mds_sync counter has moved as well as others added so pull more
    of them.  even though the newer ones won't be reported on, they'll be in the 'raw'
    file for reference via tools like grep.
  - bogus network record processing changed as follows:
    - use double the reported network speed from the raw file header and if not known use
      the DefNetSpeed in collectl.conf which for now it 10000Mb.
    - was setting 10G network speeds in header wrong (wasn't multiplying by 1000).  Therefore
      if we find a network with speed of '10' on older version multiply by 1000 as this only
      effects 'bogus' check.
    - added IB speeds to network interfaces in header BUT limited to OFED and assuming
      all devices running at same speed
  - looks like I broke old style slab reporting!  the data is still collected correctly
    but won't print.  now it will...
  - just discovered you couldn't print to terminal in plot format for -sY or -sZ, though I 
    don't know why you would ever want to!  in any event, they now call writeData() and so can...
  - if writing to non-compressed files and the flush time is less than the interval, just
    open the files with autoflushing enabled to save flushing overhead
  - plot format for [SOCK] data was sticking an extra $SEP in header after [SOCK]Tw

2.4.1	Jan 05, 2008
  - corrected calculation for cpu times to include soft, irq and steal which was 
    causing incorrect values to be reported for system with higher values in one
    more of these counters.  If one replays any existing raw files the correct
    values will be produced.
  - added support for new SLUB slab allocator which results in different output
    format for slab reporting.
  - added 'Flags:' to header and use value if 's' to indicate a raw file contains
    new slab data and a 'i' to indicate that process data contains I/O counters
  - also added slab alias names as a block comment directly below main header
    because they are needed for playback on a different system or even on the
    same one in case the slab configuration has changed

2.4.0	Dec 23, 2007
  - test for -f filename only checked for existing directory and if ended in /
    still created it but logfile created started with -
  - changed way lustre versions and services formatted in header because when used 
    very old file where neither cfs or sfs version defined we get an extra CR which 
    screws up gnuplot.  I'm probably the only one who will even see this.
  - typo prevented OST BRW stats headers from printing properly which in turn messed
    up plotting
  - remove arg-list from process command string when displaying in terminal format
  - added process i/o stats for systems with that feature built into the kernel
  - include new flag --procio which functions silimarly to --procmem in that it
    show much more detail about stats

2.3.4   Dec 13, 2007
  - added IB code of 0c06 for Mellanox IB Infinihost III card
  - expanded --sexpr behavior to allow sending over a socket or even to
    stdout and for consistency, logging to a local file is no longer
    required, though logging is certainly permitted and as a result
    more consistent.  the collectl-logging man page has been modified
    to address this
  - forgot to add cpu irq, soft and steal to sexpr header and raw routines
  - removed -H as it's no longer needed given all the other data export options
    but preserved it's functionality by redefining the meaning of -d4 and -d32
2.3.3   Oct 16, 2007
  - added 3 new fields to CPU values -- irq, soft and steal, which resulted in
    a change of order of the verbose output, the theory being it's more 
    important to have the display in a readable order rather than just append 
    the fields to the end.  While at it the same was done to ALL most CPU
    output formats for consistency
  - incorrectly included !$plotFlag in test to set $zFlag and as a result 
    'flush' wasn't working for raw files
  - extended IB interface support to include ConnectX mlx4
  - when printing 'brief' subtotals for infiniband, do not average errors since
    intermittent error rates may be too small to see so just print increasing
  - rare case - if doing slab/proc and we only specify int 2 AND less than 
    default interval (say we do -i:.1), we need to force int1 to be int2 so
    we don't get error that int2<int1.  sheesh...
  - include device mapper devices in disk details however don't include numbers
    if disk summary since already accounted for in individual disk numbers
  - added 'Services' field to Lustre section because when generating a tab file
    with -L, you can't tell without looking at column headers which servers
    have data and this is annoying
  - as of release 2.2, lspci now reported the vendor info in a different
    position and so collectl now grabs the lspci version

2.3.2   Sep 4, 2007
  - if you created a plot file and then reran trying to send plot data to terminal, 
    you were told you needed to force creation of a new file.  this has been fixed
  - added "Commit" data to memory data for both verbose and plot formats
  - added --quiet.  Normally any messages logged with a status other than "I" are reported
    on the terminal and can be annoying.  This switch will suppress them (at your peril!)
  - added --custom to extended help message which was missing
  - if /proc/slabinfo doesn't exist disable monitoring and continue as is done for
    other non-existent data.  also fixed incorrect spelling of associated logmsg() call
  - cleaned up some of the help text for "collectl -h"
  - added new switch --utc for plot mode only, generates time in UTC rather than date/time
  - added new switch --sep to allow one to define actual plot data field separator
  - tighten up pattern match on memory labels

2.3.1   Aug 09, 2007
  - cleaned up the way client handles ost to filesystem name mapping for
    rpc-stats as it was not working correctly
  - added '(pages)' to client-side rpc stats to clarify units

2.3.0   Jul 25, 2007
  - cleaned up version number in THIS file.  somehow jumped to 2.6.*
  - changed infiniband perfquery command to NOT clear error counters
  - changed location of perfquery in collectl.conf to a list and then look
    in multiple locations on initialization since in different locations in
    ofed 1.1 and 1.2
  - restructured and cleaned up collectl-data man page
  - fixed a couple of typos in output headers

2.2.9  	Jul 17, 2007
  - cleaned up error handling (and message) for --procmem and -s
  - -L switch was not correctly forcing output of data for selected system types
  - added 'BuildArch: noarch' to spec file

2.2.8   Jun 25, 2007
  - check for 'bogus' network data MUST be skipped for first record of every
    file and not just first record of the day!
  - not handling single port IB HCAs correctly
  - if BOTH 'vib' and 'ofed' stacks present need to figure out which one is
    actually running as currently collectl assumes first one it finds
  - converted `ls` invocations in ibCheck() to ls() since more efficient

2.2.7   Jun 13, 2007
  - removed restriction on adding timestamps to most non-brief formats
  - when reporting only slab/process info in verbose mode, force the primary
    interval to equal the secondary or else you'll see 'RECORD' headers for
    all primary intervals which is probably not what is wanted

2.2.6   May 19, 2007
  - only look for 'lspci' when doing -sx as it's not needed elsewhere
  - add 1 extra column to brief display for context switches as they've been
    seen to hit 100K
  - fixed some --verbose print statements that got broken with 'tag' 
    processing removed
  - fixed SuSE based link to collectl in init.d file which was pointing to 
    wrong location
  - always look for /proc/nfs-stuff even if not there the first time
  - when incomplete /proc records found (very rare) need to update index 
    pointer for disks and networks
  - special check for 'bogus' network data never seen before.  is this a kernel
    bug and will it go away with newer releases?  too soon to tell, but watch
    the message log or playback messages
  - added readS to the distribution, which is a utility for retrieving data
    from a file in s-expression format

2.2.5   May 18, 2007  
  - Open Source Release
  - removed $tagFlag since it was disable a while ago and nobody complained
  - needed to use '\' in file spec when playing back a file on a PC in
    a directory other than the current one.  '/' was hardcoded!
  - only allow -OD for SFS

2.2.4   Apr 11, 2007
  - need to look at ost_server_uuid for lustre for lustre filesystem name 
    instead of uuid
  - only looking for a single digit following 'scsi' in /proc/scsi/scsi
    was causing 'unit vars' when there were more than one
  - new switch, '--top [num]' will show top 'num' consumers of cpu time.  cannot be used with
    any other subsystems.
  - instead of displaying hours and mins for process times we're using 3 digits for minutes
    to save real estate and because that's what 'top' does
  - only display 'zlib not installed' message is zlib not there and we're trying to write plot
    data without -oz
  - redirect error messages to /dev/null when running lctl to get build number
    because it generates bogus messages for non-privileged users
  - you should not be allowed to mix -sY -P to a terminal with other subsystems.  corrected
    a typo in the error checking
  - if printed slab data in -P format was incorrectly setting $headersPrinted flag causing no
    other headers to be printed.
  - added additional link in /usr/bin so noprivileged users can find collectl by default too
  - fixed a bug that was causing us to log 'alignment' messages in daemon logfile 
    every interval

2.2.3   Jan 30, 2007
  - when changed sigalrm() mechanism, missed handling -i0 for time testing
  - modified perfquery command because it wasn't clearing counters

2.2.2   Jan 14, 2007
  - support for OFED
  - changed definition of --align to be more useful and dropped -a altogether
  - changed interval time algorithm to calculate wakeup time for each 
    interval rather than using ualarm's wakeup which drifted slightly
  - when printing usec time, was not padding out to 3 full digits when last digit(s) 0

2.2.1   Dec 22, 2006
  - pull sfs version from hpls-lustre-client rpm name

2.2.0   Dec 15, 2006
  - added new formatting switches g and G
  - fixed disk exception reporting false positives
  - flush problem for -P files fixed
  - if playing back file that had a prefix prepended to the hostname it
    was not being preserved properly
  - all display options and almost all error messages will now go
    over sockets, the one exception being the inability to report 
    problems that occurred before the socket was opened!
  - oz now only applies to plotting data and NOT raw.  This means you
    CANNOT generate uncompressed raw files if compression is installed
  - new switch: --rawtoo will force generation of a 'raw' file when in
  - new switch: --sexpr will write current counters as an s-expression
  - added local logging capability in -A mode.  See newest man page
    'collectl-logging' for details
  - when collecting data with -sx and no interconnect found an 'x' was
    still recorded in header but not honored during playback.  It IS
    honored if found but will NOT be written into header if not interconnect
  - removed restriction against -- args in DaemonCommands in collectl.conf

2.1.2   Nov 08, 2006
  - the default frequency at which to check for lustre config changes has been lowered 
    to every second since efficiencies were improved back when 'cat' was changed to 
    'cat()' and never noticed until recently.  Also note interconnect changes still $$$
  - changed log rolling code as it wasn't properly dealing with all cominations of
    logging increments and time changes for Daylight Savings Time
  - made changes to header names for IB/ELAN in tab and detail files in
    support of colplot V4.0.0
  - better mechanism for getting sfs/cfs versions
  - in V2.1.0 added code to correctly set up interval in header but just discovered playing
    back older files that had process/slab data recorded generates an uninitialized warning
    because they don't have 'interval2' in their headers.  now, when processing older files
    that don't have the default intervals set, they will be set to their defaults.  Since
    intervals aren't currently even looked at during playback this shouldn't even matter!
  - back in 1.7.5 I changed the logfile name to begin with the hostname, making it possible
    to move the logs to other systems.  unfortunately, this caused the 'purge' mechanism to
    purge old logs because it didn't include 'raw' in the namestring.  That has been fixed.

2.1.1	Oct 10, 2006
  - XC release!
  - change some plot format column names for consistency as instance names

2.1.0	Oct 06, 2006
  - had to change the way the path to '' is found depending on whether
    XC or not.
  - IB checks were causing new log to get created after every check!
  - added lustre and sfs version numbers to common header
  - sfs V2.2 introduces more buckets for BRW stats and collectl had to change
    to accomodate them
  - changes in logic to drive lustre disk stats off an array the same was as BR stats
  - collection sub-intervals not being properly recorded in file headers: if default values
    used they were left off and this is not right since someone could change that in the conf
    file.  on playback to a file, the current values were written to the new header rather
    than using those in the 'raw' file.
  - during playback of raw file, collection interval was not being correctly written 
    into header of plotfile
  - added --showplotheader switch which will be useful to other tools that may run collectl
    (such as colplot and colgui) that may want to know the column headers before starting
    collectl for real

2.0.1	Sep 01, 2006
  - support for --showhead of playback files
  - on Windows, would read file named 'c' in current directory instead of collectl.conf
  - turn off pass_through option before 2nd call to Getopt so it'll catch errors
  - new switch -headerrepeat will set number of lines displayed between repeats of
    the headers.  can also be set as default in collectl.conf.

2.0.0	Aug 11, 2006
  - added check to make sure perl at least version 5.8 and updated FAQ with what to
    do if not.  This is not expected to occur very often as 5.8 has been round since
    RedHat V9.0.
  - changed the way $BinDir determined to allow multi-levels links to executable
  - added long versions of all switches and added a few new ones
  - renamed $processes/$slabs to $procopts/$slabopts to be consistent with new switch names
  - removed -M completely and replaced with --verbose, --vmstat, --procmem and --custom
  - allow -om in verbose mode to update 'RECORD' header
  - allow line based time formats (-od, -oD and -oT) to be used with --verbose for slab and proc detail
  - this ones subtle.  colgui happens to do -d4096 -sxlLL -Lcmo -OD', forcing it to get all possible
    lustre info.  the only problem is there is not -OD data on client nodes and it gets a fatal error
    trying to open the stats file.  That error is now trapped and if -d4096, suppressed and ignored.

1.7.5	Jun 28, 2006
  - ALWAYS report slab/mapped memory even though 0 for 2.4 kernels, making
    the size of the memory section of the 'tab' file constant
  - -sD needs to handle disks with 2 digit disk numbers such as cciss/c1d10
  - if IB hardware but can't find vstat, we can't do any monitoring so say there's
    no software there and give up.
  - extended -r to include interval, such that you can roll logs mulitple times/day but
    aligned with main time
  - ignore ethtool errors except during debugging.  an example of one of these
    is if all interfaces are not active!  an entry will be found in /proc
    but ethtool gives annoying errors
  - modified the way -ou works to something that makes more sense, remembering there
    is a 1:1 relationship between a raw file and the resultant plot file(s).  now,
    if a plot file is found to exist and is older is will be overwritten since the
    raw data is obviously older (this can happen when a snapshot of the raw file
    is pulled while it's being written).  On the other hand if someone wants to force
    creation of a new file because perhaps different subsystems have been chosen,
    use -ocu.
  - widen the scope of where we search for lustre modules in case the kernel has
    be updated underneath and lustre is NOT installed in that kernel's library path
  - in 'total' mode for default/brief formatted output (just type <CR>), 
    changed context switches and interrupts to show averages rather than totals
  - subtotals in brief format were including incorrect units (K,M,G) for some
    fields including disk, network and lustre
  - converted string to seach for 'vstat' from a single bin name to mulitple ones
    and updated processing accordingly
  - if specifying -l with o/m on lustre client was incorrectly checking for disk stats
    file which it should only do if -OD specified

1.7.4	Jun 05, 2006
  - whether someone requests -sc or -sC, collect both types of stats.  this
    makes it possible to play back either independent of what was specified
    at collection time making CPU stats consistent which others which also
    exhibit this property
  - -V now shows interactive and daemon defaults separately
  - include the name of the host running collectl in the logfile name
    for uniqueness
  - if corrupted file, include name in error message AND if multiple files being
    processed, skip remainder of currupted one and go on to the next one
  - changed sfs readhead in brief mode from hit precentage to show actualy hits/misses
    as these are so typically close to 05 or 100% you can miss the changes

1.7.3	May 23, 2006
  - the plot format headers I thought got released in 1.7.2 didn't.  they do
    in this release
  - if user had specified lustre options and lustre wasn't active, the playback
    fails because the header says there isn't any lustre data present but -s says
    this is.  the fix is to recognize this condition during playback and simply 
    ignore the options

1.7.2	May 17, 2006
  - added qualifiers to plot-format headers to clarify which subsystem
    the data relates to
  - changed headers for lustre -OB output from K to P since the data being
    reported IS in pages, not KB
  - commented out the check that limited the data being reported for disk stats
    from 512KB to the full range of up to 2MB

1.7.1	May 03, 2006
  - make sure -M1 and -oh turned off in -H mode
  - support for new /proc format with elan 5.20
  - fixed a bug that prevented elan detail files from being written to
  - wasn't building correct link in /etc/init.d for suse/debian
  - changed rules for determining hyperthreading: true if siblings/cores==2
  - added cpu vendor, speed, cores, sibings to common header
  - added support for 'official' stats from Voltaire so if
    /proc/voltaire/adaptor-mlx/stats exists, it looks in there.  otherwise
    it tries to use /proc/voltaire/ib0/stats.  note - since voltaire only
    supports a single HCA, if more than one is found only the first it
    looked at and an appropriate  warning generated

1.7.0	Apr 21, 2006
  - fixed bug in thread process reporting.  although the treads numbers were
    getting reported correctly, all lines were reporting the parents stats
  - changes to -O to include lustre options broke some nfs options
  - also updated process man page to more clearly articulate what gets reported
  - need to make sure raw entries that start with 'Slab' are not coming from
    /proc/memory by making sure no ending ':'
  - there were problems running on SFS Admin node when -sl specified because of
    logic error dealing with monitoring a service not yet up

1.6.9	Apr 02, 2006
  - when specifying -i:xxx in interactive mode, default monitoring
    inteval was not changed to 1.  this effected displays for slabs
  - verbose mode wasn't working correctly

1.6.8	Mar 28, 2006
  - fixed a few minor problems to ensure works with colplot/colgui
  - reformat FAQ and include in kit

  - didn't quite get -s right for overriding that in file
  - made size of disk block buckets bigger but limiting the size if 
    displayed values based on collectl.conf entry
  - OST detail detail data incorrectly written to CLT detail file (which 
    usually isn't even opened!)
  - remove default of -oT, it complicates things...

1.6.6	Mar 07, 2006
  - added Subsys to 'RECORDED' section of header (note spelling to preserve
    pattern patches for second occurance) and also updated Subsys data to
    correctly reflect values based on +/- in -s during playback
  - removed erroneous check that prevented running -sL -OB on lustre OSSs
  - forgot to write headers for OST detail data
  - remove test for ignoring -sL for mds data since we now CAN have some,
    but remember that it goes into the .blk file

1.6.5	Feb 28, 2006
  - verify system is an mds/ost before trying to open block iostats file
  - when lustre subsystem disabled wasn't removing 'l' from $subsys
  - incorrect check for valid -M1 subsystem in setOutputFormat().  was
    invalidating any uppercase letters and show have only looked at 
  - changed why $BinDir gets built to work with more complicated links
  - missing cvt() in print for lustre client summary
  - was incorrecty setting reportOstFlag to zero when -oD and supressing output
    on playback
  - changed -o^h to -o-h
  - removed support for -t as it's not really useful and anyone using it
    (and I doubt there any) don't really understand -P

1.6.4	Feb 25, 2006
  - default settings for non-daemon mode are not '-i1 -scdn -M1 -oT'.  furthermore
    if single subsystem -oh is also set.  you to remove -oT or -oh, preface that
    switch with a ^ such as -o^T.
  - added -S switch, which means collectl was started remotely by something
    like 'ssh' or 'rsh'.  at the end of each collection interval see if
    parent daemon when away and shut down...
  - when missing HiRes time module and -om or fractional intervals specified,
    ignore -om and round off interval
  - wrong error message about requiring HiRes for -om as it reports
    -P is required instead
  - removed -OB processing code from ministat processing
  - produced uninitialized errors if nothing selected during playback do to
    incorrect settings of -b or -e.  now generates an error.
  - only write inode info to header if -i

1.6.2	Feb 01, 2006
  - fixed bug in ELAN monitoring logic that was causing it to create new
    logfile every 15 minutes
  - fixed bug which generated unitialized variable in some cases when
    slab and non-slab data with -M1
  - replaced 'cat' command in routines that check lustre/interconnect state
    to cat() which is more efficient
  - fixed bug that prevented raw file with no core data from being played back
  - added support for lustre client rpc and readahead stats.
    see man collectl-lustre for details

1.6.1	Jan 23, 2006
  - changed using units for ELAN stats to KB to be consistent with IB stats
  - added new option to -M1 mode such that is a user types A<cr>, the averages
    will be displayed
  - added new switch (groan) -oA, which when playing back a file in -M1 mode
    will append Averages/Totals
  - only use ethtool to determine network speed if root
  - playback error reporting was not explict enough when wildcarded
    specification didn't match anything
  - moved around code that expands -s (based on +/-) so expanded value 
    seen with -d4096
  - infiniband support - requires special internal '/proc' module
  - summary data changed for quadrics (including plot format) so that it
    matches that of IB and any potential future interconnects to only show
    total errors and not individuals counts which IS available as details.
    This was necessary so that plotting tools can display interconnect data
    independent of its type.
  - incorrectrly determining kernel version if version containg 2.4 in interior
    of id string

1.5.8	Dec 14, 2005
  - add additional copyrights to source and manpages

1.5.7	Dec 08, 2005
  - added more conditional execution if not pcs for things like `date` and 
    existence of lspci and ethtool
  - add setsid to deamon startup and reset terminal I/O channels to /dev/null
    in child
  - entire chunk of header line and data that followed not getting prepended
    with hostname when -A and -M1
  - only complain about missing lspci or ethtool when not in playback mode
  - need to determine path to collectl using readlink() in case defined as
    a link
  - latest version expanded size of buffers to 8 so had to modify display
  - added a warning if new network device found after started, which will cause
    uninitialzed variable warning.  this may go away when started at S99
  - renames release notes so they can co-exist with release notes from other
  - modifications to 'spec' file
    - deamon will now start at S99 to give more devices a chance to initialize
      and be seen
    - install in /opt/hp/collect, link to it from /usr/sbin
1.5.6	Sep 23, 2005
  - modified data collection for 2.6 memory to include everything up to Vmalloc
  - extended -sm reporting to include slab and mapped memory for all outputs
  - was not printing header for first time for -M3
  - check for non-existant /proc for inode processing
  - remove debug check for open proc error messages
  - fixed bug in collectl.conf.  setting Interval2 overwrote Interval.
  - debug flag of 4096 prints header
  - make sure under -i0 sampling that the number of intervals for processes and
    environmentals are proportional to their default timings
  - removed 'cciss/' from disk names in file headers
  - moved socket handling code to the front so anyone who calls us and gets
    an error or does a 'collectl -v' will see the socket open and then close
    so it can then cleanly exit.
  - added Swap size to header
  - if ethtool present, record 'eth' speeds in header
  - generate an error if lspci not on system.
  - warn that no eth speeds in header it no ethtool on system
  - inserted inter-file marker into PRC files so can differentiate between
    processes with same pid/name from different logs
  - printing wrong header for lustre client details in plot formatit
  - allow printing process data with date/time stamps so when you grep the
    output you can see them
  - fixed erroneous message "Looks like 0 exited so not looking for new 
    threads" which should not be reported when value is 0.

1.5.5	Sep 01, 2005
  - added exception processing for lustre client summary data

1.5.4	Aug 31, 2005
  - added exception reporting for lustre KB/sec read/write for OSS and 
    Reints/sec on an MDS.  For now it's NOT writing to an exception file
    as I'm thinking of removing that capability since I don't believe it 
    is used very often AND there are too many files written already!

1.5.3	Aug 29, 2005
  - serious bug fixed.  when playing back any files and producing process or
    slab files (.prc or .slb), ALL other data was being skipping for that
    period.  The workaround is if you need both process/slab and other data 
    you'll need to do it in 2 batches!
  - very minor (but annoying).  if interval ends in exactly .000 seconds,
    $seconds is treated as an integer and splitting on '.' provided an
    undefined $usecs which in turn generates an uninit var at line 2456
  - skip over IB support since net yet fully baked
  - the line RECORD... was leaking through without a hostname prefix with -A
  - flush mechanism which was incorrectly flushing every interval
  - internal coding thing: cleaned up reporting to be driven off $subsys
    and collection driven off the 'flags'.  this means that doing -sl -L in
    record mode will not display lustre stats on a non-lustre system as is
    already done in playback mode
  - check for location of lustre modules expanded to support newer releases
  - set ALL output files to autoflush on write when printing in plot format
    on the terminal.  not doing so was causing collectl to lock up until the
    output buffer filled when called from a script with -oh or -oH
  - InfiniBand Support
  - changed method for determining lustre driver installed.  now just looks for 
    anything named 'lustre' in /lib/modules
  - updated man page to note that some subsystems, specifically d, l, n, t, x, y
    thought recorded in summary mode CAN be played back in detail mode and visa-versa
  - added a restriction that you can't play back a file records with -sd using -sD
    if it wasn't originally recorded using -sc as well (need times in jiffies for
    some calculations)
  - added additional parameter to collectl.conf to point to additional library paths
    (primarily for development but may prove useful later on)
  - made some changes to header
    - added seconds associated with timestamp of filename timezone
    - renamed 'Daemon Options' to 'DaemonOpts'
    - moved some fields closer together
    - added a preamble for plot format files that show original collectl version and
    - added HiRes flag state of original collection so playback knows
  - Another switch -T to control time zone conversions on playback, which is 
    required for dealing with files that don't have enough info in header to
    to autmatic conversion of times

1.5.2	May 23, 2005
  - removed extra comma in printf statement at line 3752
  - warning about -sL and MDS was missing 'if ...' modifier
  - need to flush buffers before creating new logs
  - not declaring $datetime as 'local' was generating unit vars with -M1
  - the pattern match on sd disks wasn't set to pick up disks with 2 alpha 
    chars after the initial 'sd'.  it does now.
  - print error messages to terminal via STDERR
  - moved location of slab/proc initialization to record mode as it was causing
    problems on PCs.
  - when no process data exists, print 0 instead of '-'

1.5.1	May 03, 2005
  - updated several man pages and created a new one: collectl-lustre
  - added memory size to file headers
  - strip any quotes from playback file name that may have leaked in
  - if the destination directory doesn't exist, create it
  - some Linux specific code was moved/modified to facilitate running on a pc.
    - initialization of $MyHost and $OS.
    - only call syslog on linux and so we have to do a 'require', not 'use'
  - a number of changes to support dynamic identification of lustre 
    configuration changes
    - change lustre related information in file headers
    - no longer an error to request -sl when no services present
    - printing lustre client data in plot format was missing 2 fields
    - replaced common '.lus' detail file with specific ones of '.ost' and '.clt'
    - KNOWN PROBLEM identified with lustre client data collected using -sLL with
      older versions
    - KNOWN PROBLEM identified with lustre client size read/write I/O counts
  - modified recognition of quadrics such that if /proc structures are present but
    driver not loaded, a warning rather than an error followed by an abort occurs.
  - new switch: -V to print operational defaults
  - storing kernel version rather than whole o/s name in header
  - only include SCSI info in header if non-blank
  - do not print header when plot output directed to terminal
  - added '[HYPER]' to cpu display header when cpu hyper-threading on
  - expanded scope of -m to print playback processing messages on terminal
  - problem writing to syslog on some systems and so that function currently
  - made width of network name dynamic to account for IB names
  - for M3 reporting, headers weren't printing
  - /proc/slabinfo went to V2.1 with no format change, so had to extend
    the check to include anything in 2.*

1.3.1	Jan 18, 2005
  - problem corrected with slabs/pagesize during playback
  - when a new slab was created after collectl started, during playback 
    an 'uninialized variable' message was being generated.
  - fixed problem with -b/-e when date specified

1.3.0	Jan 18, 2005
  - write startup/shutdown messges to /var/log/messages when writing 
    to files (too much of a nuisance to do for all invocations).  
    Write ALL fatal errors to messages.  This is in addition to the 
    normal logging that gets written to collectl's own message log 
    in the logging directory, which is only written to when writing to a file. 
  - installation no longer saves old startup script since user customizations
    haven't been there since introduction of /etc/collectl.conf
  - support for SuSE distro based installs
  - support for Debian installs as long as one converts rpm to deb
  - new man page for process monitoring and how the math works
  - moved data definitions and examples to their own man pages
  - make process sort order ascending numeric
  - added '+' option to -Z switches which results in threads being displayed
    - see man page for restrictions
  - -Z enhanced to allow filename to be specified as an alternative.  see -h
  - added startup switches to log header (don't know why I didn't think of earlier!)
  - expected for lowercase hostname in playback file.  this was a bug!
  - removed partition specific code and now share 2.6 /proc/diskstats
    - removed -spP and collectl uses nows /proc/partitions if it contains data
    - removed -oP as it was never fully debugged and buggy
    - slight format change of disk stats output to make consistent across 2.4/2.6
  - fixed bug when specifying a playback file wildcarded spec that didn't 
    start with full hostname
  - fixed bug when playing back multiple files from multiple dates with 
    -b/-e switches
  - found bug in the way linux handles reading /proc - may read past end of 
    existing structure) and so changed handling of /proc/pid/stat to only read 1 line
  - make sure collectl will run on windows in playback mode by changing some
    linux specific code

1.2.5-4	Dec 14, 2004
  - modified processing of /proc/net/netstat to accomdate slightly different
    format with debian 2.6 kernel (leading blank line not expected!)
  - removed 'partition' as valid subsystem for 2.6 kernels as that data now
    comes from /proc/diskstats
  - wasn't recognizing 'sd' devices in /proc/diskstats

1.2.5-3	Dec 14, 2004
  - found latent bug - thanks tom - in process processing code.  when not using -Z
    new processes weren't discovered.  now they are!
  - had to move 'interval' processing code to section before alarm set
  - wan't honoring -t when printing process data
  - on systems where lustre fs was created outside of 'sfs' environment. MDS
    directories had different name format so pattern match had to change
  - not all MDS read/write fields always defined and so conditional prints req'd
  - changed single quotes in man page to \` so at least something would print
  - removed 'C' as a valid option which was moved to -O a number of versions ago

1.2.5-2	Dec 14, 2004
  - fixed a problem in 1.2.5 which wasn't properly handling return status from gzflush()
  - enhanced error messages when invalid subsystems are specified with '-'
  - removed restriction against adding core subsystems with '+'
  - enhanced -sLL processing to deal with /proc with data in different positions
  - bumped indexes for getProc() 12/13 to 13/14 to keep Lustre processing together
  - if flush timer set AND using -H, only execute command every flush interval
  - flush timer was off by 1 second (tested it using > instead of >=)

1.2.5	Nov 03, 2005
  - The 'subtotal' feature of -M1 causes cron based scripts to blow up because
    the 'M1' code wants to check for terminal I/O.  This feature has now been
    disabled for environments with no terminal.
  - Found a corrupted compressed raw file!  Closer inspection of collectl 
    showed no error handling for gzflush() errors and limited error handling 
    for gzwrite errors.  Changed to close/recreate new logs on zlib errors or
    abort if recovery impossible.  As a safety net will kill itself if there are
    ever more than $ZlibMaxErrors in a single day - currently setting that value 
    to 20 but can be overridden in collectl.conf.
  - Added code to make sure valid time marker in raw file and if not to declare
    file corrupted and exit.  This is for the case noted above where a compresses
    file had bad data in it.  Still a mystert how this happened but I'm hoping  
    it was related to gzflush and so now shouldn't happen again.

1.2.4-3	Oct 19, 2004
  - _SC_PAGESIZE posix variable not supported on 5.6 releases of perl and
    results in uninitialized variable warning and errors during SLAB
    reporting.  Added code to force pagesize to 4096 for IA32 and 16384 
    for other architectures which is not completely correct for all cases.

1.2.4-2	Oct 13, 2004
  - using wrong pagesize for slab calculations on IA64.  use sysconf()
    and added PageSize to logfile headers
  - writes slab version into header instead of whole version line and drive
    format off that number.  report errors for unsupported versions.
  - removed a line of code that couldn't execute if daemon found to be
    already running
  - found reference to cvt2() which was removed in last version
  - ministats with a -c leaving echo turned off!
  - changed width of memory reporting fields for slabs and memory stats 
    from 6 to 7 so more significant digits retained when displaying a 
    number like 123456K which in 6 columns displayed as 123M.  Not sure 
    if it should be done to other fields as well because it does effect 
    screen real estate.  Remember to use -w to get rid of K/M/G
  - removed unused c and s from -O
  - added code to filter slabs and remove those with no allocations,
    -Os, or those with no change in slab activity since last interval, -OS.
    NOTE - slab objects change all the time and so including them in the
    filter is pointless
  - added 't' to core variables to be monitored since it only takes about
    an extra cpu second per 8640 samples.
  - added 'sockets' to ministats.  this means one can now simply do
    'collectl -M1' and get ALL ministats for default variables (of course you'll
    need a VERY WIDE window)

1.2.4	Oct 07, 2004
  - added SLABS!
  - add -oF tell collectl to use cumulativetotals for Maj/Min faults
  - fix printing of process data in plot format
  - found a couple of inconsistencies when reporting in 'K/M/G' format.
    made sure bytes /1024 and counts/1000
  - fixed uninitialize variable with -sP -p xxx
  - echo not turned back on with -M1 and -p
  - fixed bug with -p -f -P
  - changed $ProcInterval/$EnvInterval names to $Interval2/3 so that
    slab interval processing could be slipped into $interval2.  this is
    really an internal thing.

1.2.3	Sep 18, 2004
  - Added -sZ and -Z to capture process data. 
  - Added -M3 to report finer detailed memory data for processes 
  - Added ability for dynamic subtotals with -M1 (see manpage) 
  - Added -st and -sT for tcp counters 
  - Made lustre and quadric counters part of default subsystems 

1.2.1	Aug 12, 2004
  - Support added for lustre clients 
  - Search for 'collectl.conf' in /etc, collectl bin dir, then current
     dir if no -C 

1.2.0	Jul 16, 2004
  - Support added for quadrics and lustre 
  - Replaced /usr/sbin/ with more flexible /etc/collectl.conf 
  - Added switch to override location of /etc/collectl.conf 
  - Performance improvements to /proc processing 

1.1.13	Jul 16, 2004
  - Fixed timer bug (since there since version 1) that only shows up
     on 2.6 kernels 
  - Fixed formatting bug in NFS detail display introduced by -oT 
  - Preserve /etc/init.d/collectl so any custom changes are preserved 
    across versions 

1.1.12	Jun 07, 204
  - Fixed bug that was causing nfs client data to not be correctly captured
  - Moved nfs client option 'C' from -o to -OP/dd> 
  - Changed format/use of -M1: more/optional fields
  - Made timestamp line formats dDT available for 'standard' output
  - Changed column widths for DISK/PARTITIONS fields from 4 to 6 as needed

1.1.11	May 21, 2004
  - assured 'wc' used correctly since 2.6 kernels changed format
  - renamed kit to 'noarch'

1.1.10	Jul 16, 2004
  - Fixed extra space getting printed in plot format by -ss.
  - removed -a 0 from init.d file since it would prevent starting on 
    machines that don't have HiRes installed

1.1.9	May 03, 2004
  - The biggie - support for 2.6 kernels resulting in changes to -sd & -sp
  - Added -a to startup script to align times to minute boundary
  - New switches for ministats to control date/time format: -o dDT
  - Combined ministats 1 thru 4 to more intelligent -M1
  - New ministat M2 mimics vmstat but with date/time stamps 
  - Clarification of memory statistics in man page
  - Minor bug fixes with custom ministat directory name processing

1.1.8e	Mar 24, 2004
  - Added new subsystems -sE -slL [environmental and lustre]
  - Added new output options -otH
  - Added 'ministats' which are combined subsystems on singe line 
    (see manpage for -M)
  - Added ability to send output to a socket for remote monitoring

1.1.7	Feb 06, 2004
  - Updated Copyright notice
  - Fixed bug when trying to use -P without -f

1.1.6	Dec 05, 2003
  - wan't properly handling -p -f -P for multiple files on same day but 
    different -s values: first one overrides the rest!

1.1.5	Dec 03, 2003
  - added error checking to ignore partially read /proc data
  - added ability to specify YESTERDAY or TODAY in playback file name

1.1.4	Nov 26, 2003
  - bug in playback of nfs client data
  - enhance -v to show zlib/compress if present
  - fixed bug handling -p -f of mulitple files on same date
  - fixed but handling logs from different systems with different subsys values

1.1.3	Nov 26, 2003
  - added support for Smart Array devices in partition table reporting

1.1.2	Nov 26, 2003
  - added support for disk and partition exception reporting along with 
    several switches to support it. See -l, -L and -o x/X