

distrib > Arklinux > devel > i586 > by-pkgid > 077c46c1e38f94b1c3c18e30d384bac2 > files > 374


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<refpurpose>A &kde; based chemistry teaching tool</refpurpose>


<group><option>KDE Generic Options</option></group>
<group><option>Qt Generic Options</option></group>



<para>&kalzium; is a program which shows you the Periodic System of
the Elements (PSE). You can use &kalzium; to search for information
about the elements or to learn facts about the PSE.</para>

<para>&kalzium; provides you with all kinds of information about the
PSE. You can look up lots of information about the elements and also
use visualisations to show them.</para>

<para>This package is part of the official KDE edutainment module. </para> 


<title>See Also</title>

<para>More detailed user documentation is available from <ulink
url="help:/kalzium">help:/kalzium</ulink> (either enter this
<acronym>URL</acronym> into &konqueror;, or run



<para>&kalzium; was written by &Carsten.Niehaus;
&Carsten.Niehaus.mail; and

<para>This manual page was prepared by <personname><firstname>Ben</firstname><surname>Burton</surname></personname></para>

