

distrib > Arklinux > devel > i586 > by-pkgid > a2deb046b981be52997bdd9fea197e4e > files > 5


## Configuration file for Zypper.
## location: /etc/zypp/zypper.conf (system-wide)
##       or: $HOME/.zypper.conf    (user-specific)
## You can edit this file by hand (try to keep the structure) or by using
## 'zypper conf' command (TODO). If you need user-specific configuration
## and you do not have ~/.zypper.conf yet, use /etc/zypp/zypper.conf
## as template (copy it to ~/.zypper.conf) and adjust to your liking.
## The options known also to libzypp will be overriden by zypper.conf, if set.
## Boolean values are:
##   0 1 yes no on off true false
## Color values are:
##   white grey darkgrey black red green blue yellow brown cyan purple
##   lightred lightgreen lightblue lightcyan lightpurple


## Show repository alias instead of name.
## Alias is an alternative unique name of repository. Some users prefer
## to define short, handy aliases for their repositories and use them
## when specifying repositories instead of number, name, or URI.
## These users might want to set this option to 'true'.
## Other users prefer to keep the aliases and names set by installation,
## registration, YaST, or other software managers, or .repo files (most
## software managers even hide the alias from user's view).
## These users might want to see the descriptive names, thus leave this
## option set to 'false'.
## Setting this option to 'true' will tell zypper to show repository
## alias instead of the long name wherever it needs to tell the name of
## the repository.
## Valid values: true, false
## Default value: false
# showAlias = false

## Columns to show in repository list printed by repos (lr) command by default.
## The # (number) and Enabled column is shown always. The following columns
## can be configured:
## a - alias - the shorthand for name and unique identifier
## n - name - full name of the repository
## r - autorefresh?
## u - URL
## p - priority
## Valid values: any combination of the above letters; capital letter marks
##               column by which the table will be sorted (if multiple
##               are used the sorting is undefined).
## Default value: Anr
# repoListColumns = Anr


## Do not install soft dependencies (recommended packages)
## Valid values: boolean
## Default value: yes
# installRecommends = yes

## Commands in which to force resolution.
## Comma-separated list of commands in which the resolution should be forced
## when solving package dependencies. This means the solver
## will automatically opt to remove problematic packages instead
## of asking the user how to resolve the dependency problem.
## This is particularly useful in the 'remove' command, since one
## typically wants to remove the requested package and all the packages
## which depend on it, without being asked. But one may find it convenient
## to force the resolution also in the 'install' command, or perhaps even
## others.
## This setting can be overridden ad-hoc by the --force-resolution and
## --no-force-resolution command line options.
## Valid values: remove, install, update, patch, verify
## Default value: remove
# forceResolutionCommands = remove


## Whether to use colors
## Valid values: always, never, or autodetect
## Default value: never
# useColors = never

## Do you use dark or light terminal background?
## Valid values: dark light
## Default value: dark
# background = dark

## Color for displaying results of operations.
## This includes installation summary, tables, and result messages.
## Valid values: color
## Default value: white
# result = white

## Color for displaying status and progress messages.
## Valid values: color
## Default value: grey
# msgStatus = grey

## Color for displaying error messages.
## Valid values: color
## Default value: red
# msgError = red

## Color for displaying warnings.
## Valid values: color
## Default value: yellow
# msgWarning = yellow

## Color for highlighting positive information.
## For example, 'done' result of progress indicator.
## (not used yet)
## Default value: green
# positive = green

## Color for highlighting negative information.
## For example, 'error' result of progress indicator.
## (not used yet)
## Valid values: color
## Default value: red
# negative = red

## Color for highlighting information for easier reading.
## Unlike positive/negative color, this is intended for neutral information,
## like highlighting table column by which the rows are sorted.
## Valid values: color
## Default value: lightcyan
# highlight = lightcyan

## Color for user dialog options.
## Valid values: color
## Default value: grey
# promptOption = grey


## openSUSE Build Service repository base URL.
## This is used to construct real URL from obs://project/platform URI
# baseUrl =

## openSUSE Build Service repository target platform.
## This will be used if none is given in the obs://obsrepo/platform URI
## when adding new repository with 'addrepo' command.
# platform = openSUSE_11.3