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<h1>Module magick-property Methods</h1>
<p class="navigation-index">[<a href="#MagickDeleteImageArtifact">MagickDeleteImageArtifact</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickDeleteImageProperty">MagickDeleteImageProperty</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickDeleteOption">MagickDeleteOption</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetAntialias">MagickGetAntialias</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetBackgroundColor">MagickGetBackgroundColor</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetColorspace">MagickGetColorspace</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetCompression">MagickGetCompression</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetCompressionQuality">MagickGetCompressionQuality</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetCopyright">MagickGetCopyright</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetFilename">MagickGetFilename</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetFont">MagickGetFont</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetFormat">MagickGetFormat</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetGravity">MagickGetGravity</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetHomeURL">MagickGetHomeURL</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageArtifact">MagickGetImageArtifact</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageArtifacts">MagickGetImageArtifacts</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageProfile">MagickGetImageProfile</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageProfiles">MagickGetImageProfiles</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageProperty">MagickGetImageProperty</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetImageProperties">MagickGetImageProperties</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetInterlaceScheme">MagickGetInterlaceScheme</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetInterpolateMethod">MagickGetInterpolateMethod</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetOption">MagickGetOption</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetOptions">MagickGetOptions</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetOrientation">MagickGetOrientation</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetPackageName">MagickGetPackageName</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetPage">MagickGetPage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetPointsize">MagickGetPointsize</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetQuantumDepth">MagickGetQuantumDepth</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetQuantumRange">MagickGetQuantumRange</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetReleaseDate">MagickGetReleaseDate</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetResolution">MagickGetResolution</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetResource">MagickGetResource</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetResourceLimit">MagickGetResourceLimit</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetSamplingFactors">MagickGetSamplingFactors</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetSize">MagickGetSize</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetSizeOffset">MagickGetSizeOffset</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetType">MagickGetType</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickGetVersion">MagickGetVersion</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickProfileImage">MagickProfileImage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickRemoveImageProfile">MagickRemoveImageProfile</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetAntialias">MagickSetAntialias</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetBackgroundColor">MagickSetBackgroundColor</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetColorspace">MagickSetColorspace</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetCompression">MagickSetCompression</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetCompressionQuality">MagickSetCompressionQuality</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetDepth">MagickSetDepth</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetExtract">MagickSetExtract</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetFilename">MagickSetFilename</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetFont">MagickSetFont</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetFormat">MagickSetFormat</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetGravity">MagickSetGravity</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetImageArtifact">MagickSetImageArtifact</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetImageProfile">MagickSetImageProfile</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetImageProperty">MagickSetImageProperty</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetInterlaceScheme">MagickSetInterlaceScheme</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetInterpolateMethod">MagickSetInterpolateMethod</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetOption">MagickSetOption</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetOrientation">MagickSetOrientation</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetPage">MagickSetPage</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetPassphrase">MagickSetPassphrase</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetPointsize">MagickSetPointsize</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetProgressMonitor">MagickSetProgressMonitor</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetResourceLimit">MagickSetResourceLimit</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetResolution">MagickSetResolution</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetSamplingFactors">MagickSetSamplingFactors</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetSize">MagickSetSize</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetSizeOffset">MagickSetSizeOffset</a> &bull; <a href="#MagickSetType">MagickSetType</a>]</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickDeleteImageArtifact">MagickDeleteImageArtifact</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickDeleteImageArtifact() deletes a wand artifact.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickDeleteImageArtifact method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickDeleteImageArtifact(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *artifact)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the image.</p>

<p>the image artifact.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickDeleteImageProperty">MagickDeleteImageProperty</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickDeleteImageProperty() deletes a wand property.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickDeleteImageProperty method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickDeleteImageProperty(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *property)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the image.</p>

<p>the image property.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickDeleteOption">MagickDeleteOption</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickDeleteOption() deletes a wand option.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickDeleteOption method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickDeleteOption(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *option)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the image.</p>

<p>the image option.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetAntialias">MagickGetAntialias</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetAntialias() returns the antialias property associated with the wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetAntialias method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickGetAntialias(const MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetBackgroundColor">MagickGetBackgroundColor</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetBackgroundColor() returns the wand background color.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetBackgroundColor method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  PixelWand *MagickGetBackgroundColor(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetColorspace">MagickGetColorspace</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetColorspace() gets the wand colorspace type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetColorspace method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  ColorspaceType MagickGetColorspace(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetCompression">MagickGetCompression</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetCompression() gets the wand compression type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetCompression method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  CompressionType MagickGetCompression(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetCompressionQuality">MagickGetCompressionQuality</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetCompressionQuality() gets the wand compression quality.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetCompressionQuality method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  size_t MagickGetCompressionQuality(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetCopyright">MagickGetCopyright</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetCopyright() returns the ImageMagick API copyright as a string constant.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetCopyright method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char *MagickGetCopyright(void)

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetFilename">MagickGetFilename</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetFilename() returns the filename associated with an image sequence.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetFilename method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char *MagickGetFilename(const MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetFont">MagickGetFont</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetFont() returns the font associated with the MagickWand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetFont method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetFont(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetFormat">MagickGetFormat</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetFormat() returns the format of the magick wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetFormat method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char MagickGetFormat(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetGravity">MagickGetGravity</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetGravity() gets the wand gravity.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetGravity method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  GravityType MagickGetGravity(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetHomeURL">MagickGetHomeURL</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetHomeURL() returns the ImageMagick home URL.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetHomeURL method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetHomeURL(void)

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetImageArtifact">MagickGetImageArtifact</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetImageArtifact() returns a value associated with the specified artifact.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetImageArtifact method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetImageArtifact(MagickWand *wand,const char *artifact)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the artifact.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetImageArtifacts">MagickGetImageArtifacts</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetImageArtifacts() returns all the artifact names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand.  Use MagickGetImageProperty() to return the value of a particular artifact.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetImageArtifacts method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetImageArtifacts(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *pattern,size_t *number_artifacts)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Specifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern.</p>

<p>the number artifacts associated with this wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetImageProfile">MagickGetImageProfile</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetImageProfile() returns the named image profile.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetImageProfile method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  unsigned char *MagickGetImageProfile(MagickWand *wand,const char *name,
    size_t *length)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Name of profile to return: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.</p>

<p>the length of the profile.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetImageProfiles">MagickGetImageProfiles</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetImageProfiles() returns all the profile names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand.  Use MagickGetImageProfile() to return the value of a particular property.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetImageProfiles method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetImageProfiles(MagickWand *wand,
    size_t *number_profiles)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Specifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern.</p>

<p>the number profiles associated with this wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetImageProperty">MagickGetImageProperty</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetImageProperty() returns a value associated with the specified property.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetImageProperty method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetImageProperty(MagickWand *wand,const char *property)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the property.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetImageProperties">MagickGetImageProperties</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetImageProperties() returns all the property names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand.  Use MagickGetImageProperty() to return the value of a particular property.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetImageProperties method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetImageProperties(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *pattern,size_t *number_properties)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Specifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern.</p>

<p>the number properties associated with this wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetInterlaceScheme">MagickGetInterlaceScheme</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetInterlaceScheme() gets the wand interlace scheme.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetInterlaceScheme method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  InterlaceType MagickGetInterlaceScheme(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetInterpolateMethod">MagickGetInterpolateMethod</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetInterpolateMethod() gets the wand compression.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetInterpolateMethod method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  InterpolatePixelMethod MagickGetInterpolateMethod(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetOption">MagickGetOption</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetOption() returns a value associated with a wand and the specified key.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetOption method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetOption(MagickWand *wand,const char *key)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the key.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetOptions">MagickGetOptions</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetOptions() returns all the option names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand.  Use MagickGetOption() to return the value of a particular option.  Use MagickRelinquishMemory() to free the value when you are finished with it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetOptions method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  char *MagickGetOptions(MagickWand *wand,size_t *number_options)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Specifies a pointer to a text string containing a pattern.</p>

<p>the number options associated with this wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetOrientation">MagickGetOrientation</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetOrientation() gets the wand orientation type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetOrientation method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  OrientationType MagickGetOrientation(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetPackageName">MagickGetPackageName</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetPackageName() returns the ImageMagick package name as a string constant.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetPackageName method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char *MagickGetPackageName(void)

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetPage">MagickGetPage</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetPage() returns the page geometry associated with the magick wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetPage method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickGetPage(const MagickWand *wand,
    size_t *width,size_t *height,ssize_t *x,ssize_t *y)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the page width.</p>

<p>page height.</p>

<p>the page x-offset.</p>

<p>the page y-offset.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetPointsize">MagickGetPointsize</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetPointsize() returns the font pointsize associated with the MagickWand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetPointsize method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  double MagickGetPointsize(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetQuantumDepth">MagickGetQuantumDepth</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetQuantumDepth() returns the ImageMagick quantum depth as a string constant.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetQuantumDepth method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char *MagickGetQuantumDepth(size_t *depth)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the quantum depth is returned as a number.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetQuantumRange">MagickGetQuantumRange</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetQuantumRange() returns the ImageMagick quantum range as a string constant.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetQuantumRange method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char *MagickGetQuantumRange(size_t *range)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the quantum range is returned as a number.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetReleaseDate">MagickGetReleaseDate</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetReleaseDate() returns the ImageMagick release date as a string constant.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetReleaseDate method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char *MagickGetReleaseDate(void)

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetResolution">MagickGetResolution</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetResolution() gets the image X and Y resolution.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetResolution method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickGetResolution(const MagickWand *wand,double *x,
    double *y)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the x-resolution.</p>

<p>the y-resolution.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetResource">MagickGetResource</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetResource() returns the specified resource in megabytes.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetResource method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickSizeType MagickGetResource(const ResourceType type)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetResourceLimit">MagickGetResourceLimit</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetResourceLimit() returns the specified resource limit in megabytes.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetResourceLimit method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickSizeType MagickGetResourceLimit(const ResourceType type)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetSamplingFactors">MagickGetSamplingFactors</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetSamplingFactors() gets the horizontal and vertical sampling factor.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetSamplingFactors method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  double *MagickGetSamplingFactor(MagickWand *wand,
    size_t *number_factors)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the number of factors in the returned array.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetSize">MagickGetSize</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetSize() returns the size associated with the magick wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetSize method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickGetSize(const MagickWand *wand,
    size_t *columns,size_t *rows)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the width in pixels.</p>

<p>the height in pixels.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetSizeOffset">MagickGetSizeOffset</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetSizeOffset() returns the size offset associated with the magick wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetSizeOffset method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickGetSizeOffset(const MagickWand *wand,
    ssize_t *offset)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the image offset.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetType">MagickGetType</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetType() returns the wand type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetType method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  ImageType MagickGetType(MagickWand *wand)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickGetVersion">MagickGetVersion</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickGetVersion() returns the ImageMagick API version as a string constant and as a number.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickGetVersion method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  const char *MagickGetVersion(size_t *version)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the ImageMagick version is returned as a number.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickProfileImage">MagickProfileImage</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickProfileImage() adds or removes a ICC, IPTC, or generic profile from an image.  If the profile is NULL, it is removed from the image otherwise added.  Use a name of '*' and a profile of NULL to remove all profiles from the image.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickProfileImage method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickProfileImage(MagickWand *wand,const char *name,
    const void *profile,const size_t length)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Name of profile to add or remove: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.</p>

<p>the profile.</p>

<p>the length of the profile.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickRemoveImageProfile">MagickRemoveImageProfile</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickRemoveImageProfile() removes the named image profile and returns it.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickRemoveImageProfile method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  unsigned char *MagickRemoveImageProfile(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *name,size_t *length)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Name of profile to return: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.</p>

<p>the length of the profile.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetAntialias">MagickSetAntialias</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetAntialias() sets the antialias propery of the wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetAntialias method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetAntialias(MagickWand *wand,
    const MagickBooleanType antialias)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the antialias property.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetBackgroundColor">MagickSetBackgroundColor</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetBackgroundColor() sets the wand background color.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetBackgroundColor method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetBackgroundColor(MagickWand *wand,
    const PixelWand *background)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the background pixel wand.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetColorspace">MagickSetColorspace</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetColorspace() sets the wand colorspace type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetColorspace method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetColorspace(MagickWand *wand,
    const ColorspaceType colorspace)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the wand colorspace.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetCompression">MagickSetCompression</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetCompression() sets the wand compression type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetCompression method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetCompression(MagickWand *wand,
    const CompressionType compression)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the wand compression.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetCompressionQuality">MagickSetCompressionQuality</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetCompressionQuality() sets the wand compression quality.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetCompressionQuality method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetCompressionQuality(MagickWand *wand,
    const size_t quality)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the wand compression quality.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetDepth">MagickSetDepth</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetDepth() sets the wand pixel depth.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetDepth method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetDepth(MagickWand *wand,
    const size_t depth)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the wand pixel depth.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetExtract">MagickSetExtract</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetExtract() sets the extract geometry before you read or write an image file.  Use it for inline cropping (e.g. 200x200+0+0) or resizing (e.g.200x200).</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetExtract method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetExtract(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *geometry)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the extract geometry.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetFilename">MagickSetFilename</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetFilename() sets the filename before you read or write an image file.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetFilename method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetFilename(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *filename)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the image filename.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetFont">MagickSetFont</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetFont() sets the font associated with the MagickWand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetFont method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetFont(MagickWand *wand, const char *font)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the font</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetFormat">MagickSetFormat</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetFormat() sets the format of the magick wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetFormat method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetFormat(MagickWand *wand,const char *format)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the image format.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetGravity">MagickSetGravity</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetGravity() sets the gravity type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetGravity type is:</p>

<pre class="text">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetGravity(MagickWand *wand,
    const GravityType type)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the gravity type.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetImageArtifact">MagickSetImageArtifact</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetImageArtifact() associates a artifact with an image.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetImageArtifact method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageArtifact(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *artifact,const char *value)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the artifact.</p>

<p>the value.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetImageProfile">MagickSetImageProfile</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetImageProfile() adds a named profile to the magick wand.  If a profile with the same name already exists, it is replaced.  This method differs from the MagickProfileImage() method in that it does not apply any CMS color profiles.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetImageProfile method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageProfile(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *name,const void *profile,const size_t length)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Name of profile to add or remove: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.</p>

<p>the profile.</p>

<p>the length of the profile.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetImageProperty">MagickSetImageProperty</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetImageProperty() associates a property with an image.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetImageProperty method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetImageProperty(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *property,const char *value)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the property.</p>

<p>the value.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetInterlaceScheme">MagickSetInterlaceScheme</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetInterlaceScheme() sets the image compression.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetInterlaceScheme method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetInterlaceScheme(MagickWand *wand,
    const InterlaceType interlace_scheme)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the image interlace scheme: NoInterlace, LineInterlace, PlaneInterlace, PartitionInterlace.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetInterpolateMethod">MagickSetInterpolateMethod</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetInterpolateMethod() sets the interpolate pixel method.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetInterpolateMethod method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetInterpolateMethod(MagickWand *wand,
    const InterpolateMethodPixel method)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the interpolate pixel method.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetOption">MagickSetOption</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetOption() associates one or options with the wand (.e.g MagickSetOption(wand,"jpeg:perserve","yes")).</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetOption method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetOption(MagickWand *wand,const char *key,
    const char *value)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>The key.</p>

<p>The value.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetOrientation">MagickSetOrientation</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetOrientation() sets the wand orientation type.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetOrientation method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetOrientation(MagickWand *wand,
    const OrientationType orientation)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the wand orientation.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetPage">MagickSetPage</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetPage() sets the page geometry of the magick wand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetPage method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetPage(MagickWand *wand,
    const size_t width,const size_t height,const ssize_t x,
    const ssize_t y)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the page width.</p>

<p>the page height.</p>

<p>the page x-offset.</p>

<p>the page y-offset.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetPassphrase">MagickSetPassphrase</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetPassphrase() sets the passphrase.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetPassphrase method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetPassphrase(MagickWand *wand,
    const char *passphrase)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the passphrase.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetPointsize">MagickSetPointsize</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetPointsize() sets the font pointsize associated with the MagickWand.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetPointsize method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetPointsize(MagickWand *wand,
    const double pointsize)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the size of the font</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetProgressMonitor">MagickSetProgressMonitor</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetProgressMonitor() sets the wand progress monitor to the specified method and returns the previous progress monitor if any.  The progress monitor method looks like this:</p>

<pre class="text">
      MagickBooleanType MagickProgressMonitor(const char *text,
  const MagickOffsetType offset,const MagickSizeType span,
  void *client_data)

<p>If the progress monitor returns MagickFalse, the current operation is interrupted.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetProgressMonitor method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickProgressMonitor MagickSetProgressMonitor(MagickWand *wand
    const MagickProgressMonitor progress_monitor,void *client_data)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>Specifies a pointer to a method to monitor progress of an image operation.</p>

<p>Specifies a pointer to any client data.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetResourceLimit">MagickSetResourceLimit</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetResourceLimit() sets the limit for a particular resource in megabytes.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetResourceLimit method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetResourceLimit(const ResourceType type,
    const MagickSizeType limit)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the type of resource: AreaResource, MemoryResource, MapResource, DiskResource, FileResource.</p>

<p>o The maximum limit for the resource.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetResolution">MagickSetResolution</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetResolution() sets the image resolution.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetResolution method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetResolution(MagickWand *wand,
    const double x_resolution,const doubtl y_resolution)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the image x resolution.</p>

<p>the image y resolution.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetSamplingFactors">MagickSetSamplingFactors</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetSamplingFactors() sets the image sampling factors.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetSamplingFactors method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetSamplingFactors(MagickWand *wand,
    const size_t number_factors,const double *sampling_factors)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the number of factors.</p>

<p>An array of doubles representing the sampling factor for each color component (in RGB order).</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetSize">MagickSetSize</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetSize() sets the size of the magick wand.  Set it before you read a raw image format such as RGB, GRAY, or CMYK.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetSize method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetSize(MagickWand *wand,
    const size_t columns,const size_t rows)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the width in pixels.</p>

<p>the rows in pixels.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetSizeOffset">MagickSetSizeOffset</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetSizeOffset() sets the size and offset of the magick wand.  Set it before you read a raw image format such as RGB, GRAY, or CMYK.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetSizeOffset method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetSizeOffset(MagickWand *wand,
    const size_t columns,const size_t rows,
    const ssize_t offset)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the image width in pixels.</p>

<p>the image rows in pixels.</p>

<p>the image offset.</p>

<h2><a href="" id="MagickSetType">MagickSetType</a></h2>
<div class="doc-section">

<p>MagickSetType() sets the image type attribute.</p>

<p>The format of the MagickSetType method is:</p>

<pre class="code">
  MagickBooleanType MagickSetType(MagickWand *wand,
    const ImageType image_type)

<p>A description of each parameter follows:</p>

<p>the magick wand.</p>

<p>the image type:   UndefinedType, BilevelType, GrayscaleType, GrayscaleMatteType, PaletteType, PaletteMatteType, TrueColorType, TrueColorMatteType, ColorSeparationType, ColorSeparationMatteType, or OptimizeType.</p>



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