

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0b8933517c81de1888126d4eff206979 > files > 34


 Upgrading Horde

:Last update:   $Date: 2009-10-13 14:24:25 $
:Revision:      $Revision: $

These are instructions to upgrade from earlier Horde versions. Please backup
your existing data before running any of the steps described below. You can't
use the updated data with your old Horde version anymore.

After updating to a newer Horde version, or a newer version of **any** Horde
application, you **always** need to update **all** configuration files.

Upgrading Horde from 3.3.x to 3.3.5

The signup_email column of the horde_signups table is no longer needed. You
can execute the provide SQL script to remove that column, e.g.::

   mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password> <db name> < scripts/upgrades/3.3_to_3.3.5.sql

Upgrading Horde from 3.2.x to 3.3.x

The sequence name for the SQL share driver has been changed from 'sequence' to
'id' You must execute the provided PHP script to update your database::

    php scripts/upgrades/2008-08-29_fix_mdb2_sequences.php

Note that this upgrade will require you to have the PEAR MDB2_Schema package
installed on your system::

    pear install MDB2_Schema

Upgrading Horde from 3.1.x to 3.2.x

SQL Backends

A few new tables have been added to Horde.

Execute one of the provided SQL scripts to update your data to the new Horde
version, e.g.::

   mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password> <db name> < scripts/upgrades/3.1_to_3.2.mysql.sql

Beta SQL Drivers

There are now beta-level SQL drivers for Groups, Shares, and
Permissions. There is a script
``horde/scripts/upgrades/convert_datatree_perms_to_sql.php`` that will migrate
all of your DataTree-based permissions to the SQL backend, and
``horde/scripts/upgrades/convert_datatree_groups_to_sql.php`` that will
migrate groups. For shares, you will need to upgrade each application
individually. Applications that use shares have entries in ``docs/UPGRADING``
and upgrade scripts ``scripts/upgrades/convert_datatree_shares_to_sql.php``
for creating the SQL share tables and migrating data.

The SQL drivers should perform much better than the DataTree versions,
but they have not received the same level of testing, thus the beta

Memcache Configuration

All memcache configuration has been moved to the $conf['memcache'] parameter.

Application Hooks

All hooks that are specific to a single application have been moved to that
application's ``config/hooks.php`` file. Split up your existing Hooks from
``horde/config/hooks.php`` and move them to the correct application.

Group Hooks

The format for group hook functions has changed from
_group_hook_groupName($username) to _group_hook($groupName,
$userName).  So you will need to modify any existing group hook
functions in config/hooks.php for the new interface.

Alternatively, an example _group_hook() function is provided in
config/hooks.php that will call the old style hook functions for you.

Custom Themes

Themes only have a single ``info.php`` file with the theme name in Horde's
``themes`` directory now. If you have any custom themes that provide their own
images, you must add a ``themed_graphics`` file to the theme's directory (for
all applications the theme provides images for) in order for Horde to know to
use the custom images. The file can be empty or contain whatever you wish; it
simply needs to exist.

Static Log out Links

If you have hardcoded a log out link in any custom templates or menu
items, you must update it to use Horde::getServiceLink(). This is
because logging out is now protected by a token to avoid CSRF

Upgrading Horde from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2

Session Configuration

A new configuration setting has been added to disable GET-based
sessions.  If this setting is enabled, session IDs will only be stored
in session cookies, requiring the users to enable cookies in their
browser and the cookie settings in Horde's configuration to be correct.

Using session cookies is much safer since no session information can
be stored in any web server or proxy log files, referrer headers,
browser caches, or browser bookmarks.

.. Warning:: This setting in enabled by default.

Additional Indexes for the Preference Table

Optionally execute the provided SQL script 2006-06-29_horde_prefs_indexes.sql
to create two additional indexes in the preference table, e.g.::

   mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password> <db name> < scripts/upgrades/2006-06-29_horde_prefs_indexes.sql

This increases database performance for some database systems, e.g. PostgreSQL
if you have large preference tables.

Upgrading Horde from 3.1 to 3.1.1

MySQL Session Handler

The mysql session handler has been improved to correctly lock concurrent
accesses to the same session. You need to set in the Horde configuration if
you want to use row-level locking and transactions or table-level
locking. Row-level locking and transactions are only supported by some table
engines like InnoDB, and is recommended for session tables. The default table
type for MySQL is MyISAM though, that only supports table-level locking. If
you used the SQL scripts from Horde 3.1 or earlier to create the session
table, this is probably the current engine of you session table. If you want
to change the table type to InnoDB, execute the following SQL statement::

   ALTER TABLE horde_sessionhandler ENGINE = InnoDB

Upgrading Horde from 3.0.x to 3.1.x

SQL Backends

A few new tables have been added to Horde.

Execute one of the provided SQL scripts to update your data to the new Horde
version, e.g.::

   mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password> <db name> < scripts/upgrades/3.0_to_3.1.mysql.sql


The Horde_Group API uses group IDs instead of group names to avoid ambiguity.
Be sure to update any custom code that uses Horde_Group.


The Horde_History storage has been moved out to a separate database table to
drastically improve performance.

.. Warning:: Migration of the Horde_History data may take a very long time,
             possibly days, depending on the number of entries.  Be sure to
             execute this script from a location where it will not be timed
             out by firewall or terminal timeouts.

Execute the provided PHP script to migrate your histories to the new table::

   php scripts/upgrades/move_history_out_of_datatree.php

Upgrading Horde from 2.x to 3.0.x

Configuration files

The configuration files have been changed to XML format.  To generate a valid
configuration file from the XML file, follow the configuration instructions
in the applications' ``docs/INSTALL`` file.


The ``last_login`` and ``date_format`` preferences have changed their format
and/or scope.  Just remove all ``last_login`` and ``date_format`` preferences
from the preferences backend.

SQL Backends

A few new tables have been added to Horde.

Execute the provided SQL script to update your data to the new Horde version::

   mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password> <db name> < scripts/upgrades/2.2_to_3.0.mysql.sql