

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0b8933517c81de1888126d4eff206979 > files > 4


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $Horde: horde/config/conf.xml,v 2009-09-02 08:21:46 jan Exp $ -->
 <configtab name="general" desc="General">
  <configheader>General Horde Settings</configheader>
  <configboolean name="vhosts" desc="Enable virtual host configuration? If you
  want to use a single Horde installation for different virtual hosts, you can
  create separate configuration files for each virtual host,
  e.g. &lt;code&gt;;/code&gt; or
  &lt;code&gt;;/code&gt;. The global
  configuration files are always loaded first, and virtual host specific files
  are not required.">false</configboolean>
  <configheader>PHP Settings</configheader>
  <configphp name="debug_level" desc="The value to set
  error_reporting() to.
  See for more
  information and possible values.">E_ALL &amp; ~E_NOTICE</configphp>
  <configinteger name="max_exec_time" desc="If we need to perform a long
  operation, what should we set max_execution_time to (in seconds)? 0 means no
  limit; however, a value of 0 will cause a warning if you are running in safe
  mode. See for more
  <configboolean name="compress_pages" desc="If this option is set to true, and
  you have the php zlib extension, pages over a certain size will be compressed
  and sent to the browser as gzip-encoded data in order to save
  bandwidth. There is a CPU-usage penalty to pay for this, but the decrease in
  page size can be dramatic (70k to under 10k for a full mailbox page), and is
  more than worth it over anything but an extremely fast
  <configsecret name="secret_key" desc="Secret key for generating signed
  messages from this server. This is a random string unique to this Horde
  <configinteger name="umask" octal="true" desc="What umask should we run
  with? This will affect the permissions on any temporary files that are
  created. This value is an integer.">077</configinteger>
  <configstring name="tmpdir" required="false" desc="If you want to use a
  temporary directory other than the system default or the one specified in
  php's upload_tmp_dir value, enter it here."/>
  <configheader>URL Settings</configheader>
  <configenum name="use_ssl" quote="false" desc="Determines how we generate
  full URLs (for location headers and such).">2
    <value desc="Assume that we are not using SSL and never generate https
    <value desc="Assume that we are using SSL and always generate https
    <value desc="Attempt to auto-detect, and generate URLs
    <value desc="Assume that we are not using SSL and generate https URLs only
    for login.">3</value>
  <configsection name="server">
   <configphp name="name" desc="What server name should we use? You'll probably
   know if you need to change this default; only in situations where you need
   to override what Apache thinks the server name is.">
   <configphp name="port" required="false" desc="What port number is the
   webserver running on?  Again, you shouldn't need to change the default, and
   you probably know it if you do. The exception is if you have chosen to
   always generate https URLs, as described above."/>
  <configsection name="urls">
   <configinteger name="token_lifetime" desc="This is the length of time in
   minutes that links protected with request tokens (to prevent cross-site
   request forgery) will be valid. Higher values may make your users more
   vulnerable to these attacks.">30</configinteger>
   <configinteger name="hmac_lifetime" desc="This is the length of time in
   minutes that links signed with HMACs (to prevent forged URL parametes)
   will be valid. Higher values may make your users more vulnerable to
   forgery or phishing.">30</configinteger>

   <configenum name="pretty" required="false" desc="Use pretty URLs?">false
     <value desc="No (GET-based URLs)">false</value>
     <value desc="URL rewriting (mod_rewrite, lighttpd rules, etc.)">rewrite</value>
  <configlist name="safe_ips" required="false" desc="A list of IP subnets
  that are considered safe, e.g. to transfer encryption passphrases without
  requiring an HTTPS connection. (Example:, To consider
  all connections to be safe (e.g. when SSL is handled by an SSL crypto card
  and not by the webserver) this value should be '*'."/>

  <configheader>Session Settings</configheader>
  <configsection name="session">
   <configstring name="name" desc="What name should we use for the session
   that Horde applications share? If you want to share sessions with other
   applications on your webserver, you will need to make sure that they are
   using the same session name.  Note: Session names must consist of only
   alphanumeric characters.">Horde</configstring>
   <configboolean name="use_only_cookies" desc="Should we only allow session
   information to be stored in a session cookie and not be passed by URL (GET)
   parameters? This is on by default because passing session information in
   the URL is a security risk. &lt;b&gt;Consider carefully before turning it
   off&lt;/b&gt;. Cookies must be working and enabled in the browser though, or
   you won't be able to login to Horde. If false, session information will be
   passed via both the URL and cookies.">true</configboolean>
   <configstring name="cache_limiter" desc="What caching level should we use
   for the session? DO NOT CHANGE THIS UNLESS YOU &lt;strong&gt;REALLY
   &lt;/strong&gt; KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Setting this to anything other
   than 'nocache' will almost certainly result in severely broken script
   <configinteger name="timeout" desc="How long should sessions last (in
   seconds)? 0 means that the session ends when the user closes their browser.
   Set other values with care - see">
  <configsection name="cookie">
   <configphp name="domain" desc="What domain should we set cookies from? If
   you have a cluster that needs to share cookies, this might be ''
   - the leading '.' is important. If you only use session cookies (see
   above), but you are running Horde on an intranet server without a domain
   part, i.e. http//horde/, you need to set this value to ''. Most likely,
   though, you won't have to change the
   <configstring name="path" desc="What path should we set cookies to? This
   should match where Horde is on your webserver - if it is at /horde, then
   this should be '/horde'. If Horde is installed as the document root, then
   this needs to be '/' - NOT ''.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;strong&gt;BUT&lt;/strong&gt;,
   if IE will be used to access Horde modules, you should read this first
   (discussing issues with IE's Content Advisor):">

 <configtab name="sql" desc="Database">
  <configsection name="sql">
   <configheader>Database Settings</configheader>
   <configdescription>&lt;strong&gt;NOTE:&lt;/strong&gt; These are only the
   &lt;em&gt;default&lt;/em&gt; values for any database driven backends. You
   still need to configure the different systems like "Preferences" or
   "DataTree" to actually &lt;em&gt;use&lt;/em&gt; a database
   <configsql switchname="phptype" baseconfig="true" />

 <configtab name="auth" desc="Authentication">
  <configsection name="auth">
   <configheader>Authentication Settings</configheader>
   <configlist name="admins" desc="Which users should be treated as
   administrators (root, super-user) by Horde?" required="false"/>
   <configboolean name="checkip" desc="Should we always store and validate
   the IP address of the client (as seen by the web server) in the session?
   Doing so will help increase security by making it harder for an attacker
   from another host to hijack the session.">true</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="checkbrowser" desc="Should we always store and
   validate the browser string of the client (as seen by the web server) in
   the session? Doing so will help increase security by making it harder for
   an attacker to hijack the session.">true</configboolean>
   <configstring name="alternate_login" desc="If this is not false, it is
   assumed to be the URL of an alternate login screen which will be used in
   place of horde's default login screen.">false</configstring>
   <configstring name="redirect_on_logout" desc="If this is not false, it is
   assumed to be the URL of an alternate logout page which users will be sent
   to when they log out.">false</configstring>
   <configenum name="list_users" desc="If the authentication backend is
   capable of listing all users, should we show this list to the users,
   e.g. in the permissions screen?">list
     <value desc="Show a drop down list">list</value>
     <value desc="Show an input field">input</value>
     <value desc="Show both, a list and an input field">both</value>

   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What backend should we use for
   authenticating users to Horde?">

    <case name="application" desc="Let a Horde application handle
     <configsection name="params">
      <configenum name="app" desc="The application which is providing
        <configspecial name="list-horde-apps"/>

    <case name="auto" desc="Automatic authentication as a certain user">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="username" desc="The username to authenticate
      everyone as">horde_user</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" desc="The password to use for the user's
      credentials" required="false"/>
      <configboolean name="requestuser" desc="Allow username to be passed by
      GET, POST or cookie?">false</configboolean>

    <case name="composite" desc="Composite authentication">
      This authentication driver needs manual configuration not possible
      through this interface. Add the appropriate configuration lines at the
      end of the generated configuration file. See for details.

    <case name="ftp" desc="FTP authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="The hostname or IP address of the
      FTP server">localhost</configstring>
      <configinteger name="port" desc="The server port to connect to">

    <case name="http" desc="HTTP (Basic Authentication/.htpasswd)
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="htpasswd_file" required="false" desc="The location of
      the htpasswd file containing the user names and passwords"/>
      <configenum name="encryption" desc="The password hashing algorithm used in the htpasswd file">crypt-des

    <case name="http_remote" desc="Remote HTTP Authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="url" desc="The remote HTTP endpoint to authenticate against" />

    <case name="imap" desc="IMAP authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configswitch name="imapconfig" desc="Configuration type">
       <case name="dsn" desc="DSN">
        <configstring name="dsn" desc="The full IMAP connection
       <case name="separate" desc="Separate values">
        <configstring name="hostspec" desc="The hostname or IP address of the
        <configinteger name="port" desc="The server port to which we will
        connect. IMAP is generally 143, while IMAP-SSL is generally
        <configenum name="protocol" desc="The connection protocol">imap/notls

    <case name="imsp" desc="IMSP server authentication" />

    <case name="ipbasic" desc="Simple IP based authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configlist name="blocks" desc="A list of CIDR masks which are allowed

    <case name="ipmap" desc="IP based authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configlist name="blocks" desc="A list of CIDR masks which are allowed

    <case name="krb5" desc="Kerberos authentication"/>

    <case name="kolab" desc="Kolab authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configboolean name="login_block" desc="Should the login be
      blocked after a given number of failed logins?">
      <configinteger name="login_block_count" desc="After how many
      failed logins the login should be blocked?">3</configinteger>
      <configinteger name="login_block_time" desc="How many minutes
      the login should be blocked?">5</configinteger>

    <case name="ldap" desc="LDAP authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="The hostname of the LDAP server">
      <configstring name="basedn" desc="The base DN for the LDAP server"/>
      <configstring name="binddn" required="false" desc="The DN used to bind
      to the LDAP server"/>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="The password used
      to bind to the LDAP server"/>
      <configenum name="version" desc="LDAP protocol version">3
        <value desc="LDAPv2 (deprecated)">2</value>
        <value desc="LDAPv3">3</value>
      <configboolean name="tls" desc="Enable TLS?">false</configboolean>
      <configenum name="scope" desc="Search scope">sub
        <value desc="Subtree search">sub</value>
        <value desc="One level">one</value>
      <configstring name="sizelimit" required="false" desc="Size limit for
      listing users on large directories"/>
      <configboolean name="ad" desc="Is this an AD server?">
      <configstring name="uid" desc="The username search key (set to
      samaccountname for AD)"/>
      <configenum name="encryption" desc="The password hashing algorithm to

      <configlist name="newuser_objectclass" desc="What objectclasses should a
      new user account be member of? These objectclasses should cover the
      cn,sn,userPassword attributes as well as the username search key">

      <configswitch name="filter_type" desc="How to specify a filter for the
      user lists">objectclass
       <case name="objectclass" desc="One or more objectclass filters">
        <configlist name="objectclass" desc="The objectclass filter used to
        search for users. Can be a single objectclass or a list."/>
       <case name="free" desc="A complete LDAP filter expression">
        <configstring name="filter" desc="The LDAP RFC formatted filter used
        to search for users."/>

      <configswitch name="password_expiration" desc="Enable the creating of
      accounts with expiring passwords? (Note: New users should have the
      shadowAccount objectclass)">no
       <case name="no" desc="no" />
       <case name="yes" desc="yes">
        <configstring name="minage" desc="After how many days may a password
        be changed again?">5</configstring>
        <configstring name="maxage" desc="How many days will a password
        remain valid?">30</configstring>
        <configstring name="warnage" desc="How many days before expiration
        should a user be warned?">5</configstring>

    <case name="login" desc="Login (su) authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="location" desc="Location of the su binary">

    <case name="mcal" desc="MCAL authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="calendar" desc="The MCAL calendar name"/>

    <case name="pam" desc="PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules, DEPRECATED)
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="service" desc="The name of the PAM service to use
      when authenticating">php</configstring>

    <case name="passwd" desc="password file authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="filename" desc="The password file to use">
      <configenum name="encryption" required="false" desc="The password
      hashing algorithm used in the password file">crypt
      <configboolean name="show_encryption" required="false" desc="Prepend the
      password algorithm to the password value?">false</configboolean>
      <configstring name="group_filename" required="false" desc="An accompanying group file" />
      <configlist name="required_groups" required="false" desc="A comma-separated list of groups allowed to log in. If blank, or if there is no group file, any valid user will be allowed to log in." />
      <configboolean name="lock" desc="Should we lock the password file? This incurs a concurrent performance penalty, but is required if you want the ability to add, update, or delete users.">

    <case name="radius" desc="Radius authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="host" desc="The RADIUS host to use (IP address or
      fully qualified hostname)">localhost</configstring>
      <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="The port to use on the
      RADIUS server"/>
      <configenum name="method" desc="The RADIUS method to use for validating
      the request">PAP
        <value desc="PAP">PAP</value>
        <value desc="CHAP_MD5 (not supported at the moment)">CHAP_MD5</value>
        <value desc="MSCHAPv1 (not supported at the moment)">MSCHAPv1</value>
        <value desc="MSCHAPv2 (not supported at the moment)">MSCHAPv2</value>
      <configstring name="nas" required="false" desc="The RADIUS NAS
      identifier to use." />
      <configstring name="secret" desc="The RADIUS shared secret string for the
      host. The RADIUS protocol ignores all but the leading 128 bytes of the
      shared secret."/>
      <configinteger name="retries" required="false" desc="The maximum number
      of repeated requests to make before giving up [3]"/>
      <configstring name="suffix" required="false" desc="The domain name to add
      to unqualified user names"/>
      <configinteger name="timeout" required="false" desc="The timeout for
      receiving replies from the server (in seconds) [3]"/>

    <case name="peclsasl" desc="SASL authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="app" desc="The name of the authenticating
      <configstring name="service" desc="The name of the SASL service to use
      when authenticating">php</configstring>

    <case name="smb" desc="SMB (smbauth extension) authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="IP, DNS Name, or NetBios Name of the
      SMB server to authenticate with">localhost</configstring>
      <configstring name="domain" desc="The domain name to authenticate with"/>
      <configstring name="group" required="false" desc="Optional group name
      that the user must be a member of"/>

    <case name="smbclient" desc="SMB (smbclient) authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="IP, DNS Name, or NetBios Name of the
      SMB server to authenticate with">localhost</configstring>
      <configstring name="domain" desc="The domain name to authenticate with"/>
      <configstring name="smbclient_path" desc="The location of the smbclient program">/usr/bin/smbclient</configstring>

    <case name="sql" desc="SQL authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configsql switchname="driverconfig" />
      <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the auth
      table in the database [horde_users]"/>
      <configstring name="username_field" required="false" desc="The name of
      the username field in the auth table [user_uid]"/>
      <configstring name="password_field" required="false" desc="The name of
      the password field in the auth table [user_pass]"/>
      <configstring name="soft_expiration_field" required="false" desc="The
      name of a field containing a UNIX timestamp.  When a user logs in after
      the specified time, if 'passwd' is installed, that user will be asked to
      change his or her password.  This feature is disabled by default."/>
      <configstring name="hard_expiration_field" required="false" desc="The
      name of a field containing a UNIX timestamp.  A user will not be able to
      log in after the specified time.  This feature is disabled by default."/>
      <configinteger name="soft_expiration_window" required="false"
      desc="This is how often, in days, the user must change his or her
      password.  When the user's password is updated, the &quot;soft&quot;
      expiration is set this many days in the future.  If not provided,
      the user's password will not expire by default."/>
      <configinteger name="hard_expiration_window" required="false" desc="The
      number of days in the grace period the user has to change his or her
      password after it has expired.  If not provided, the grace period will
      not expire."/>
      <configenum name="encryption" required="false" desc="The password hashing algorithm to use">ssha
      <configboolean name="show_encryption" required="false" desc="Prepend the password algorithm to the password value?">false</configboolean>

    <case name="customsql" desc="SQL authentication w/custom-made queries">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configenum name="phptype" desc="The name of the database">mysql
        <value desc="Microsoft SQL Server">mssql</value>
        <value desc="MySQL">mysql</value>
        <value desc="MySQL (mysqli)">mysqli</value>
        <value desc="ODBC">odbc</value>
        <value desc="Oracle 8">oci8</value>
        <value desc="PostgreSQL">pgsql</value>
      <configswitch name="protocol" desc="What protocol will we use to connect
      to the database?">unix
       <case name="unix" desc="UNIX Sockets">
        <configstring name="socket" required="false" desc="Location of UNIX
       <case name="tcp" desc="TCP/IP">
        <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="Port the DB is
        running on, if non-standard">5432</configinteger>
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="What hostname is the database server
      running on, or what is the name of the system DSN to use?">
      <configstring name="username" desc="What username do we authenticate to
      the database server as?">horde</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="What password do we
      authenticate to the database server with?"/>
      <configstring name="database" desc="What database name/tablespace are we
       Some special tokens can be used in the sql query. They are replaced at
       the query stage:&lt;ul&gt;
       &lt;li&gt;"\L" will be replaced by the user's login&lt;/li&gt;
       &lt;li&gt;"\P" will be replaced by the user's password&lt;/li&gt;
       &lt;li&gt;"\O" will be replaced by the old user's login (required for
       Eg: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = \L AND passwd = \P AND billing =
      <configstring name="query_auth" desc="Authenticate the user"/>
      <configstring name="query_add" desc="Add user"/>
      <configstring name="query_getpw" desc="Get a user's password"/>
      <configstring name="query_update" desc="Update user"/>
      <configstring name="query_resetpassword" desc="Reset a user's password"/>
      <configstring name="query_remove" desc="Remove user"/>
      <configstring name="query_list" desc="List users"/>
      <configstring name="query_exists" desc="Check if an account exists"/>
      <configenum name="encryption" desc="The password hashing algorithm to use">ssha
      <configboolean name="show_encryption" desc="Prepend the password algorithm to the password value?">false</configboolean>

    <case name="cyrsql" desc="SQL implementation for the Cyrus IMAP server">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="cyradmin" desc="The username of the cyrus
      <configstring name="cyrpass" desc="The password for the cyrus
      <configstring name="imap_dsn" desc="The full IMAP DSN
      (i.e. {localhost:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert})"/>
      <configenum name="phptype" desc="The name of the database">mysql
        <value desc="Microsoft SQL Server">mssql</value>
        <value desc="MySQL">mysql</value>
        <value desc="ODBC">odbc</value>
        <value desc="Oracle 8">oci8</value>
        <value desc="PostgreSQL">pgsql</value>
      <configswitch name="protocol" desc="What protocol will we use to connect
      to the database?">unix
       <case name="unix" desc="UNIX Sockets">
        <configstring name="socket" required="false" desc="Location of UNIX
       <case name="tcp" desc="TCP/IP">
        <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="Port the DB is
        running on, if non-standard">5432</configinteger>
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="What hostname is the database server
      running on, or what is the name of the system DSN to use?">
      <configstring name="username" desc="What username do we authenticate to
      the database server as?">horde</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="What password do we
      authenticate to the database server with?"/>
      <configstring name="database" desc="What database name/tablespace are we
      <configstring name="table" desc="The name of the auth table in the
      <configstring name="username_field" desc="The name of the username field
      in the auth table">user_uid</configstring>
      <configstring name="password_field" desc="The name of the password field
      in the auth table">user_pass</configstring>
      <configstring name="domain_field" desc="If set to anything other than
      'none' this is used as field name where domain is
      <configenum name="encryption" desc="The password hashing algorithm to use">ssha
      <configlist name="folders" required="false" desc="A list of folders to
      create under username"/>
      <configinteger name="quota" required="false" desc="The quota (in
      kilobytes) to grant on the mailbox"/>
      <configboolean name="unixhier" desc="The value of imapd.conf's
      unixhierarchysep setting. Check this if the value is true in
      <configlist name="hidden_accounts" required="false" desc="A list of accounts to
      hide from the user interface">cyrus</configlist>

    <case name="shibboleth" desc="Shibboleth Authentication">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="username_header" desc="The HTTP header holding the
      <configswitch name="password_holder" desc="Where should we get the
      password for hordeauth from?">
       <case name="none" desc="No passwords"/>
       <case name="header" desc="HTTP Header">
        <configstring name="password_header" desc="The HTTP header holding the
        password" required="false"></configstring>
       <case name="preferences" desc="Horde Preferences">
        <configstring name="password_preference" desc="The Horde preference
        that contains the password" required="false"></configstring>

 <configtab name="signup" desc="Sign Up">
  <configsection name="signup">
   <configheader>Sign Up Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="allow" desc="Allow non-registered users to register and
   provide a link on the login screen?">false
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configswitch name="driver" desc="What signup driver should we
      <case name="sql" desc="SQL Database">
       <configsection name="params">
        <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
         <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
         signup table in the database [horde_signups]"/>
      <case name="datatree" desc="DataTree" />
     <configstring name="email" desc="Specify an email address, if a message
     should be send to notify about new signups, including links for approving
     and denying." required="false"/>
     <configboolean name="approve" desc="Admin has to approve any user
     submitted registration requests? (WARNING: Setting to false would mean
     that every user who signs up would have automatic access to your horde
     system.)" required="false">true</configboolean>
     <configboolean name="preprocess" desc="Pass the user submitted information
     through the _horde_hook_signup_preprocess function in hooks.php before
     processing the request?" required="false">false</configboolean>
     <configboolean name="queue" desc="Pass the user submitted information
     through the _horde_hook_signup_queue function in hooks.php after
     processing the request but before actually queueing it?" required="false">
    <case name="false" desc="No" />

 <configtab name="log" desc="Logging">
  <configsection name="log">
   <configheader>Logging Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="enabled" quote="false" desc="Should Horde log errors and
   other useful information?">true
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configenum name="priority" quote="false" desc="What level of messages
     should we log? Each level logs itself and all those that come before it:
     PEAR_LOG_ALERT would only log alerts and emergencies, but PEAR_LOG_DEBUG
     would log everything.">PEAR_LOG_NOTICE
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_EMERG">PEAR_LOG_EMERG</value>
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_ALERT">PEAR_LOG_ALERT</value>
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_CRIT">PEAR_LOG_CRIT</value>
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_ERR">PEAR_LOG_ERR</value>
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_WARNING">PEAR_LOG_WARNING</value>
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_NOTICE">PEAR_LOG_NOTICE</value>
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_INFO">PEAR_LOG_INFO</value>
       <value desc="PEAR_LOG_DEBUG">PEAR_LOG_DEBUG</value>
     <configstring name="ident" desc="What identifier should we use in the

     <configsection name="params">

     <configswitch name="type" desc="What log driver should we use?">file
      <case name="console" desc="Console">
       <configsection name="params">
        <configphp name="stream" required="false" desc="The output stream to
        <configboolean name="buffering" required="false" desc="Should the
        output be buffered until shutdown?">false</configboolean>
        <configstring name="lineFormat" required="false" desc="Log line format
        <configstring name="timeFormat" required="false" desc="Time stamp

      <case name="display" desc="Display">
       <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="error_prepend" required="false" desc="This string
        will be prepended to the log output"/>
        <configstring name="error_append" required="false" desc="This string
        will be appended to the log output"/>

      <case name="error_log" desc="Error Log">
       <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="destination" required="false" desc="Optional
        destination value for error_log(). See
        for more details."/>
        <configstring name="extra_headers" required="false" desc="Additional
        headers to pass to the mail() function when the PEAR_LOG_TYPE_MAIL type
        is specified"/>

      <case name="file" desc="File">
       <configstring name="name" desc="Path to the log
       <configsection name="params">
        <configboolean name="append" required="false" desc="Should new log
        entries be appended to an existing log file? If this is false, new log
        files will overwrite existing ones.">true</configboolean>
        <configinteger name="mode" octal="true" required="false" desc="Octal
        representation of the log file's permissions mode"/>
        <configphp name="eol" required="false" desc="The end-of-line character
        <configstring name="lineFormat" required="false" desc="Log line format
        <configstring name="timeFormat" required="false" desc="Time stamp

      <case name="mail" desc="Mail">
       <configstring name="name" desc="The recipient for the message"/>
       <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="from" required="false" desc="Value for the
        message's From: header"/>
        <configstring name="subject" required="false" desc="Value for the
        message's Subject: header"/>
        <configstring name="preamble" required="false" desc="Preamble for the

      <case name="mcal" desc="Mcal">
       <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="calendar" desc="The MCAL calendar name"/>
        <configstring name="username" desc="Connect to MCAL as"/>
        <configstring name="password" desc="Password to connect with"/>

      <case name="null" desc="Null"/>

      <case name="sql" desc="SQL">
       <configstring name="name" desc="The table to log
       <configsection name="params">
        <configphp name="dsn" desc="A Data Source

      <case name="sqlite" desc="SQLite">
       <configstring name="name" desc="The table to log
       <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="filename" desc="Path to an Sqlite database"/>
        <configinteger name="mode" octal="true" required="false" desc="Octal
        mode used to open the database [0666]"/>
        <configboolean name="persistent" required="false" desc="Use a
        persistent connection">false</configboolean>

      <case name="syslog" desc="Syslog">
       <configphp name="name" quote="false" desc="Syslog facility to use"/>

      <case name="win" desc="Window">
       <configstring name="name" desc="Name of the opened window"/>
       <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="title" required="false" desc="The title of the
        output window"/>

    <case name="false" desc="No"/>
  <configboolean name="log_accesskeys" desc="Should Horde log statistics about
   used access keys? This is only useful for translators of the
   UI. You also need to set the log level to at least

 <configtab name="prefs" desc="Preference System">
  <configsection name="prefs">
   <configheader>Preference System Settings</configheader>
   <configinteger name="maxsize" required="false" desc="The size of the
   preferences field in your backend in bytes. Horde will reject any write to
   the preferences backend if its length exceeds this value. Leave empty to
   skip this checking. E.g. MySQL stores the preference data in a LONGTEXT
   field. This field can hold 4294967295 bytes so most likely checking is not
   needed. However other DB installations may only have a storage size of 64
   KB (65535 bytes). These installations would want to turn checking on."/>
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What preferences driver should we
     <case name="sql" desc="SQL Database">
      <configsection name="params">
       <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
        <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
        preference table in the database [horde_prefs]"/>
     <case name="file" desc="Files">
      <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="directory" required="true" desc="Directory to store the preferences in."/>
     <case name="ldap" desc="LDAP">
      <configsection name="params">
       <configstring name="hostspec" desc="The hostname of the LDAP server">
       <configinteger name="port" desc="The port of the LDAP server">
       <configenum name="version" desc="LDAP protocol version">3
         <value desc="LDAPv2 (deprecated)">2</value>
         <value desc="LDAPv3">3</value>
       <configboolean name="tls" desc="Enable TLS?">false</configboolean>
       <configstring name="basedn" desc="The base DN for LDAP preference
       <configstring name="searchdn" required="false" desc="DN with which to
       bind for searches - blank for anonymous"/>
       <configstring name="searchpw" required="false"  desc="Password with
       which to bind for searches - blank for anonymous"/>
       <configswitch name="writedn" desc="Bind to LDAP as which user when
       writing permissions to LDAP">
         <case name="user" desc="Bind as User" />
         <case name="admin" desc="Bind as Admin">
           <configstring name="admindn" desc="DN of the administrative account
           with which to bind for write operations"/>
           <configstring name="adminpw" desc="Password of the administrative
         <case name="searchdn" desc="Use search credentials"/>
       <configstring name="uid" desc="The username search key"/>
     <case name="session" desc="PHP Sessions"/>
     <case name="kolab" desc="Kolab (LDAP)" />
     <case name="kolab_imap" desc="Kolab (IMAP)" />
     <case name="imsp" desc="IMSP Server" />

 <configtab name="alarms" desc="Alarm System">
  <configsection name="alarms">
   <configheader>Alarm System Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What alarm storage driver should we
     <case name="false" desc="None"/>
     <case name="sql" desc="SQL Database">
      <configsection name="params">
       <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
        <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
        alarm table in the database [horde_alarms]"/>
       <configinteger name="ttl" desc="How often should the applications be
       queried for new alarms, in seconds?">300</configinteger>

 <configtab name="datatree" desc="DataTree System">
  <configsection name="datatree">
   <configheader>DataTree System Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What backend should we use for Horde
   DataTree storage?">null
     <case name="null" desc="None"/>
     <case name="sql" desc="SQL Database">
      <configsection name="params">
       <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
        <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
        data table in the database [horde_datatree]"/>
        <configstring name="table_attributes" required="false" desc="The name
        of the data attributes table in the database

 <configtab name="group" desc="Groups">
  <configsection name="group">
   <configheader>Groups Settings</configheader>
    The Hooks backend extends the DataTree backend to allow hooks to extend a
    group to dynamically include members into a group.  See hooks.php.dist for
    an example.
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What backend should we use for Horde
     <case name="datatree" desc="DataTree"/>
     <case name="hooks" desc="Hooks"/>
     <case name="kolab" desc="Kolab"/>
     <case name="ldap" desc="LDAP">
       <configsection name="params">
        <configstring name="hostspec" desc="The hostname of the LDAP server">
        <configstring name="basedn" desc="The base DN for the LDAP server"/>
        <configstring name="binddn" required="false" desc="The DN used to bind
        to the LDAP server"/>
        <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="The password used
        to bind to the LDAP server"/>
        <configenum name="version" desc="LDAP protocol version">3
          <value desc="LDAPv2 (deprecated)">2</value>
          <value desc="LDAPv3">3</value>
        <configboolean name="tls" desc="Enable TLS?">false</configboolean>
        <configstring name="gid" desc="The group search key">cn</configstring>
        <configstring name="memberuid" desc="Group membership field">
        <configboolean name="attrisdn" required="false"
         desc="If checked, the user member attributes returned from LDAP are
        expected to be fully qualified DNs"/>
        <configlist name="newgroup_objectclass" desc="What objectclasses should
        a new group be member of? These objectclasses should cover the mail and
        gidnumber attributes as well as the group search key">
        <configswitch name="filter_type" desc="How to specify a filter for the
        group lists">objectclass
         <case name="objectclass" desc="One or more objectclass filters">
          <configlist name="objectclass" desc="The objectclass filter used to
          search for groups. Can be a single objectclass or a list.">
         <case name="free" desc="A complete LDAP filter expression">
          <configstring name="filter" desc="The LDAP RFC formatted filter used
          to search for groups."/>
     <case name="mock" desc="No Groups"/>
     <case name="sql" desc="SQL">
      <configsql switchname="driverconfig" />
   <configheader>Group Caching</configheader>
   <configdescription>Enabling group caching improves performance because the
   group backend will only be queried once per session. But it also increases
   the users' session sizes, and group changes won't take effect before the
   users log in the next time.</configdescription>
   <configboolean name="cache" required="false" desc="Enable group

 <configtab name="perms" desc="Permissions">
  <configsection name="perms">
   <configheader>Permissions Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What backend should we use for Horde
     <case name="datatree" desc="DataTree"/>
     <case name="sql" desc="SQL">
      <configsql switchname="driverconfig" />

 <configtab name="share" desc="Shares">
  <configheader>Shares Settings</configheader>
  <configdescription>Shares are objects or lists that can be shared with other
  users, e.g. calendars that other users can be given read or write access
  <configsection name="share">
   <configheader>Allow Sharing?</configheader>
   <configboolean name="no_sharing" required="false" desc="Prevent
   users from editing permissions on their shares. This will keep a
   user from granting other users (or guests) access to their address
   book, notebook, calendar, etc.">false</configboolean>

   <configheader>Allow sharing with groups that users aren't members
   <configboolean name="any_group" required="false" desc="If you enable this
   option, users will be able to share their resources with any group,
   regardless of whether or not they are a member. If you disable it, users
   will only be able to share their resources with groups they are members

   <configheader>Share Caching</configheader>
   <configdescription>Enabling share caching improves performance because the
   share backend will only be queried once per session. But it also increases
   the users' session sizes, and share changes won't take effect before the
   users log in the next time.</configdescription>
   <configboolean name="cache" required="false" desc="Enable share

   <configheader>Shares Driver</configheader>
     You can use different driver types for the Horde Share
     system. The default driver is the DataTree driver.
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What backend should we use for Horde
     <case name="datatree" desc="DataTree"/>
     <case name="kolab" desc="Kolab"/>
     <case name="sql" desc="SQL"/>

 <configtab name="cache" desc="Cache System">
  <configsection name="cache">
   <configheader>Cache System Settings</configheader>
   <configinteger name="default_lifetime" desc="How long, in seconds, should
   objects be cached by default?">86400</configinteger>
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="If you want to enable the Horde Cache,
   select a driver here. This is used to speed up portions of Horde by storing
   commonly processed objects.">file
    <case name="none" desc="Don't cache any objects"/>
    <case name="apc" desc="Use the APC cache"/>
    <case name="eaccelerator" desc="Use the eAccelerator cache"/>
    <case name="memcache" desc="Use a Memcache server"/>
    <case name="xcache" desc="Use the xCache cache"/>
    <case name="file" desc="Store objects in filesystem">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="dir" required="false" desc="The location to store the
      cached files"/>
      <configinteger name="sub" required="false" desc="If non-zero, the number
      of subdirectories to create to store the file (see, e.g., When
      creating the directory tree, the md5sum of the cache id will be used.
      Thus, each level of the tree will have up to 16 subdirectories named
      <configstring name="prefix" required="false" desc="The filename prefix to
      use for the cache files."/>
    <case name="sql" desc="SQL-based cache storage">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
       <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
       cache table in the database [horde_cache]"/>
      <configswitch name="use_memorycache" required="false" desc="Use a
      separate Horde_Cache memory cache driver to store data in memory? If
      data is not found in memory, we will fall back to accessing the
      SQL database. This is useful if you want the performance of an in-memory
      cache with the more persistent storage an SQL server provides.">
       <case name="" desc="None"/>
       <case name="apc" desc="APC"/>
       <case name="eaccelerator" desc="eAccelerator"/>
       <case name="memcache" desc="Memcache"/>
    <case name="zps4" desc="Use the Zend Performance Suite output cache"/>

 <configtab name="lock" desc="Lock System">
  <configsection name="lock">
   <configheader>Lock System Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="If you want to enable resource locking
   you must choose a driver here. Currently locking is only used by the WebDAV
   subsystem to allow locking on Horde objects via WebDAV.  This driver requires
   Horde 3.2 or later.">none
    <case name="none" desc="Disable Horde Locks"/>
    <case name="sql" desc="SQL-based locking">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
       <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
       locking table in the database [horde_locks]"/>

 <configtab name="token" desc="Token System">
  <configsection name="token">
   <configheader>Token System Settings</configheader>
   <configinteger name="timeout" required="false" desc="The period (in
   seconds) after which an id is purged"/>
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="If you want to enable Form Tokens, select
   a driver here. This is used by the Horde::Form:: API and some other parts
   of Horde to ensure that a form can only be submitted once.">none
    <case name="none" desc="Disable Form Tokens"/>
    <case name="file" desc="Local filesystem token storage">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="token_dir" required="false" desc="The directory where
      to keep token files"/>
    <case name="sql" desc="SQL-based token storage">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
       <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
       tokens table in the database [horde_tokens]"/>

 <configtab name="mailer" desc="Mailer">
  <configsection name="mailer">
   <configheader>Mailer Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="type" desc="What method should we use for sending
    <case name="null" desc="Disable mailing" />
    <case name="sendmail" desc="Use the local sendmail binary">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="sendmail_path" required="false" desc="The location
      of the sendmail binary on the filesystem
      <configstring name="sendmail_args" required="false" desc="Any extra
      parameters to pass to the sendmail or sendmail wrapper
    <case name="smtp" desc="Use a SMTP server">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="host" required="false" desc="The server to connect
      to [localhost]"/>
      <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="The port to connect
      to [25]"/>
      <configstring name="localhost" required="false" desc="The local hostname
      / domain [localhost]"/>
      <configenum name="auth" desc="SMTP authentication">0
        <value desc="No authentication">false</value>
        <value desc="Best available authentication">true</value>
      <configstring name="username" required="false" desc="The username to use
      for SMTP auth"/>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="The password to use
      for SMTP auth"/>
  <configsection name="mailformat">
    <configboolean name="brokenrfc2231" required="false" desc="Some MUAs
    (e.g. Outlook) do not correctly parse MIME parameter information according
    to the relevant standard. This may result, for example, in filenames that
    do not appear correctly in these MUAs. If this option is enabled, Horde
    will attempt to send messages in a way that both standards compliant
    agents and these broken agents can understand. However, since these
    messages are no longer standards compliant, there is no guarantee these
    messages will appear correctly in *any* MUA so the default is to send
    in the standards compliant method only.">false</configboolean>

 <configtab name="vfs" desc="Virtual File Storage">
  <configsection name="vfs">
   <configheader>Virtual File Storage Settings</configheader>
   <configvfs baseconfig="true" switchname="type"/>

 <configtab name="session" desc="Custom Session Handler">
  <configsection name="sessionhandler">
   <configheader>Custom Session Handler Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="type" desc="What sessionhandler driver should we
    <case name="none" desc="Use the default PHP session handler (file-based by
      If you have configured a custom session extension in php.ini, such as
      native memcache sessions, then you should use this option. Horde doesn't
      force PHP to use the file-based session handler, so your php.ini
      settings settings will be deferred to.
    <case name="external" desc="Use your own custom session handler">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="open" desc="Your open() function"/>
      <configstring name="close" desc="Your close() function"/>
      <configstring name="read" desc="Your read() function"/>
      <configstring name="write" desc="Your write() function"/>
      <configstring name="destroy" desc="Your destroy() function"/>
      <configstring name="gc" desc="Your gc() function"/>

    <case name="mysql" desc="MySQL based sessions">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configboolean name="persistent" desc="Request persistent
      <configboolean name="rowlocking" desc="Should we use row-level locking
      and transactions? This is strongly recommended, but requires a table
      type that is transaction-safe and supports row-level locking, like
      InnoDB. If you don't have such a table type, disable this setting and we
      will use table-level locking and no locking
      <configswitch name="protocol" desc="What protocol will we use to connect
      to the database?">unix
       <case name="unix" desc="UNIX Sockets">
        <configstring name="socket" required="false" desc="Location of UNIX
       <case name="tcp" desc="TCP/IP">
        <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="Port the DB is
        running on, if non-standard">3306</configinteger>
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="What hostname is the database server
      running on, or what is the name of the system DSN to use?">
      <configstring name="username" desc="What username do we authenticate to
      the database server as?">horde</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="What password do we
      authenticate to the database server with?"/>
      <configstring name="database" desc="What database name/tablespace are we
      <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
      session table in the database [horde_sessionhandler]"/>
    <case name="oci8" desc="Oracle based sessions">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configboolean name="persistent" desc="Request persistent connections?">
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="Database name or Easy Connect
      <configstring name="username" desc="What username do we authenticate to
      the database server as?">horde</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="What password do we
      authenticate to the database server with?"/>
      <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the session
      table in the database [horde_sessionhandler]"/>
    <case name="pgsql" desc="PostgreSQL based sessions">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configboolean name="persistent" desc="Request persistent connections?">
      <configswitch name="protocol" desc="What protocol will we use to connect
      to the database?">unix
       <case name="unix" desc="UNIX Sockets">
        <configstring name="socket" required="false" desc="Location of UNIX
       <case name="tcp" desc="TCP/IP">
        <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="Port the DB is
        running on, if non-standard">5432</configinteger>
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="What hostname is the database server
      running on, or what is the name of the system DSN to use?">
      <configstring name="username" desc="What username do we authenticate to
      the database server as?">horde</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="What password do we
      authenticate to the database server with?"/>
      <configstring name="database" desc="What database name/tablespace are we
      <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the
      session table in the database [horde_sessionhandler]"/>
    <case name="sapdb" desc="Use PEAR's DB abstraction layer w/ODBC">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="What hostname is the database server
      running on, or what is the name of the system DSN to use?">
      <configstring name="username" desc="What username do we authenticate to
      the database server as?">horde</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="What password do we
      authenticate to the database server with?"/>
      <configstring name="database" desc="What database name/tablespace are we
      <configstring name="table" desc="The name of the session table in the
    <case name="sql" desc="Use PEAR's DB abstraction layer">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configboolean name="persistent" desc="Request persistent
      <configswitch name="protocol" desc="What protocol will we use to connect
      to the database?">unix
       <case name="unix" desc="UNIX Sockets">
        <configstring name="socket" required="false" desc="Location of UNIX
       <case name="tcp" desc="TCP/IP">
        <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="Port the DB is
        running on, if non-standard">5432</configinteger>
      <configstring name="hostspec" desc="What hostname is the database server
      running on, or what is the name of the system DSN to use?">
      <configstring name="username" desc="What username do we authenticate to
      the database server as?">horde</configstring>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="What password do we
      authenticate to the database server with?"/>
      <configstring name="database" desc="What database name/tablespace are we
      <configstring name="table" required="false" desc="The name of the session
      table in the database [horde_sessionhandler]"/>
    <case name="memcache" desc="Memcache only">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configswitch name="track" required="false" desc="Keep track of active
      session information? Tracking requires a small amount of extra load.">
       <case name="false" desc="No" />
       <case name="true" desc="Yes" >
        <configinteger name="track_lifetime" required="false" desc="The number
        of seconds after which tracked sessions will be treated as
        expired. If empty, defaults to value in php.ini's
   <configboolean name="memcache" desc="Use memcache to cache session

 <configtab name="proxy" desc="HTTP Proxy">
  <configsection name="http">
   <configsection name="proxy">
    <configheader>HTTP Proxy Settings</configheader>
     If you need to use a proxy for fetching HTTP resources (feeds,
     security keys, external calendars or free/busy information,
     etc.), configure it here.
    <configstring name="proxy_host" required="false" desc="Proxy host"/>
    <configinteger name="proxy_port" required="false" desc="Proxy port"/>
    <configstring name="proxy_user" required="false" desc="Proxy user if
    <configstring name="proxy_pass" required="false" desc="Proxy password"/>

 <configtab name="image" desc="Image Manipulation">
  <configsection name="image">
   <configheader>Image Manipulation Settings</configheader>
   <configstring name="convert" required="false" desc="Horde requires either
   GD support built-in to PHP (--with-gd) or the ImageMagick software package
   (optionally supported by the 'imagick' PHP extension) to do image
   manipulation/creation. If using ImageMagick, specify the full path name to
   the 'convert' program. On Windows, this path &lt;em&gt;must not&lt;/em&gt;
   have spaces in it. Use DOS-style abbreviations if necessary: Progra~1
   instead of Program Files, for instance. If using GD, or using neither,
   leave this field blank."/>

 <configtab name="mime" desc="MIME Detection">
  <configsection name="mime">
   <configheader>MIME Detection Settings</configheader>
   <configstring name="magic_db" required="false" desc="Location of the MIME
   magic database. Usually /usr/share/misc/magic or /etc/magic."/>

 <configtab name="geoip" desc="Country Lookup">
  <configsection name="geoip">
   <configheader>Country Lookup Settings</configheader>
   <configstring name="datafile" required="false" desc="Horde, by default, can
   do Hostname -&gt; Country lookup using the top level domain (e.g. 'uk',
   'de') of the hostname.  However, many popular top level domains
   (e.g. 'com', 'net') span more than one country.  In these instances, Horde
   can use the MaxMind GeoIP Hostname to Country lookup to try to determine
   the correct country.  To activate this functionality, the geoip PECL
   extension must be installed.  If that extension doesn't exist, Horde can
   use a PHP only method of querying the database if the GeoIP.dat country
   database is present on your local system.  This file can be downloaded
   free of charge from  If
   this database is present, specify the full path name to the database below.
   If empty, the GeoIP lookup will not be performed."/>

 <configtab name="dns" desc="DNS Lookups">
  <configsection name="dns">
   <configheader>DNS Lookup Settings</configheader>
   <configinteger name="retrans" required="false" desc="If installed, Horde
   can use the PEAR Net_DNS module for DNS lookups. Set the amount of time
   in seconds the resolver will wait for a response from a remote name server
   before retrying the query. Defaults to 1."/>
   <configinteger name="retry" required="false" desc="If installed, Horde
   can use the PEAR Net_DNS module for DNS lookups. Set the number of times
   the resolver will send a query to its name servers before giving
   up. Defaults to 1."/>
 <configtab name="problems" desc="Problem Reporting">
  <configsection name="problems">
   <configheader>Problem Reporting Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="tickets" desc="If a ticket system with a
   tickets/addTicket API method is present, should we create tickets for
   problem reports instead of emailing them?">false
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configphp name="ticket_params" desc="Enter as a PHP array any
     additional arguments for the created ticket (queue, state, priority,
     etc). Example for Whups: array('queue' => 2, 'state' => 1, 'priority' => 1,
     'type' => 1). You will need to look up the appropriate IDs in Whups's
     database, or whatever is appropriate for the ticket system you are
    <case name="false" desc="No">
     <configstring name="email" desc="Where should problem report emails be
     <configstring name="maildomain" desc="If Horde cannot determine a user's
     email address, this domain will be appended to their
     <configstring name="username" required="false" desc="If requiring SMTP
     authentication without a global SMTP user (in section &quot;Mailer&quot;
     and allowing problem reporting for not authenticated users (in section
     &quot;Menu Settings&quot;), what username should be use for SMTP
     <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="The password to use"/>
   <configboolean name="attachments" required="false" desc="Allow users to
   upload file attachments to the problem report?">true</configboolean>

 <configtab name="menu" desc="Menu">
  <configheader>Menu Settings</configheader>
  <configsection name="menu">
   <configmultienum name="apps" desc="Select any applications that should be
   linked in Horde's menu">
     <configspecial name="list-horde-apps" />

   <configboolean name="always" desc="Should we &lt;strong&gt;always
   &lt;/strong&gt; display the Horde frameset?">false</configboolean>

   <configsection name="links">
    <configenum name="help" desc="Should we display help links in the
      <value desc="All users">all</value>
      <value desc="Authenticated users">authenticated</value>
      <value desc="Never">never</value>
    <configenum name="options" desc="Should we display options links in the
    menu? You still need to configure a preference backend in the
    &quot;Preference System&quot; section.">authenticated
      <value desc="All users">all</value>
      <value desc="Authenticated users">authenticated</value>
      <value desc="Never">never</value>
    <configenum name="problem" desc="Should we display problem reporting links
    in the menu?">all
      <value desc="All users">all</value>
      <value desc="Authenticated users">authenticated</value>
      <value desc="Never">never</value>
    <configenum name="login" desc="Should we display a login link in the menu
    when not logged in?">all
      <value desc="All users">all</value>
      <value desc="Never">never</value>
    <configenum name="logout" desc="Should we display a logout link in the
    menu when logged in?">authenticated
      <value desc="Authenticated users">authenticated</value>
      <value desc="Never">never</value>
    <configenum name="login" desc="Should we display a login link in the menu
    when not logged in?">all
      <value desc="All users">all</value>
      <value desc="Never">never</value>
    <configenum name="logout" desc="Should we display a logout link in the
    menu when logged in?">authenticated
      <value desc="Authenticated users">authenticated</value>
      <value desc="Never">never</value>

  <configsection name="logo">
   <configstring name="image" required="false" desc="The URL of an image for
   the top of the Horde menu. The image should be no larger than 140 pixels
   wide by 40 pixels high to prevent the frame from scrolling."/>
   <configstring name="link" required="false" desc="If a logo is displayed in
   the Horde menu, what URL (if any) should it link to?"/>

 <configtab name="hooks" desc="Custom Function Hooks">
  <configsection name="hooks">
   <configheader>Custom Function Hooks Settings</configheader>
    There are example functions for all hooks in horde/config/hooks.php.dist.
   <configboolean name="permsdenied" desc="If this is checked, the
   function _perms_hook_denied() will be called to return an error message if
   a permission has been denied. Otherwise a standard message will be shown
   and the user won't see any action widgets that he doesn't have access
   <configboolean name="username" desc="If this is checked, the function
   _username_hook_frombackend() will be used to set the user name at login
   time. The counterpart function _username_hook_tobackend() will be used to
   convert user names back, for example when showing name lists to the
   <configboolean name="preauthenticate" desc="If this is checked and the
   function _horde_hook_preauthenticate() returns false, authentication will
   <configboolean name="postauthenticate" desc="If this is checked and the
   function _horde_hook_postauthenticate() returns false, authentication will
   <configboolean name="authldap" desc="If this is checked, the function
   _horde_hook_authldap() will be used to create and set the attributes needed
   to add/edit/delete users by the LDAP Auth driver.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="groupldap" desc="If this is checked, the function
   _horde_hook_groupldap() will be used to create and set the attributes needed
   to add/edit/delete groups by the LDAP Group driver.">false</configboolean>

 <configtab name="block" desc="Portal Blocks">
  <configsection name="portal">
   <configheader>Portal Blocks Settings</configheader>
   <configmultienum name="fixed_blocks" muldesc="Which blocks should always be
    displayed in the portal?">
     <configspecial name="list-blocks" />
  <configheader> Configuration</configheader>
  <configsection name="weatherdotcom">
    Use of the block requires free registration for the XML
    feed at
    After registration, an email will be returned with the Partner ID and
    license key.&lt;br /&gt;
    NOTE: guidelines require registration and use of the returned
    values, but the application appears to function with any string values.
   <configstring name="partner_id" required="false" desc="The partner I.D.
   <configstring name="license_key" required="false" desc="The license key

  <configheader>Fortune Configuration</configheader>
  <configsection name="fortune">
   <configstring name="exec_path" required="false" desc="Path to fortune
   executable, e.g. /usr/games/fortune"/>

  <configheader>Account Info Configuration</configheader>
  <configsection name="accounts">
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="What driver should we use?">null
    <case name="null" desc="None"/>
    <case name="localhost" desc="localhost">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="quota_path" desc="Path to the quota program">
      <configstring name="grep_path" desc="Path to the grep program">
      <configboolean name="translateMountPoint" desc="Should we translate home
      directories to mount point device names?">false</configboolean>
      <configstring name="translationTable" desc="File to translate directory
      names to mount point device names?">/etc/mtab</configstring>
    <case name="finger" desc="Finger">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="finger_path" desc="Path to the finger
      <configstring name="host" desc="Host to request finger information
    <case name="ldap" desc="LDAP">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="host" desc="LDAP server/host">localhost</configstring>
      <configinteger name="port" required="false" desc="Port LDAP is running
      on, if non-standard">389</configinteger>
      <configstring name="basedn" desc="basedn string">,c=US</configstring>
      <configstring name="binddn" required="false" desc="The DN used to bind
      to the LDAP server"/>
      <configstring name="password" required="false" desc="The password used
      to bind to the LDAP server"/>
      <configstring name="attr" desc="LDAP attribute to search on">
      <configenum name="version" desc="LDAP Protocol Version">3
        <value desc="LDAPv2 (Deprecated)">2</value>
        <value desc="LDAPv3">3</value>
      <configboolean name="strip" desc="Strip domain from user
    <case name="kolab" desc="Kolab (LDAP)">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configdescription>This will use the parameters set in the Kolab
      Groupware Server tab. You must enable Kolab integration for this to
      <configstring name="attr" desc="LDAP attribute to search
      <configboolean name="strip" desc="Strip domain from user

 <configtab name="user" desc="User Capabilities and Constraints">
  <configsection name="user">
   <configheader>User Capabilities and Constraints</configheader>
   <configboolean name="verify_from_addr" desc="If users are adding new From:
   addresses to their identities, should we send them a confirmation message
   to verify that the email address is really theirs?">false</configboolean>

 <configtab name="api" desc="API Keys">
  <configsection name="api">
   <configheader>API Keys Settings</configheader>
   <configstring name="googlemaps" desc="Google Maps API Key"
   <configstring name="googlesafebrowsing" desc="Google Safe Browsing API Key"
   <configstring name="googlesearch" desc="Google AJAX Search API Key"

 <configtab name="imsp" desc="IMSP Server">
  <configsection name="imsp">
   <configheader>IMSP Server Settings</configheader>
   <configdescription>If you plan to use any of Horde's IMSP server support,
   enable this option and configure the server settings below.  Note that you
   must still configure/enable specific IMSP support in the appropriate
   <configswitch name="enabled">false
    <case name="false" desc="Disabled" />
    <case name="true" desc="Enabled">
     <configheader>IMSP Server Settings</configheader>
     <configstring name="server" desc="Server Address:">localhost</configstring>
     <configstring name="port" desc="Server port:">406</configstring>
     <configswitch name="auth_method" desc="The authentication method to
      <case name="plaintext" desc="Plaintext" />
      <case name="cram_md5" desc="CRAM-MD5" />
      <case name="imtest" desc="Cyrus imtest">
       <configstring name="socket" desc="Path to the directory that will hold
       the socket. (The socket will be named 'imsp_username.sck').">
       <configstring name="command" desc="Path to imtest binary">
       <configenum name="auth_mechanism" description="What authentication
       method do you want to use with the imtest utility?">
         <value desc="Plaintext (LOGIN)">LOGIN</value>
         <value desc="GSSAPI">gssapi</value>

 <configtab name="kolab" desc="Kolab Server">
  <configsection name="kolab">
   <configheader>Kolab Server Settings</configheader>
    IGNORE THIS TAB ***&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
    Kolab is in no way required for normal Horde usage. If, however, you
    intend to use Horde as a webclient for Kolab then you will need to ensure
    that the following fields correspond to those required by your Kolab
    installation.  You can find some of the required values in the
    &lt;code&gt; $KOLAB_ROOT/etc/kolab/kolab.conf&lt;/code&gt; configuration
    file. Please note that the old iCal/vCard storage format has been dropped
    in favour of the new XML storage format &amp;amp; IMAP folder annotations;
    subsequently the Horde Kolab modules will only work with version 2 of the
    Kolab server.&lt;br /&gt;
    If you would like to find out more about Kolab then please visit the Kolab
    community website at
   <configswitch name="enabled" quote="false" desc="Horde/Kolab integration
    <case name="false" desc="Disabled" />
    <case name="true" desc="Enabled">
     <configheader>Kolab LDAP Server Settings</configheader>
     <configsection name="ldap">
      <configstring name="server" desc="Server
      <configinteger name="port" desc="Server port:">389</configinteger>
      <configstring name="basedn" desc="Base
      <configstring name="phpdn" desc="Search
      <configstring name="phppw" desc="Search Password:"/>
     <configheader>Kolab Cyrus IMAP Server Settings</configheader>
     <configsection name="imap">
      <configstring name="server" desc="Server
      <configinteger name="port" desc="Server port:">143</configinteger>
      <configinteger name="sieveport" desc="Sieve port:">2000</configinteger>
      <configstring name="maildomain" desc="Default
      <configboolean name="cache_folders" desc="Cache IMAP folders:"
     <configheader>Kolab SMTP Server Settings</configheader>
     <configsection name="smtp">
      <configstring name="server" desc="Server
      <configinteger name="port" desc="Server port:">25</configinteger>
     <configheader>Kolab Free/Busy Application Settings</configheader>
     <configsection name="freebusy">
	 Enter the leading part of the URL to the Kolab Free/Busy
	 application here. This will usually be
	 "https://localhost/freebusy" but if you installed it so that
	 you reach the application at ""
	 then you would enter "". The URL
	 "" would thus need the
	 setting "".
      <configstring name="server" desc="Application
 <configtab name="memcache" desc="Memcache Server">
  <configsection name="memcache">
   <configheader>Memcache Server Settings</configheader>
   <configswitch name="enabled" quote="false" desc="Use a memcache
    <case name="false" desc="Disabled"/>
    <case name="true" desc="Enabled">
     <configlist name="hostspec" required="false" desc="What hostname(s) is
     the memcache server(s) running on, or what is the name of the system
     DSN(s)? Specify multiple servers by separating with
     <configlist name="port" required="false" desc="Port(s) the memcache
     server(s) are running on. If more than one host is used, specify ports
     for respective servers, separated by commas.">11211</configlist>
     <configlist name="weight" required="false" desc="The weight to give each
     memcache server. If more than one host is used, specify weights
     for respective servers, separated by commas."></configlist>
     <configboolean name="persistent" required="false" desc="Enable
     persistent connections to server(s).">false</configboolean>
     <configswitch name="compression" quote="false" desc="Enable compression
     when storing entries on server.">false
      <case name="false" desc="No" />
      <case name="true" desc="Yes">
       <configinteger name="c_threshold" required="false" desc="The threshold
       length before compressing data.">0</configinteger>
     <configphp name="prefix" required="false" desc="Prefix to use for the
     memcache keys. PHP expressions are allowed."></configphp>
     <configphp name="large_items" required="false" desc="Memcache natively
     supports data of limited length only (default: 1 MB). If this option is
     true, Horde will transparently work around this