

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0ce9cc643f1f4e8e22b5316556a71e0b > files > 9


Short Term:

Customer should only see his own data
	add multiple groups to a customer
	update docs about how groups work and also anonymous access
	createcust attrib should also be part of auth class
		second bit?
	Create @print additions to main.css file, provide print button on pages
Alternate auth
Matrix for free space
	divided into class C blocks - green all free, yellow partly free
		red all used
Attach user to registrar via selection - can send to one only or all?
move of subnet used wrong group 
	used ip address modify group, not subnet modify group!!!
Uploaded files
	authentication - can anybody see all files?
Save previous info in auditlog
	done for ip records, add to more places
Link from displaysubnet page to search for DNS zone A records 
	if hname field completed
Use md5 passwd in config.php for admin user
	$user = 'user';
	$pass = 'pass';
	header("Authorization: Basic " . base64endode("$user:$pass"));
Allow changing field seperator - idea by Frank Elsner
	should be selectable on screen?
Modifybase search is wrong format
Linked addresses - option to link bidirectional for 1-1 NAT - extra
	button which then completes other side
	Consider linked addresses across customers
	Multiple linked addresses per address - see sf 1252209
		new table with fields: src customer, src ipaddr, dst ipaddr, 
			dst customer
	Still need LNK to indicate there is a link on record, 
		remove if all links gone
	Link admin in external page opened via link on displaysubnet 
		and modifysubnet needs add record, delete record, choose 
		target customer, needs to check target rec,cust exists 
		add if subnet exists
	On delete of record, check for links and remove
	Show backlinks (addresses pointing to this one)
Linked addresses
	Show backlinks (addresses pointing to this one)
	Use popup window as we do not want to select against a non keyed
		column (userinf) with 'LIKE LNKx.x.x.x%'
	use textbox field, one IP addr/link per line, parse in backend
	split and join of subnets - baseindex changes
	delete subnets, delete all customer - remove entries from table
Perl network crawler via snmp to document network/routing.
Tweak div boxes to fill entire screen
Expand searches in displaysubnet to also search on other fields/multiple feilds
Searchall - search across all fields
	text search - just add all columns (col1+col2+col3 then for search)
Install overwrites templates and config file, need better way to handle this
XMLRPC needs updating - security fix
	Now also included in PHP so need to check if already installed else will
		get duplicate functions.
Subnet request page feature
Add colour to reserved addresses on displaysubnet - yellow
Check filepath of zones - can have illegal chars like < etc
	check for UNC paths too
Some way of generating an A record automatically if it does not exist
	Does this check if user is allowed to modify zone records?
Lookup MAC address manufacturer codes:
	scale - needs pager
	Treeview check mem size - generates blank pages - add to FAQ
Test oracle searchall and date search
DNS symlinked domains
Displaycustomer pager and filtered customers - check
Insert on autoincrement key could generate key error if out of numbers!
	mysql> insert into customer set custdescrip='rererere';
	ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '65535' for key 1
Audit entry on logon/logoff
	Not easy - need to keep track of logons. doing so in auth->validat()
		not as entry is created for each page.
Update docs about removal of "Reserved" from subnets" 
	define in displaysubnet.php
Import/export IP details
	add option to merge fields, not overwrite for import
On subnet creation, query user defined DNS server 
	via template variable - don't think so
		rather use customer DNS servers?
	gethostbyaddr does not allow query to specific DNS server
	can use Net::DNS class, requires checking of input
	nmap can do this - need to modify ProcessNmap in createsubnet.php
	or use ipplan-poller script to update subnet once created
		--dns-servers <serv1[,serv2],...>: Specify custom DNS servers
		modify define("NMAP_CMDH", "-sP -PE -q -R -v -oG");
SNMP_COMMUNITY not hardcoded - should be per customer or subnet? 
	Use template field when available
	template not processed yet in modifyipform when SNMP is done - tricky


Check: whoisd must run as root, cannot run under safemode
Cannot access template vars 

DNS management:
Update internals docs
Have search button to find duplicate IP addresses across zones on ip hostname form
Some way of checking for PTR without A - on zone export maybe?
Warn on multiple A's pointing to same address - should be OK - used for virtual hosts
Warn on too few MX's - should be 2 for valid zones
Modify modifydnsrecordform.php and bind9_zone.xsl to allow to add subdomains. 
	added 'NS' to selectbox 'recordtype'  
	use textbox 'host' as the subdomain and 'iphostname' as the name server for the subdomain. 
TTL on individual zone records - why?? What benefit? Bind specific or standard?
Access control - add group to data
	only fwdzone has admingrp field, but could be used to different group for DNS admins

Longer Term:

Feature Requests-1477996 ] Import and Export Areas and Ranges
DNS A record creation during import of IP records
Some separate poller 
	show efficiency of networks relative to actually used addresses
Whois server
Create IP address php class
Modify user details page for now just delete and recreate
Split "import from routing table" and "find free" into MAXTABLESIZE
	does not really make sense to do this as you will miss free blocks
	on start and end of range
	string inet_ntop ( string in_addr )
	string inet_pton ( string address )
	use database to do bigint math/tests
DBF Table name prefixes - useful for Oracle and shared databases
	where ipplan is installed with other apps
Move multiple subnets from one customer to another - sf request