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<H2><A NAME="sec:6.2"><SPAN class="sec-nr">6.2</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">Dealing 
with Prolog data</SPAN></A></H2>

<A NAME="sec:prologdata"></A>

<P>By nature, XPCE data is not Prolog data. This implies that anything 
passed to a XPCE method must be converted from Prolog to something 
suitable for XPCE . A natural mapping with fast and automatic 
translation is defined for atoms, and numbers (both integers and 
floating point). As we have seen in <A class="sec" href="starting.html">section 
2</A>, compound terms are translated into instances using the 
functor-name as class-name.

<P>In XPCE 5.0 we added the possibility to embed arbitrary Prolog data 
in an object. There are three cases where Prolog data is passed natively 
embedded in a instance of the class <B>prolog_term</B>.

<LI><I> Explicit usage of <CODE>prolog(Data)</CODE></I><BR>
By tagging a Prolog term using the functor prolog/1 ,
<VAR>Data</VAR> is embedded in an instance of <B>prolog_term</B>. This 
term is passed unaltered unless it is passed to a method that does not 
accept the type <B><CODE>Any</CODE></B>, in which case translation to an 
object is enforced.
<LI><I> When passed to a method typed <B><CODE>Prolog</CODE></B></I><BR>
Prolog defined methods and instance-variables (see <A class="sec" href="udc.html">section 
7</A>) can define their type as <B><CODE>Prolog</CODE></B>. In this case 
the data is packed in a <B>prolog_term</B> object.
<LI><I> When passed to a method typed <B><CODE>unchecked</CODE></B></I><BR>
A few methods in the system don't do type-checking themselves.

<P>We will explain the complications using examples. First we create a <A class="" href="summary.html#class:code">code</A> 

<PRE class="code">
1 ?- new(@m, and(message(@prolog, write, @arg1),
                 message(@prolog, nl))).

<P>This code object will print the provided argument in the Prolog 
window followed by a newline:

<PRE class="code">
2 ?- send(@m, forward, hello).

<P>From this example one might expect that <font size=-1>XPCE</font> is 
transparent to Prolog data. This is true for integers, floats and atoms 
as these have a natural representation in both languages. However:

<PRE class="code">
3 ?- send(@m, forward, chain(hello)).
4 ?- send(@m, forward, 3 + 4).
5 ?- send(@m, forward, [hello, world]).

<P>In all these examples the argument is a Prolog compound term which 
---according to the definition of <A NAME="idx:send3:182"></A><SPAN class="pred-ext">send/3</SPAN>--- 
is translated into a <font size=-1>XPCE</font> instance of the class of 
the principal functor. In 3) this is an instance of class <A class="" href="summary.html#class:chain">chain</A>. 
In 4) this is an instance of class
<A class="" href="summary.html#class:+">+</A>. Class <A class="" href="summary.html#class:+">+</A> 
however is a subclass of the <font size=-1>XPCE</font> class
<A class="" href="summary.html#class:function">function</A> and <A NAME="idx:function:183">function</A> 
objects are evaluated when given to a method that does not accept a 
function-type argument. Example 5) illustrates that a list is converted 
to a XPCE <A class="" href="summary.html#class:chain">chain</A>.

<P>We can fix these problems using the prolog/1 functor. Example 7) 
illustrates that also non-ground terms may be passed.

<PRE class="code">
6 ?- send(@m, forward, prolog(chain(hello))).
7 ?- send(@m, forward, prolog(X)).

X = _G335

<P>Below is a another realistic example of this misconception.

<PRE class="code">
?- new(D, dialog('Bug')),
   send(D, append, button(verbose,
                          message(@prolog, assert,
   send(D, open).
[PCE warning: new: Unknown class: verbose
        in: new(verbose(on)) ]</PRE>

<P>One correct solution for this task is below. An alternative is to 
call a predicate <A NAME="idx:setverbose0:184"></A><SPAN class="pred-ext">set_verbose/0</SPAN> 
that realises the assertion.

<PRE class="code">
make_verbose_dialog :-
        new(D, dialog('Correct')),
        send(D, append,
                    message(@prolog, assert,
        send(D, open).</PRE>

<H3><A NAME="sec:6.2.1"><SPAN class="sec-nr">6.2.1</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">Life-time 
of Prolog terms in XPCE</SPAN></A></H3>


<P><A NAME="idx:prologtermlifetime:185"></A>XPCE is connected to Prolog 
through the foreign language interface. Its interface predicates are 
passed Prolog terms by reference. Such a reference however is only valid 
during the execution of the foreign procedure. So, why does the example 
above work? As soon as the <A NAME="idx:send3:186"></A><SPAN class="pred-ext">send/3</SPAN> 
in <A NAME="idx:makeverbosedialog0:187"></A><SPAN class="pred-ext">make_verbose_dialog/0</SPAN> 
returns the term-reference holding the term <CODE>verbose(on)</CODE> is 
no longer valid!

<P>To solve this problem, <B>prolog_term</B> has two alternative 
representations. It is created from a term-reference. After the 
interface call (send/3 in this case) returns, it checks whether it has 
created Prolog term objects. If it finds such an object that is not 
referenced, it destroys the object. If it finds an object that is 
referenced it records Prolog terms into the database and stores a 
reference to the recorded database record.

<P>Summarising, Prolog terms are copied as soon as the method to which 
they are passed returns. Normally this is the case if a Prolog terms is 
used to fill an instance-variable in XPCE .