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<H2><A NAME="sec:5.1"><SPAN class="sec-nr">5.1</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">Graphical 
building blocks</SPAN></A></H2>

<P><A NAME="idx:graphicalwindow:170"></A><A NAME="idx:windowcoordinates:171"></A>A <A class="" href="summary.html#class:window">window</A> 
is the most generic window class of <font size=-1>XPCE</font>. Drawings 
are often displayed on a <A class="" href="summary.html#class:picture">picture</A>, 
which is a window with scrollbars. The drawing area of a window is 
two-dimensional and infinitely large (both positive and negative). The 
query below creates a picture and opens it on the screen.

<PRE class="code">
1 ?- new(@p, picture('Demo Picture')),
     send(@p, open).

<P>The following queries draw various primitive graphicals on this 

<PRE class="code">
2 ?- send(@p, display,
          new(@bo, box(100,100))).
3 ?- send(@p, display,
          new(@ci, circle(50)), point(25,25)).
4 ?- send(@p, display,
          new(@bm, bitmap('32x32/books.xpm')), point(100,100)).
5 ?- send(@p, display,
          new(@tx, text('Hello')), point(120, 50)).
6 ?- send(@p, display,
          new(@bz, bezier_curve(point(50,100),
                                point(50, 160),
                                point(120, 200)))).

<P><font size=-1>XPCE</font>'s graphics infrastructure automatically 
takes care of the necessary repaint operations when graphical objects 
are manipulated. Try the queries below to appreciate this. The result is 
shown in
<A class="fig" href="sec-5.1.html#fig:graphics">figure 12</A>.

<PRE class="code">
7  ?- send(@bo, radius, 10).
8  ?- send(@ci, fill_pattern, colour(orange)).
9  ?- send(@tx, font, font(times, bold, 18)).
10 ?- send(@bz, arrows, both).

<P><A NAME="fig:graphics"></A>
<IMG SRC="graphics.gif">
<TABLE ALIGN=center WIDTH="75%"><TR><TD>
<B>Figure 12 : </B>Example graphics</TABLE>

<P><font size=-1>XPCE</font> avoids unnecessary repaint operations and 
expensive computations involved in updating the screen. The screen is 
only updated <EM>after</EM> all available input has been processed or on 
an explicit request to update it. The following code illustrates this. 
<TT>?- square_to_circle(<A NAME="idx:bo:172"></A><B>@bo</B>).</TT> will 
show the box immediately as a circle without showing any of the 
intermediate results.

<PRE class="code">
:- require([between/3, forall/2]).

square_to_circle(Box) :-
        get(Box, height, H),
        MaxRadius is H // 2,
        forall(between(0, MaxRadius, Radius),
               send(Box, radius, Radius)).

<P>To get the intended animating behaviour, use <A NAME="idx:graphicalsendflush:173"></A>`<B>graphical<CODE>-&gt;</CODE>flush</B>' 
to explicitly force redraw right now:

<PRE class="code">
:- require([between/3, forall/2]).

square_to_circle(Box) :-
        get(Box, height, H),
        MaxRadius is H // 2,
        forall(between(0, MaxRadius, Radius),
               (   send(Box, radius, Radius),
                   send(Box, flush)

<H3><A NAME="sec:5.1.1"><SPAN class="sec-nr">5.1.1</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">Available 
primitive graphical objects</SPAN></A></H3>

<P>An overview of the available primitive graphical classes is most 
easily obtained using the Class Hierarchy tool described in
<A class="sec" href="sec-3.3.html">section 3.3.4</A>. Table <A class="tab" href="sec-5.1.html#tab:primgraphics">table 
2</A> provides an overview of the primitive graphicals.

<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:arrow">arrow</A> </TD><TD>Arrow-head. 
Normally used implicitly by class <A class="" href="summary.html#class:line">line</A>. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B>bezier</B> </TD><TD>Bezier curve. Both quadratic 
and cubic Biezer curves are supported. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:bitmap">bitmap</A> </TD><TD>Visualisation 
of an image. Both monochrome and full-colour images are supported. 
Images can have shape. See <A class="sec" href="images.html">section 
10.10</A>. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:pixmap">pixmap</A> </TD><TD>Subclass 
of bitmap only for coloured images. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:box">box</A> </TD><TD>Rectangle. 
Can be rounded and filled. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:circle">circle</A> </TD><TD>Special 
case of ellipse. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:ellipse">ellipse</A> </TD><TD>Elliptical 
shape. May be filled. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:arc">arc</A> </TD><TD>Part 
of an ellipse. Can have arrows. Can show as <A NAME="idx:pieslice:174">pie-slice</A>. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:line">line</A> </TD><TD>Straight 
line segment. Can have arrows. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:path">path</A> </TD><TD>Poly-line 
through multiple points. Can have arrows. Can be <A NAME="idx:smooth:175">smooth</A>. </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><A class="" href="summary.html#class:text">text</A> </TD><TD>Visualisation 
of a string in some font. Can have various attributes, can be clipped, 
formatted, etc. </TD></TR>

<TABLE ALIGN=center WIDTH="75%"><TR><TD>
<B>Table 2 : </B>Primitive graphical objects</TABLE>

<A NAME="tab:primgraphics"></A>