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<H2><A NAME="sec:10.12"><SPAN class="sec-nr">10.12</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">User 
defined graphicals</SPAN></A></H2>

<A NAME="sec:ugraphics"></A>

<P>This section discusses various approaches for defining new graphical 
objects. <font size=-1>XPCE</font> offers three approaches for defining 
new graphical objects:

<LI><I>Combining graphicals</I><BR>
The simplest way to create a new graphical object is by combining 
multiple graphical objects on a graphical device. The following 
predicate creates a `text-box':

<PRE class="code">
text_box(TB, Text, Width, Height) :-
        new(TB, device),
        send(TB, display,
             new(B, box(Width, Height))),
        send(TB, display,
             new(T, text(Text, center, normal))),
        send(T, center, B?center).

<P>For some applications, this is a suitable and simple approach. 
However, it is not a very good approach to build a library of GUI 
objects or, more in general, to make <EM>generic</EM> and <EM>reusable</EM> 
new graphical objects. The above object does not handle resize properly, 
and the user has to know the internal structure to modify the object.
<LI><I>Subclassing class device</I><BR>
Since the introduction of user-defined classes (see <A class="sec" href="udc.html">section 
7</A>), sub-classing <A class="" href="summary.html#class:device">device</A> 
is a common way to define new graphicals. Using this technique, <A NAME="idx:devicesendinitialise:463"></A>`<B>device<CODE>-&gt;</CODE>initialise</B>' 
is refined to display the part of the compound graphical. <A NAME="idx:devicesendevent:464"></A>`<B>device<CODE>-&gt;</CODE>event</B>' 
and <A NAME="idx:devicesendgeometry:465"></A>`<B>device<CODE>-&gt;</CODE>geometry</B>' 
are normally redefined to define event-handling and resize of the new 
graphical object. See <A class="sec" href="sec-7.3.html">section 7.3.2</A> 
for details.
<LI><I>(Re)defining the repaint method</I><BR>
The method <A NAME="idx:graphicalsendredrawarea:466"></A>`<B>graphical<CODE>-&gt;</CODE>_redraw_area</B>' 
can be redefined to define the look of a graphical. We will discuss the 
advantages and disadvantages of this approach in this section and give 
some examples.

<H3><A NAME="sec:10.12.1"><SPAN class="sec-nr">10.12.1</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">(Re)defining 
the repaint method</SPAN></A></H3>

<P>The most basic way to (re)define the look of a graphical object is by 
redefining the method that paints the graphical. This method is called
<B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>_redraw_area</B>. The method <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>_redraw_area</B> <B>cannot 
be called directly</B> by the user, but it is called by the graphical 
infra-structure whenever the graphical needs to be repainted. The 
definition of the method is below:

<DT><STRONG>graphical -&gt;_redraw_area:</STRONG> <VAR>Area:area</VAR></DT>
<DD class="defbody">
This method is called by the repaint infra-structure of <font size=-1>XPCE</font>. 
Its task is to paint the graphical on the current graphical device. <EM>Area</EM> 
indicates the area ---in the coordinate system of the device--- that 
needs to be repainted. This area is guaranteed to overlap with the
<B><CODE>&lt;-</CODE>area</B> of the graphical.

<P>It is not allowed for this method to paint outside the <B><CODE>&lt;-</CODE>area</B> 
of the receiver. There is no clipping (see <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>clip</B>) 
to prevent this. If there is no cheap way to prevent this, bracket the 
graphical operations in <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>clip</B> and <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>unclip</B>, 
but be aware that setting and undoing the clip-region is an expensive 
operation. Note that is is <B>not</B> necessary to limit the applied 
paint only inside the given argument <EM>Area</EM>. The graphical 
infra-structure automatically clips all graphical operation to this 
area. In general, <EM>Area</EM> should only be considered to avoid large 
numbers of unnecessary drawing operations.

<P>There are three sets of methods to implement the drawing job. The 
first is <A NAME="idx:graphicalsenddraw:467"></A>`<B>graphical<CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw</B>', 
that allows drawing other graphical objects in this place. The second 
are methods to manipulate the clipping and state of the graphical 
device. The last is a set of methods to realise primitive drawing 
operations, such as drawing lines, rectangles, images, text, etc. These 
methods can be used in any combination. It is allowed, but not 
obligatory, to call the <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>send_super</B> method in 
order to invoke the default behaviour of the graphical. These methods 
are summarised in <A class="tab" href="ugraphics.html#tab:paintmethods">table 
9</A>. Full documentation is available from the online manual.

<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw</B> </TD><TD>Paint other 
graphical </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>clip</B> </TD><TD>Clip to area 
or <B><CODE>&lt;-</CODE>area</B> of graphical </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>unclip</B> </TD><TD>Undo last <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>clip</B> </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>save_graphics_state</B> </TD><TD>Save 
current pen and colours </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>restore_graphics_state</B></TD><TD>Restore 
saved values </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>graphics_state</B> </TD><TD>Set 
graphics attributes </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw_arc</B> </TD><TD>Draw 
ellipse-part </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw_box</B> </TD><TD>Draw 
rectangle (rounded, filled, etc.) </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw_fill</B> </TD><TD>Fill/invert/clear 
rectangle </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw_image</B> </TD><TD>Paint 
(part of) image </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw_line</B> </TD><TD>Draw a 
line segment </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw_poly</B> </TD><TD>Draw a 
polygon </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>draw_text</B> </TD><TD>Draw 
string in font </TD></TR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>paint_selected</B> </TD><TD>Paint 
visual feedback of <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>selected</B> </TD></TR>

<TABLE ALIGN=center WIDTH="75%"><TR><TD>
<B>Table 9 : </B>Methods for (re)defining <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>_redraw_area</B></TABLE>

<A NAME="tab:paintmethods"></A>

<H3><A NAME="sec:10.12.2"><SPAN class="sec-nr">10.12.2</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">Example-I: 
a window with a grid</SPAN></A></H3>

<P><font size=-1>XPCE</font> built-in class window does not provide a 
grid. Implementing a grid using graphical objects is difficult. The best 
approach would be to display a <A class="" href="summary.html#class:device">device</A> 
on the window that provides the background and displays the lines of the 
grid. The resize and scroll messages need to be trapped to ensure the 
proper number of lines are displayed with the correct length. 
Furthermore, the code handling the inside of the window needs to be 
aware of the grid. It should ensure the grid is not exposed or deleted, 

<P>It is much simpler to redefine the <A NAME="idx:windowsendredrawarea:468"></A>`<B>window<CODE>-&gt;</CODE>_redraw_area</B>' 
method, paint the grid and then call the super-method. The code is 

<PRE class="code">
:- pce_begin_class(grid_picture, picture,
                   "Graphical window with optional 

variable(grid,     '1..|size*' := 20, get,
         "Size of the grid").
variable(grid_pen, pen,               get,
         "Pen used to draw the grid").

initialise(P, Lbl:[name], Size:[size], Disp:[display]) :-&gt;
        send(P, send_super, initialise, Lbl, Size, Disp),
        (   get(@display, visual_type, monochrome)
        -&gt;  Texture = dotted, Colour = black
        ;   Texture = none,   Colour = grey90
        send(P, slot, grid_pen, pen(1, Texture, Colour)).

'_redraw_area'(P, A:area) :-&gt;
        "Draw a grid"::
        get(P, grid, Grid),
        (   Grid \== @nil
        -&gt;  (   integer(Grid)
            -&gt;  GX = Grid,
                GY = Grid
            ;   object(Grid, size(GX&lt; GY))
            send(P, save_graphics_state),
            get(P, grid_pen, pen(Pen, Texture, Colour)),
            send(P, graphics_state, Pen, Texture, Colour),
            object(A, area(X, Y, W, H)),
            StartX is (X//GX) * GX,
            StartY is (Y//GY) * GY,
            Xlines is ((W + X - StartX)+GX-1)//GX,
            Ylines is ((H + Y - StartY)+GY-1)//GY,
            (   between(1, Xlines, Xline),
                    Xnow is StartX + (Xline-1)*GX,
                    send(P, draw_line, Xnow, Y, Xnow, Y+H),
            ;   true
            (   between(1, Ylines, Yline),
                    Ynow is StartY + (Yline-1)*GY,
                    send(P, draw_line, X, Ynow, X+W, Ynow),
            ;   true
            send(P, restore_graphics_state)
        ;   true
        send(P, send_super, '_redraw_area', A).

grid(P, Grid:'1..|size*') :-&gt;
        send(P, slot, grid, Grid),
        send(P, redraw).                % changed?

grid_pen(P, Penn:pen) :-&gt;
        send(P, slot, grid_pen, Pen),
        send(P, redraw).                % changed?

:- pce_end_class.</PRE>

<H3><A NAME="sec:10.12.3"><SPAN class="sec-nr">10.12.3</SPAN> <SPAN class="sec-title">Example-II: 
a shape with text</SPAN></A></H3>

<P>The following example is yet another implementation of a shape filled 
with text. Redefining <B><CODE>-&gt;</CODE>_redraw_area</B> has several 
advantages and disadvantages over the <A class="" href="summary.html#class:device">device</A> 
based implementation:

<LI><I><TT>++</TT> Memory usage</I><BR>
This approach uses considerably less memory than the combination of a
<A class="" href="summary.html#class:device">device</A>, <A class="" href="summary.html#class:box">box</A> 
and <A class="" href="summary.html#class:text">text</A>.
<LI><I><TT>--</TT> Poor PostScript quality</I><BR>
The current version of the system will generate PostScript for 
user-defined graphicals by painting the graphical on an <A class="" href="summary.html#class:image">image</A> 
and translating the result in a PostScript image description.
<LI><I><TT>--</TT> More rigid</I><BR>
This version of the text-box does not have different colours for box and 
text, etc. Of course it is possible to implement a version with all 
thinkable attributes, but this is a lot of work.

<P>Implementing edit facilities for the text will be hard. The best 
approach would be to display a normal <A class="" href="summary.html#class:text">text</A> 
object on top of the text-box and replace the <B><CODE>&lt;-&gt;</CODE>string</B> 
when editing is finished.

<PRE class="code">
:- pce_begin_class(text_shape, graphical,
                   "text with box or ellipse").

variable(string,        char_array,     get,
         "Displayed string").
variable(font,          font,           get,
         "Font used to display string").
variable(shape,         {box,ellipse},  get,
         "Outline shape").

initialise(S, Str:string=char_array, Shape:shape={box,ellipse},
           W:width=int, H:height=int, Font:[font]) :-&gt;
        default(Font, normal, TheFont),
        send(S, send_super, initialise, 0, 0, W, H),
        send(S, slot, string, Str),
        send(S, slot, shape, Shape),
        send(S, slot, font, TheFont).

'_redraw_area'(S, _A:area) :-&gt;
        get(S, area, area(X, Y, W, H)),
        get(S, string, String),
        get(S, font, Font),
        get(S, shape, Shape),
        send(S, clip),                  % text may be bigger
        (   Shape == box
        -&gt;  send(S, draw_box, X, Y, W, H)
        ;   send(S, draw_arc, X, Y, W, H)
        send(S, draw_text,
             String, Font, X, Y, W, H,
             center, center),
        send(S, unclip),
        send(S, send_super, redraw).

:- pce_end_class.</PRE>