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<title>GRASS GIS: d.text</title>
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<em><b>d.text</b></em>  - Draws text in the active display frame on the graphics monitor using the current font.
<b>d.text help</b><br>
<b>d.text</b> [-<b>mpgbrsc</b>]  [<b>text</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>size</b>=<em>float</em>]   [<b>color</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>line</b>=<em>integer</em>]   [<b>at</b>=<em>x,y</em>]   [<b>align</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>rotation</b>=<em>float</em>]   [<b>linespacing</b>=<em>float</em>]   [<b>font</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>path</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>charset</b>=<em>string</em>]   [--<b>verbose</b>]  [--<b>quiet</b>] 

<DD>Use mouse to interactively place text</DD>

<DD>Screen position in pixels ([0,0] is top left)</DD>

<DD>Screen position in geographic coordinates</DD>

<DD>Use bold text</DD>

<DD>Use radians instead of degrees for rotation</DD>

<DD>Font size is height in pixels</DD>

<DD>Ignored (compatibility with d.text.freetype)</DD>

<DD>Verbose module output</DD>
<DD>Quiet module output</DD>

<DD>Text to display</DD>

<DD>Height of letters in percentage of available frame height</DD>
<DD>Options: <em>0-100</em></DD>
<DD>Default: <em>5</em></DD>

<DD>Text color, either a standard GRASS color or R:G:B triplet</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>gray</em></DD>

<DD>The screen line number on which text will begin to be drawn</DD>
<DD>Options: <em>1-1000</em></DD>

<DD>Screen position at which text will begin to be drawn (percentage, [0,0] is lower left)</DD>

<DD>Text alignment</DD>
<DD>Options: <em>ll,lc,lr,cl,cc,cr,ul,uc,ur</em></DD>
<DD>Default: <em>ll</em></DD>

<DD>Rotation angle in degrees (counter-clockwise)</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>0</em></DD>

<DD>Line spacing</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>1.25</em></DD>

<DD>Font name</DD>

<DD>Path to font file</DD>

<DD>Text encoding (only applicable to TrueType fonts)</DD>


draws text in the graphics monitor's active display frame using TrueType
fonts already installed on the user's system.

<H3>Parameter Notes:</H3>


<DD>Locates the text at this screen position (percentage, [0,0] is bottom
    left). If this option is omitted, 
    the user will be prompted to use the mouse to specify the location.
<DD>Specifies a font listed in the GRASS 'freetypecap' definition file.

<DD>Sets character encoding for input <B>text</B>. (e.g. <TT>ISO-8859-1</TT>)

<DD>Sets text color to <EM>name</EM> or <EM>R:G:B triplet</EM>.
	It can also be a hexadecimal value of <TT>0xRRGGBB</TT>
    Options: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, 
    violet, gray, white, and black<BR>
    Default: <EM>gray</EM><BR>

<DD>Sets text height in percent of available frame height.<BR>
    Default: 10

<DD>Aligns text in this way.<BR>
    Options: ll, lc, lr, cl, cc, cr, ul, uc, ur<BR>
    l?: Lower, c?: Vertically Centered, u?: Upper,<BR>
    ?l: Left, ?c: Horizontally Centered, ?r: Right<BR>
    Default: <EM>ll</EM> (Lower Left)<BR>


<H3>Command mode:</H3>

<DT>+, - 
<DD>Relative value
<DT>r, %, p
<DD>Radian, Percentage, and Pixels respectively


<DT><DD>.F {font|path}[:charset] <EM>font</EM>
<DT><DD>.C {color_name|R:G:B} <EM>color</EM> (default: gray)
<DT><DD>.S [+|-]size[p] <EM>size</EM> (default: 5)
<DT><DD>.B {0|1} <EM>bold</EM> (default: 0)
<DT><DD>.A {ll|lc|lr|cl|cc|cr|ul|uc|ur} <EM>align</EM> (default: ll)
<DT><DD>.R [+|-]rotation[r] <EM>rotation</EM> (default: 0)
<DT><DD>.I linespacing <EM>linespacing</EM> (default: 1.1)
<DT><DD>.X [+|-]x[%|p] <EM>x-coord</EM>
<DT><DD>.Y [+|-]y[%|p] <EM>y-coord</EM>
<DT><DD>.L {0|1} <EM>linefeed</EM> (default: 1)
<DT><DD>.E [+|-]east[%|p] <EM>x-origin</EM>
<DT><DD>.N [+|-]north[%|p] <EM>y-origin</EM>
<DT><DD>.. <EM>dot</EM>

To end input, press Ctrl-d on a blank line.


<H4>Standard mode:</H4>

<TT><B>d.text.freetype</B> text="GRASS GIS" -g at=2107055,5603133 \<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;size=7 path=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/luximb.ttf</TT>

<H4>Command mode:</H4>
The following example prints three lines: "<TT><font color=gray>GRASS</font>
 <font color=red>d.text.freetype</font> <font color=gray>output</font></TT>",
"<TT><font color=gray>See test.input file</font></TT>", and 
"<TT><font color=gray>for more details.</font></TT>".

<DT><TT><B>d.text.freetype -c</B>
<dd>.F /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/luximb.ttf:ISO-8859-1
<dd>.S 20p
<dd>.L 0
<dd>.C red
<dd> d.text.freetype
<dd>.C gray
<dd> output
<dd>.L 1
<dd>See test.input file
<dd>for more details.</TT>

Command mode instructions may also be read directly from a text file:<BR><BR>
<TT><B>d.text.freetype</B> -c &lt; test.input</TT>


To help users select fonts conveniently, the definition file,
<TT>$(GISBASE)/etc/freetypecap</TT>, is provided.  Its format is as follows:


See the file for examples.


<EM><A HREF="d.text.html">d.text</A></EM><br>
<EM><A HREF="d.font.freetype.html">d.font.freetype</A></EM><br>
<EM><A HREF="d.font.html">d.font</A></EM><br>
<EM><A HREF="d.title.html">d.title</A></EM><br>
<EM><A HREF="d.where.html">d.where</A></EM><br>


Huidae Cho
Updates by Hamish Bowman, NZ

<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2007-04-07 13:34:10 +0200 (Sat, 07 Apr 2007) $</i>
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