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The <em>g.parser</em> module provides full parser support for GRASS scripts,
including an auto-generated GUI interface, help page template, and command
line option checking. In this way a simple script can very quickly be made
into a full-fledged GRASS module.


After parsing the arguments are stored in environment variables for use in your
scripts. These variables are named "GIS_FLAG_&lt;NAME&gt;" for flags and
"GIS_OPT_&lt;NAME&gt;" for options.
The names of variables are converted to upper case. For example if an option 
with key <b>input</b> was defined in the script header, the value will be
available in variable <b>GIS_OPT_INPUT</b> and the value of flag with key <b>f</b>
will be available in variable <b>GIS_FLAG_F</b>.
For flags, the value will be "1" if the flag was given, and "0" otherwise.
Typical header definitions are as follows:
<div class="code"><pre>
#%  description: g.parser test script   
#%  key: f
#%  description: A flag
#%  key: raster
#%  type: string
#%  gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#%  description: Raster input map
#%  required : yes


An option can be instructed to allow multiple inputs by adding the following line:
<pre>#% multiple : yes</pre>
While this will only directly change the <i>Usage</i> section of the help
screen, the option's environmental string may be easily parsed from within
a script. For example, individual comma separated identities for an option 
named "input" can be parsed with the following Bash shell code:

<div class="code"><pre>IFS=,
for opt in $GIS_OPT_INPUT ; do
    ... "$opt"

A "<tt>guisection</tt>" field may be added to each option and flag to specify
that the options should appear in multiple tabs in the auto-generated GUI.
Any options without a <tt>guisection</tt> field go into the "Options" tab.
For example:
<pre>#% guisection: tabname</pre>
would put that option in a tab named <i>tabname</i>.

A "<tt>key_desc</tt>" field may be added to each option to specify the text that
appears in the module's usage help section. For example:
<pre>#% key_desc: filename</pre>
added to an <b>input</b> option would create the usage summary

If a script is run with --o, G_parser() will set <tt>GRASS_OVERWRITE=1</tt>,
which has the same effect as passing --o to every module which is run
from the script.
Similarly, passing --q or --v will set <tt>GRASS_VERBOSE</tt> to 0 or 3
respectively, which has the same effect as passing --q or --v to every
module which is run from the script.
Rather than checking whether --o, --q or --v were used, you should be
checking $GRASS_OVERWRITE and/or $GRASS_VERBOSE instead. If those
variables are set, the script should behave the same way regardless of
whether they were set by --o, --q or --v being passed to the script or
set by other means.


The flag <em>--script</em> added to a GRASS command, 
To write out a <em>g.parser</em> boilerplate for easy prototyping of shell
scripts, the flag <em>--script</em> can be added to any GRASS command. Example:

<div class="code"><pre> --script


<em>g.parser</em> provides some support for translating the options of scripts.
If called with the -t switch before the script filename like this

<div class="code"><pre>
g.parser -t somescriptfile

<em>g.parser</em> will print the text of the translatable options to
<tt>stdout</tt>, one per line, and exit. This is for internal use within
the build system to prepare GRASS scripts for translation.


<h3>Example code for SHELL</h3>

<div class="code"><pre>

# g.parser demo script for shell programing

#%  description: g.parser test script   
#%  key: f
#%  description: A flag
#% key: raster
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Raster input map
#% required : yes
#% key: vector
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,vector,vector
#% description: Vector input map
#% required : yes
#% key: option1
#% type: string
#% description: An option
#% required : no

if [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
    echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." 1&gt;&amp;2
    exit 1

if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
    exec g.parser "$0" "$@"

#### add your code below ####
echo ""

if [ $GIS_FLAG_F -eq 1 ] ; then
    echo "Flag -f set"
    echo "Flag -f not set"

# test if parameter present:
if [ -n "$GIS_OPT_OPTION1" ] ; then
    echo "Value of GIS_OPT_OPTION1: '$GIS_OPT_OPTION1'"



<h3>Example code for Python</h3>

<div class="code"><pre>

# g.parser demo script for python programing

#%  description: g.parser test script (python)
#%  key: f
#%  description: A flag
#%  key: raster
#%  type: string
#%  gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#%  description: Raster input map
#%  required : yes
#%  key: vector
#%  type: string
#%  gisprompt: old,vector,vector
#%  description: Vector input map
#%  required : yes
#%  key: option1
#%  type: string
#%  description: An option
#%  required : no

import os
import sys

def main():

    #### add your code here ####

    print ""

    if ( os.getenv('GIS_FLAG_F') == "1" ):
        print "Flag -f set"
        print "Flag -f not set"

    # test if parameter present:
    if ( os.getenv("GIS_OPT_OPTION1") != "" ):
        print "Value of GIS_OPT_OPTION1: '%s'" % os.getenv('GIS_OPT_OPTION1')

    print "Value of GIS_OPT_RASTER: '%s'" % os.getenv('GIS_OPT_RASTER')
    print "Value of GIS_OPT_VECTOR: '%s'" % os.getenv('GIS_OPT_VECTOR')

    #### end of your code ####

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if !os.getenv("GISBASE"):
        print &gt;&gt; sys.stderr, "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program."

    if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ):
        os.execvp("g.parser", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)


The <tt></tt> script will provide following help text:
<div class="code"><pre>
./ --help

 g.parser test script (python)
Usage: [-f] option=name
  -f   a flag
  option   an option

<h3>Example code for Perl</h3>

<div class="code"><pre>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# g.parser demo script

#%  description: g.parser test script (perl) 
#%  keywords: keyword1, keyword2
#%  key: f
#%  description: A flag
#% key: raster
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#% description: Raster input map
#% required : yes
#% key: vector
#% type: string
#% gisprompt: old,vector,vector
#% description: Vector input map
#% required : yes
#% key: option1
#% type: string
#% description: An option
#% required : no

if ( !$ENV{'GISBASE'} ) {
    printf(STDERR  "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program.\n");
    exit 1;

if( $ARGV[0] ne '@ARGS_PARSED@' ){
    my $arg = "";
    for (my $i=0; $i < @ARGV;$i++) {
        $arg .= " $ARGV[$i] ";
    system("$ENV{GISBASE}/bin/g.parser $0 $arg");

#### add your code here ####
print  "\n";
if ( $ENV{'GIS_FLAG_F'} eq "1" ){
   print "Flag -f set\n"
else {
   print "Flag -f not set\n"

printf ("Value of GIS_OPT_option1: '%s'\n", $ENV{'GIS_OPT_OPTION1'});
printf ("Value of GIS_OPT_raster: '%s'\n", $ENV{'GIS_OPT_RASTER'});
printf ("Value of GIS_OPT_vect: '%s'\n", $ENV{'GIS_OPT_VECTOR'});

#### end of your code ####


The <tt></tt> script will provide following help text:
<div class="code"><pre>
./ --help

 g.parser test script (perl)
Usage: [-f] option=name
  -f   a flag
  option   an option


<A HREF="d.ask.html">d.ask</A>,
<A HREF=""></A>,
<A HREF="g.ask.html">g.ask</A>,
<A HREF="g.filename.html">g.filename</A>,
<A HREF="g.findfile.html">g.findfile</A>,
<A HREF="g.tempfile.html">g.tempfile</A>,
and the <tt>SUBMITTING_SCRIPTS</tt> file in the GRASS source code.


Glynn Clements
<i>Last changed: $Date: 2007-07-16 11:19:50 +0200 (Mon, 16 Jul 2007) $</i>