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<h1>NVIZ Reference Manual</h1>
<hr width="100%" align=center size=4 noshade>
<a href="nviz_toc.html">CONTENTS</a>

<h2>What's Here Panel</h2>

<p>The <strong>What's Here</strong> panel lets you interactively query 
surfaces, vectors and sites displayed in the <strong>NVIZ</strong> viewer.
Query results appear in the <strong>What's Here</strong> text box.
You can also pipe results directly to a text file.
Query points appear in the <strong>NVIZ</strong> viewer as icons.

<img src="nvimg/panel/whats.gif" alt="What's Here Panel" width="292" height="284">


<dt> <strong>What's Here?</strong></dt>
<dd>Turns the <strong>What's Here</strong> interactive query on and off.

<dt> <strong>Attributes</strong></dt>
<dd>Lets you select optional output query attributes. 
<img src="nvimg/panel/whats_options.gif" alt="What's Here Options" width="143" height="182">
	<dt> <strong>Map Name</strong></dt>
	<dd>Names the query map (surface) used.
	<dt> <strong>Easting</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the easting of the query point.
	<dt> <strong>Northing</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the northing of the query point.
	<dt> <strong>Elevation</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the elevation of the query point.
	<dt> <strong>Color Category</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the surface color (as RGB) of the query point.
	<dt> <strong>XY Dist from Prev</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the horizontal distance (XY) between the current and 
	the previous query points.
	<dt> <strong>XYZ Dist from Prev</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the actual distance (XYZ) between the current and the 
	previous query points.
	<dt> <strong>Dist Along Surface</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the overland (draped) distance between the current and 
	the previous query points.
	If selected, a line draws between the current and the previous query
	<dt> <strong>Dist Along Exag Surface</strong></dt>
	<dd>Provides the overland (draped) distance between the current and 
	the previous query points using vertically exaggerated elevations. 
	The vertical exaggeration used in this calculation comes from the 
	surface <strong>zexag</strong> value. If selected, a line draws 
	between the current and the previous query points.
	<dt> <strong>Postgres</strong></dt>
	<dd>Queries the selected ( database based on results 
	from the current query point.

<dt> <strong>Reset</strong></dt>
<dd>Adds a horizontal line to the query output.

<dt> <strong>Clear</strong></dt>
<dd>Clears the <strong>What's Here</strong> panel text box (query results).

<dt> <strong>Query vector</strong></dt>
<dd>Uses the query results from selected vector (see Query map) to query 
a selected ( Postgres database.

<dt> <strong>Query sites</strong></dt>
<dd>Uses the query results from selected sites file (see Query map) to 
query a selected ( Postgres database.

<dt> <strong>Query map</strong></dt>
<dd>Selects the file (vector or sites) to use for the Postgres query. If 
you select <strong>Query vector</strong>, provide a vector map name. If 
you select <strong>Query sites</strong>, provide a sites file name.

<dt> <strong>PG Table</strong></dt>
<dd>Enter the name of the Postgres table. The table must be in the currently 
selected Postgres database.

<dt> <strong>key col</strong></dt>
<dd>Enter the name of the column in the Postgres table. The column must be 
in the currently selected table.

<dt> <strong>Xcol</strong></dt>
<dd>Enter the name of the easting column in the selected Postgres table. 
Use only with the <strong>Query sites</strong> option.

<dt> <strong>Ycol</strong></dt>
<dd>Enter the name of the northing column in the selected Postgres table. 
Use only with the <strong>Query sites</strong> option.

<dt> <strong>Dist</strong></dt>
<dd>Enter the radius from the selected query point to search the Postgres 
<strong>Xcol</strong> and <strong>Ycol</strong>. In other words, return all 
of the database records within the set distance from the selected point.

<dt> <strong>Pipe to</strong></dt>
<dd>Outputs query results to a user defined text file.

<dt> <strong>Close</strong></dt>
<dd>Closes the <strong>What's Here</strong> panel.

