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<em><b></b></em>  - Create a raster map from an assemblage of many coordinates using univariate statistics.
<b> help</b><br>
<b></b> [-<b>sg</b>] <b>input</b>=<em>name</em> <b>output</b>=<em>name</em>  [<b>method</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>type</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>fs</b>=<em>character</em>]   [<b>x</b>=<em>integer</em>]   [<b>y</b>=<em>integer</em>]   [<b>z</b>=<em>integer</em>]   [<b>zrange</b>=<em>min,max</em>]   [<b>percent</b>=<em>integer</em>]   [--<b>overwrite</b>]  [--<b>verbose</b>]  [--<b>quiet</b>] 

<DD>Scan data file for extent then exit</DD>

<DD>In scan mode, print using shell script style</DD>

<DD>Allow output files to overwrite existing files</DD>
<DD>Verbose module output</DD>
<DD>Quiet module output</DD>

<DD>ASCII file containing input data (or "-" to read from stdin)</DD>

<DD>Name for output raster map</DD>

<DD>Statistic to use for raster values</DD>
<DD>Options: <em>n,min,max,range,sum,mean,stddev,variance,coeff_var</em></DD>
<DD>Default: <em>mean</em></DD>

<DD>Storage type for resultant raster map</DD>
<DD>Options: <em>CELL,FCELL,DCELL</em></DD>
<DD>Default: <em>FCELL</em></DD>

<DD>Field separator</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>|</em></DD>

<DD>Column number of x coordinates in input file (first column is 1)</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>1</em></DD>

<DD>Column number of y coordinates in input file</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>2</em></DD>

<DD>Column number of data values in input file</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>3</em></DD>

<DD>Filter range for z data (min,max)</DD>

<DD>Percent of map to keep in memory</DD>
<DD>Options: <em>1-100</em></DD>
<DD>Default: <em>100</em></DD>


The <EM></EM> module will load and bin ungridded x,y,z ASCII data
into a new raster map. The user may choose from a variety of statistical
methods in creating the new raster.
<EM></EM> is designed for processing massive point cloud datasets,
for example raw LIDAR or sidescan sonar swath data. 
Available statistics for populating the raster are:<BR>
<tr><td><em>n</em></td>        <td>number of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>min</em></td>      <td>minimum value of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>max</em></td>      <td>maximum value of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>range</em></td>    <td>range of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>sum</em></td>      <td>sum of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>mean</em></td>     <td>average value of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>stddev</em></td>   <td>standard deviation of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>variance</em></td> <td>variance of points in cell</td></tr>
<tr><td><em>coeff_var</em>&nbsp;</td><td>coefficient of variance of points in cell</td></tr>

<li><em>Variance</em> and derivatives use the biased estimator (n). [subject to change]
<li><em>Coefficient of variance</em> is given in percentage and defined as


<h4>Memory use</h4>

While the <B>input</B> file can be arbitrarily large, <EM></EM>
will use a large amount of system memory for large raster regions (10000x10000).
If the module refuses to start complaining that there isn't enough memory,
use the <b>percent</b> parameter to run the module in several passes.
In addition using a less precise map format (<tt>CELL</tt> [integer] or
<tt>FCELL</tt> [floating point]) will use less memory than a <tt>DCELL</tt>
[double precision floating point] <b>output</b> map. Methods such as <em>n,
min, max, sum</em> will also use less memory, while <em>stddev, variance,
and coeff_var</em> will use more. The default map <b>type</b>=<tt>FCELL</tt>
is intended as compromise between preserving data precision and limiting
system resource consumption.
If reading data from a <tt>stdin</tt> stream, the program can only run using
a single pass.

<h4>Setting region bounds and resolution</h4>

You can use the <b>-s</b> scan flag to find the extent of the input data
(and thus point density) before performing the full import. Use
<em>g.region</em> to adjust the region bounds to match. The <b>-g</b> shell
style flag prints the extent suitable as parameters for <em>g.region</em>.
A suitable resolution can be found by dividing the number of input points
by the area covered. e.g.

<div class="code"><pre>
  wc -l inputfile.txt
  g.region -p
  # points_per_cell = n_points / (rows * cols)

  g.region -e
  # UTM location:
  # points_per_sq_m = n_points / (ns_extent * ew_extent)

  # Lat/Lon location:
  # points_per_sq_m = n_points / (ns_extent * ew_extent*cos(lat) * (1852*60)^2)
If you only intend to interpolate the data with <em></em> and
<em></em>, then there is little point to setting the region
resolution so fine that you only catch one data point per cell -- you might
as well use "<tt>;-zbt</tt>" directly.


Points falling outside the current region will be skipped. This includes
points falling <em>exactly</em> on the southern region bound.
(to capture those adjust the region with "<tt>g.region s=s-0.000001</tt>";
see <em>g.region</em>)
Blank lines and comment lines starting with the hash symbol (<tt>#</tt>)
will be skipped.
The <b>zrange</b> parameter may be used for filtering the input data by
vertical extent. Example uses might include preparing multiple raster
sections to be combined into a 3D raster array with <em></em>, or
for filtering outliers on relatively flat terrain.
In varied terrain the user may find that <em>min</em> maps make for a good
noise filter as most LIDAR noise is from premature hits. The <em>min</em> map
may also be useful to find the underlying topography in a forested or urban
environment if the cells are over sampled.
The user can use a combination of <EM></EM> <B>output</b> maps to create
custom filters. e.g. use <em>r.mapcalc</em> to create a <tt>mean-(2*stddev)</tt>
map. [In this example the user may want to include a lower bound filter in
<em>r.mapcalc</em> to remove highly variable points (small <em>n</em>) or run
<EM>r.neighbors</EM> to smooth the stddev map before further use.]


If the raster map is to be reprojected, it may be more appropriate to reproject
the input points with <em>m.proj</em> or <em>cs2cs</em> before running

<h4>Interpolation into a DEM</h4>

The vector engine's topographic abilities introduce a finite memory overhead
per vector point which will typically limit a vector map to approximately
3 million points (~ 1750^2 cells). If you want more, use the <em></em>
<b>-b</b> flag to skip building topology. Without topology, however, all
you'll be able to do with the vector map is display with <em>d.vect</em> and
interpolate with <em></em>.
Run <em>r.univar</em> on your raster map to check the number of non-NULL cells
and adjust bounds and/or resolution as needed before proceeding.

Typical commands to create a DEM using a regularized spline fit:
<div class="code"><pre>
  r.univar lidar_min -z feature=point in=lidar_min out=lidar_min_pt layer=0 in=lidar_min_pt elev=lidar_min.rst


Import the <a href="">Jockey's
Ridge, NC, LIDAR dataset</a>, and process into a clean DEM:

<div class="code"><pre>
    # scan and set region bounds -s fs=, in=lidaratm2.txt out=test
  g.region n=35.969493 s=35.949693 e=-75.620999 w=-75.639999
  g.region res=0:00:00.075 -a
    # create "n" map containing count of points per cell for checking density in=lidaratm2.txt out=lidar_n fs=, method=n zrange=-2,50
    # check point density [rho = n_sum / (rows*cols)]
  r.univar lidar_n | grep sum
    # create "min" map (elevation filtered for premature hits) in=lidaratm2.txt out=lidar_min fs=, method=min zrange=-2,50
    # zoom to area of interest
  g.region n=35:57:56.25N s=35:57:13.575N w=75:38:23.7W e=75:37:15.675W
    # check number of non-null cells (try and keep under a few million)
  r.univar lidar_min | grep '^n:'
    # convert to points -z feature=point in=lidar_min out=lidar_min_pt
    # interpolate using a regularized spline fit layer=0 in=lidar_min_pt elev=lidar_min.rst
    # set color scale to something interesting
  r.colors lidar_min.rst rule=bcyr -n -e
    # prepare a 1:1:1 scaled version for NVIZ visualization (for lat/lon input)
  r.mapcalc "lidar_min.rst_scaled = lidar_min.rst / (1852*60)"
  r.colors lidar_min.rst_scaled rule=bcyr -n -e


<li> Support for advanced statistics (as from <em>r.univar</em>).
     Especially useful for dealing with outliers would be median and
     5-10% trimmed means.

<li> Support for multiple map output from a single run.<BR>
     <tt>method=string[,string,...] output=name[,name,...]</tt>


<li> <em>n</em> map sum can be ever-so-slightly more than `<tt>wc -l</tt>`
  with e.g. <tt>percent=10</tt> or less.
  <BR>Cause unknown.

<li> <em>n</em> map <tt>percent=100</tt> and <tt>percent=xx</tt> maps
  differ slightly (point will fall above/below the segmentation line)
  <BR>Investigate with "<tt>r.mapcalc diff=bin_n.100 - bin_n.33</tt>" etc.
  <BR>Cause unknown.

<li> "<tt>nan</tt>" can leak into <em>coeff_var</em> maps.
  <BR>Cause unknown. Possible work-around: "<tt>r.null setnull=nan</tt>"
<!-- HB: "possible" when someone fixes r.null to allow it ;) -->

If you encounter any problems (or solutions!) please contact the GRASS
Development Team.


<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
<a href="m.proj.html">m.proj</a>,
<a href="r.fillnulls.html">r.fillnulls</a>,
<a href=""></a>,
<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>,
<a href="r.neighbors.html">r.neighbors</a>,
<a href=""></a>,
<a href=""></a>,
<a href="r.univar.html">r.univar</a>,
<a href="r.univar2.html">r.univar2</a>,
<a href=""></a>,
<a href=""></a>


Hamish Bowman<BR> <i>
Department of Marine Science<BR>
University of Otago<BR>
New Zealand</i><BR>

<i>Last changed: $Date: 2007-07-11 09:04:42 +0200 (Wed, 11 Jul 2007) $</i></p>
<P><a href="index.html">Main index</a> - <a href="raster.html">raster index</a> - <a href="full_index.html">Full index</a></P>
<P>&copy; 2003-2008 <a href="">GRASS Development Team</a></p>