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<em><b>r.reclass</b></em>  - Creates a new map layer whose category values are based upon a reclassification of the categories in an existing raster map layer.
<b>r.reclass help</b><br>
<b>r.reclass</b> <b>input</b>=<em>name</em> <b>output</b>=<em>name</em>  [<b>rules</b>=<em>name</em>]   [<b>title</b>=<em>string</em>]   [--<b>overwrite</b>]  [--<b>verbose</b>]  [--<b>quiet</b>] 

<DD>Allow output files to overwrite existing files</DD>
<DD>Verbose module output</DD>
<DD>Quiet module output</DD>

<DD>Raster map to be reclassified</DD>

<DD>Name for output raster map</DD>

<DD>File containing reclass rules</DD>

<DD>Title for the resulting raster map</DD>


<EM>r.reclass</EM> creates an <EM>output</EM> map layer
based on an <EM>input</EM> raster map layer.  The output
map layer will be a reclassification of the input map layer
based on reclass rules input to <EM>r.reclass</EM>, and can
be treated in much the same way that raster maps are
treated.  A <EM>TITLE</EM> for the output map layer may be
(optionally) specified by the user.

The reclass rules are read from standard input (i.e., from
the keyboard, redirected from a file, or piped through
another program).

Before using <EM>r.reclass</EM> the user must know the following:

<LI>The new categories desired;  and, which old categories fit into 
which new categories.
<LI>The names of the new categories.


Suppose we want to reclassify the raster map layer
<EM>roads</EM>, consisting of five categories, into the
three new categories:  paved roads, unpaved roads, and
railroad tracks.  The user is asked whether the reclass
table is to be established with each category value
initially set to 0, or with each category value initially
set to its own value.  A screen like that shown below then
appears, listing the categories of the <EM>roads</EM>
raster map layer to be reclassified and prompting the user
for the new category values to be assigned them.

     OLD CATEGORY NAME       OLD     NEW	 
                             NUM     NUM
     no data	              0      0___
     Hard Surface, 2 lanes    1      0___
     Loose Surface, 1 lane    2      0___
     Improved Dirt            3      0___
     Unimproved Dirt Trail    4      0___
     Railroad, single track   5      0___

                  (OR &lt;Ctrl-C&gt; TO CANCEL)

In the following screen the new category values have been
entered beside the appropriate old category names.  Cells
assigned category values 2, 3, and 4 in the old raster map
layer are now assigned the new category value 2 in the
reclassed map; cell data formerly assigned to category
value 5 in the old raster map map are now assigned the new
category value 3 in the reclassed map.

     OLD CATEGORY NAME	      OLD     NEW	 
                              NUM     NUM
     no data                   0      0___
     Hard Surface, 2 lanes     1      1___
     Loose Surface, 1 lane     2      2___
     Improved Dirt	       3      2___
     Unimproved Dirt Trail     4      2___
     Railroad, single track    5      3___

                  (OR &lt;Ctrl-C&gt; TO CANCEL)

Hitting the escape key &lt;ESC&gt; will bring up the
following screen, which prompts the user to enter a new
TITLE and category label for the newly <B>reclassed</B>

     TITLE:  Roads Reclassified
            CAT         NEW CATEGORY NAME
             0          no data
             1          Paved Roads
             2          Unpaved Roads
             3          Railroad, single track

                     (OR &lt;Ctrl-C&gt; TO CANCEL)
Based upon the information supplied by the user in the above sample screens,
the new output map, supporting category, color, history, and header files
are created.


In non-interactive program use, the names of an input map, output map,
and output map TITLE are given on the command line.
However, the reclass rules are still read from standard input
(i.e., from the keyboard, redirected
from a file, or piped through another program).


Once the user has specified an input raster map layer,
output map layer name, and (optionally) output map layer
TITLE by typing

<B>r.reclass input=</B><EM>name </EM><B>output=</B><EM>name </EM>[<B>TITLE=</B><EM>name</EM>]

Each line of input must have the following format:

<DD><B>input_categories=</B><EM>output_category  </EM>[<EM>label</EM>]

where the input lines specify the category values in the
input raster map layer to be reclassified to the new
<EM>output_category</EM> category value.  Specification of
a <EM>label</EM> to be associated with the new output map
layer category is optional.  If specified, it is recorded
as the category label for the new category value.  The
equal sign = is required.  The <EM>input_category(ies)</EM>
may consist of single category values or a range of such
values in the format "<EM>low</EM> thru <EM>high</EM>." The
word "thru" must be present.
To include all (remaining) values the asterix "*" can be used. This
rule has to be set as last rule. No further rules are accepted after
setting this rule.
No data have to be spcified with NULL.

A line containing only the word <B>end</B> terminates the


The following examples may help clarify the reclass rules.
<DD>1. This example reclassifies categories 1, 2 and 3 in the input raster
map layer "roads" to category 1 with category label "good quality" in the output map
layer, and reclassifies input raster map layer categories 4 and 5 to
category 2 with the label "poor quality" in the output map layer.

    1 2 3   = 1    good quality
    4 5     = 2    poor quality
<DD>2. This example reclassifies input raster map layer categories 1 thru 10 to output 
map layer category 1, input map layer categories 11 thru 20 to output map layer
category 2, and input map layer categories 21 thru 30 to output map layer
category 3, all without labels. The range from 30 to 40 is reclassified as
     1 thru 10	= 1
    11 thru 20	= 2
    21 thru 30	= 3
    30 thru 40  = NULL

<DD>3. Subsequent rules override previous rules.  Therefore, the below example
reclassifies input raster map layer categories 1 thru 19 and 51 thru 100
to category 1 in the output map layer,
input raster map layer categories 20 thru 24 and 26 thru 50 to
the output map layer category 2, and input raster map layer category 25
to the output category 3.
     1 thru 100	= 1    poor quality
    20 thru 50	= 2    medium quality
    25	        = 3    good quality

<DD>4. This example reclassifies categories 1, 3 and 5 in the input raster map layer to category 1 with category label "poor quality" in the output map layer,
and reclassifies input raster map layer categories 2, 4, and 6
to category 2 with the label "good quality" in the output map layer.
All other values are reclassified to NULL.
    1 3 5   = 1    poor quality
    2 4 6   = 2    good quality
    *       = NULL

<DD>5. The previous example could also have been entered as:
     1 thru 19  51 thru 100	= 1    poor quality
    20 thru 24  26 thru 50	= 2    medium quality
    25				= 3    good quality
or as:
     1 thru 19	 = 1    poor quality
    51 thru 100	 = 1
    20 thru 24	 = 2
    26 thru 50	 = 2    medium quality
    25		 = 3    good quality

The final example was given to show how the labels are handled.  If a new
category value appears in more than one rule (as is the case with new 
category values 1 and 2),
the last label which was specified becomes the label for that category.
In this case the labels are assigned exactly as in the two previous examples.


In fact, the <EM>r.reclass</EM> program does <EM>not</EM> generate any new
raster map layers (in the interests of disk space conservation).  Instead, a
<B>reclass table</B> is stored which will be used to reclassify the
original raster map layer each time the new (reclassed) map name
is requested.  As far as the user (and programmer) is concerned, that
raster map has been created.
Also note that although the user can generate a <EM>r.reclass</EM> map
which is based on another <EM>r.reclass</EM> map,
the new <EM>r.reclass</EM> map map will be stored in GRASS as a reclass
of the <EM>original</EM> raster map on which the first reclassed map was
based.  Therefore, while GRASS allows the user to provide <EM>r.reclass</EM> 
map layer information which is based on an already reclassified map
(for the user's convenience), no <EM>r.reclass</EM> map layer
(i.e., <EM>reclass table</EM>) will ever be <EM>stored</EM>
as a <EM>r.reclass</EM> of a <EM>r.reclass</EM>.

To convert a reclass map to a regular raster map layer, set your
geographic region settings to match the settings in the header for the
reclass map (an ASCII file found under the <EM>cellhd</EM> directory, or
viewable by running <EM><A HREF=""></A></EM>) and then run <EM><A HREF="r.resample.html">r.resample</A></EM>.

<EM><A HREF="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</A></EM> can be used to convert
a reclass map to a regular raster map layer:

<div class="code"><pre>
  r.mapcalc raster_map=reclass_map

where <EM>raster_map</EM> is the name to be given to the new raster map,
and <EM>reclass_map</EM> is an existing reclass map.


Because <EM>r.reclass</EM> generates a table referencing some original
raster map layer rather than creating a reclassed raster map layer,
a <EM>r.reclass</EM> map layer will no longer be accessible if
the original raster map layer upon which it was based is later removed.

A <EM>r.reclass</EM> map is not a true raster map layer.
Rather, it is a table of reclassification values which reference the
input raster map layer.  Therefore, users who wish to retain reclassified
map layers must also save the original input raster map layers
from which they were generated. Alternatively r.recode can be used.

Category values which are not explicitly reclassified to a new value
by the user will be reclassified to NULL.


<EM><A HREF="r.resample.html">r.resample</A></EM>,
<EM><A HREF="r.rescale.html">r.rescale</A></EM>,
<EM><A HREF="r.recode.html">r.recode</A></EM>


James Westervelt,

Michael Shapiro, 
U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

<i>Last changed: $Date: 2006-12-13 15:21:43 +0100 (Wed, 13 Dec 2006) $</i>
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