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<em><b>r.volume</b></em>  - Calculates the volume of data "clumps", and (optionally) produces a GRASS vector points map containing the calculated centroids of these clumps.
<b>r.volume help</b><br>
<b>r.volume</b> [-<b>f</b>] <b>data</b>=<em>string</em>  [<b>clump</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>centroids</b>=<em>string</em>]   [--<b>overwrite</b>]  [--<b>verbose</b>]  [--<b>quiet</b>] 

<DD>Generate unformatted report</DD>

<DD>Allow output files to overwrite existing files</DD>
<DD>Verbose module output</DD>
<DD>Quiet module output</DD>

<DD>Existing raster map representing data that will be summed within clumps</DD>

<DD>Existing raster map, preferably the output of r.clump</DD>

<DD>Vector points map to contain clump centroids</DD>


<em>r.volume</em> is a tool for summing cell values within clumps 
and calculating volumes and centroids of patches or clumps.
<em>r.volume</em> generates a table containing the sum of all cells from
a data_map layer sorted by category on a clump map, and optionally
generates a vector points map of the centroids for each clump.  If a
clump map is not specified, the current MASK is used.
The sum is multiplied by the area of a cell to give the volume
occupied by that cell.  See below for an example of the output

<!-- The table is placed in the user's home directory in the
file (or not???)

NOTE: I can't find any evidence of this in the source code, and I have tested 
the module out as of Jan 10, 2008. I'll leave the above comment about
automatic report generation commented out from the manpage for now, unless I get 
notification otherwise. - EP

If a clump map is not given and a MASK not set, the program exits
with an error message.
<em>r.volume</em> works in the current region and respects the current MASK.


The following report was generated by the command:
(spearfish data base; fields.only is the fields layer without the
National Forest category)
r.volume data=elevation clump=fields.only centroids=field.centers 

Volume report on data from elevation using clumps on fields.only map

 Cat    Average   Data   # Cells        Centroid             Total
Number  in clump  Total  in clump   Easting   Northing       Volume

    1   1181.09   75590      64   595500.00  4927700.00   755900000.00
    2   1163.50   69810      60   597100.00  4927700.00   698100000.00
    3   1146.83   34405      30   598300.00  4927700.00   344050000.00
    4   1193.20  366311     307   599400.00  4927300.00  3663110000.00
   60   1260.08  351563     279   603100.00  4921000.00  3515630000.00
   61   1213.93   35204      29   603700.00  4921500.00   352040000.00
   62   1207.71   33816      28   604100.00  4921500.00   338160000.00
                                         Total Volume = 67226740000.00

The Data Total column is the sum of the elevations for each
in each of the fields.  The Total Volume is the sum multiplied
by the e-w resolution times the n-s resolution.  Note that
the units on the volume may be difficult if the units of cell
values on the data_map layer and the resolution units differ.

The centroid coordinates are the same as those stored in the sites
file (if one was requested).  They are guaranteed to fall on a cell
of the appropriate category, thus they are not always the true,
mathematical centroid.  They will always fall at a cell center.

<h3>FORMAT OF CENTROIDS table<BR></h3>
For each line of above table the vector points table contains
these columns:
This can be converted directly to a raster map with each point
a separate category using <em></em>.

<!-- As far as I can tell, no attributes are written to a table in Grass 6.3
(Jan 2008), as this program hasn't been updated to use the Grass 6 vector library. - EP

By preprocessing the elevation layer with <em>r.mapcalc</em> and using
suitable masking or clump maps, very interesting applications can
be done with <em>r.volume</em>.  Such as, calculating the volume of rock
in a potential quarry; calculating cut/fill volumes for roads;
finding water volumes in potential reservoirs.  Data layers of
other measures of real values.

Dr. James Hinthorne, Central Washington University GIS Laboratory<BR>
December 1988.

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