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<em><b>v.reclass</b></em>  - Changes vector category values for an existing vector map according to results of SQL queries or a value in attribute table column.
vector, attribute table
<b>v.reclass help</b><br>
<b>v.reclass</b> <b>input</b>=<em>name</em> <b>output</b>=<em>name</em>  [<b>rules</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>column</b>=<em>string</em>]   [<b>type</b>=<em>string</em>[,<i>string</i>,...]]   [<b>layer</b>=<em>integer</em>]   [--<b>overwrite</b>]  [--<b>verbose</b>]  [--<b>quiet</b>] 

<DD>Allow output files to overwrite existing files</DD>
<DD>Verbose module output</DD>
<DD>Quiet module output</DD>

<DD>Name of input vector map</DD>

<DD>Name for output vector map</DD>

<DD>Full path to the reclass rule file</DD>

<DD>The name of the column values of which are used as new categories. The column must be type integer.</DD>

<DD>Select type</DD>
<DD>Options: <em>point,line,boundary,centroid</em></DD>
<DD>Default: <em>point,line,boundary,centroid</em></DD>

<DD>Layer number</DD>
<DD>A single vector map can be connected to multiple database tables. This number determines which table to use.</DD>
<DD>Default: <em>1</em></DD>


<EM>v.reclass</EM> allows user to create a new vector map based on the reclassification 
of an existing vector map.  

Rules file may contain on each row either pair: <BR> 
<I>keyword&nbsp;value</I> <BR>
(separated by space) or comment beginning by #(hash). 
Definition of new category begins with keyword <I>cat</I> followed by new category value.
Keyword <I>where</I> specifies SQL where condition.


<div class="code"><pre>
v.reclass input=land output=land_u type=boundary rules=land.rcl
the rules file contains :

<div class="code"><pre>
# land reclass file
cat 1
where use = 'E13' and owner = 'Jara Cimrman'
cat 2
where use = 'E14'

Produces a new vector area map <EM>land_u</EM> containing boundaries from <EM>land</EM> with area category values selected 
from database by SQL select statement: <br>
<I>select id from tland where use = 'E13' and owner = 'Jara Cimrman' </I> changed to category 1;
values selected from database by SQL select statement: <br>
<I>select id from tland where use = 'E14' </I> changed to category 2.


No table is created for reclassed layer if <B>column</B> option is used and column type is
integer (there is nothing which could be written to the table).
For dissolving common boundaries, see <em>v.extract</em>.

No table is created for reclassed layer if <B>rules</B> option is used.


<em><a HREF="v.dissolve.html">v.dissolve</a></em>,
<em><A HREF="v.extract.html">v.extract</A></em>,
<em><a HREF="v.reclass.html">v.reclass</a></em>,
<em><a HREF="sql.html">GRASS SQL interface</a></em>


from v.reclass to v.db.reclass and later to v.reclass in 5.7 rewritten by Radim Blazek

<p><i>Last changed: $Date: 2007-05-18 10:30:19 +0200 (Fri, 18 May 2007) $</i>
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