

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 4a989cf09a4b4c5f3273c280e92c6313 > files > 86


(*                                                                        *)
(* Proof of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm.                             *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (LRI, Université Paris Sud)                  *)
(* November 1998                                                          *)
(*                                                                        *)

include "arrays.why"

type A

parameter A_eq_bool : x:A -> y:A -> {} bool { if result then x=y else not x=y }

(* The pattern p is an array of length M. *)

logic M : int

parameter p : A array

(* We first compute a global table next with the procedure initnext.
 * That table only depends on p. *)

parameter next : int array

type prodZZ

logic match_ : A farray, int, A farray, int, int -> prop
logic Next : A farray, int, int -> prop
logic pairZ : int,int -> prodZZ

let initnext =
  fun (u:unit) ->
    { array_length(p) = M and array_length(next) = M }
   (let i = ref 1 in
    let j = ref 0 in
    if 1 < M then begin
      next[1] := 0;
      while !i < M-1 do
        { invariant 0 <= j <= M  and  j < i <= M
            and match_(p, i-j, p, 0, j)
  	    and (forall z:int. j+1 < z < i+1 -> not match_(p, i+1-z, p, 0, z))
            and (forall k:int. 0 < k <= i -> Next(p, k, next[k]))
	    and array_length(next) = M     as Inv
          variant pairZ(M-i, j) for lexZ }
        if (A_eq_bool p[!i] p[!j]) then begin
          i := !i+1; j := !j+1; next[!i] := !j
        end else
          if !j = 0 then begin i := !i+1; next[!i] := 0 end else j := next[!j]
   { array_length(next) = M and
     forall j:int. 0 < j < M -> Next(p, j, next[j]) }

(* The algorithm looks for an occurrence of the pattern p in a text a 
 * which is an array of length N. 
 * The function kmp returns an index i within 0..N-1 if there is an occurrence
 * at the position i and N otherwise. *)
logic N : int

parameter a : A array

logic first_occur : A farray, A farray, int -> prop

let kmp () =
  { array_length(p) = M and array_length(next) = M and 
    array_length(a) = N }
 (let i = ref 0 in
  let j = ref 0 in
    (initnext void);
    while !j < M && !i < N do
      { invariant 0 <= j <= M and j <= i <= N
           and match_(a, i-j, p, 0, j)
           and forall k:int. 0 <= k < i-j -> not match_(a, k, p, 0, M) as Inv
        variant pairZ(N-i, j) for lexZ }
      if (A_eq_bool a[!i] p[!j]) then begin
        i := !i+1; j := !j+1
      end else
        if !j = 0 then i := !i+1 else j := next[!j]
    if !j = M then !i-M else !i
  { first_occur(p, a, result) }