

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 5ed7eb31405254cf8b25c082007d1284 > files > 72


1. Introduction
2. Usage
3. Known issues

1. Introduction

This tool kit is used to measure battery life and performance under
different workloads on Linux. Test can be used with various workloads to
simulate different types of laptop usage.
The following workloads are currently implemented:
	a) Idle workload - collect statistics only (mostly used to measure
		battery life)
	b) Developer workload - simulates code development in Linux environment
	c) Reader workload - simulates text reading on laptop (mostly used to
		measure battery life)
	d) Playback workload - simulates laptop entertaining usage (produces
		constant average load on the system)
	e) 3d game workload - simulates 3D-gaming on laptop (Unreal Tournament
		demo is used to create this workload)
	f) Office Activity workload - simulates laptop usage for different
		office activities (based on office suit)
When started, test collects platform/OS initial info and if it's OK prompts
user to unplug AC adapter. After cable unplugged, workload started. During the
workload execution test harness collects various system information (e.g.
CPU load, battery drain, display state, CPU frequency, etc...). After battery
completely discharged user should plug the AC cable back and boot the system.
When it is done the results are available.
There are several tools for result evaluation. They allow creating report file
for test run, to gather results into a table for system comparison, and
to draw graphs for different purposes.

2. Usage

Usage: bltk -hVvo:aNcCBXAHt:r:swulm:Qp:d:iIDPRGOU:g:YZJ:T:F:W:L:MSn:j:K:e:E:yzq:x

  --help(-h) - this info
  --version(-V) - version
  --verbose(-v) - verbose
  --ac-ignore(-a) - ignore ac adapter state check (on/off)
  --time-stat-ignore(-N) - disable time statistics
  --ac-stat-ignore(-A) - disable ac adapter statistics
  --cpu-stat-ignore(-c) - disable cpu load statistics
  --cpu-add-stat-ignore(-C) - disable cpu additional statistics
  --bat-stat-ignore(-B) - disable battery statistics
  --disp-stat-ignore(-X) - Disable display state statistics
  --hd-stat-ignore(-H) - disable hard drive state statistics
  --report-time:(-t:) - frequency of report line generation in seconds
  --results:(-r:) - name of results directory
  --stat-ignore(-s) - disable all statistics
  --work-stat-ignore(-w) - disable workload statistics
  --stat-memory:(-m:) - dump statistics directly on disk or keep in memory,
	if statistics are kept in memory, it will be dumped
	on disk at low battery capacity, or at the test end
	0 - disk, 1 - memory, default - 1
  --idle-test(-i) - idle test
  --idle(-I) - idle workload
  --reader(-R) - reader workload
  --developer(-D) - developer workload
  --player(-P) - playback workload
  --game(-G) - 3D-gaming workload
  --office(-O) - office productivity workload
  --user:(-U:) - user-specified workload (path to executable)
  --user-init:(-g:) - setup routines for user-specified workload
  --discharging(-Y) - battery discharge mode
  --charging(-Z) - battery charge mode
  --jobs:(-J:) - make jobs number
  --time:(-T:) - workload time
  --file:(-F:) - workload file
  --prog:(-W:) - workload program
	name of player (player workload, default 'mplayer')
	name of web-browser (reader workload, default 'firefox')
  --title:(-L:) - title of web-browser document
  --manufacturer(-M) - enable time and cpu load statistics only
  --show(-S) - demo/debug mode, one iteration only
  --show-num:(-n:) - demo/debug mode, 'show-num' iteration
  --show-cnt:(-j:) - demo/debug mode, 'show-cnt' sub iteration
  --show-time:(-T:) - demo/debug mode, debug time
  --comment:(-K:) - user comment for report
  --init-prog:(-e:) - run program before test starting
  --init-prog-su:(-E:) - run program as root before test starting
  --yes(-y) - auto 'yes' answer to all questions
  --debug(-Q) - debug workload (see cpu-load and disp-load below)
  --cpu-load:(-p:) - debug workload, the time cpu loaded in percent
  --disp-load:(-d:) - Debug workload, the time display on in percent
  --output:(-o:) - direct workload output:
	0 - file, 1 - file and console,
	2 - /dev/null), other - console
  --debug-vars(-z) - debug option
  --debug-vars-file:(-q:) - debug option - debug variables file
  --dpms(-x) - debug option - try to use display power management
  --spy(-u) - debug option - try to find out unexpected system activity
  --simul-laptop(-l) - debug option, laptop simulation
  --bat-sync:(-b:) - debug option, battery critical capacity, default 5%
  --user-field:(-f:) - the output of user-specified command being added to statistics
	-f "cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/temperature | awk '{print \$2}'"
  --stat-system:(-k:) - debug option, save system files, default 0
    bltk -I or --idle
        idle workload running
    bltk -R or --reader
        reader workload running
    bltk -D or --developer
        developer workload running
    bltk -O or --office
        office workload running
    bltk -P or --player
        player workload running
    bltk -G or --game
        game workload running
    bltk -i or --idle-test -T 60 -t 1
        idle test running for 60 seconds, stats interval 1 second

	After the battery dies and the system booted back, the results are
available. They are stored in 'bltk/<wokload_name>.results' directory (or in the directory, specified in -r option). If target directory already exist the tool
will add numeric extension to its name (.001, .002 e.t.c.) The results consist of the
following files (see below for detailed description):


Detailed description of the result files:
	In this file 'bltk' command with arguments are stored

	Here are stored any error messages

info.log (info1.log, info2.log)
	Here initial system info is stored. Another two files (info1.log,
info2.log) contains system info after AC adapter was unplugged, and on 5%
battery capacity remained. They are used to check whether any changes occurred
during test execution.

	Statistics generated by bltk harness are stored here. One statistic line
generated per 1 minute (or per number of seconds, specified in -t option). Every
line has the following fields:

	T:	string type (either N, S, D, F, P, I, W or M):
			N - string generated by newly started workload
				(normally, the first line)
			S - common statistic line
			D - string generated when system dies
				(i.e. signal is caught)
			F - string on failure
			P - string on pass
			I,W - strings generated on USR1, USR2 signals. It is 
				used to measure performance in hotspots.
				Normally, USR1, USR2 signals sent from workload
				process to harness process to generate
				statistics for required time interval
			M - synchronization string (stat writing from memory
				to disk)

	N	line number

	time	time since the beginning of workload

	dtime	time since the last string generated

	bat	remaining battery capacity (in percent)

	dbat	change of battery capacity since the last string generated
			(in percent)

	cap	remaining battery capacity (in mWh)

	vol	present voltage (in mV)

	rate	present rate (in mW)

	charge	charging state
			ok - charged
			-  - discharging
			+  - charging
			?  - unknown

	state	capacity state
			ok - ok
			!  - critical
			?  - unknown

	load	CPU load since the beginning of workload, evaluated from
				the following values:
		sys	system time
		user	user time
		iow	I/O wait time
		idle	idle time

	cload	CPU load since the last string generated, evaluated from the 
				following values:
		csys	system time
		cuser	user time
		ciow	I/O wait time
		cidle	idle time

	freq	instant CPU frequency

	dpms	current dpms state (on/off)

	disp	current display state (on/off)

	ac	AC adapter state (on/off). Normally, line with ac field set to 
			on invalidates the measures

	hd	disk state

	rd	number of reads from disk

	wr	number of writes on disk

	mem	amount of memory used

	swap	used swap size

	Cx	C-state usage (x is C-state number). Number of time CPU went to 
			the certain C-state

	Cdx	C-state duration (x is C-state number).

	T	Throttling

	bus-mas	Bus-master activity

	Px	P-state usage per CPU (x is P-state number).

	timer	CPU internal timer since last string generated

	intr	system interrupts (other)

	fieldx	output from user-specified command (x is a number of command)
		For example, the following command:

			-f "cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/temperature | \
			awk '{print \$2}'"

		will generate 'field0' field, containing temperature
		of the ACPI thermal zone TZ01.

	If '--stat-system:(-k:)' option is used with '1' argument, the
			system information is stored under this directory.
			The numbers at the end of directory name have the
			following meanings:
	0	initial system info 
	1	system info after AC adapter was unplugged
	2	system info on 5% battery capacity remained

	this file contains version information


	this file contains info about workload

	Strings generated by USR1, USR2 signals from workload.
	String format is the same as in the 'stat.log' file. 

	The workload output is stored here.

Analyzing tools:
The following tools (see bltk/bin directory) are implemented for results
	bltk_report		automated report creation
	bltk_report_table	summary table creation from several results 
	bltk_plot		graph drawing


Usage:	bltk_report [-hdr:s:b:c:oU:B:D:C:P:K:fI0R:12:34:EiS] directory...

	-h		usage
	-o		print report to output
	-K string	comment string
	-f		results directory name will be used as a comment
	-R filename	argument will be used as report file name
	-1		first statistic item of score file is ignored
	-2 item:num	statistic from item 'item', 'num' number of score file
	-3		first statistic item of stat.log file is ignored
	-4 item:num	statistic from item 'item', 'num' number of stat.log file
	-E		errors being ignored (allows to create report file anyway)
	-i		idle mode

	directory ...	result directories list

	Other options are reserved for internal purposes

	bltk_report result
		'Report' file will be generated in results directory


Usage:	bltk_report_table [-hdstfuEe12:34:F:SR] directory ...

	-h		usage
	-d		debugging mode
	-s		sort result lines
	-t		Excel-compatible file format
	-f		filename will be used as a comment
	-1		first statistic item of score file is ignored
	-2 item:num	statistic from item 'item', 'num' number of score file
	-3		first statistic item of stat.log file is ignored
	-4 item:num	statistic from item 'item', 'num' number of stat.log file
	-u		only columns which contain different
			values will be included into table
	-E		errors being ignored (allows to create
			result table anyway)
	-e		skip error results
	-F filter	only fields from filter file will be included into table
			(see doc/filter as an example)
	-S		split mode - split multiple values to columns
	-R			analyze all results dirs under passed directories

	directory ...	results directories list

	bltk_report_table <results1> ... <resultsn> >sum
		Common results table will be generated in 'sum' file for
		<results1> ... <resultsn> directories


Usage:	bltk_plot [-hDd:f:swx:yX:Y:t:o:12:vp:nR] results_dir ...

	-h			this help
	-D			debugging mode
	-d results_dir		results directory name
				this option could be passed several times
				default is current directory
	-f file			statistic file name
				this option could be passed several times
				default is stat.log
	-s			use stat.log file
	-w			use work.log file
	-x name			argument is used to be an X parameter
				default is 'time' field
	-y name ...		argument is used to be an Y parameter
				this option could be passed several times
				default is 'cap' field
	-X x1:x2		x range from x1 to x2
	-Y y1:y2		y range from y1 to y2
	-t title		graph title
	-o options		options passed to 'plot' command
	-1			first statistic item is ignored
	-2 item:num		statistic from item 'item', 'num' number
	-v			print current variables
	-p file			save graph to specified file
	-n			print available field's names
	-R			analyze all results dirs under passed directories

	results_dir ...		results directories list, the same as -d option

	bltk_plot -y bat -x N <results_dir1> ... <results_dirn>
		Common graph will be generated for <results_dir1> ... <results_dirn>

	h			this help
	q/quit/e/exit/cntr-d	exit
	D			debugging mode
	d results_dir ...	results directory name
	f file			statistic file name
	x name			X parameter
	[y] name ...		Y parameter
	X x1:x2			x range from x1 to x2
	Y y1:y2			y range from y1 to y2
	t title			graph title
	o options		options passed to 'plot' command
	1			first statistic item is ignored
	2 item:num		statistic from item 'item', 'num' number
	v			print current variables
	p file			save current graph to specified file
	r			show current graph
	n			print available field's names

	=> x time; y load

Common results getting

a. Download the results/raw directory or any part of it.

b. Perform the command bltk_report_uncompres <raw_dir> <sort_dir>
   	to get uncompressed directory of results,
	the <sort_dir> should be empty or should not exist.

c. Perform bltk_report_table - with -R option (recursive work),
	usage of bltk_report_table -stSeR <sort_dir> >summary out file is recommended.

d. Type command bltk_report_compress <sort_dir> <raw_dir>
	to get compressed directory of results,
	the <raw_dir> should be empty or should not exist.
	After that you can upload <raw_dir> (perrmission is needed) on server.

3. Known issues

	To be continued...