

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 7fd7c575020aa78a8e2e309ea8909f43 > files > 861



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<p>This driver implements read/write support for access to features encoded in  
<a href="">GeoJSON</a> format. The GeoJSON is a dialect based on the 
<a href="">JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)</a>. The JSON is a lightweight 
plain text format for data interchange and GeoJSON is nothing other than its specialization for geographic content.</p>

<p>At the moment of writing this, GeoJSON is supported as output format of services implemented by 
<a href="">FeatureServer</a>, <a href="">GeoServer</a> 
and <a href="">CartoWeb</a>.</p>

<p>The OGR GeoJSON driver translates a GeoJSON encoded data to objects of <a href="/ogr/ogr_arch.html">OGR Simple Features model</a>: 
Datasource, Layer, Feature, Geometry. 
The implementation is based on <a href="">GeoJSON Specification draft, v5.0</a>.</p>


<p>The OGR GeoJSON driver accepts three types of sources of data:
    <li>Uniform Resource Locator (<a href="">URL</a>) - a Web address to 
    perform <a href="">HTTP</a> request</li>
<li>Plain text file with GeoJSON data</li>
<li>Text passed directly and encoded in GeoJSON</li>

<p>A GeoJSON datasource is translated to single OGRLayer object with pre-defined name <em>OGRGeoJSON</em>:
ogrinfo -ro http://featureserver/data/.geojson OGRGeoJSON
It's also valid to assume that OGRDataSource::GetLayerCount() for GeoJSON datasource always returns 1.

<p>Accessing Web Service as a datasource (ie. FeatureServer), each request will produce new layer.
This behavior conforms to stateless nature of HTTP transaction and is similar to how Web browsers operate:
single request == single page.</p>

<p>If a top-level member of GeoJSON data is of any other type than <em>FeatureCollection</em>, the driver will
produce a layer with only one feature. Otherwise, a layer will consists of a set of features.</p>


<p>The OGR GeoJSON driver maps each object of following types to new <em>OGRFeature</em> object:
Point, LineString, Polygon, GeometryCollection, Feature.</p>

<p>According to the <em>GeoJSON Specification</em>, only the <em>Feature</em> object must have a member with 
name <em>properties</em>. Each and every member of <em>properties</em> is translated to OGR object of type of 
OGRField and added to corresponding OGRFeature object.</p>

<p>The <em>GeoJSON Specification</em> does not require all <em>Feature</em> objects in a collection must 
have the same schema of properties. If <em>Feature</em> objects in a set defined by <em>FeatureCollection</em> 
object have different schema of properties, then resulting schema of fields in OGRFeatureDefn is generated as 
<a href="">union</a> of all <em>Feature</em> properties.</p>

<p>It is possible to tell the driver to not to process attributes by setting environment variable 
<strong>ATTRIBUTES_SKIP=YES</strong>. Default behavior is to preserve all attributes (as an union, see previous paragraph), 
what is equal to setting <strong>ATTRIBUTES_SKIP=NO</strong>.</p>


<p>Similarly to the issue with mixed-properties features, the <em>GeoJSON Specification</em> draft does not require 
all <em>Feature</em> objects in a collection must have geometry of the same type. Fortunately, OGR objects model does 
allow to have geometries of different types in single layer - a heterogeneous layer. By default, the GeoJSON driver 
preserves type of geometries.</p>

<p>However, sometimes there is a need to generate homogeneous layer from a set of heterogeneous features. 
For this purpose, it's possible to tell the driver to wrap all geometries with OGRGeometryCollection type as a common denominator.
This behavior may be controlled by setting environment variable <strong>GEOMETRY_AS_COLLECTION=YES</strong> (default is <strong>NO</strong>).</p>

<h2>Environment variables</h2>

<li><b>GEOMETRY_AS_COLLECTION</b> - used to control translation of geometries: YES - wrap geometries with OGRGeometryCollection type</li>
<li><b>ATTRIBUTES_SKIP</b> - controls translation of attributes: YES - skip all attributes</li>


<p>How to dump content of .geojson file:
ogrinfo -ro point.geojson

<p>How to query features from remote service with filtering by attribute:
ogrinfo -ro http://featureserver/cities/.geojson OGRGeoJSON -where "name=Warsaw"

<p>How to translate number of features queried from FeatureServer to ESRI Shapefile:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" cities.shp http://featureserver/cities/.geojson OGRGeoJSON

<h2>See Also</h2>

<li><a href="">GeoJSON</a> - encoding geographic content in JSON</li>
<li><a href="">JSON</a> - JavaScript Object Notation</li>
<li><a href="">JSON-C</a> - A JSON implementation in C</li>
<li><a href="">[Gdal-dev] OGR GeoJSON Driver</a> - driver announcement</li>
