

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 8009f7c7283d3485496902864ab407df > files > 19


#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 7;

BEGIN { use_ok( 'HTML::Tidy' ); }

my $html = do { local $/ = undef; <DATA> };

my @expected_warnings = split /\n/, q{
- (1:1) Warning: missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration
- (23:1) Warning: discarding unexpected <bogotag>
- (24:78) Warning: unescaped & which should be written as &amp;
- (24:99) Warning: unescaped & which should be written as &amp;
chomp @expected_warnings;
shift @expected_warnings; # First one's blank

my @expected_errors = split /\n/, q{
- (23:1) Error: <bogotag> is not recognized!
chomp @expected_errors;
shift @expected_errors; # First one's blank

    my $tidy = new HTML::Tidy;
    isa_ok( $tidy, 'HTML::Tidy' );

    $tidy->ignore( type => TIDY_ERROR );
    $tidy->parse( '-', $html );

    my @returned = map { $_->as_string } $tidy->messages;
    s/[\r\n]+\z// for @returned;
    is_deeply( \@returned, \@expected_warnings, 'Matching warnings' );

    my $tidy = new HTML::Tidy;
    isa_ok( $tidy, 'HTML::Tidy' );

    $tidy->ignore( type => TIDY_WARNING );
    $tidy->parse( '-', $html );

    my @returned = map { $_->as_string } $tidy->messages;
    s/[\r\n]+\z// for @returned;
    is_deeply( \@returned, \@expected_errors, 'Matching errors' );

    my $tidy = new HTML::Tidy;
    isa_ok( $tidy, 'HTML::Tidy' );

    eval { $tidy->ignore( blongo => TIDY_WARNING ) };
    like( $@, qr/^Invalid ignore type.+blongo/, 'Throws an error' );

	<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;CHARSET=iso-8859-1">
	<META NAME="Author" Content="Andy Lester">
    	<TITLE> Andy Lester's Programming &amp; Writing</TITLE>

<STYLE type="text/css">
    font-family : tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight : bold;
    font-size : 15pt;

    font-size : 12pt;
    font-weight : normal;
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
    <IMG SRC="/pix/petdance-logo-400x312.gif" HEIGHT=312 WIDTH=400 ALT="Andy & Amy's Pet Supplies & Dance Instruction" ALIGN=RIGHT>
	<h2>Perl, Programming &amp; Writing</h2>
	My <A HREF="">Technology &amp; publishing blog</A> at<BR>
	My <A HREF="">Perl-specific and personal blog</A> at<BR>
	<A HREF="resume/">Andy Lester's resume</A><BR>
	Andy's <A HREF="perl/">Perl Pages</A>

	<H2>The Lester Family</h2>
	<A HREF="/andy/">Andy</A>: The Dad<BR>
	<A HREF="">Amy</A>: The Mom<BR>
	<A HREF="">Quinn</A>: The Girl<BR>
	<A HREF="/baxter/">Baxter</A>: The Dog<BR>
	<A HREF="">Our family trees</A>

	<H2>About Andy &amp; Amy</H2>
    	<A HREF="/us/mush/">The Page Of Mush</A><BR>
	<A HREF="/us/people/">People we're looking for</A><BR>
    	<A HREF="/us/herald/">Article about us and how we met</A> from the Northwest Herald<BR>

	<H2>Useful Stuff</H2>
	<A HREF="/start/">Andy's Magic Start Page</A>: Bunches of your favorite search engines, all in one place<BR>
	<A HREF="/adds/">Add-a-page Page</A>: Bunches of website submission forms, all in one place<BR>
	<A HREF="cf/">Cold Fusion stuff</A>: CFX_HTTP and other custom tags

	<H2>Musical Information, etc</H2>
    	<A HREF="/nr/">Naked Raygun</A>: Bring your mom and your mom's friends, too<BR>
	<A HREF="/actionpark/">Action Park</A>: A compendium of information about Big Black, Rapeman, Shellac and Steve Albini<BR>

	<H2>Other things that might be fun</h2>
    	<A HREF=""><CITE>When In Doubt, Use Parsley</CITE></A>: Amy's journal<BR>
	<A HREF="/wonder/"><CITE>Wonder</CITE></A>: Andy's old journal<BR>
    	<A HREF="/us/trip/">So American It Hurts</A>: Andy &amp; Amy's trip to Graceland<BR>
    	<A HREF="/andy/appliances/">Gallery Of Household Appliances</A><BR>
	<A HREF="/wants/">Media Wants</A>: Stuff I yearn to consume<BR>
	<A HREF="/andy/bingo/">Buzzword Bingo</A>
