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<H1 CLASS="chapter"><A NAME="htoc57">Chapter&#XA0;6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Expressions and values</H1><UL>
<LI><A HREF="omake-detail.html#toc38">Dynamic scoping</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-detail.html#toc39">Functional evaluation</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-detail.html#toc40">Exporting the environment</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-detail.html#toc41">Objects</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-detail.html#toc42">Field and method calls</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-detail.html#toc43">Method override</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-detail.html#toc44">Super calls</A></LI>
<A NAME="chapter:extra"></A>
</P><P><TT>omake</TT> provides a full programming-language including many
system and IO functions. The language is object-oriented &#X2013; everything is
an object, including the base values like numbers and strings. However,
the <TT>omake</TT> language differs from other scripting languages in
three main respects.</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
Scoping is dynamic.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Apart from IO, the language is entirely functional &#X2013; there is no
assignment operator in the language.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Evaluation is normally eager &#X2013; that is, expressions are evaluated as soon
as they are encountered.
</LI></UL><P>To illustrate these features, we will use the <TT>osh</TT>(1) omake program shell.
The <TT>osh</TT>(1) program provides a toploop, where expressions can be entered
and the result printed. <TT>osh</TT>(1) normally interprets input as command text
to be executed by the shell, so in many cases we will use the <CODE>value</CODE>
form to evaluate an expression directly.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    osh&gt; 1
    *** omake error: File -: line 1, characters 0-1 command not found: 1
    osh&gt; value 1
    - : "1" : Sequence
    osh&gt; ls -l omake
    -rwxrwxr-x  1 jyh jyh 1662189 Aug 25 10:24 omake*
</PRE><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc38"></A><A NAME="htoc58">6.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Dynamic scoping</H2><P>Dynamic scoping means that the value of a variable is determined by the most
recent binding of the variable in scope at runtime. Consider the following
program.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    OPTIONS = a b c
    f() =
       println(OPTIONS = $(OPTIONS))
    g() =
       OPTIONS = d e f
</PRE><P>If <CODE>f()</CODE> is called without redefining the <CODE>OPTIONS</CODE> variable,
the function should print the string <CODE>OPTIONS = a b c</CODE>.</P><P>In contrast, the function <CODE>g()</CODE> redefines the <CODE>OPTIONS</CODE>
variable and evaluates <CODE>f()</CODE> in that scope, which now prints the
string <CODE>OPTIONS = d e f</CODE>.</P><P>The body of <CODE>g</CODE> defines a local scope &#X2013; the redefinition of the
<CODE>OPTIONS</CODE> variable is local to <CODE>g</CODE> and does not persist
after the function terminates.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    osh&gt; g()
    OPTIONS = d e f
    osh&gt; f()
    OPTIONS = a b c
</PRE><P>Dynamic scoping can be tremendously helpful for simplifying the code
in a project. For example, the <TT>OMakeroot</TT> file defines a set of
functions and rules for building projects using such variables as
<CODE>CC</CODE>, <CODE>CFLAGS</CODE>, etc. However, different parts of a project
may need different values for these variables. For example, we may
have a subdirectory called <CODE>opt</CODE> where we want to use the
<CODE>-03</CODE> option, and a subdirectory called <CODE>debug</CODE> where we
want to use the <CODE>-g</CODE> option. Dynamic scoping allows us to redefine
these variables in the parts of the project without having to
redefine the functions that use them.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    section
       CFLAGS = -O3
       .SUBDIRS: opt
       CFLAGS = -g
       .SUBDIRS: debug
</PRE><P>However, dynamic scoping also has drawbacks. First, it can become
confusing: you might have a variable that is intended to be private,
but it is accidentally redefined elsewhere. For example, you might
have the following code to construct search paths.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   PATHSEP = :
   make-path(dirs) =
      return $(concat $(PATHSEP), $(dirs))

   make-path(/bin /usr/bin /usr/X11R6/bin)
   - : "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" : String
</PRE><P>However, elsewhere in the project, the <CODE>PATHSEP</CODE> variable is
redefined as a directory separator <CODE>/</CODE>, and your function
suddenly returns the string <CODE>/bin//usr/bin//usr/X11R6/bin</CODE>,
obviously not what you want.</P><P>The <CODE>private</CODE> block is used to solve this problem. Variables
that are defined in a <CODE>private</CODE> block use static scoping &#X2013; that
is, the value of the variable is determined by the most recent
definition in scope in the source text.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   private
      PATHSEP = :
   make-path(dirs) =
      return $(concat $(PATHSEP), $(dirs))

   PATHSEP = /
   make-path(/bin /usr/bin /usr/X11R6/bin)
   - : "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" : String
</PRE><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc39"></A><A NAME="htoc59">6.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Functional evaluation</H2><P>Apart from I/O, <TT>omake</TT> programs are entirely functional. This has two parts:</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
There is no assignment operator.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Functions are values, and may be passed as arguments, and returned from
functions just like any other value.
</LI></UL><P>The second item is straightforward. For example, the following program defines
an increment function by returning a function value.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   incby(n) =
      g(i) =
         return $(add $(i), $(n))
      return $(g)

   f = $(incby 5)

   value $(f 3)
   - : 8 : Int
</PRE><P>The first item may be the most confusing initially. Without assignment, how is
it possible for a subproject to modify the global behavior of the project? In fact,
the omission is intentional. Build scripts are much easier to write when there
is a guarantee that subprojects do not interfere with one another.</P><P>However, there are times when a subproject needs to propagate
information back to its parent object, or when an inner scope needs to
propagate information back to the outer scope.</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc40"></A><A NAME="htoc60">6.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Exporting the environment</H2><P>
<A NAME="section:export"></A><A NAME="@default37"></A>
The <CODE>export</CODE> directive can be used to propagate all or part of an inner scope back to its
parent. If used without
arguments, the entire scope is propagated back to the parent; otherwise the arguments specify which
part of the environment to propagate. The most common usage is to export some or all of the definitions in a
conditional block. In the following example, the variable <CODE>B</CODE> is bound to 2 after the
conditional. The <CODE>A</CODE> variable is not redefined.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    if $(test)
       A = 1
       B = $(add $(A), 1)
       export B
       B = 2
</PRE><P>If the <CODE>export</CODE> directive is used without an argument, all of the following is exported:
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
The values of all the dynamically scoped variables (as described in
Section&#XA0;<A HREF="omake-language-naming.html#section:public">5.5</A>).
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The current working directory.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The current Unix environment.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The current implicit rules and implicit dependencies (see also
Section&#XA0;<A HREF="omake-rules.html#section:implicit-scoping">8.11.1</A>).
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The current set of &#X201C;phony&#X201D; target declarations (see Sections&#XA0;<A HREF="omake-rules.html#target:.PHONY">8.10</A>
and&#XA0;<A HREF="omake-rules.html#section:PHONY-scoping">8.11.3</A>).
</LI></UL><P>If the <CODE>export</CODE> directive is used with an argument, the argument expression is evaluated
and the resulting value is interpreted as follows:
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
If the value is empty, everything is exported, as described above.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">If the value represents a environment (or a partial environment) captured using the
<A HREF="omake-base.html#fun:export"><CODE>export</CODE> function</A>, then the corresponding environment or partial
environment is exported.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Otherwise, the value must be a sequence of strings specifying which items are to be propagated
back. The following strings have special meaning:
<UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<A NAME="@default38"></A><CODE>.RULE</CODE> &#X2014; implicit rules and implicit dependencies.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><A NAME="@default39"></A><CODE>.PHONY</CODE> &#X2014; the set of &#X201C;phony&#X201D; target declarations.
All other strings are interpreted as names of the variables that need to be propagated back.
</LI></UL><P>For example, in the following (somewhat artificial) example, the variables <CODE>A</CODE> and <CODE>B</CODE>
will be exported, and the implicit rule will remain in the environment after the section ends, but
the variable <CODE>TMP</CODE> and the target <CODE>tmp_phony</CODE> will remain unchanged.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">section
   A = 1
   B = 2
   TMP = $(add $(A), $(B))

   .PHONY: tmp_phony

      prepare_foo tmp_phony
      compute_foo $(TMP) $&lt; $@
   export A B .RULE
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc61">6.3.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Export regions</H3><P><I>This feature was introduced in version</I></P><P>The <CODE>export</CODE> directive does not need to occur at the end of a block. An export is valid from
the point where it is specified to the end of the block in which it is contained. In other words,
the export is used in the program that follows it. This can be especially useful for reducing the
amount of code you have to write. In the following example, the variable <CODE>CFLAGS</CODE> is exported
from the both branches of the conditional.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    export CFLAGS
    if $(equal $(OSTYPE), Win32)
        CFLAGS += /DWIN32
        CFLAGS += -UWIN32
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc62">6.3.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Returning values from exported regions</H3><P><I>This feature was introduced in version</I></P><P>The use of export does not affect the value returned by a block. The value is computed as usual, as
the value of the last statement in the block, ignoring the export. For example, suppose we wish to
implement a table that maps strings to unique integers. Consider the following program.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    # Empty map
    table = $(Map)

    # Add an entry to the table
    intern(s) =
        if $(table.mem $s)
            private.i = $(table.length)
            table = $(table.add $s, $i)
            value $i

    # Prints "boo = 1"
    println($"boo = $(intern boo)")
</PRE><P>Given a string <CODE>s</CODE>, the function <CODE>intern</CODE> returns either the value already associated with
<CODE>s</CODE>, or assigns a new value. In the latter case, the table is updated with the new value. The
<CODE>export</CODE> at the beginning of the function means that the variable <CODE>table</CODE> is to be
exported. The bindings for <CODE>s</CODE> and <CODE>i</CODE> are not exported, because they are private.</P><P><A NAME="section:eager"></A></P><P>Evaluation in <TT>omake</TT> is eager. That is, expressions are evaluated as soon as they are
encountered by the evaluator. One effect of this is that the right-hand-side of a variable
definition is expanded when the variable is defined.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    osh&gt; A = 1
    - : "1"
    osh&gt; A = $(A)$(A)
    - : "11"
</PRE><P>In the second definition, <CODE>A = $(A)$(A)</CODE>, the right-hand-side is evaluated first, producing the
sequence <CODE>11</CODE>. Then the variable <CODE>A</CODE> is <EM>redefined</EM> as the new value. When combined
with dynamic scoping, this has many of the same properties as conventional imperative programming.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    osh&gt; A = 1
    - : "1"
    osh&gt; printA() =
        println($"A = $A")
    osh&gt; A = $(A)$(A)
    - : "11"
    osh&gt; printA()
</PRE><P>In this example, the print function is defined in the scope of <CODE>A</CODE>. When it is called on
the last line, the dynamic value of <CODE>A</CODE> is <CODE>11</CODE>, which is what is printed.</P><P>However, dynamic scoping and imperative programming should not be confused. The following example
illustrates a difference. The second <CODE>printA</CODE> is not in the scope of the definition
<CODE>A = x$(A)$(A)x</CODE>, so it prints the original value, <CODE>1</CODE>.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    osh&gt; A = 1
    - : "1"
    osh&gt; printA() =
        println($"A = $A")
    osh&gt; section
             A = x$(A)$(A)x
    osh&gt; printA()
</PRE><P>See also Section&#XA0;<A HREF="omake-language-examples.html#section:lazy">7.5</A> for further ways to control the evaluation order through the use
of &#X201C;lazy&#X201D; expressions.</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc41"></A><A NAME="htoc63">6.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Objects</H2><P><TT>omake</TT> is an object-oriented language. Everything is an object, including
base values like numbers and strings. In many projects, this may not be so apparent
because most evaluation occurs in the default toplevel object, the <CODE>Pervasives</CODE>
object, and few other objects are ever defined.</P><P>However, objects provide additional means for data structuring, and in some cases
judicious use of objects may simplify your project.</P><P>Objects are defined with the following syntax. This defines <CODE>name</CODE>
to be an object with several methods an values.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    name. =                     # += may be used as well
       extends parent-object    # optional
       class class-name         # optional

       # Fields
       X = value
       Y = value

       # Methods
       f(args) =
       g(arg) =
</PRE><P>An <CODE>extends</CODE> directive specifies that this object inherits from
the specified <CODE>parent-object</CODE>. The object may have any number of
<CODE>extends</CODE> directives. If there is more than on <CODE>extends</CODE>
directive, then fields and methods are inherited from all parent
objects. If there are name conflicts, the later definitions override
the earlier definitions.</P><P>The <CODE>class</CODE> directive is optional. If specified, it defines a name
for the object that can be used in <CODE>instanceof</CODE> operations, as well
as <CODE>::</CODE> scoping directives discussed below.</P><P>The body of the object is actually an arbitrary program. The
variables defined in the body of the object become its fields, and the
functions defined in the body become its methods.</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc42"></A><A NAME="htoc64">6.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Field and method calls</H2><P>The fields and methods of an object are named using <CODE></CODE> notation.
For example, let's define a one-dimensional point value.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   Point. =
      class Point

      # Default value
      x = $(int 0)

      # Create a new point
      new(x) =
         x = $(int $(x))
         return $(this)

      # Move by one
      move() =
         x = $(add $(x), 1)
         return $(this)

   osh&gt; p1 = $( 15)
   osh&gt; value $(p1.x)
   - : 15 : Int

   osh&gt; p2 = $(p1.move)
   osh&gt; value $(p2.x)
   - : 16 : Int
</PRE><P>The <CODE>$(this)</CODE> variable always represents the current object.
The expression <CODE>$(p1.x)</CODE> fetches the value of the <CODE>x</CODE> field
in the <CODE>p1</CODE> object. The expression <CODE>$( 15)</CODE>
represents a method call to the <CODE>new</CODE> method of the <CODE>Point</CODE>
object, which returns a new object with 15 as its initial value. The
expression <CODE>$(p1.move)</CODE> is also a method call, which returns a
new object at position 16.</P><P>Note that objects are functional &#X2014; it is not possible to modify the fields
or methods of an existing object in place. Thus, the <CODE>new</CODE> and <CODE>move</CODE>
methods return new objects.</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc43"></A><A NAME="htoc65">6.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Method override</H2><P>Suppose we wish to create a new object that moves by 2 units, instead of
just 1. We can do it by overriding the <CODE>move</CODE> method.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   Point2. =
      extends $(Point)

      # Override the move method
      move() =
         x = $(add $(x), 2)
         return $(this)

   osh&gt; p2 = $( 15)
   osh&gt; p3 = $(p2.move)
   osh&gt; value $(p3.x)
   - : 17 : Int
</PRE><P>However, by doing this, we have completely replaced the old <CODE>move</CODE> method.</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc44"></A><A NAME="htoc66">6.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Super calls</H2><P>Suppose we wish to define a new <CODE>move</CODE> method that just calls the old one twice.
We can refer to the old definition of move using a super call, which uses the notation
<CODE>$(classname::name &lt;args&gt;)</CODE>. The <CODE>classname</CODE> should be the name of the
superclass, and <CODE>name</CODE> the field or method to be referenced. An alternative
way of defining the <CODE>Point2</CODE> object is then as follows.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   Point2. =
      extends $(Point)

      # Call the old method twice
      move() =
         this = $(Point::move)
         return $(Point::move)
</PRE><P>Note that the first call to <CODE>$(Point::move)</CODE> redefines the
current object (the <CODE>this</CODE> variable). This is because the method
returns a new object, which is re-used for the second call.</P>
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