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Reliable view installation

Author: Bela Ban
Version: $Id: ReliableViewInstallation.txt,v 1.6 2005/10/05 08:46:02 belaban Exp $

The default stack sees view as just messages; a view multicast is retransmitted until the sender is excluded because
it left or crashed. However, this behavior can lead to problems described below. The problems occur when a view
multicast is lost.

A: New coordinator doesn't take over
- Group is {A,B,C}, A is coordinator
- A leaves gracefully, multicasts view V2 {B,C}
- C receives V2, B doesn't receive V2
- A terminates, which means that retransmission of A's V2 in B stops (B never receives V2)
- B's view is now V1 {A,B,C}
- C's view is now V2 {B,C}
- B does *not* become the new coordinator !

Problem 1:
- A new member D wants to join, B replies to the discovery request with coord=A, C replies with coord=B
- If D sends a JOIN request to B, B will reject the JOIN request because it thinks the coord is still A !
- If D sends a JOIN request to A, it will time out and receive no response
  --> In any case, D will continue looping forever, or until B is killed !

Problem 2:
- B invokes a group RPC. Because it still thinks A is part of the group, it will wait for A's reply, which
  never arrives. If the mode is GET_ALL and timeout is 0, then this call will block forever !

B: Continuous SUSPECT messages
- Group is {A,B,C}, A is coordinator
- A leaves gracefully, multicasts view V2 {B,C}
- B receives V2, C doesn't receive V2
- A terminates, which means that retransmission of A's V2 in C stops (C never receives V2)
- C's view is now V1 {A,B,C}
- B's view is now V2 {B,C}
- When A terminates, C starts multicasting SUSPECT(A) messages to the group
- B (as coord) handles the SUSPECT(A) message, but since A is not a member of B's view V2 {B,C}, B simply
  *ignores* the SUSPECT(A) message !
- C continues multicasting SUSPECT(A) messages to the cluster

- C invokes a group RPC. Because it still thinks A is part of the group, it will wait for A's reply, which
  never arrives. If the mode is GET_ALL and timeout is 0, then this call will block forever !

C: New coordinator doesn't take over, old coord crashes
- Same as case A, but old coordinator crashes before V2 can be retransmitted to B
- So B doesn't receive V2

D: The coordinator leaves while another member joins
- In the current impl, the new member P will receive a view V in a JoinRsp
- The VIEW V is then to be broadcast by the coord
- However, the coord leaves before this happens
--> Everybody has the old view, while P has the new view !
--> We need to atomically return the JoinRsp and broadcast the view !
    --> Maybe we should broadcast the view first and then return the JoinRsp to the client !
--> See ViewHandling.txt for a new approach


1: Views need to be ack'ed
- When multicasting a view, we block until every member in that view has acknowledged the view reception
- Because GMS runs above both UNICAST and NAKACK, we *don't* need to retransmit, but we cannot terminate (as in case A),
  before having received an ACK for the view from each member in the new view
  --> This solves case A

2: Handling crashes of the coordinator while multicasting a view
- If the coordinator crashes before having received all ACKs, some members might still not receive the new view.
  (This is highly unlikely though)
- If we therefore receive a SUSPECT(P) where P is not member of the current view, we multicast the current view V
  to the group. Those member who already installed V will simply ignore it, those who didn't will install it
  --> This solves case B
- The STABLE protocol periodically multicasts digests. We now add the current view to the digest.
- When the coordinator receives a view V that is greater than its own view, it installs V and multicasts it
  - Member who didn't install V will install it
  - Member who installed V will ignore it
- When the coordinator receives a view V which is smaller than its current view V-curr, it will multicast
  V-curr, so that those members who didn't install V-curr (and therfore sent V with their digest) will install V-curr.
- When the coordinator receives a view V which is identical to the current view V-curr, it doesn't do anything
- Note that, if the received view is greater than the current view, every member checks whether it would be the
  new coordinator. If this is the case, it becomes coordinator, installs the view and multicasts it
--> This solves cases A, B and C


On castViewChange(View v) [coord]:
- Reset view_change_mutex
- Populate missing_acks list with contents of v
- Multicast v
- Block on view_change_mutex (possibly with timeout (0 == wait forever))

On SUSPECT(P) / on VIEW_ACK(P) [coord]:
- Remove P from missing_acks
- If missing_acks is empty --> notify view_change_mutex
- Neeeds to be done in receiveUpEvent(), real work is then done in up()

On VIEW(v) [all]:
- Send VIEW_ACK to coordinator
- Neeeds to be done in receiveUpEvent(), real work is then done in up()

On JOIN_RSP [client]:
- Send VIEW_ACK to coordinator

Two-Phase View installation
- First phase: coord multicasts PREPARE_VIEW(V)
- Coord waits for all ACKs
- If SUSPECT(P) is received, coord creates new view V (excluding P) and restarts first phase
- When all ACKs have been received, coord multicasts COMMIT_VIEW(V)
- When a participant receives the PREPARE_VIEW, it starts a timer. When the COMMIT_VIEW(V) is received,
  the timer is cancelled. When the timer expires in participant R, we multicast a STATUS_VIEW(V). If a participant
  has received the COMMIT_VIEW(V) message for the given view, it multicasts the COMMIT_VIEW(V) again, so that R
  can commit (= install) V.
- If the coordinator crashed before multicasting the COMMIT_VIEW, the SUSPECT(coord) message will make the
  second-in-line the new coordinator, and it will either restart the first or second phase
- If the coordinator crashed after sending the COMMIT_VIEW, and at least 1 member M received the COMMIT_VIEW, M will
  be able to multicast COMMIT_VIEW when asked by other participants. If no member received COMMIT_VIEW, then this is
  treated as if COMMIT_VIEW was never sent, and the new coordinator will restart the first and second phase