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<b>Encryption Protocol Document</b></h1>
<b>(Author : Mandar Shinde)</b>
This document is required to be read by both the developers and the users.
<br>ENCRYPT protocol will not work by directly compiling the javagroups
<br>and then using the required "encrypt.xml" file. Since an external provider
<br>to be used (JDK1.4 does not provider for RSA as of now), hence this
<br>needs to be added to the users/developers security list.
The following steps need to be followed to make sure that ENCRYPT protocol
<br>can ne used
Make sure that JDK1.4 is installed, ENCRYPT will not work with any other<br>
version under JDK1.4.</li>

After installation JDK1.4, set <b>$JAVA_HOME</b> to the installation root.</li>

<b>cd $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security</b>. Open <b></b> file.</li>

Search for <b>security.provider.{list}</b> in the opened file.</li>

At the end of the list <b>add</b> <b><i>Provider.{list+1}=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider</i></b>.</li>

The above provider is the default provider that comes along with Javagroups;&nbsp;<br>
users can use their own providers by adding the right provider jars in
the classpath<br>
and adding the provider to the required list.</li>

The <i>encrypt.xml </i>file is the default configuration on top of <i>default.xml.
</i>Any stack can use the&nbsp;<br>
<b>Encrypt protocol</b> by adding this stack below GMS.<br>

&lt;protocol-name> Encryption Protocol &lt;/protocol-name>
&lt;description> Protocol provides encryption to all communication &lt;/description>
&lt;protocol-param name="asymInit" value="512"/>
&lt;protocol-param name="symInit" value="56"/>
&lt;protocol-param name="asymAlgorithm" value="RSA"/>
&lt;protocol-param name="symAlgorithm" value="DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"/>

To test the usage of the protocol use any demo; I have used the Draw demo
for this purpose;.
First up uncomment the Print protocol and comment the Encrypt protocol
from the&nbsp;<br>
encrypt.xml file. When the Draw demo is used, the user will see the deserialized<br>
messages being exchanged between the 2 members.</li>

Now, uncomment the Encrypt protocol (leave the Print Protocol intact)&nbsp;
from the protocol&nbsp;<br>
stack. Run the same demo as above; the user will see that an ioexception
will thrown while&nbsp;<br>
deserializing the message because it has been encrypted by the Encrypt
<b>How does Encrypt protocol <i>work</i></b> ?</h1>
The mechanism used by this protocol is the oldest know way for high performing
peer communication
<br>protocols.&nbsp; To understand the working a couple algos need to be
detailed; these are very basic in
<br>today's encryption world.
<br><b>Asymmetric algo:</b> this algo uses a set of keys; a <i><b>public-key</b>
</i>and a <i><b>private-key</b>. </i>The<b> public-key</b> is
<br>public; it is published to the public. The <b>private-key</b> is known
only to the entity which makes the
<br>public-key available. Any other entity will <b><i>encrypt a message
</i></b>using the former&nbsp; <b><i>public-key </i></b>and the
<br>former will&nbsp; <b><i>decrypt&nbsp; the message </i></b>using the<b><i>
<br><b>Symmetric algo</b>: this algo is the simplest known where a set
of communication peers know a single
<br>shared <b><i>secret-key(private-key) </i></b>and <b><i>ecrypt/decrypt
</i></b>messages to communicate with each other.
<br><b>Final algo : </b>It is obvious that the asym algo seems more powerful
than the symm algo. But, the asym
<br>algorithm is very expensive and the symm algorithm has a basic fault
on how to distribute the key. A
<br>combination where the asym algo is used only for handshake and distribute
the shared key is the best bet.
<br>Only when a member leaves does it require to re-generate a shared key.

The first-member in the group becomes the admin and <i>generates</i> the

When a new peer requests to join, the <i>new-member</i> publishes its public-key.</li>

Using the <i>public-key</i> the admin encodes its <i>shared-key</i>.</li>

Using its own <i>private-key</i>, client decodes the <i>shared-key</i>.</li>

New member lets the admin know, it is <i>ready</i>.</li>

Members use <i>shared-key to encrypt/decrypt messages</i>.</li>

When member leaves, admin <i>regenerates</i> <i>shared-key</i>. If admin
leaves, another member becomes admin&nbsp;<br>
and regenerates key.</li>

