

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > 91a0d8dd43f3a3a9fb3c3368584932fa > files > 2


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $Horde: imp/config/conf.xml,v 2009-07-02 06:18:15 slusarz Exp $ -->
 <configtab name="utils" desc="External Utilities and Menu">
  <configsection name="spell">
   <configheader>Spell Checker</configheader>
   <configswitch name="driver" required="false" desc="Choose a Spell Checking backend">
    <case name="" desc="None" />
    <case name="aspell" desc="aspell (command line)">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configstring name="path" required="false" desc="Enter the location of
      the aspell binary" />
  <configsection name="utils">
   <configheader>External Utilities</configheader>
   <configstring name="gnupg" required="false" desc="If you want users to have
   the option of using the GNU Privacy Guard program to decrypt/encrypt PGP
   files, enter the location of the 'gpg' binary here.  If this is empty this
   feature will be disabled."/>
   <configmultienum name="gnupg_keyserver" required="false" desc="The address
   of the public PGP keyserver(s) to use.">
   <configinteger name="gnupg_timeout" required="false" desc="The timeout for
   connecting to the PGP keyserver. Timeouts are not supported on all
   <configstring name="openssl_cafile" required="false" desc="The location of
   the root certificates bundle, e.g. /etc/ssl/certs. See for
   <configstring name="openssl_binary" required="false" desc="The location of
   the OpenSSL binary on your system, e.g. /usr/bin/openssl. This program is
   REQUIRED to import personal S/MIME certificate information, as there is no
   native PHP function that can read pkcs12 files."/>

  <configsection name="menu">
   <configheader>Menu settings</configheader>
   <configmultienum name="apps" desc="Select any applications that should be
   linked in IMP's menu">
     <configspecial name="list-horde-apps" />

 <configtab name="user" desc="User Capabilities and Constraints">
  <configsection name="user">
   <configswitch name="allow_folders" desc="Should we allow users to use
   folders at all? NOTE: setting this to false will mean there is no place to
   save sent-mail or postponed messages, along with the obvious effects of
   restricting the user to their INBOX.">true
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configboolean name="select_sentmail_folder" desc="If this is true, then
     users will be given a drop down menu in the compose window allowing them to
     choose which folder to save their sent messages to. If this is false, then
     messages will be saved to the folder defined in their
     <configboolean name="allow_resume_all_in_drafts" desc="If this is true, the
     user will be able to resume any message in their draft mailbox (to
     compensate for some clients that don't bother setting the draft flag).
     Otherwise, only messages marked as 'drafts' can be
    <case name="false" desc="No" />
   <configboolean name="allow_resume_all" desc="If this is true, the user will
   be able to resume any message in any mailbox.  Otherwise, only messages
   marked as 'drafts' can be resumed.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="allow_view_source" desc="If this is true, then there
   will be a 'Message Source' link in the parts list of every message, allowing
   the user to view the entire raw message, or to download it and save it to
   <configstring name="alternate_login" desc="If this is not false, it is
   assumed to be the URL of an alternate login screen which will be
   used in place of IMP's default one.  If all you need is a
   message-of-the-day section on the normal login screen, you can set
   one in imp/config/motd.php.  &lt;b&gt;This setting will be ignored
   if an alternate login screen is configured for horde.&lt;/b&gt;">
   <configstring name="redirect_on_logout" desc="If this is not false, it is
   assumed to be the URL of an alternate logout page which users will be sent
   to when they log out. &lt;b&gt;This setting will be ignored if an alternate
   logout page is configured for horde&lt;/b&gt;">false</configstring>
   <configswitch name="select_view" desc="If either DIMP or MIMP is available,
   allow user to select the application view on login?">true
    <case name="true" desc="Yes"/>
    <case name="false" desc="No">
     <configenum name="force_view" desc="Which application view should be used
     for all users?">imp
       <value desc="IMP">imp</value>
       <value desc="DIMP">dimp</value>
       <value desc="MIMP">mimp</value>

 <configtab name="server" desc="Server">
  <configsection name="server">
   <configswitch name="server_list" desc="Should we display a list of servers
   (defined in config/servers.php) for users to choose from? The options are
   'shown', 'hidden', and 'none'. If the server list is hidden then you can use
   the 'preferred' mechanism to auto-select from it based on an HTTP
   virtualhost or another piece of data. If it is shown, the user will be able
   to pick from any of the options. If none, no server list will be shown and
   the defaults will be used unless another mechanism changes them.">none
    <case name="none" desc="None">
     <configboolean name="change_server" desc="Should we allow users to type in a mail
     <configboolean name="change_port" desc="Should we allow users to select the mail
     server's port?">false</configboolean>
     <configboolean name="change_protocol" desc="Should we allow users to select the
     mail server's protocol?">false</configboolean>
     <configboolean name="change_smtphost" desc="Should we allow users to select the
     SMTP (outbound) mail server?">false</configboolean>
     <configboolean name="change_smtpport" desc="Should we allow users to select the
     SMTP server's port?">false</configboolean>
    <case name="shown" desc="Shown" />
    <case name="hidden" desc="Hidden" />
   <configlist name="fixed_folders" required="false" desc="A comma separated
   list of folders that can't be modified (deleted, renamed, etc) by the user,
   e.g.: &quot;Drafts, Trash&quot;. (The mailbox value must be encoded in the
   UTF7-IMAP charset; see RFC 3501 [5.1.3])"/>
   <configinteger name="sort_limit" desc="On slower mailservers, sorting by any
   field other than the arrival of the message may result in very slow
   performance.  This value, if greater than 0 is the number of messages
   that must be present in a mailbox before the default sort is replaced by
   the much faster arrival time sort.">0</configinteger>
   <configboolean name="cache_folders" desc="If using IMAP, should we cache the
   list of folders so that the list does not need to be rebuilt on every page
   load? If set to true, note that any folders created on the server during an
   IMP session that are NOT created via IMP will not be displayed until the
   next login. If IMP will be the exclusive means of accessing the mail server,
   or you are not concerned about this behavior, this setting should be set to
   <configinteger name="token_lifetime" desc="This is the length of time in
   seconds that links protected with request tokens (to prevent cross-site
   request forgery) will be valid. Higher values may make your users more
   vulnerable to these attacks.">1800</configinteger>
   <configswitch name="cachejs" desc="Cache static javascript and combine into
   a single page for delivery to the remote browser?">none
    <case name="none" desc="No" />
    <case name="filesystem" desc="Filesystem">
      &lt;strong&gt;Requires Horde 3.2+.&lt;/strong&gt;
     <configsection name="cachejsparams">
      <configphp name="file_location" desc="The filesystem directory to write
      <configphp name="file_url" desc="The corresponding base URL to use to
      access the static files."></configphp>
      <configinteger name="lifetime" desc="Lifetime, in seconds, after which
      the garbage collector will remove static files.">86400</configinteger>
    <case name="horde_cache" desc="Horde_Cache">
      &lt;strong&gt;Requires Horde 3.2+ and a configured Horde_Cache
     <configsection name="cachejsparams">
      <configinteger name="lifetime" desc="Cache lifetime, in seconds.  If
      using the Memcache driver this will only have an effect in Horde 3.2 or
   <configswitch name="cachecss" desc="Cache static CSS and combine into
   a single page for delivery to the remote browser?">none
    <case name="none" desc="No" />
    <case name="filesystem" desc="Filesystem">
      &lt;strong&gt;Requires Horde 3.2+.&lt;/strong&gt;
     <configsection name="cachecssparams">
      <configphp name="file_location" desc="The filesystem directory to write
      <configphp name="file_url" desc="The corresponding base URL to use to
      access the static files."></configphp>
      <configinteger name="lifetime" desc="Lifetime, in seconds, after which
      the garbage collector will remove static files.">86400</configinteger>
    <case name="horde_cache" desc="Horde_Cache">
      &lt;strong&gt;Requires Horde 3.2+ and a configured Horde_Cache
     <configsection name="cachecssparams">
      <configinteger name="lifetime" desc="Cache lifetime, in seconds.  If
      using the Memcache driver this will only have an effect in Horde 3.2 or

 <configtab name="mailbox" desc="Mailbox and Fetchmail">
  <configsection name="mailbox">
   <configheader>Mailbox Settings</configheader>
   <configboolean name="show_preview" desc="Should we allow users to display
   message previews in the mailbox index? This is disabled by default
   as it can be performance intensive, especially without mailbox
   caching. Note that this option only determines whether or not users
   are allowed to show previews - each user can still turn previews on
   or off in their preferences.">false</configboolean>

  <configsection name="fetchmail">
   <configheader>Fetchmail Settings</configheader>
   <configboolean name="show_account_colors" desc="Should we display colors for
   messages fetched from other accounts in the mailbox index? This is a
   performance hit unless mailbox caching is enabled.">false</configboolean>
   <configinteger name="size_limit" desc="What is the maximum total size of
   mails to be fetched (in bytes)? (Remember you need more than the double of
   this value for 'memory_limit' in php.ini.) Set this value to 0 for no

  <configsection name="msgcache">
   <configswitch name="use_msgcache" desc="Should we cache the details of
   messages across sessions? This requires configuration of a Horde_Cache
    <case name="false" desc="No" />
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configswitch name="use_compress" desc="Should the contents of the cache
     files be compressed before they are stored? This results in reduced
     storage space and reduced memory usage when retrieving the data at the
     expense of slightly increased CPU usage.">false
      <case name="false" desc="No"/>
      <case name="true" desc="Yes">
       <configsection name="compress">
        <configswitch name="method" desc="What compression method should we
        use? 'gzip' requires Horde 3.1+, provides greater compression, and is
        generally built into PHP. 'lzf' requires Horde 3.2+, installation of a
        separate PECL module, and provides less compression but is extremely
        fast (within 5% of regular string operations).">gzip
         <case name="gzip" desc="gzip"/>
         <case name="lzf" desc="lzf"/>
     <configinteger name="preview_size" desc="This is the length of the preview
     text that will be stored in the cache object and should be the maximum
     allowable user-selectable value for the 'preview_maxlen' preference.">
     <configinteger name="lifetime" desc="The lifetime, in seconds, of the
     cached data.  If using the Memcache driver this will only have an effect
     in Horde 3.2 or later.">2592000</configinteger>

  <configsection name="mlistcache">
   <configswitch name="use_mlistcache" desc="Should we cache the mailbox
   message lists? This requires configuration of a Horde_Cache driver in
    <case name="false" desc="No" />
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configinteger name="lifetime" desc="The lifetime, in seconds, of the
     cached data.  If using Memcache this will only have an effect in Horde 3.2
     or later.">604800</configinteger>

 <configtab name="msgsettings" desc="Message and Spam">
  <configheader>Message Settings</configheader>
  <configsection name="msgsettings">
   <configsection name="filtering">
    <configstring name="words" desc="If filtering of message content is turned
    on, where should we find the list of words to filter
    <configstring name="replacement" desc="What should we replace filtered
    words with?">****</configstring>

  <configsection name="spam">
   <configheader>Spam Reporting</configheader>
   <configswitch name="reporting" desc="Should we display a 'report this
   message as spam' link?">false
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configboolean name="spamfolder" desc="Should the link also appear in the user's
     spam folder?">false</configboolean>
     <configstring name="email" required="false" desc="Should we report spam messages
     via email? The messages will be sent to this address in a single
     multipart/digest message (useful for reporting to an admin user, for
     <configstring name="bounce" required="false" desc="Should we bounce the spam
     message to an email address? This is useful for automated spam processing
     programs that need the original message. If you need to dynamically set the
     email address for each user (e.g. DSPAM), this setting should be empty and
     you should look at the _imp_hook_spam_bounce hook instead."/>
     <configstring name="program" required="false" desc="Should we report the spam
     message via an external program (e.g. /usr/local/bin/spamassassin -r)? If you
     include the placeholder %u in this string, it will be replaced with the
     current username. If you include the placeholder %l in this string, it will be
     replaced with the current short username. If you include the placeholder %d in
     this string, it will be replaced with the current domain name."/>
    <case name="false" desc="No" />

  <configsection name="notspam">
   <configswitch name="reporting" desc="Should we display a 'report this
   message as innocent' link?">false
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configboolean name="spamfolder" desc="Should the link only appear in the user's
     spam folder?">true</configboolean>
     <configstring name="email" required="false" desc="Should we report innocent
     messages via email? The messages will be sent to this address in a single
     multipart/digest message (useful for reporting to an admin user, for
     <configstring name="bounce" required="false" desc="Should we bounce the
     innocent message to an email address? This is useful for automated spam processing
     programs that need the original message. If you need to dynamically set the
     email address for each user (e.g. DSPAM), this setting should be empty and
     and you should look at the _imp_hook_spam_bounce hook instead."/>
     <configstring name="program" required="false" desc="Should we report the innocent
     message via an external program (e.g. /usr/local/bin/spamassassin -k)? If you
     include the placeholder %u in this string, it will be replaced with the
     current username."/>
    <case name="false" desc="No" />

  <configsection name="print">
   <configheader>Print Options</configheader>
   <configboolean name="add_printedby" desc="Should we add a &quot;Printed
   By&quot; header to the top of all printed messages?">false</configboolean>

 <configtab name="compose" desc="Compose">
  <configsection name="msg">
   <configboolean name="prepend_header" desc="Should we include the contents of
   imp/config/header.php in the headers of every message
   <configboolean name="append_trailer" desc="Should we append the contents of
   imp/config/trailer.txt to the end of every message

  <configsection name="compose">
   <configboolean name="allow_receipts" desc="Can the user request a return
   <configboolean name="special_characters" desc="Should we give the user a
   pop-up window with special characters in it?">true</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="use_vfs" desc="Should we use the Horde VFS system for
   storing uploaded attachments?">false</configboolean>
   <configswitch name="link_attachments" desc="Should we allow the users to
   send attachments as links?">true
    <case name="true" desc="Yes">
     <configboolean name="link_all_attachments" desc="Should IMP send all
     attachments as links? If this is false the user will be given the option
     to link any attachment.">false</configboolean>
     <configboolean name="link_attachments_notify" desc="Should IMP send an
     e-mail notification to the sender when the first person attempts to
     download the linked attachment? This notification will include a link
     to delete the file.">true</configboolean>
    <case name="false" desc="No" />
   <configinteger name="attach_size_limit" desc="What is the maximum total size
   of attachments per message (in bytes)? Set this value to 0 for no
   limit. [Note, the maximum allowable size of any individual attachment is set
   via the PHP 'upload_max_filesize' parameter - see
   <configinteger name="attach_count_limit" desc="What is the maximum total
   number of attachments per message? Set this value to 0 for no
   <configinteger name="reply_limit" desc="What is the maximum total size of
   text (in bytes) to use when replying or forwarding a message. Set this value
   to 0 for no limit.">200000</configinteger>

 <configtab name="hooks" desc="Custom Hooks">
  <configsection name="hooks">
   <configboolean name="vinfo" required="false" desc="Should we use a custom
   virtual users hook? If so, make sure you define _imp_hook_vinfo() in
   hooks.php. The hook will be used to set $_SESSION['imp']['user'] at login
   time. There are examples in hooks.php.dist.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="postlogin" required="false" desc="Should we
   run a custom function post-login? If so, make sure you define
   _imp_hook_postlogin() in hooks.php. The hook can be used to do anything
   after the session is established but before we redirect to the initial
   login page.  There are examples in hooks.php.dist.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="postsent" required="false" desc="Should we
   run a custom function after sending a message? If so, make sure you define
   _imp_hook_postsent() in hooks.php. The hook will be used to do anything
   after a message has been sent successfully and all regular post-sending
   processing has been done. There is an example in
   <configboolean name="signature" required="false" desc="Should we use a
   custom signature hook? If so, make sure you define _imp_hook_signature() in
   hooks.php. The hook will be used to dynamically set the signature when
   composing a message. There is an example in
   <configboolean name="trailer" required="false" desc="Should we use a custom
   function to set the trailer text (if trailer text is appended to outgoing
   messages)? If so, make sure you define _imp_hook_trailer() in
   hooks.php. The function will be used to modify the trailer at runtime.
   There are examples in hooks.php.dist.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="fetchmail_filter" required="false" desc="Should we use
   a custom function to filter mail retrieved with the Accounts/Fetchmail icon?
   If so, make sure you define _imp_hook_fetchmail_filter() in hooks.php.
   The function is used to filter mail for spam, viruses, or whatever else
   you set up in the function.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="mbox_redirect" required="false" desc="Should we use
   a custom function to dynamically redirect the user based on what mailbox
   is opened? If so, make sure you define _imp_hook_mbox_redirect() in
   <configboolean name="mbox_icon" required="false" desc="Should we use
   a custom function to dynamically determine the icons shown for standard
   folders on the folder page? If so, make sure you define
   _imp_hook_mbox_icons() in hooks.php.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="spam_bounce" required="false" desc="Should we use a
   custom function to dynamically generate the email address to send spam
   reporting emails to? If so, make sure you define _imp_hook_spam_bounce() in
   <configboolean name="msglist_format" required="false" desc="Should we use
   a custom function to provide additional information/custom formatting of
   messages in the mailbox message list? If so, make sure you define
   _imp_hook_msglist_format() in hooks.php.">false</configboolean>
   <configboolean name="display_folder" required="false" desc="Should we use
   a custom function to dynamically determine if we show a specified IMAP
   mailbox in the folderlist ? If so, make sure you define
   _imp_hook_display_folder() in hooks.php.">false</configboolean>

 <configtab name="other" desc="Other settings">
  <configheader>Mail History</configheader>
  <configsection name="maillog">
   <configboolean name="use_maillog" desc="By default, IMP will keep track of
   both who a message was sent to and the date it was sent when forwarding,
   replying, or redirecting a message. This information is stored using the
   History class provided by Horde. These entries are deleted when the mail is
   deleted using IMP in an attempt to keep the number of entries to the
   minimum required - if not deleted the maillog entry will persist forever.
   On large installations, there may be significant lookup times and/or large
   amounts of maillog entries with older versions of Horde before Horde 3.1 so
   this functionality can be turned off.">true</configboolean>
  <configheader>Outgoing Email Logging</configheader>
  <configsection name="sentmail">
   <configswitch name="driver" desc="IMP can log all attempts to send messages
   including who has sent, when, to which recipients. This information might
   be used to configure message limits or create favourite recipients
   lists. Enable this feature only if it doesn't violate privacy rules or laws
   in your country. What storage driver should we use?">none
    <case name="none" desc="None"/>
    <case name="sql" desc="SQL">
     <configsection name="params">
      <configinteger name="threshold" desc="How many days should we keep old
      log entries?">60</configinteger>
      <configinteger name="limit_period" desc="If limiting users to a certain
      number of recipients per time period, how many hours should this time
      period last?">24</configinteger>
      <configsql switchname="driverconfig">
       <configstring name="table" desc="Database table">imp_sentmail

  <configheader>External Applications</configheader>
  <configsection name="tasklist">
   <configboolean name="use_tasklist" desc="If Nag is installed on the local
   system, IMP can allow users to add the details of mail messages to a new
   task. If you do not want this functionality enabled (it will add to server
   load because the list of available task categories must be generated on
   every page load), you should disable this checkbox.">true</configboolean>

  <configsection name="notepad">
   <configboolean name="use_notepad" desc="If Mnemo is installed on the local
   system, IMP can allow users to add the details of mail messages to a new
   note. If you do not want this functionality enabled (it will add to server
   load because the list of available note categories must be generated on
   every page load), you should disable this checkbox.">true</configboolean>

  <configsection name="tos">
   <configheader>Terms of Service Agreement</configheader>
   <configstring name="file" required="false" desc="If you want to require users to
   accept certain terms before they can use the system, enter the name of the
   agreement file to display here. Also, make sure to activate the preference in
   prefs.php (set the value of 'tos_agreement' to 1)."/>