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<h1>Compilation with libQGLViewer</h1>

Now that you have <a href="download.html">installed</a> Qt and libQGLViewer, these instructions detail how to compile a program that uses the libQGLViewer library.

They apply to the provided <a href="examples/index.html">examples</a> as well as to your own programs (whose code will probably start from one of these, <code>simpleViewer</code> being the simplest one).

<h2>Tuning the <code>.pro</code></h2>

The compilation settings are set using the <code>.pro</code> file in Qt. The one that comes with the examples should not need to be modified. It is pretty involved since it 
tries to automatically detect a number of parameters, and it can be simplified. The three important variables that have to be set in order to
use libQGLViewer are:
<li><code><b>INCLUDEPATH</b></code> which must indicates where to find the QGLViewer's include files. Since the includes use a <code>QGLViewer/qglviewer.h</code> syntax, 
the <code>QGLViewer</code> suffix should be omitted in this path: If libQGLViewer was installed in a directory such as <code>/xxx/yyy/QGLViewer</code>, you will set this variable to <code>INCLUDEPATH *= /xxx/yyy</code>.<br /> <br /></li>

<li><code><b>LIBS</b></code> which tells that your program links with libQGLViewer. Use <code>LIBS *= -L<i>/path/to/lib</i> -lQGLViewer2</code>, where <code></i>/path/to/lib</i></code> is the path to the libQGLViewer lib, named <code>libQGLViewer2.{so|a|dylib}</code> or <code>QGLViewer2.lib</code> depending on your architecture.
<br />
<br />

<li><code><b>QT</b></code> which lists the Qt modules needed : <code>QT *= opengl xml</code>.</li>

Here is a typical <code>.pro</code> (change the paths according to your configuration):

TARGET = simpleViewer
CONFIG *= qt opengl release
QT *= opengl xml

HEADERS = simpleViewer.h
SOURCES = simpleViewer.cpp main.cpp

INCLUDEPATH *= C:/Users/debunne/Documents/libQGLViewer-2.3.1
LIBS *= -LC:/Users/debunne/Documents/libQGLViewer-2.3.1/QGLViewer -lQGLViewer2

<h2>Compiling and running your program</h2>

<img src="images/windows.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="windows"/>Using the Qt OpenSource edition with <b>MinGW</b>

Launch the Qt command prompt from the <i>Start</i> menu. Then simply type :

> cd path\to\simpleViewer
> qmake
> make
> simpleViewer

Some <code>dll</code>s need to be found in order to run your program :
<li><code>QGLViewer2.dll</code>, which has been created when you compiled the QGLViewer library.</li>
<li>The Qt libraries (<code>QtCore4.dll, QtGui4.dll, QtOpenGL4.dll</code> and <code>QtXml4.dll</code>), which standard location is <code>C:\Qt\4.x.x\bin</code>.</li>
<li>The MinGW <code>mingwm10.dll</code>, usually located in <code>C:\Program Files\MinGW\bin</code>.</li>

Copy them to the executable's directory, or share them in a standard library directory such as <code>C:\Windows\System32</code>.

If you used the libQGLViewer installation package, these <code>dll</code>s are available (standard installation path is <code>C:\Program Files\libQGLViewer\examples</code>).

See also the advices for <a href="installWindows.html">libQGLViewer installation on Windows</a>.


<img src="images/windows.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="windows"/>Using the Qt Commercial edition with <b>Visual Studio</b> integration 

Launch Visual Studio from the Qt folder in the Start menu and use the Qt menu to open the <code>.pro</code> file. All parameters should be properly configured, and your program should compile.

See the comment in the above section about <code>dll</code>s if you have an error when starting your program.

<div style="font-size:small; font-style:italic; margin:5px; padding:0 8px;">
Instead of editing the <code>.pro</code>, you can add the QGLViewer's headers path (without the trailing <code>QGLViewer</code>) to <i>C/C++ / General / Additional Include Directories</i> 
and add <code>QGLViewer2.lib</code> to the <i>Linker / Input / Additional Dependencies</i> using the project properties. 
These settings can also be shared by all your projects by setting the <i>Tools / Options / Directories</i> Include and Library values.

A <code>fatal error C1083: 'QDomElement' : No such file or directory</code> is fixed by adding 
<code>XML library</code> and <code>OpenGL library</code> in <i>Project - Add Qt module</i>.

With Visual Studio 6, use <i>File-Open workspace</i> to open the <code>.dsp</code> generated by <code>qmake</code> from the <code>.pro</code>.

Qt 2.3 users have to first edit the examples' <code>.pro</code> files (uncomment two lines and remove end of
file as explained. Remove <code>QT_DLL</code> from <code>DEFINES</code> for Visual Studio 7). If no
<code>Project created</code> dialog is displayed when you open the <code>.pro</code>, try to run
Visual with Administrator priviledges. With Qt 2.3, you also have to add <code>/GX /GR</code> in
<i>Project-Settings-C-C++, Project options</i> before compilation.

<p>See also the advices for <a href="installWindows.html">libQGLViewer installation on Windows</a>.</p>

<br/> <hr/> <br/>

<a name="unix"></a>
<img src="images/linux.png" width="49" height="54" align="middle" alt="linux"/>
Using the Unix command line, the compilation is as simple as:

> cd path/to/simpleViewer
> qmake
> make
> simpleViewer

The optional <code>PREFIX, INCLUDE_DIR</code> and <code>LIB_DIR</code> parameters are those you used
if you customized your <code><a href="installUnix.html#linux">make install</a></code>. Use
<code>QGLVIEWER_STATIC=yes</code> to link with the static version of the library.
These commands can also be typed in the <code>examples</code>' main directory to compile <i>all</i> the examples.

If you installed the RPM, the examples' source files are in
<code>/usr/share/doc/QGLViewer/examples</code> (may have to be copied to a place where you have
write permission). If you have downloaded the tarball instead, simply go to the
<code>examples</code> directory. Then,

<div style="font-size:small; font-style:italic; margin:5px; padding:0 8px;">

You may be prompted with an <code>error while loading shared libraries</code> message when executing the program. 
Either copy <code></code> (created when you compiled the QGLViewer library) to this directory, 
or (better) move it to a standard library directory (such as <code>/usr/lib</code>, asis done when you <code>make install</code>).

If you don't have sufficient privileges to do that, you can also add the path to the <code></code> to
your default library path (use <code>LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH</code> instead on some Unix flavors):

[bash] > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/.../.../...
[tcsh] > setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH \${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/.../.../...

Some configurations may require you to add <code>LIBS *= -lXi</code> in the <code>.pro</code> file.
Debian users may have to replace <code>-lQGLViewer</code> by <code>-lQGLViewer-2</code> in their <code>.pro</code>.

See also the <a href="installUnix.html#qt-linux">Qt-Unix</a> and <a
href="installUnix.html#linux">libQGLViewer on Unix</a> installation pages.

<br/> <br/> <hr/> <br/>

<a name="mac"></a>
<img src="images/mac.png" width="55" height="54" align="middle" alt="mac"/>

The compilation on Mac is essentially identical to the one described above in the linux section (<code></code> is named <code>libQGLViewer.dylib</code> instead).
Simply replace the above lines by:

[bash] > export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/.../.../...
[tcsh] > setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH \${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/.../.../...

You can safely ignore the prebound warning. Building a prebound library creates overlapping address
ranges. This requires further investigations and any help is more than welcome.

If you get a <code>declaration of C function 'void qObsolete' conflicts with previous declaration</code> or a
<code>template with C linkage</code> error message, try to install libQGLViewer somewhere else:

cd QGLViewer
make uninstall
qmake INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include (for instance)
make install

Tune your <code>.pro</code> accordingly and recompile your program. Any
explanation or cleaner solution is more than welcome.

See also the <a href="installUnix.html#qt-mac">Qt-Mac</a> and <a
href="installUnix.html#mac">libQGLViewer on Mac</a> installation pages.

<h2>Going further</h2>

Now that your program compiles and runs, you can start improving it. You will probably start by changing the <code>draw()</code> method to define your own scene. 
Overload the <code>init()</code> function to initialize your scene as well as the OpenGL parameters (such as textures and objects). 
<a href="introduction.html">Read the principles</a> of the library for details. If not already done, try out the 
different <a href="examples/index.html">examples</a> and feel free to cut and paste code for the functionnalities you need.

<h2>Localizing your application</h2>

See the Qt Linguist Manual for an explanation of the Qt translation model. Here are the lines you typically need to add in your <code>main</code> method to translate the texts of your interface.

  QApplication application(argc,argv);

  QString locale = QLocale::system().name();

  QTranslator translator;
  translator.load(QString("qglviewer_") + locale);
  // translator.load(your application specific translation file(s));

This assumes that <code>qglviewer_*.qm</code> is located in your application directory. If it is not the case, copy it or use the overloaded <code>load</code> method:
  translator.load(QString("qglviewer_") + locale, "C:\\Users\\debunne\\Documents\\Code\\libQGLViewer\\QGLViewer"); // for instance

QGLViewer translation files are available in the QGLViewer's header directory.

Please <a href="">let me know</a> if you encounter any problem following this guide.

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  <i>Last modified on Tuesday, September 30, 2008.</i>