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<h1>libQGLViewer - Developer</h1>

<div class="summary">
<b>&raquo;</b> <a href="changeLog.html">ChangeLog</a><br/>
<b>&raquo;</b> <a href="faq.html">General</a> and <a href="techFaq.html">Technical</a> FAQ<br/>

<h2>Get on board !</h2>
libQGLViewer is distributed under the terms of the GNU-GPL license. The entire source code is
available for <a href="download.html">download</a>, and can freely be edited. If you want to
contribute to the project, just send me an <a href="">e-mail</a> with your code and an explanation, I'll do the merge.

Please do not hesitate to ask me if you are unsure about what the library does, why things are coded
as they are, which features are in the todo list and which are not scheduled.

<li>A double right button click should center the scene but actually brings the camera to the origin.<br/>
 This is a gcc 3.3.3 bug: uncomment a <code>cout</code> in projectOnAxis or compile in debug mode to solve it.</li>
<li>No other bug is currently reported.
<a href="">Send a bug report</a> if you find one.</li>

<h2>Todo list for next release</h2>
<li>Smarter updates using cached values and dirty flags.</li>

<h2>Future Works</h2>
<li>keyboard accelerator and mouse bindings editor.</li>
<li>Emulate three mouse buttons on Mac architecture.</li>
<li>KFI : smarter update with pointer, problem at first point. optimal update using sender()</li>
<li>KeyFrameInterpolator : closedPath, deleteKF, insertKF.</li>
<li>KeyFrameInterpolator should propose an easy-in easy-out option</li>
<li>GLU (Un)project buffer : better performance</li>
<li>Shift Fx : smooth transition.</li>
<li>add a drawFrameHierarchy.</li>

<h2>Intricate problems that need further investigation</h2>
<li>Save to File problem : closeEvent and so on, embedded widgets, WDestructiveClose</li>
<li>select with inverted backface culling : test with glut</li>

<h2>New examples</h2>
<li>triSetConstraint as a contrib example (needs debug ?)</li>
<li>Planetarium to illustrate frame hierarchy.</li>
<li>Shadow maps</li>
<li>Corner axis</li>
<li>OpenMesh Viewer</li>
<li>HUD with painter</li>

<h2>Long term</h2>
<li>Port to wxWidgets, FOX, glut, gtk</li>
<li>KeyFrame path editor.</li>
<li>Overlays ??</li>

<li>Mouse cursors according to mode.</li>
<li>Rename the axis.</li>
<li>Class state output as a stream. QPROPERTY ?</li>

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  <i>Last modified on Tuesday, September 30, 2008.</i>
