

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > by-pkgid > de7054e5f6015da01200f6a14e7edfa9 > files > 6


	prepared for new debian release
	read support for 32-bit files.

	increased number of iterations for wcs fit to handle high-dec
	fixed segfault in ccd redcution gaussian blur (cmatei)
	fixed convolution kernel size error in filter_frame

	debian packaging changes
	cleaned up warnings on alpha
	removed erroneous inclusion of replacement getline

	Remove leading/trailing blanks from fits strings we copy to the
	  photmometry report
	Trim blanks and lowercase filter names going into the photometry 
	Fix endianess issue on fits i/o. 
	Verify that the program builds and runs on OS/X.
	Remove all warnings on os/x.
	add debian, fink packaging info to source tree.
	add install targets to the docs makefile.
	use autoconf to generate docs makefile.
	make source to build on debian woody, sarge and sid.

	Added CD_ and PC_ wcs keyword support on read;
	Fixed yet another wcs convergence issue.

        Added a new special recipe name: _AUTO_; it will attempt to load a
	  rcp by object name, and if that is not found, create a tycho
	When images are updated in the image window, the cuts are updated
	  based on the respective averages, in order to keep the
	  background at roughly the same level.
	Added a "sumner" import function that reates a recipe from a
	  Sumner .seq file.
	Fixed a sign error in adjust_wcs (wcs.c) which caused the wcs
	  fit to diverge on certain field orientations.

	Added special recipy names:
	   _TYCHO_ will create a tycho recipy for the given frame, taking
	     the object name from either the "-j" option or the "object"
	     field in the fits header.
	   _OBJECT_ will look for a file called <object name>.rcp
	     in the recipy file path; the object name is taken from the
	     fits header, or can be specified with the "-j" option.
	Fixed a segfault occuring when attempting to read tycho fields
	   that straddle the RA=0 meridian.
	Fixed a segfault occuring when creating tycho recipes with invalid
	   object names.
	Added the option to select a recipe file (or _TYCHO_ or
	   _OBJECT_) in the ccd reduction dialog.
	Saturated stars are no longer detected as field stars (and used as 
	   alignment stars or for wcs fitting).

	Fixed an error in detecting declination reversals (the situation
	when the mount is commanded to move north, but it actually moves
	south, which is a Gemini "feature");

	An emergency release containing the file "scope.h" that has been
	left out of 0.9.1 tarball. Thanks to Jean-Pierre Goffaux for
	letting me know.

	Revamped telescope control code for smoother operation.
	Unified LX200 and Losmandy operations.

	Fixed serial flush on telescope control.

	An attempt is made to set the centering and guiding speeds to the
	  value set in options. Setting is done in the Gemini level 3

	The slew rate is forced to 2 degrees per second before initiating
	  a slew. to chenge this, see the define at the top of tele.c.

	Added an option for negative display.
	Replaced the rather annoying colored popup status window with
	  a change in the obslist background according to script status.

	Separated projection from plate solution.

	Multiple plate solution forms supported.

	Plate transforms moved to plate.c

	A temporary check for closure of wcs transformations is performed
	  on each cats_xypix.

	Loading a rcp file will update an initial wcs if the wcs was not
	  obtained from an image header (but "inherited" from another

	Added a "wcs invalidate" option in the wcs menu.

	Set the "r" shortcut for load recipe.

	Added the "match existing stars" option in the wcs menu, that will
	  detect stars and match against the currently loaded field stars.
	Added the option to download stars from the CDS (by calling the
	  visquery program) directly into a frame. So far GSC-ACT, UCAC2, GSC2 and
	  USNO-B are supported for on-line download. See README.vizquery
	  for more details.

	Created a new top-level menu entry (catalogs). Moved the field star
	  load options there.
	Selected frames in the multiframe reduction dialog can be hidden;
	  hidden frames will not be used for any processing, saved, or plotted.

	Fixed an error in the value reported for "error" by the star
	  measure function.

	Merged wcs changing buttons contributted by Pertti Paakkonen.

	Experimental support for 32-bit float frames (BITPIX=-32) added.

	Stacking now calculates an equivalent time and exptime, as

	   * first, the center of each exposure (DATE_OBS-EXPTIME/2) is
	   * the weighted mean of all exposure centers is used for the
	     central time of the equivalent exposure;
	   * the sum of the individual exposure times is used for the
	     equivalent exptime;
	   * the time of the output frame is set at equivalent center
	     minus 1/2 of the equivalent exptime.

	When frame times are extracted in the photometry reports, the
	center of the exposure is used (rather than just the time from the
	fits header).

	Improved sky estimation in sky search, so now some cases where
	stars weren't detected are fixed.

	Added an option to update coordinates of aphot targets after
	centering - useful for following asteroids for instance. Only star
	that have the "astrometric" flag cleared will be moved. When the
	move option is set, stars that have the 'astromet' flag cleared
	are no longer used in wcs fitting.

	Fixed an error in the replacement strndup function (which was
	introduced in 0.7.5 and affectes mostly camera control ops).

	Reorganised the ccd reduction dialog; added a command to reduce a
	single frame. 

	Added a "move star" option in the star pop-up menu for changing
	the positions of catalog stars to match detected stars. Select a
	detected star, then right click on a catalog star and select "move
	star" to move it.

	Added an "aphot to multiframe" command in the
	processing menu.

	Fixed -o for photometry.

	Removed all inlines (that seem to cause trouble).
	Fixed some typos, added some tooltips.
	Star mag vs time plots std+residual instead of residual.

	Calculate and display star stats in the star mag vs residual plot.
	Added photometry option to the ccd reduce dialog - for timeseries.

	Region-growing spurious star ellimination in sky estimation.
	Plot the sky histogram.

	Deprecated the mean-median method.

	Included basename and dirname for cygwin compilation, added a
	define for HUGE. The program now runs (quite slowly) on cygwin (in X mode).

	Changed some static inlines that behave strangely in some gcc
	version (most notably the version that comes with fedora core3).
	Accept even a single comp star when reducing frames (differential

	If a single comp star is found, the aavso report will add the
	"diff" comment and list the comp star.

	Calculate and report differential airmass for stars.

	Report sky for each star.

	Include outliers in me1 calculation (resulting in larger me1
	  figures for frames that have either many or low error outliers).
	Plot radial profiles and encircled flux for stars. Report fitted FWHM.
	Improved synthetic mean histogram clipping behaviour with
	  degenerate histograms.
	Corrected a small error in calculating sky contribution.
	Moved the zoom/cut status to the top-right and expanded the status
	Quick star measure from the star pop-up menu.
	Plot to file is now a global option.
	Changed the status bar so that all messages display until being
	  replaced by new ones.
	Create synthetic stars with Gaussian or Moffat profiles.
	Show more info in the star edit dialog.
	Make sure the errors are positive in the henden import.
	Fixed an error in magnitude calculation (of the order of 0.005).
	Changed "recipy" to "recipe" in many places.
	Fixed a segfault when loading a fits header with an "object" field
	  that consists of blanks.

	Clamp the extracted star width in centroiding error calculations to
	  avoid underestimated errors for faint stars. Fixed an error in
	  position error SNR scaling.

	Plot of position errors after star centering.
	If we have enough position reference stars with defined errors,
	  other stars are ignored in the wcs fit.

	Fixed strndup and getline and some headers so it compiles cleanly
	on bsd (tested on freebsd 3.5).

	Reductions with '-u' run in batch mode.
	Accept decimal and optional eastern longitudes.
	Fast .gcx file search.
	use fractional pixels in central aperture.
	a second step of aperture centering refinement uses pixels inside
	  the measuring aperture that are above sky.
	report star frame positions and centroid errors in phot rep.

	support for DATE_OBS and TIME_OBS fields
	header fields debug prints
	scintillation pars check
	support for IC and sao edb catalogs

	Fixed initialisation of FN_EPOCH, which caused a segfault when
	  loading fits frames that didn't have a EQUINOX keyword.
	Added an option to handle (broken) unsigned fits files.
	Synthetic mode sky estimation;
	Renamed some pars and changed comments;
	Option to list all options' doc in latex format;
	_many_ chapters added to the manual;
	Tycho stars are now field, not cat;
	When loading field stars, they are merged in, rather than just
	aavso format reporting uses the validation file to find out the
	aperture photometry uses the multiframe routines for zeropoint
	we try to get an initial wcs from various fits fields (ra, dec,
	  objctra, objctdec, secpix, obejct);
	reading/writing recipy/star files is now done using the stf;
	add a parameter to limit the standard stars used for reduction to
	  a circular region around the frame center;
	file output options for aperture photometry;
	aavso format output for aperture photometry;
	multiframe has more output options;
	plot a star's time series;
	create recipy moved to the file menu;
	wcs info updated on fits save as after a fit;

	Added a new multi-frame reduction module doing transformation
	  coefficient fitting and all-sky reduction;
	Various plots from the multi-frame data;
	Changed the order in which the option trees appear in the
	  option dialog;
	Added an option to discard standard stars that cannot be located;
	Positional tolerance for merging is now a parameter;
	Fixed the filter wheel filter list parsing;
	Fixed the initialisation of stacking options from params;
	Fixed updating the alignment stars when changing align ref frames;
	Fixed last_open logic for "add to star list"; also set all unset
	  last_open paths when the first file is open.
	Changed the "convert" option name to "import";
	The reduction band is now taken from the frame header (with an option
	  to force it);
	Recipy merge function added;
	Create recipy from tycho function added;
	Labels drawn on selected stars;
	Added a zoom limit parameter for star symbol display;
	Fixed MJD to JD in report conversion;
	Added filter wheel support;

	New stars/add from catalog command can be used to set the initial wcs;
	Added an option to create a blank frame;
	Moved processing/photometry submenu items into processing;
	Added stars/remove off-frame command;
	The star edit dialog now shows coords with 1/10 arcsec precision;
	Read/merge/save .gcx catalogs;
	gcvs and gcvs-pos converters;

	Fixed a bug in boolean options parsing;
	Added star menu commands to change the display limiting magnitude
	  and star sizes;
	Added an option to avoid displaying stars fainter than the display 
	  limiting magnitude;
	Made some cleanups in star selection;
	Added shortcut for loading tycho stars;
	Made gsc2 import to only generate field stars;
	Added an option to control is the star symbols are zoomed with the display;
	New algorithm for star sizes;
	Added a menu option for star editing (so a right-click is no longer
	Display local image stats on middle and right clicks (so that we can
	  get those stats even near stars);
	Fixed a bug in wcs fitting (that prevented convergence for fields that
	  have ~90 degrees rotation).
	Fixed Tycho loading for large fields.

	Convert recipy files containing some comment tags to the aavso
	  db format (useful for digitising charts).
	Create a blank frame for loading catalog objects onto something.
	Changed the default to run ccd reduction on files specified on
	  the command line.
	Added the -N/--no-reduce option to skip reduction steps when loading.
	New options editing dialog that allows more information to be displayed 
	  on each option.
	Star colors are now of choices type (easier to select).
	Changed star detection to detect saturated stars.
	Moved the photometry menu under processing.
	Slew end ra error limits are scaled by 1/cos(delta).
	When selected, a cat_star with no smags will display the generic mag in
	  the statusbar.

	Added ccd reduction functions (command-line and gui).
	Add option to use centering moves for small scope slews.
	Status pop-up window (visible from a distance) when obscript stops.
	Added a telescope pointing dithering option.

	Added the missing call to get an image in obscript ckpoint.
	Corrected the bad test for existance of frame in obscript save command

	Added the --debug option to tune program verbosity.
	Fixed a wcs fitting problem that prevented frames with 
	  high rotation angles to converge.
	Added Losmandy mount support, which is now the default. 
	  To revert to the old "lx200 classic" mode, comment out
	  the LOSMANDY define in tele.c; the new mode "should" work
	  also with meade lx200, but it wasn't tested.
	Added options in the obslist dialog to filter objects that are
	  east or west of the meridian.
	Report an error when an object couldn't be found by the "goto"
	  obscript command.
	Fixed a problem when fitting the WCS of a flipped field.
	Made a change to the pair-finding code; The situation when
	  many field stars don't appear in the catalog is now handled
	  better; Increasing .wcs.max_skip will help in this case - but
	  also increase running time.
	Introduced a "flipped field" parameter that will make the initial
	  wcs "flipped". A field where N is up and W is right has normal
	  orientation. If N is down and W is right, we have a "flipped"
	  field (CDELT1 and CDELT2 have opposing signs).
	Fixed a bug causing an obscure crash in obslist (introduced with the
	  change in end return value from next_token in 0.4.5).
	Changes in camera and telescope control dialog: we have slew limits 
	  (N, E, S, W) to be able to prevent german mounts from meridian-flipping
	  on obscript gotos. 
	Buttons in telescope control to generate sync/additional align commands.
	Added "abort" buttons that stop an ongoing telescope slew.
	Added the display of hour angle and airmass in the obs page of the 
	  camera/telescope control dialog.

	Fixed the camera comm bug introduced in 0.4.5.
	Went over the parameter names and changed a few for brevity. Hopefully for the 
	  last time, as this means that some old rc files cannot be read anymore.
	Removed all warnings from gsc.
	Added the option to include catalog objects in generated recipies and
	  convert them to standards.
	Fixed some points in ccd_frame.c and photometry.c where older versions of gcc
	  would give an error.
	Changed the example data.

	Load Tycho2 stars;
	Handle magnitudes without qualifiers;
	Fix the situation when we don't have the standard mags 
	  we want to reduce against (by no longer reporting stars);
	Command-line option to modify parameters for a given run;
	Report converter to tabular format;
	DMS format now handles any separator between d, m and s (including space);
	Fixed a few memory leaks
	Will calculate airmass from time and observer location.
	Changed the save format for .gcxrc in a compatible way (all the
	  entries how have their full path). Removed a segfault that appeared
	  when reading a malformed .gcxrc file.
	New dialog to edit/check the wcs;
	New dialog to create recipy files interactively;
	Read/write new style recipy files;
	Rationalised star types;
	Recipy conversion batch command;
	Moved "load recipy" to file menu;
	Loads gsc2 field stars (will load the stars from a file downloaded from

	gcx now stays in a proper source tree, with ./configure and all that. Also
	has some bug fixes. New features:

	* can run photometry recipy files;
	* new observation script commands;
	* can run an obscript directly from the command line 
	  (no need to click);
	* path searching for obs and rcp files;
	* a little bit of online help;
	* work on the manual has started.


	This is a major rewrite of the interface to cx, now using gtk+. Also, the
	camera control code has been moved to a separate process (cpxctrl).

	new features include:

	* can read gsc field stars and search edb files for objects;
	* can match gsc start positions to sources in ccd frames to obtain
	  true world coordinates
	* controls lx200 telescopes;
	* can run observations scripts.