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<h1><a class="anchor" id="todo">Todo List </a></h1><p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000182"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1WindowController.html#a78f17a8a1379a9eaf3904b1d7af78a9a">aboutToClose</a> (CanvasWindow *window) </dt>
<dd>If only one window remains, informs that window to disable the close button. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000015"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Bins1DProfile.html#aa6d022c3a2ec9009248e0e79db4dc718">accumulate</a> (double x, double y, double wt=1.0, double dummy=0.0) </dt>
<dd>Add weight argument. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000059"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NumArrayTuple.html#a3819df12544a637523c37c05b7b24f76">addColumn</a> (const std::string &amp;label, boost::python::numeric::array array) </dt>
<dd>Should not have duplicated code from NTuple class. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000042"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FitsNTuple.html#a7cc6c18bfdefce6135823b1fb5498b81">addColumn</a> (const std::string &amp;label, const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;column, const std::vector&lt; intptr_t &gt; &amp;shape) </dt>
<dd>Should check size of column and shape vector are consistent. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000122"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ListTuple.html#a7f2913d71b204828f7d3b0ae1b6d384c">addColumn</a> (const std::string &amp;label, <a class="el" href="classboost_1_1python_1_1list.html" title="A wrapper class for Python list objects.">boost::python::list</a> seq) </dt>
<dd>Should not have duplicated code from NTuple class. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000021"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DisplayController.html#a3ddef48bf1f0a95363696915cd5bc1be">addDataRep</a> (PlotterBase *plotter, const std::string &amp;name, const DataSource *source, const std::vector&lt; std::string &gt; &amp;bindings) const  </dt>
<dd>If new DataRep is incompatible with exiting Plotter, one could create new plotter type. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000111"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#aff479e5e7a35c50f833df26e2ba8b4e6">addPointReps</a> ()=0 </dt>
<dd>Why is this in the ProjectorBase and not DataRep ? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000212"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PeriodicBinaryTransform.html#a708d3cf2546b86b8f38fa17fd396e7c1">adjustValues</a> (AxisModelBase &amp;model, <a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axes, const Range &amp;limit) </dt>
<dd>This code is duplicated and should move up the hierarchy. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000138"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasWindow.html#a988ab27c7f44f16c32fee2e089725263">allowClose</a> () </dt>
<dd>bring the window up front before showing message box. Just doing a setActiveWindow() does work. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000065"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CompositePlotter.html#adb55c3929d54800ab11f6d11d257aaf5">autoScaleZ</a> () </dt>
<dd>Determine why is Z axis so different from X and Y? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000185"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisRep2D.html">AxisRep2D</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Implement minor ticks.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000187"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisRepBase.html">AxisRepBase</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">There is lots of duplicated code in the derived classes that could be moved to the base.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000188"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisRepColor.html">AxisRepColor</a>  </dt>
<dd>Implement minor ticks. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000130"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisWidget.html#aca2e8303a9100adf544802eafcd1c86b">AxisWidget</a> (<a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QWidget</a> *parent=0, const char *name=0, Qt::WFlags wflags=0) </dt>
<dd>Replace obsolete QScrollBae constructor with <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">Qt</a> 4 one. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000009"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BinnerAxisLinear.html#a04633c94713f311daa96523d8116ac39">BinnerAxisLinear</a> (const BinnerAxisLinear &amp;binner) </dt>
<dd>Why is width recalculated instead of being copied. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000056"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1LMFitter.html#a0d51256c417ebd45d9f07794906cfc99">calcAlpha</a> () </dt>
<dd>Should probably move this implementation into the FCN. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000054"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BFGSFitter.html#a132275ecd9f2fd7e45b34105080ba7bb">calcBestFit</a> () </dt>
<dd>Use if ( x!=x ) to test for nan. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000004"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelLinear.html#a35ce3f35fecb5248d73cc961746d8554">calcHigh</a> (int parm, bool dragging=false) </dt>
<dd>We will have to put a check here to keep it from hitting a length of 0. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000008"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelLog.html#a35ce3f35fecb5248d73cc961746d8554">calcHigh</a> (int parm, bool dragging=false) </dt>
<dd>Check is in place to keep it from length of 0, but it's fairly hacked (length &gt; 0.0001). This whole topic needs discussion. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000003"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelLinear.html#a64ba10231c6565373522fe8a57284b1e">calcLow</a> (int parm, bool dragging=false) </dt>
<dd>We will have to put a check here to keep it from hitting a length of 0. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000007"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelLog.html#a64ba10231c6565373522fe8a57284b1e">calcLow</a> (int parm, bool dragging=false) </dt>
<dd>Check is in place to keep it from length of 0, but it's fairly hacked (length &gt; 0.0001). This whole topic needs discussion. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000135"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasView.html">CanvasView</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Should implemented method hasSelectedViews() since in a number of places the implementation calls selectedViews only to ask if vector is empty.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000142"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasWindow.html">CanvasWindow</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">@@ Be able to ask canvas if it is saved from Python.</p>
<p>Make it a setting if the Inspector window comes up automatically or not.</p>
<p>Respond to Page Up and Page Down keys.</p>
<p>Needs something to display on the canvas for values only seen in the Inspector. One example is the name of a DataSource file file. This is so that the document when printed can be more useful as a stand alone.</p>
<p>Use Qt's network example ftpclient to open files via ftp.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000136"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasWindow.html#ad2b3a4554c9bd6ed889489421ffe5977">CanvasWindow</a> (<a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QWidget</a> *parent=0, const char *name=0, Qt::WFlags fl=QtWType_TopLevel) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This is the only place where know we are using <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">Qt</a> XML support. It would be abstracted to a factory. Should also be in the CanvasView and not this class so it could be used by other windows. </p>
<p class="enddd">Probably should remove this method or make it private. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000105"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProfileProjector.html#aa4a713c496fde26f714d49eb73e7a121">changedNTuple</a> () </dt>
<dd>This implementation is the same as the Hist1DProjector. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000083"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FunctionProjector.html#a1c21293cc4656448b450db7bd3eb6ecb">clone</a> () </dt>
<dd>To be implemented. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000041"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FitsController.html#a917c528adccaa019ab4a003046e7f21c">closeFile</a> (const std::string &amp;name) </dt>
<dd>Why is this commented out? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000195"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1RepBase.html#a773111ba654ae3ca61330c4e136c4946">color</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>Remove this member in favor of getColor(). </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000189"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ColorSymbolPointRep.html">ColorSymbolPointRep</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Unlike the class it inherits from, this class doesn't currently support the drawing of error bars. Or, maybe a class that can draw error bars should be a derived class of one that only draws symbols.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000190"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ColumnPointRep.html#a26e6847a9c3c9e88ae8f78b65ea4b3d7">ColumnPointRep</a> () </dt>
<dd>Could postpone creation of the ErrorBarRep until flag is set to require one. However, if postponed, got to remember to set the color. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000149"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FigureEditor.html#a91e694e46857bcb47d81cb10b34b6d09">contentsMouseMoveEvent</a> (<a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QMouseEvent</a> *, double aspect) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This implementation depends on parent widget being CanvasWindow, thus making a circular dependency. There ought to be a way to fix it. Or at least depend only on <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QMainWindow</a>.</p>
<p>The implementation uses QtView, thus should be moved to CanvasView. </p>
<p class="enddd">The implementation uses QtView, thus should be moved to CanvasView. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000219"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NTupleXML.html#aeb2c16481f3234c5e8cf7ad1b36dbc7d">createChildren3D</a> (XmlElement *tag, const DataSource &amp;ntuple) </dt>
<dd>Why is this called with a DataSource argument. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000076"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1TextPlotter.html#a68e4ca34a0c4aa4d4eeaa0e521fe6386">createNTuple</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>Returns something, if we can think what. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000214"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1TransformFactory.html#acab9b7d2bd801f34c30f1e02695b464a">createTransform</a> (const std::string &amp;name) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Fix it so that more than one white space could be in string. </p>
<p class="enddd">Check of DISTANCE_DEFECT workaround works or find better way. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000117"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1StHist1DProjector.html#a8b6f7e018a0407c68802b7f6956b748b">dataRangeOn</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis) const  </dt>
<dd>Implement special handling if histogram is empty. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000120"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1StHist2DProjector.html#a8b6f7e018a0407c68802b7f6956b748b">dataRangeOn</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis) const  </dt>
<dd>Implement special handling if histogram is empty. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000032"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DataRepException.html">DataRepException</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Only QtDisplay uses this class, maybe it could be eliminated.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000038"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DataSource.html">DataSource</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Expand to data types other than double.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000045"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FunctionBase.html#a8617a1aa7536e4cb61f2a4ec29a39f36">derivByParm</a> (int i, double x) const  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Provide a numeric method for doing this calculation that will be the default. Derived classes should provide more efficient analytic method if available.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000028"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DisplayController.html">DisplayController</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">DisplayController shouldn't need to know about the DataRepFactory. Should probably move methods that use it to DataRepController.</p>
<p>Shouldn't const_cast&lt;BinToColor *&gt; the return value from getValueRep() of the plotter object in the setValueBrkPt member function. A member function returning a non const pointer to a BinToColor object should be implemented in the PlotterBase class and that should be used in the setValueBrkPt member function.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000020"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BinToUsrDefinedScale.html#a63a596c7bccb4282016c1a5a4f0cf8a0">doubleToColor</a> (double value, Color &amp;color) const  </dt>
<dd>This is copy of member function of same name in BinToColorSaleMovingBrkPt. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000186"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisRepBase.html#a7e1f5ec1ab1c1ec732e436055e70df60">drawAllXTicks</a> (const AxisModelBase &amp;axisModelX, const AxisModelBase &amp;axisModelY, const TransformBase &amp;transform, ViewBase &amp;view) </dt>
<dd>Draw lines connecting ticks top and bottom. Line should under go transform which might be curved, thus should use something like the function projector. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000192"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ContourPointRep.html#a6ee71dd6c6da33f7d4da1275d49b8059">drawContourTicks</a> (const TransformBase &amp;, ViewBase &amp;, const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;) </dt>
<dd>This method should be in AxisRepColor class. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000174"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtViewImp.html#aa3602a456921b21e4f25ed23ad4a2fdb">drawPoints</a> (const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;x, const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;y, const std::vector&lt; Color &gt; &amp;colors, <a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Symbol.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Enumeration of the type of symbols supported by this class.">hippodraw::Symbol::Type</a> type, float sym_size) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This method has a lot of duplicated code from the one with the same name but only one color. One should remove the duplication.</p>
<p>The draw triangle methods have duplicated code which could be removed. </p>
<p>Determine if this member function is no longer needed. </p>
<p>The draw triangle methods have duplicated code which could be removed. </p>
<p>Determine if this member function is no longer needed. </p>
<p>The draw triangle methods have duplicated code which could be removed. </p>
<p>Determine if this member function is no longer needed. </p>
<p>The draw triangle methods have duplicated code which could be removed. </p>
<p class="enddd">Determine if this member function is no longer needed. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000198"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1SymbolPointRep.html#a1883a3da03fb3b72260482c91db6cd47">drawProjectedValues</a> (const DataSource *ntuple, TransformBase *transform, ViewBase *view) </dt>
<dd>Should <em>transform</em> be const in this method. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000191"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ColumnPointRep.html#a1883a3da03fb3b72260482c91db6cd47">drawProjectedValues</a> (const DataSource *ntuple, TransformBase *transform, ViewBase *view) </dt>
<dd>Should the TransformBase * be const? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000169"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtView.html#a4cab9a8b8f282ebed56376730fb387a0">drawShape</a> (<a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QPainter</a> &amp;) </dt>
<dd>This method could be removed. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000170"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtView.html#a449d64a4eb683be123dc5797d185bc4b">drawViewMethod</a> (const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;x, const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;y, int opt1, int opt2) </dt>
<dd>We may have function like this that takes pointer to member function of <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QPainter</a> as first argument. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000176"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtViewImp.html#a449d64a4eb683be123dc5797d185bc4b">drawViewMethod</a> (const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;x, const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;y, int opt1, int opt2) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">We may have function like this that takes pointer to member function of <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QPainter</a> as first argument. </p>
<p class="enddd">Should style and color arguments be used? </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000178"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtViewWidget.html#a449d64a4eb683be123dc5797d185bc4b">drawViewMethod</a> (const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;x, const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;y, int opt1, int opt2) </dt>
<dd>We may have function like this that takes pointer to member function of <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QPainter</a> as first argument. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000171"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtView.html#aaa313d49762600362f42899fc260b541">ensureOffScrSize</a> (int osw, int osh) </dt>
<dd>It still does a fair amount of flickering, need to look at this further. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000075"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1TextPlotter.html#a3d7334f6febfd417b79982a30e63c5bd">errorDisplay</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis) const  </dt>
<dd>Implement TextRep that can display errors. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000103"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Profile2DProjector.html#a61af3e60b94ae3e748f6fbac1e794af7">execute</a> () </dt>
<dd>Implement accumulations with weight. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000080"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BinningProjector.html#a61af3e60b94ae3e748f6fbac1e794af7">execute</a> () </dt>
<dd>Is there away to avoid implementing this empty method. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000134"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasView.html#a8e8cd1c86ad1523a3123680325a53104">exportTextTuple</a> (const std::string &amp;suffix) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Report any error conditions. </p>
<p class="enddd">One error condition is saving on top of existing file. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000151"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FigureEditor.html">FigureEditor</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Need ability to group and un-group items.</p>
<p>add page by adding another standard size page (either A4 or US Letter depending on preferences set somewhere.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000147"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasWindow.html#aa5222bc3cc67885db4458cfce2fce8ad">filePrint</a> () </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Add the `.ps' subscript to the file name if missing. </p>
<p class="enddd">Add the `.ps' subscript to the file name if missing. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000018"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Bins2DProfile.html#a8442b1eaff8330d90497659f2853c5aa">fillDataSource</a> (DataSource *ntuple) const  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">The error on the value has needs to be tested. </p>
<p class="enddd">The scaling needs to be tested. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000184"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtXmlElement.html#ab6b9331529d253210033919043f8a739">fillNodeList</a> (const std::string &amp;tagName, std::list&lt; XmlElement * &gt; &amp;nodeList) const  </dt>
<dd>This needs to return only immediate children with given name. Doesn't hurt us yet. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000043"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FitsNTuple.html#a6eb8347c024e7fca196dbc7130a24688">fillShape</a> (std::vector&lt; intptr_t &gt; &amp;shape, unsigned int index) const  </dt>
<dd>Need to make sure that the shape has been set. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000206"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="LogTransform_8cxx.html#a5b78abe7ec141d8c13ef2163a0518883">FLT_EQUAL</a> (double x, double y) </dt>
<dd>Should have this function in one place instead of duplicating it where needed. Not sure where it should go, however. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000082"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FunctionProjector.html#a949185ebbf51336ac90fa70091d1ebb9">FunctionProjector</a> (const FunctionProjector &amp;) </dt>
<dd>To be implemented. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000211"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PeriodicBinaryTransform.html#a548d271ef67968d8487dc24b07a5e911">genTicks</a> (AxisModelBase &amp;axis, <a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axistype) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Handle too many ticks better, rather than doing nothing. See more detailed comment in code. </p>
<p class="enddd">Do not use sprintf, it cause warnings from VS 8. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000205"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1LinearTransform.html#af8a49cf2363c45baf09c0c2b8e1849fb">genTicks</a> (AxisModelBase &amp;) </dt>
<dd>Handle too many ticks better, rather than doing nothing. See more detailed comment in code. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000207"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1LogTransform.html#af8a49cf2363c45baf09c0c2b8e1849fb">genTicks</a> (AxisModelBase &amp;) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This is an ugly way to display scientific notation. Can we improve it? </p>
<p class="enddd">Use C++ stringstream insted of sprintf(). </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000081"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DyHist1DProjector.html#aba1ae3399ea876a455ceb2211bae1f2c">getAverage</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis) const  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Remove duplicated code that is also in NTupleProjector. </p>
<p>Fetch the column vector by binding instead of label. </p>
<p class="enddd">Should be able to reuse global functions instead of implementation here. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000114"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#a1c60f056b547997cfc239cf3a9fc9bce">getAverage</a> (Axes::Type axis) const  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">this should be computed externally with the iterators </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p>Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p class="enddd">Resolve if this method should be done exterior to the projector class by a functor using iterators. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000022"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DisplayController.html#ac920cdada74e3e9003f0c58fb3bf8852">getBindingProjector</a> (const PlotterBase *) const  </dt>
<dd>Can replace much of this code by calling getUniqueWithNTupleBindings member function. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000193"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ContourPointRep.html#ae62e0cb9d2c0cf626c5f31e3247729de">getContour</a> (int i, const TransformBase *transform) </dt>
<dd>Test contour when low end of range is negative. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000023"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DisplayController.html#a8520ad0caee03853c9f53799d38763db">getLog</a> (const PlotterBase *plotter, Axes::Type axis) const  </dt>
<dd>un-hard code this when we have XYZ transform? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000218"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1HiNTupleXML.html#a2c0e8f4e41b1601b10a12e1cdd24386e">getName</a> (const XmlElement &amp;tag) const  </dt>
<dd>Implement M4 macro to detect missing string::clear(). Gcc 2.95.3 is missing this function, while gcc 3.2.1 has it. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000220"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NTupleXML.html#a2c0e8f4e41b1601b10a12e1cdd24386e">getName</a> (const XmlElement &amp;tag) const  </dt>
<dd>Implement M4 macro to detect missing string::clear(). Gcc 2.95.3 is missing this function, while gcc 3.2.1 has it. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000096"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NTupleProjector.html#ac1927b23460d1842479eda72ca59ad9c">getNTuple</a> () </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p>Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p class="enddd">Should be changed to getDatSource(). </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000011"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BinnerAxisLog.html#a09cc56b8985acee32c7d5c0fd6c52e02">getOffset</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>Maybe be able to remove this function and other getOffset functions. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000113"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#a185d1d728bf05308ede8e04e76a0c6b2">getPosOn</a> (Axes::Type) const =0 </dt>
<dd>Resolve if this method should be here. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000097"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Profile2DProjector.html#a4cb0f7495eda86a1db2c5c4b41638de7">getPosOn</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis) const  </dt>
<dd>Seems to be duplicated code here. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000116"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1StHist1DProjector.html#a4cb0f7495eda86a1db2c5c4b41638de7">getPosOn</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis) const  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Return positive value from the binner. </p>
<p class="enddd">Redesign to avoid duplicated code with Hist1DProjector. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000071"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PlotterBase.html#a128cb21ff41cef271076868d688097f3">getProjector</a> (int i) const  </dt>
<dd>Remove this method when no longer used. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000070"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PlotterBase.html#a2e02fc30c09ce8abbb8cb702623fb22f">getRange</a> (Axes::Type axis, bool scaled) const  </dt>
<dd>In the future, keep a list of the axis rather than hardwired them. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000002"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelBase.html#a47adba99d1bb0dd9eb9800f931feb672">getRange</a> (bool scaled) const  </dt>
<dd>Really should have separate function, getScaledRange, so at the calling point it would be clear. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000058"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NumArrayTuple.html#a6810ce28ceb1ff3d729b2c3c9e771fb7">getRow</a> (unsigned int index) const  </dt>
<dd>Could bypass calling valueAt if performance is shown to be an issue. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000202"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1RootNTuple.html#ad0c3cfba499593f9f0d91a1e0380fa21">getRow</a> (unsigned int i) const  </dt>
<dd>Could bypass calling valueAt if performance is shown to be an issue. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000121"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ListTuple.html#a6810ce28ceb1ff3d729b2c3c9e771fb7">getRow</a> (unsigned int index) const  </dt>
<dd>Could bypass calling valueAt if performance is shown to be an issue. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000217"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DataRepXML.html#a139ee96503f993639e4387c140042ee5">getTextRepObject</a> (const XmlElement *) </dt>
<dd>Why is this call with an argument. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000108"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#ae4592b0ede39ea21d27486efa3b45e1a">getZAfterTransform</a> (TransformBase *transform) </dt>
<dd>This is the only method in all the classes of this directory that needs a heder file from transform directory. Is there a better way? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000107"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#a94f2dc6d6ccc270dc956cf26e82ee2d2">getZLabel</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>Change to fetch labels by AxesType or its replacement. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000221"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PlotterBaseXML.html#a7ab671b4b67f24457907017e0bfba536">handleFunction</a> (const XmlElement *element, <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DataRep.html" title="The base class for data representations.">hippodraw::DataRep</a> *rep) </dt>
<dd>Should this be handled by FunctionProjectorXML? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000154"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FigureEditor.html#abc86f34e62cd76042041e0e1bb244fc6">hide</a> (<a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QCanvasItem</a> *item) </dt>
<dd>This function has a side effect of clearing the selection list, probably should not do that. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000201"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1RootNTuple.html#aab94ff6feb70cd3366c0d3374b1afd25">initBranches</a> () </dt>
<dd>If the name contains '[]' it should be removed. The '[]' in the title is used to get the dimensions of the variable. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000046"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1EpsView.html#ac1f6b398458022684c78155da7aa91bf">initPlot</a> (const std::string &amp;filename, double x, double y, double w, double h) </dt>
<dd>Using std::endl; add '<br/>
' and flushes the buffer. We don't need to flush the buffer so often, so maybe just '<br/>
' should be used. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000159"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Inspector.html">Inspector</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">In Stats tabbed panel, should add a feature of a composite text rep that combines the single TextRep objects into a composite.</p>
<p>When the size of the labels of the function parameters changes, the sliders change as well. GUI bug. low priority to fix.</p>
<p>In cuts tabbed panel, the upper box gets updated when cut range changed even when it hasn't changed.</p>
<p>Replace the ComboBox objects in the Cut inspector with lists. Then the user can see in one glance all the cuts on a plot. There usually will not be that many of them.</p>
<p>For check boxes, should use clicked signal instead of toggled so that the check box can be set to a value without emitting a signal.</p>
<p>On the Cuts tabbed pane, does the Replace button make sense. What if selected plot has multiple cuts, which one to replace.</p>
<p>On the Inspector data tabbed panel, should leave the four binding options on all the time and disable the ones that are not used. This way there would be less flicker.</p>
<p>In Inspector stats tabbed panel, add average Z if plot has Z axis.</p>
<p>In transform tabbed panel, use <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QDial</a> instead of <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QSlider</a>.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000119"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1StHist2DProjector.html#ac45e76c75c339e6dc783bc5eb62bc7b3">isAxisBinned</a> (const std::string &amp;axis) const  </dt>
<dd>This method could have common implementation with DyHist2DProjector if the static projector initialized it binding options even thought they do not bind to NTuple. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000052"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Rect.html#a113e4881dc561d2a7233568b478551df">isInBounds</a> (double x1, double y1) const  </dt>
<dd>Use if ( x!=1 ) to est for nan. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000050"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Rect.html#a1562bb253fac5b114dfa4250f2baf67e">isInDepth</a> (double z1) const  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">The multicative factor the implementation might be considered a kludge. Might there be a better way.</p>
<p class="enddd">The final solution for the comparison works when the depth is a very small number compared the the values. Is there a better numeric way. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000168"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ListDialog.html">ListDialog</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Write a FileIconProvider so that <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QFileDialog</a> can highlight known file types.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000123"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ListTuple.html">ListTuple</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Could implement addRow()</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000001"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelBase.html#af9ea5a4d4ff44d2db2a2a283cdec7313">m_first_tick</a>  </dt>
<dd>Maybe it is not needed. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000085"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FunctionProjector.html#a8857c53b302d6fad5561f0d533b7579a">m_fitter</a>  </dt>
<dd>Decide if FunctionProjector or the FunctionRep should be the owner of the Fitter. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000017"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Bins2DBase.html#af113be2bbd858bb78acf33de386fac3a">m_num_bins</a>  </dt>
<dd>Do we need this?. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000109"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#abfbe2359165f154f6e4f532fdd41de80">m_x_axis</a>  </dt>
<dd>Should be generalized to n-dimensions by having having a vector of AxisModelBase objects. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000063"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CompositePlotter.html#abfbe2359165f154f6e4f532fdd41de80">m_x_axis</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Generalize the containment of axis model to n-dimension.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000064"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CompositePlotter.html#a8c25c8f1ef3b8bac6d46729b8798c8fe">m_x_label</a>  </dt>
<dd>The axis labels should be a member of the axis model. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000110"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#a1803857d16b082f0bb754fc9216b6f6a">m_z_label</a>  </dt>
<dd>Remove when getLabel takes axis argument </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000155"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Inspector.html#a9c487d69910dc947ebc5fa747ed73641">newPlotError</a> (const std::exception &amp;e) </dt>
<dd>Should something be done with the exception, like deleting it? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000005"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelLog.html#af5413a5e3c585b49e69709ed53d4f9e3">nextStep</a> (double cur) </dt>
<dd>: Change this to an array of good ticks rather than hardcoded in here. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000208"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1LogTransform.html#a6d23bdbdcee6694d68c8357585af3c93">nextStep</a> (double current, AxisModelBase &amp;axis) </dt>
<dd>: Change this to an array of good ticks rather than hardcoded in here. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000060"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NumArrayTuple.html#a22405609eb7094686259b6a82ad8e0cc">notifyObservers</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>remove this method when Observable is exposed to Python. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000204"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1RootNTuple.html#a22405609eb7094686259b6a82ad8e0cc">notifyObservers</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>remove this method when Observable is exposed to Python. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000044"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FitsNTuple.html#a22405609eb7094686259b6a82ad8e0cc">notifyObservers</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>remove this method when Observable is exposed to Python. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000124"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ListTuple.html#a22405609eb7094686259b6a82ad8e0cc">notifyObservers</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>remove this method when Observable is exposed to Python. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000040"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NTupleController.html">NTupleController</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This class should probably inherit from DataSource controller as it delegates some member functions to that class and uses it often. However, DataSourceController wants to be singleton, so can we have derived classes of singleton?</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000061"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Observable.html">Observable</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">We don't have a copy constructor. Determine if that a problem?</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000125"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ObserverWrap.html#a90d446da2e16fc7a7b639d3db6de242c">ObserverWrap</a> (PyObject *self) </dt>
<dd>This method and others may not be needed. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000128"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PyFunctionRep.html#a8feaee11443a07a66049bd4fee2a7689">parameters</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>Enable access to parameters of composite functions via function indexes. Do this for parameters(), setParameters(), and setFixedFlags() methods. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000148"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FigureEditor.html#a2674f34daaecfbd3037a57ec353ceed8">placeGraphOnSelected</a> (<a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QCanvasRectangle</a> *item) </dt>
<dd>the rectangle of the a text display should be no bigger than necessary rather than the size of the rectangle of the selected. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000194"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PointRepBase.html">PointRepBase</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This class is too big for the base class. For example, TextRepBase is implementing functions it doesn't have to. Should have a RepBase class.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000031"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DataRep.html#a0436eb7f950805969a10f0bc6e644a36">preferredRange</a> (Axes::Type axis) const  </dt>
<dd>In asking for the preferred Range, should also tell binning projectors to reset the number of bins so that auto ranging will lead to same results as when plot was initially created. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000209"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1LogTransform.html#abd74bd08997bb9927bc4e82b38b216c8">prevStep</a> (double current, AxisModelBase &amp;axis) </dt>
<dd>Change this to an array of good ticks rather than hardcoded in here. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000006"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisModelLog.html#aa42e8cd01c40202ad3e6c4f632c919b0">prevStep</a> (double cur) </dt>
<dd>Change this to an array of good ticks rather than hardcoded in here. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000132"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisWidget.html#aa730ca32b3a10c8fc56e76ba51981cf5">processHighSliderMoved</a> (int value, Range &amp;currentRange, const Range &amp;fullRange) </dt>
<dd>int argument is not used, take out of interface. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000131"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1AxisWidget.html#a373c48eb1bf8f224e660fcbb9bd765f8">processLowSliderMoved</a> (int value, Range &amp;currentRange, const Range &amp;fullRange) </dt>
<dd>int argument is not used, take out of interface. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000102"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Profile2DProjector.html">Profile2DProjector</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Must of the implementation is the same ash the Hist2DProjector. One should be able to make a BinningProjector class which is the overlap of the current two and differ in only the kind of binner they have.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000127"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PyFunctionRep.html">PyFunctionRep</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Could make this a derived class of FunctionRep so that methods that do not need wrapping could be called directly.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000129"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtDisplay.html">QtDisplay</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Too may try/catch blocks. All exception inherit from std::exception, so why not put one static function to take care of the exceptions and qApp lock/unlock.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000177"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtViewImp.html#a49b3a231e62ec2f571ec36f7c98d1124">QtViewImp</a> (PlotterBase *plotter) </dt>
<dd>Lots more methods could be protected. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000183"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1QtXmlElement.html#a36fdee2695e82e59357a9ec7b1c02a9a">QtXmlElement</a> (const <a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QDomElement</a> &amp;) </dt>
<dd>Remove this method. It was only temporarily here to aid in the transition from the old scheme. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000153"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FigureEditor.html#a7433e254c7334a48890c39c85769beba">remove</a> (<a class="elRef" doxygen="qt.tag:" href="">QCanvasItem</a> *item) </dt>
<dd>This function has a side effect of clearing the selection list, probably should not do that. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000072"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PlotterBase.html#a74527d54cc2d6c84bb7eeec85b719cb5">removeDataRep</a> (DataRep *) </dt>
<dd>Remove this and the addDataRep member functions from this class. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000140"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasWindow.html#abbbbf272b52ae2ae533cd640cd3ee6ba">removeDisplay</a> (PlotterBase *plotter) </dt>
<dd>This method should only be in the CanvasView. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000016"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Bins2DBase.html#af7f5b076663cf013f7e7d5e044e2d164">resize</a> (int nx, int ny) </dt>
<dd>It is possible that this method will get called before both the range and the bin width are final and therefore the number of bins could be excessive. Thus it would be better to postpone the resizing until needed. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000126"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PyCanvas.html#aa0252ac62e6424a70a3373d0986c0d34">saveAsImage</a> (QtDisplay *display, const std::string &amp;filename) </dt>
<dd>The exception should be thrown from the CanvasView which knows about required suffixes. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000179"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1SaveAsImageEvent.html">SaveAsImageEvent</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This class can go away.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000141"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasWindow.html#a1c84a1ef41ff9a9c8f178da6208aeac2">selectedPlotter</a> () </dt>
<dd>This method should go away or return null pointer if multiple plots are selected. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000068"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CutPlotter.html#a963370fb1fb9ab12585be12115b53c8e">setAxisBinding</a> (const std::vector&lt; std::string &gt; &amp;bindings) </dt>
<dd>Shouldn't call autoScale() here. Setting autoscaled to false should be sufficient, but it doesn't work. Need to solve that problem. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000013"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Bins1DHist.html#ac667673ef9254d312f398893f7bf2c53">setBinContents</a> (const DataSource *ntuple) </dt>
<dd>The underflow and overflow bins do not get archived, thus don't get restored. Also the moments. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000019"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Bins2DProfile.html#ac667673ef9254d312f398893f7bf2c53">setBinContents</a> (const DataSource *ntuple) </dt>
<dd>Needs implementation when static projector is implemented. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000014"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Bins1DProfile.html#ac667673ef9254d312f398893f7bf2c53">setBinContents</a> (const DataSource *ntuple) </dt>
<dd>Needs implementation when static projectors are implemented. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000024"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DisplayController.html#adb9314eefc70fb61f0bcf3f2bf7a2e24">setBinner</a> (PlotterBase *plotter, Axes::Type axis) </dt>
<dd>Remove this function when GUI has separate controls for displaying Log and binning log. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000079"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BinningProjector.html#aed01ce852615f8b8bbef049e542631df">setBinWidth</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis, double width) </dt>
<dd>Derived classes that re-implement this member function do so with only difference being the assert. Redesigned to avoid duplication of code. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000088"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Hist2DProjImp.html#aa539677164031abaf2ca8c969e399b86">setBinWidth</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis, double v) </dt>
<dd>Protect against an excessive number of bins, which will undoubtedly lead to an excessive drawing time. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000100"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Profile2DProjector.html#a8f93f44dc705838beec12a5792a52c09">setBinWidth</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis, int parm, bool dragging) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Change design: this method is identical to one in Hist2DProjector. </p>
<p>Protect against an excessive number of bins, which will undoubtedly lead to an excessive drawing time. </p>
<p class="enddd">Avoid duplicated code in Hist2DProjector. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000012"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BinnerAxisLog.html#ad04b03af2e5f646df959c542e6ebe2ae">setConstWid</a> () </dt>
<dd>Remove this function in favor of calcWidthParm. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000069"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CutPlotter.html#a4402f8183b3034e291e41b5c017c9be5">setCutRangeFull</a> ()=0 </dt>
<dd>The shading showing the cut range should go to the end of the last bin and not just to the end of the last data. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000066"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Cut1DPlotter.html#a6968e329f213a105b1d67e6c41f1238f">setCutRangeFull</a> () </dt>
<dd>The shading showing the cut range should go to the end of the last bin and not just to the end of the last data. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000067"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Cut2DPlotter.html#a6968e329f213a105b1d67e6c41f1238f">setCutRangeFull</a> () </dt>
<dd>The shading showing the cut range should go to the end of the last bin and not just to the end of the last data. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000073"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PlotterBase.html#a6be024b7df7aa648542c0dbd03036a8b">setErrorDisplay</a> (Axes::Type axis, bool)=0 </dt>
<dd>Remove this function when no longer in use. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000074"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1TextPlotter.html#abdcda7f241c11cfb33b3d75a8047bc6d">setErrorDisplay</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis, bool) </dt>
<dd>Implement TextRep that can display errors. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000133"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CanvasView.html#ad889288071f3192cbbbc4eddcf3adfae">setIntervalEnabled</a> (bool yes=true) </dt>
<dd>Move this method and others that use PlotterBase to a controller. This logic is independent of the GUI so should not be here. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000030"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DisplayController.html#a9276a4f4d5b5f3f42970c6bc100df241">setLog</a> (PlotterBase *plotter, Axes::Type axis, bool flag) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This function should go away in favor of one taking string for axis argument. </p>
<p class="enddd">Check that display can do it. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000026"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1DisplayController.html#a32dc459f8b2221a32307d0a7bfcd99b0">setOffset</a> (PlotterBase *plotter, const std::string &amp;axis, int parm, bool dragging) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Use Axes::convert.</p>
<p class="enddd">Remove duplicated code compared to DisplayController::setBinWidth. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000101"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Profile2DProjector.html#ab001b71fbb36d608e1f1557fdb1ae531">setOffset</a> (const std::string &amp;axis, int parm, bool dragging) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Change design: this method is identical to one in Hist2DProjector. </p>
<p class="enddd">use Axes::convert. </p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000087"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Hist2DProjImp.html#ab70a6460d5fe2c4beed556d512a61626">setRange</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis, bool) </dt>
<dd>Should not be changing the AxisModelBase Range. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000086"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Hist1DProjImp.html#a6d962b48e7900849c06bbcb2f3300424">setRange</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a>, bool) </dt>
<dd>Should not be changing the AxisModelBase Range. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000010"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BinnerAxisLinear.html#a91e70e4149117cd7eefa0684ff8360fa">setRange</a> (const Range &amp;, bool hold_width=true) </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Had to put std:: in here for Sun's CC, but not in AxisModelxxx. So there must be a better fix.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000098"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Profile2DProjector.html#ab70a6460d5fe2c4beed556d512a61626">setRange</a> (<a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis, bool) </dt>
<dd>Should not be changing the AxisModelBase Range. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000035"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1XYPlot.html#aed4864dc0d19e3e5df5ea36529d6f164">setRepresentation</a> (RepBase *point_rep) </dt>
<dd>In this and two other members, the implementation has knowledge of axis binding via string "nil". Should probably have method in projector that gives the answer if error axis is bound. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000034"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1VariableMesh.html#aed4864dc0d19e3e5df5ea36529d6f164">setRepresentation</a> (RepBase *point_rep) </dt>
<dd>In this and two other members, the implementation has knowledge of axis binding via string "nil". Should probably have method in projector that gives the answer if error axis is bound. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000210"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1PeriodicBinaryTransform.html#aa77d61aa1845f1b2ceeb65b869117a67">setTicks</a> (AxisModelBase &amp;axis_model, <a class="el" href="namespacehippodraw_1_1Axes.html#a1d1cfd8ffb84e947f82999c682b666a7" title="Axes constants.">hippodraw::Axes::Type</a> axis) </dt>
<dd>Are the implementations of the functions called, duplicates of what is in the derived classes of LinearTransform? </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000196"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1RepBase.html#af419da4ce56bc4c5ab5552ef01e6e44f">setValueTransform</a> (BinToColor *) </dt>
<dd>Should have base class that doesn't know about color and BinToColor class should derive from it. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000091"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Map2Projector.html#a476d8a1119e3342b231096ff604ec731">setXErrorOption</a> (bool enable) </dt>
<dd>Remove this and setYerrorOption() in favor of passing as argument s string with the name of an error option. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000094"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1MeshProjector.html#a476d8a1119e3342b231096ff604ec731">setXErrorOption</a> (bool enable) </dt>
<dd>Remove this and setYerrorOption() in favor of passing as argument s string with the name of an error option. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000089"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Map1Projector.html#a96a94e4d660d3fcfb12d9efa5804e943">setYErrorOption</a> (bool enable) </dt>
<dd>Remove this and setX`errorOption() in favor of passing as argument string with name of axis option. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000090"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Map2Projector.html#a96a94e4d660d3fcfb12d9efa5804e943">setYErrorOption</a> (bool enable) </dt>
<dd>Remove duplication of code in this method with setXErrorOption. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000093"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1MeshProjector.html#a96a94e4d660d3fcfb12d9efa5804e943">setYErrorOption</a> (bool enable) </dt>
<dd>Remove duplication of code in this method with setXErrorOption. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000203"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1RootNTuple.html#a2399deca22d0cc4dec6634b115b698d1">smartExpandRootNTuple</a> (const std::string &amp;column) const  </dt>
<dd>Replace use of ostrstream with String::convert </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000033"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1St1DHistogram.html">St1DHistogram</a>  </dt>
<dd>Decide how this class helps or is the implementation of AIDA Histogram1D. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000115"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1StHist1DProjector.html#ada5a825049666a2e4a8059c43b5a48d9">StHist1DProjector</a> (const StHist1DProjector &amp;projector) </dt>
<dd>Extra data members need to be copied. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000118"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1StHist2DProjector.html#a6d7658c11fab23fbe57c3c2b4fd56f81">StHist2DProjector</a> (const StHist2DProjector &amp;projector) </dt>
<dd>Extra data members need to be copied. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000157"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Inspector.html#a2826c29ab08c5724a8e2b5e8cfaa8704">summaryNew</a> () </dt>
<dd>This method should get the strings from the factory. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000199"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1SymbolPointRep.html">SymbolPointRep</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Could add diamond.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000077"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1TextPlotter.html">TextPlotter</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">The amount of stuff this class inherits and doesn't use is another sign that the PlotterBase is too heavy. For example, everything dealing with the axes are only needed by the XYPlotter.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000062"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1CompositePlotter.html#a94844008b306b238062eef48aa2a72d9">toUserXY</a> (double mx, double my, bool scaled, double &amp;ux, double &amp;uy) const  </dt>
<dd>Needs to be renamed. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000215"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1UnaryTransform.html#ab35684b7c3ddc8d8410e3b74cff8633b">transform</a> (double &amp;x) const =0 </dt>
<dd>implement concrete cases of single variable transformation. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000213"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1TransformBase.html">TransformBase</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">When a Coordinate class is implemented, we can replace many functions below with ones that take a Coordinate as an argument.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000197"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1SymbolPointRep.html#ad2540d97129f0bda6e4afa694f7d502d">transformPoints</a> (const TransformBase &amp;transform, ViewBase &amp;view) </dt>
<dd>The ViewBase object is not used, so why is it in interface. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000158"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Inspector.html#ad55ba342377719417dbb6fc42f5ed52b">updateAxisTab</a> () </dt>
<dd>Offset slider and text changes behave wildly on when on log scale. For now it is disabled. Should try to fix it. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000156"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Inspector.html#a2a6d9ef750725515f4e5fe807eb52527">updatePlotTab</a> () </dt>
<dd>Should move implementation of updating the m_point_stack to a separate method. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000049"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1EpsView.html#a1fb3d4d015ae45409c09f2c41ea6a7c7">userToDrawColor</a> (double c) const  </dt>
<dd>Could eliminate userToMargincolor. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000047"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1EpsView.html#ab7a3ba0d0b1e73d81310e631dfb0a1da">userToDrawX</a> (double x) const  </dt>
<dd>Could eliminated userToMarginX. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000048"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1EpsView.html#a1d4fa9f52bff78d910ad197610cd1029">userToDrawY</a> (double x) const  </dt>
<dd>Could eliminate userToInvertedMarginY. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000057"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NumArrayTuple.html#a6d02cb85b64865574b5e442cbce44df1">valueAt</a> (unsigned int row, unsigned int column) const  </dt>
<dd>Determine if the Python GIL should also be obtained when using numarray instead of Numeric. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000112"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ProjectorBase.html#a5f3e2fdea2ed4be12f330156a2d3cda2">valueRange</a> () const =0 </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Resolve if this method should be here.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000092"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1Map3Projector.html#ac26ff354c4e5f8ca3d9f8c55782329db">valueRange</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>This method doesn't seem to be used yet is needed to satisfy pure virtual function in the base class. Some client should be calling it. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000084"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1FunctionProjector.html#ac26ff354c4e5f8ca3d9f8c55782329db">valueRange</a> () const  </dt>
<dd>Return value range of function. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000053"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1ViewBase.html">ViewBase</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Why doesn't getXXXRect() return reference?</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000200"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1RootController.html#adefbc387148a9902e36e5768871713ce">willDelete</a> (const Observable *obs) </dt>
<dd>This method does get called with obs != RootNTuple, find out why. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000181"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1WindowController.html#a03646aacb0a0c37cba14fb93b1c416da">WindowController</a> () </dt>
<dd>Had to make this public for <a class="el" href="namespaceboost_1_1python.html" title="The namespace for the boost::python class library.">boost.python</a>. Maybe there is a better way. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000180"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1WindowController.html">WindowController</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">There are circular references between WindowController and CanvasWindow. Probably, WindowController should be an observer of CanvasWindow or the methods of the WindowController should be static methods of the CanvasWindow.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000055"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1BFGSFitter.html#ae62893d4bdeceb6eaf764a4ef31458fb">wolfeStep</a> (const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;x0, const std::vector&lt; double &gt; &amp;p) const  </dt>
<dd>Take out error message and send signal to application. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000039"></a> </p>
<dt>Member <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1NTupleController.html#a66b12b1d426bb84b3511ebbec62ad6aa">writeNTupleToFile</a> (DataSource *source, const std::string &amp;filename) </dt>
<dd>Define return codes for why the file was not written. </dd>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000078"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1XyPlotter.html">XyPlotter</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">When multiple DataRep objects are contained by the plotter, one could set the title from one of them.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000216"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1XYZTransformBase.html">XYZTransformBase</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">This class should go away.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
<p><a class="anchor" id="_todo000036"></a> </p>
<dt>Class <a class="el" href="classhippodraw_1_1YPlot.html">YPlot</a>  </dt>
<dd><p class="startdd">Fix a bug in reading a document as the point size does not get restored.</p>
<p>Allow one to use another column as the error on a value. Don't forget to implement hasErrorDisplay() after doing so.</p>
<p class="enddd"></p>
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