

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > os > by-pkgid > febc76f8c624accd5dd49eb866fdb778 > files > 5



* one more code cleanup.
* redrawed the "exit" tile.
* cleaned the Makefiles


* corrected the volumes.
* polished the menu background.
* polished the menu font.
* added the last comic sequence.
* corrected some bugs.
* writed the credits (thanks Paula Radeff).
* added --fullscreen or -f parameter to the command line options.


* finished all the drawings of the game.


* fixed a level-design map (thanks to Dimitry from Moscow).


* drawed some comics for the transition from castle to lab.


* finished the cave comic and the castle intro draiwings/paintings.
* the castle levelset is available (at least!).


* made objects sequence for levels of the castle.


* added an icon.


* fixed "pieces of objects left sometimes when grabbed" :-) .
* added a link to the Debian packages (Mantained by Martin Godisch).


* fixed object sequence errors (mainly in 5th stage). -Thanks to Ivonne Dekker for the report- 
* fixed (i hope so) a monsters colission bug (in the 2nd stage). -thanks to Martin Godisch for the report-


* added the cave stage poster.
* added the second part of the comic.


* painted the second part of the comic.
* improved the intro-comic.
* done the cave stage poster.
* the hint-arrows are displayed 4 times instead of 2.
* changed the channel for playing the objseq sample (it caused a noise on my rh8).


* added hint arrows (in the first 3 stages).
* added first stage poster.
* added pause feature.
* bugfixes - code cleanup.
* started improve intro-comic.
* the game starts in fullscreen mode (again).


* added intro-comic to the intro


* improved titlescreen to be fri (framerate independent).
* improved object fading (to be fri and to not leave gamearea).
* added a monster (the blob).


* drawed a monster (the pipe).
* code cleanup.
* added intro (titlescreen).
* added roommap (to see wich rooms of the current stage are near).
* added fadeback() function.
* implemented fadeback() to return from game to menu.
* improved the menu background.

* code cleanup
    * removed many global variables
    * removed the powerups feature

* code changes
    * some functions now are called with the x and y params.
    * removed global variables x and y.


* the laboratory rooms are being made (very big!)


* Major code cleanup
    made a struct for the player.
    many more.
* removed fps counter (no need).
* added powerup counter (for future powerups feature).
* added a dificulty feature, in diferent dificulty levels there is a diferent
    colission tolerance between monsters and player.
* added powerup feature!!!.
    now every x special objects collected, the player can choose for
    a powerup (like MSX classic "Nemesis").
	The powerups are:
	    Slowmonsters -> the monsters move 30pix./sec. slower. (done)
	    Superspeed   -> the player moves 50pix./sec. faster and the jump becomes longer. (done)
	    Superjump    -> the player jumps 50% higher.(done)
	    Slowfall     -> the player falls 50% slower.
	    Tiny	 -> the player is 50% it's size but have the same habilities as normal.

* game ported to BeOS (Thanks to Shard)
* added handling when click on "Close Window Button" (only works on menu).
* added exit game (from menu) pressing ESCAPE key.


* updated the data files objects.dat and rooms.dat
    - now the game can have 50 stage (before 25).
    - the objects now can have a sequence to be picked
* added FX (bright_obj). when an object is the next in the
sequence to be picked it shows a nice starry FX.


* added joystick support by Gorka Olaizola.


* major code cleanup.
* the game is installable!!! (Thanks (a lot)to Gorka Olaizola)
    * now you can do:
	make install (as root)


* the respawn fx is framerate independent.


* started making specialFX.
    * done the respawn FX (with sound).
    * done the pickobject FX.
    * done the thunder FX.


* its been a long time without updating the changelog... 

things that has been done:

* Redrawed the sword enemy.
* Drawed MANY castle backgrounds.
* Drawed MANY objects.
* Drawed a couple of tiles.
* Drawed the living-dead head and the spinning axe enemies.
* Changed the goblin for the bat (now the goblin is in the caves and the bat in the castle).
* Made MANY levels, today i think i will finish level 15!!!.
* Deleted the music ctgoblin.s3m (only one music for each landscape).
* Added castle music.
* Added an animation when Pachi is standing (not definitive).

and maybe more things... in don't remember


* Implemented .T8 file format for graphics.
* Reduced graphics size from 15Mb to 5Mb (uncompresed) without loosing visual quality.


* added framerate counter (pressing [F1]).


* drawed one more enemy for the caves (the looking eye).
* fixed (i hope) a bug that made Pachi falls in some circumstances (doing [alt]+[tab] in windows for example).
* thanks to that bugfix now is available (again) the windowed game mode.


* Fixed a visual bug (when Pachi stayed very near an enemy, the Pachi "sprite box" was displayed above the enemy).
* Drawed two more enemyes for the caves (the pike and the blinking eye).
* Changed the music for the caves.


* Now codes are available for every stage.


* Fixed a bug. (when the player falls one room down, it (sometimes) falls 2).
* some floor collision detection bugfixes.


* Eliminated windowed game mode (causes a lot of bugs... i'm working on that).


* Improved web graphics.
* Corrected (at last) the sound in windows (thanks to Sam Latinga for his hint).


* added the showcode(); routine to display the code to the next stage.
* When the game is won ask for the name to put it in the hall of fame.


* added a couple of backgrounds.


* a couple of new levels.
* added a "Please wait game data loading" when press start game in the main menu.


* added hall of fame.
* made hall of fame background from the "la calavera del jardinero" sketch.
* changed font in hall of fame.


* corrected jump control now the max height of the jump is in pixels instead of
* adjusted monsters speed in hard level.
* recentered the menu options in the main menu.
* added a timer and each dificulty level has different time to complete stages.
* in the easy dificulty level, the player jumps 10 pixels more high than the
other levels.
* added sound when the timer is <= 10.
* when a stage is completed the player earns 45*difficulty points for each second left.


* the game has now faster gameplay.
* implemented frame rate independent movement, now the game has the
same game speed in every computer.
* added 3 difficulty levels to the main menu.
* corrected collision detection, it may fail on VERY slow systems.
* corrected animation function to be frame rate independent.


* added new enemy (the sword).
* finished level 6.
* added screen blinking and sound when collected the las object of the stage.
* improved blinkscreen() to pass the RGB values to blink with.


* corrected a small but ugly bug that made the sound very choppy under some
windows systems.
* improved a bit the jump behavior (now it is less linear).


* drawed a new enemy (the goblin's head).
* redrawed some tiles.
* added new tiles.
* edited some levels with the new tiles.
* started level 6 (the caves).


* translated the ChangeLog to english (well at least my english...).


* improved CODE routine on the main menu.
* changed some tiles to change the game aspect not to look too blocky.
* changed the compile script to use GNU autotool (configure / make).
thanks to Daniel T. Chen (


* added a routine to enter a stage code on the main manu.
* added sound to the enter CODE on the menu when the code is correct or incorrect.


* the page is submitted to Linuxgames, Happypenguin and Freshmeat.


* first release of the game demo.
* remade the web page (
* the page is uploaded to sourceforge.


* decided use the GPL license for the game.
* added to the main menu the option HELP and SCREEN (to change the display
  mode between full screen or windowed).
* added a sound to the main menu when moving between options.


* changed main screen font and placed in a panel.
* added cursor and keypad keys to the game.
* started to make a web page.


* changed the SDL_LoadBMP for LoadT (.T files are now used).
* added a menu to the main screen (just PLAY and EXIT work).
* Nicolas (Graphic artist) gone hollyday.

09-11-02 (code cleanup)

* remade the loops of the game (intro, menu, etc.).


* convert of all the surfaces to DisplayFormat for faster blitting.
* the main screen text side scroll is deleted.


* the main screen is started to be drawed, i think i will eliminate the text
  side scroll.


* added new graphics for the cemmentery background (evil trees)
  those were drawed some time ago.
* added music in the main screen.
* now the end credits dont exit when the credits finish, it loops.
* added new (and last) level of cemmentery.
* chaged the object counter variable.
* added to the score panel a stage title.
* changed font for the stage title (same but different color) in the score panel.
* the monster-monster collision is corrected again.
* added new object graphic (blue gem).


* added some new graphics for the second landscape (not level yet).


* at last i think the monster-monster collission detection is fine.

* corrected a bug that stopped the music twice causing a segfault when you
  complete the last level and returned to the main screen.
* added a object counter on the score panel (thank Gabriel Radeff for the idea).
* added a code that is used to select the music for each stage.


* improved (again) the print_text() routine, so the font can be selected
  when calling it.
* added end credits screem with vertical text scroll over a graphic.
* added music to the end credits.


* level 4 fixed.
* fixed a problem when te character entered a room in duck state and
  loose a life, it reapears one tile below (cause of the heigh is the
  half when ducked).


* new level (4).
* changed the acces mode for files to binary, before the levels
  were not correctly readed in windows.
* new tiles.
* added "set score to 0" when exiting game.


* added the jumping frame.
* added a screen blink and sound when loose a life.


* improved the print_text() routine to print static text.
* added score, lives and level indicator to the gamepanel.
* changed font for the scores.
* when the character jumps and touches the head with a tile,
  the jump ends and he starts falling.
* added the falling frame for Pachi.
* added some tiles.


* drawed Pachi falling.
* drawed cementery poster (end-credits).


* completed the animation frames of Pachi walking.
* change of the color of "The Death" monster (before brown, now some sort of cyan).


* now Pachi have 10 animation frames for each action.
* completed the animation of Pachi ducked.
* the monsters detect when collide with another monster and change the direction.
* two more playable levels.
* the gamepanel is changed.

07-31-02 (code cleanup)

* Begin of loging.
* change some variable names:
    P_ afect player.
    M_ afect monsters.
    R_ afect rooms.
* added more comments to the code.
* deleted the delay routine an the timing.h file.
* deleted tileheight and tilewidth variables, now just using tileside.
* changed keyboard handling, now when you release the direction keys the
  character stops moving.
* corrected an error that maked posible to duck in the air if falling down
  (not jumping). 
* now the character have more animation frames for each action it takes
  (walk, jump, fall, duck) for now only the walking frames are done.
* started adding music.
* added sounds for jumping and for picking objects.