

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > updates-src > by-pkgid > 91b5ce75c724f42646ad079c2ac2b9ff > files > 23


# format=pipe
# PHP tags for the Wordpress content management platform, created by Erik Johansson <erik.johansson87(at)gmail(dot)com>
# Based on
comments_template|Wordpress function -|(optional string $file, optional string $separate_comments)|
get_footer|Wordpress function to include the footer.php -|(optional string $name)|
get_header|Wordpress function to include the header.php -|(optional string $name)|
get_search_form|Wordpress function to create an, by Wordpress, already defined standard search form -|()|
get_sidebar|Wordpress function to include the sidebar.php -|(optional string $name)|
get_template_part|Wordpress function -|(string $slug, optional string $name)|
bloginfo|Wordpress function to print info about the blog such as the url and the template url -|(string $arg)|
bloginfo_rss|Wordpress function -|(string $arg)|
get_bloginfo|Wordpress function to get info about the blog such as the url and the template url -|(string $arg)|
get_bloginfo_rss|Wordpress function -|(string $arg)|
wp_dropdown_categories|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_dropdown_pages|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_dropdown_users|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_get_archives|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_list_authors|Wordpress function to list all the authors (incl. admins) on the site -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_list_bookmarks|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_list_categories|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_list_comments|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_list_pages|Wordpress function to list all pages -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_page_menu|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
is_user_logged_in|Wordpress function to check if the user is logged in -|()|
wp_login_form|Wordpress function to show a login form -|(optional string/array $args)|
wp_login_url|Wordpress function -|(optional string $redirect)|
wp_loginout|Wordpress function -|(optional string $redirect)|
wp_logout|Wordpress function to log out the current user -|()|
wp_logout_url|Wordpress function -|(optional string $redirect)|
wp_lostpassword_url|Wordpress function -|(optional string $redirect)|
wp_register|Wordpress function -|(optional string $before, optional string $after, optional boolean $echo)|
wp_registration_url|Wordpress function -|(optional string $redirect)|
body_class|Wordpress function to set a class on body depending on variables accessible in Wordpress -|(wp-variable $class)|
next_image_link|Wordpress function to link to the next image in the post -|(optional string $size, optional string $text)|
next_post_link|Wordpress function to link to the next post -|(optional string $format, optional string $text, optional boolean $same_category, optional string $exclude_category)|
next_posts_link|Wordpress function to link to the next set of posts -|(optional string $text, optional integer $max_pages)|
post_class|Wordpress function to set a class on the post container depending on variables accessible in Wordpress -|(wp-variable $class)|
post_password_required|Wordpress function to require password to see a post -|(boolean $arg)|
posts_nav_link|Wordpress function to print a navigation (previous & next post) -|(string $separator, string $prelabel, string $nextlabel)|
previous_image_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $size, optional string $text)|
previous_post_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $format, optional string $text, optional boolean $same_category, optional string $exclude_category)|
previous_posts_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $text, optional integer $max_pages)|
single_post_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $prefix, optional boolean $display)|
sticky_class|Wordpress function -|()|
the_category|Wordpress function to get the category for a post -|(string $separator, string $parents, optional integer $post_id)|
the_category_rss|Wordpress function -|(optional string $rss_or_atom)|
the_content|Wordpress function to print the content of the current page or post -|()|
the_content_rss|Wordpress function -|(optional string $more_link_text, optional boolean $stripteaser, optional string $more_file, optional integer $cut, optional integer $encode_html)|
the_excerpt|Wordpress function to print an excerpt of the content on the current page or post -|()|
the_excerpt_rss|Wordpress function -|()|
the_ID|Wordpress function to print the ID for the current page or post -|()|
the_meta|Wordpress function to print the meta on the current page or post -|()|
the_shortlink|Wordpress function -|(optional string $text, optional string $tooltip, optional string $before, optional string $after)|
the_tags|Wordpress function to print all the tags on the current page or post -|(string $before, string $separator, string $after)|
the_title|Wordpress function to prihnt the title of the current page or post -|(optional string $before, optional string $after, optional boolean $echo)|
the_title_attribute|Wordpress function -|(string $args)|
the_title_rss|Wordpress function -|(string $args)|
wp_link_pages|Wordpress function -|()|
cancel_comment_reply_link|Wordpress function -|(string $text)|
comment_author|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_author_email|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_author_email_link|Wordpress function -|(string $text, string $before, string $after)|
comment_author_IP|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_author_link|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_author_rss|Wordpress function -|()|
comment_author_url|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_author_url_link|Wordpress function -|(string $text, string $before, string $after)|
comment_class|Wordpress function -|(string $class)|
comment_date|Wordpress function -|(optional string $dateformat, optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_excerpt|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_form_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $noreplytext, optional string $replytext, optional boolean $linktoparent)|
comment_form|Wordpress function -|(optional array $args, optional integer $post_id)|
comment_ID|Wordpress function -|()|
comment_id_fields|Wordpress function -|()|
comment_reply_link|Wordpress function -|(optional array $args, optional integer $comment_id, optional integer $post_id)|
comment_text|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $comment_ID)|
comment_text_rss|Wordpress function -|()|
comment_time|Wordpress function -|(string $dateformat)|
comment_type|Wordpress function -|(string $comment, string $trackback, string $pingback)|
comments_link|Wordpress function -|(string $zero_text, string $one_text, string $more_text)|
comments_number|Wordpress function -|()|
comments_popup_link|Wordpress function -|(string $zero_text, string $one_text, string $more_text, string $cssclass, string $none_text)|
comments_popup_script|Wordpress function -|(integer $width, integer $height, optional string $filename)|
comments_rss_link|Wordpress function -|(string $linktext, string $filename)|
get_avatar|Wordpress function to get the avatar for a specified user -|(string $id_or_email, integer $size, optional string $imageurl, optional string $alttext)|
next_comments_link|Wordpress function -|(string $text, optional integer $max_page)|
paginate_comments_links|Wordpress function -|(optional string/array $args)|
permalink_comments_rss|Wordpress function -|()|
previous_comments_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $label)|
wp_list_comments|Wordpress function -|(optional array $args)|
get_post_thumbnail_id|Wordpress function to get the id for the thumbnail on a specified post -|(integer $post_id)|
get_the_post_thumbnail|Wordpress function to get the thumbnail for a specified post -|(integer $post_id, optional array $size, optional string $attr)|
has_post_thumbnail|Wordpress function to check if a post has a thumbnail -|(string $post_id)|
the_post_thumbnail|Wordpress function to print the thumbnail for the current post -|(optional array $size, optional array $attr)|
get_attachment_link|Wordpress function to get the link to a specified attachment -|(integer $attachment_id)|
is_attachment|Wordpress function -|()|
the_attachment_link|Wordpress function to print the link to a specified attachment -|(optional integer $attachment_id, boolean $fullsize, boolean $permalink)|
wp_attachment_is_image|Wordpress function to check if a post attachment is an image or not -|(integer $post_id)|
wp_get_attachment_image|Wordpress function -|(integer $attachment_id, optional string/array $size, boolean $mediaicon)|
wp_get_attachment_image_src|Wordpress function -|(integer $attachment_id, optional string/array $size, boolean $mediaicon)|
wp_get_attachment_metadata|Wordpress function -|(integer $post_id, optional boolean $unfiltered)|
category_description|Wordpress function to get the description for a specified category -|(optional integer $category_id)|
single_cat_title|Wordpress function to print the title of the current category -|(optional string $prefix, optional boolean $display)|
the_category|Wordpress function to print the category which the current page or post belong to -|(string $separator, optional string $parents, optional integer $post_id)|
the_category_rss|Wordpress function -|(optional string $rss_or_atom)|
wp_dropdown_categories|Wordpress function -|(array $args)|
wp_list_categories|Wordpress function to list all the categories on the site -|(array $args)|
single_tag_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $prefix, optional boolean $display)|
tag_description|Wordpress function -|(optional string $tag_id)|
the_tags|Wordpress function to print all the tags on the current page or post -|(optional string $before, optional string $separator, optional string $after)|
wp_generate_tag_cloud|Wordpress function to generate a tag cloud -|(array $args)|
wp_tag_cloud|Wordpress function to print a tag cloud -|(array $args)|
the_author|Wordpress function to print the author of the current page or post -|()|
get_the_author|Wordpress function to get the author of the current page or post -|()|
the_author_link|Wordpress function to print the link to the "author page" which holds all the posts created by the author of the current page or post -|()|
get_the_author_link|Wordpress function to get the link to the "author page" which holds all the posts created by the author of the current page or post -|()|
the_author_meta|Wordpress function to print all the meta info for the specified author -|(string $field, integer $user_id)|
the_author_posts|Wordpress function -|()|
the_author_posts_link|Wordpress function -|()|
wp_dropdown_users|Wordpress function -|(array $args)|
wp_list_authors|Wordpress function -|(array $args)|
get_calendar|Wordpress function -|(boolean $initial_letter_only)|
get_the_date|Wordpress function -|(string $dateformat)|
single_month_title|Wordpress function -|(string $prefix, string $display)|
the_date|Wordpress function -|(optional string $dateformat, optional string $before, optional string $after, optional boolean $echo)|
the_date_xml|Wordpress function -|()|
the_modified_author|Wordpress function -|()|
the_modified_date|Wordpress function -|(optional string $dateformat, optional string $before, optional string $after, optional boolean $echo)|
the_modified_time|Wordpress function -|(optional string $dateformat)|
the_time|Wordpress function to print the time when the current page or post where created -|(optional string $dateformat)|
get_permalink|Wordpress function to get the link for the current page or post -|(optional integer $post_id)|
get_post_permalink|Wordpress function -|(optional integer $post_id, optional boolean $leavename, optional boolean $sample_permalink)|
permalink_anchor|Wordpress function -|(string $type)|
permalink_single_rss|Wordpress function -|(optional string $filename)|
post_permalink|Wordpress function -|()|
the_permalink|Wordpress function to print the link url for the current page or post -|()|
the_shortlink|Wordpress function -|(optional string $text, optional string $tooltip, optional string $before, optional string $after)|
wp_get_shortlink|Wordpress function -|()|
wp_shortlink_header|Wordpress function -|()|
wp_shortlink_wp_head|Wordpress function -|()|
get_bookmark|Wordpress function -|($bookmark, optional string $output, optional string $filter)|
get_bookmark_field|Wordpress function -|()|
get_bookmarks|Wordpress function -|(array $args)|
wp_list_bookmarks|Wordpress function -|(array $args)|
edit_bookmark_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $linktext, optional string $before, optional string $after, optional integer $bookmark)|
edit_comment_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $linktext, optional string $before optional string $after)|
edit_post_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $linktext, optional string $before, optional string $after, optional integer $post_id)|
edit_tag_link|Wordpress function -|(optional string $linktext, optional string $before, optional string $after, optional integer $tag_id)|
single_cat_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $prefix, optional boolean $display)|
single_month_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $prefix, optional boolean $display)|
single_post_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $prefix, optional boolean $display)|
single_tag_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $prefix, optional boolean $display)|
the_search_query|Wordpress function -|()|
wp_title|Wordpress function -|(optional string $separator, optional boolean $echo, optional string $seplocation_left_or_right)|
get_posts|Wordpress function -|(string $arguments)|
query_posts|Wordpress function to query posts from the DB depending on several specified arguments -|(string $arguments)|
rewind_posts|Wordpress function -|()|
wp_reset_query|Wordpress function to reset a query that you've created -|()|
wp_get_nav_menu|Wordpress function -|()|
wp_get_nav_menu_item|Wordpress function -|()|
wp_nav_menu|Wordpress function to implement a menu that can be administrated within Wordpress administration area -|(array $args)|