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<center><h1>Module type <a href="type_Map.S.html">Map.S</a></h1></center>
<pre><span class="keyword">module type</span> S = <code class="code"><span class="keyword">sig</span></code> <a href="Map.S.html">..</a> <code class="code"><span class="keyword">end</span></code></pre>Output signature of the functor <a href="Map.Make.html"><code class="code"><span class="constructor">Map</span>.<span class="constructor">Make</span></code></a>.<br>
<hr width="100%">
<pre><span class="keyword">type</span> <a name="TYPEkey"></a><code class="type"></code>key </pre>
<div class="info">
The type of the map keys.<br>

<pre><span class="keyword">type</span> <a name="TYPEt"></a><code class="type">+'a</code> t </pre>
<div class="info">
The type of maps from type <code class="code">key</code> to type <code class="code"><span class="keywordsign">'</span>a</code>.<br>

<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALempty"></a>empty : <code class="type">'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
The empty map.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALis_empty"></a>is_empty : <code class="type">'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> bool</code></pre><div class="info">
Test whether a map is empty or not.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALadd"></a>add : <code class="type"><a href="Map.S.html#TYPEkey">key</a> -> 'a -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">add x y m</code> returns a map containing the same bindings as
       <code class="code">m</code>, plus a binding of <code class="code">x</code> to <code class="code">y</code>. If <code class="code">x</code> was already bound
       in <code class="code">m</code>, its previous binding disappears.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALfind"></a>find : <code class="type"><a href="Map.S.html#TYPEkey">key</a> -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'a</code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">find x m</code> returns the current binding of <code class="code">x</code> in <code class="code">m</code>,
       or raises <code class="code"><span class="constructor">Not_found</span></code> if no such binding exists.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALremove"></a>remove : <code class="type"><a href="Map.S.html#TYPEkey">key</a> -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">remove x m</code> returns a map containing the same bindings as
       <code class="code">m</code>, except for <code class="code">x</code> which is unbound in the returned map.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALmem"></a>mem : <code class="type"><a href="Map.S.html#TYPEkey">key</a> -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> bool</code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">mem x m</code> returns <code class="code"><span class="keyword">true</span></code> if <code class="code">m</code> contains a binding for <code class="code">x</code>,
       and <code class="code"><span class="keyword">false</span></code> otherwise.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALiter"></a>iter : <code class="type">(<a href="Map.S.html#TYPEkey">key</a> -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> unit</code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">iter f m</code> applies <code class="code">f</code> to all bindings in map <code class="code">m</code>.
       <code class="code">f</code> receives the key as first argument, and the associated value
       as second argument.  The bindings are passed to <code class="code">f</code> in increasing
       order with respect to the ordering over the type of the keys.
       Only current bindings are presented to <code class="code">f</code>:
       bindings hidden by more recent bindings are not passed to <code class="code">f</code>.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALmap"></a>map : <code class="type">('a -> 'b) -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'b <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">map f m</code> returns a map with same domain as <code class="code">m</code>, where the
       associated value <code class="code">a</code> of all bindings of <code class="code">m</code> has been
       replaced by the result of the application of <code class="code">f</code> to <code class="code">a</code>.
       The bindings are passed to <code class="code">f</code> in increasing order
       with respect to the ordering over the type of the keys.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALmapi"></a>mapi : <code class="type">(<a href="Map.S.html#TYPEkey">key</a> -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'b <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a></code></pre><div class="info">
Same as <a href="Map.S.html#VALmap"><code class="code"><span class="constructor">Map</span>.<span class="constructor">S</span>.map</code></a>, but the function receives as arguments both the
       key and the associated value for each binding of the map.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALfold"></a>fold : <code class="type">(<a href="Map.S.html#TYPEkey">key</a> -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'b -> 'b</code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">fold f m a</code> computes <code class="code">(f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 a)...)</code>,
       where <code class="code">k1 ... kN</code> are the keys of all bindings in <code class="code">m</code>
       (in increasing order), and <code class="code">d1 ... dN</code> are the associated data.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALcompare"></a>compare : <code class="type">('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> int</code></pre><div class="info">
Total ordering between maps.  The first argument is a total ordering
        used to compare data associated with equal keys in the two maps.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">val</span> <a name="VALequal"></a>equal : <code class="type">('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> 'a <a href="Map.S.html#TYPEt">t</a> -> bool</code></pre><div class="info">
<code class="code">equal cmp m1 m2</code> tests whether the maps <code class="code">m1</code> and <code class="code">m2</code> are
       equal, that is, contain equal keys and associate them with
       equal data.  <code class="code">cmp</code> is the equality predicate used to compare
       the data associated with the keys.<br>