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      <p>leaf &#8212; Lightweight Editor of Ascii(and more)

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      <div class="cmdsynopsis">
        <p><code class="command">leaf</code> [-d <em class="replaceable"><code>dictionary</code></em>] [+<em class="replaceable"><code>n</code></em>] [<em class="replaceable"><code>filename</code></em>]</p>

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      <p><span class="command"><strong>leaf</strong></span> is a
      simple console text file editor, with paragraph word-wrapping
      and spell checking. <span class="command"><strong>leaf</strong></span> is based on the text
      editor in the <span class="application">Cone</span> mail
      reader and composer. <span class="command"><strong>leaf</strong></span> opens <em class="replaceable"><code>filename</code></em>, position the cursor
      on the first line, or line #<em class="replaceable"><code>n</code></em>, if specified.</p>

      <p>This is not really the best editor for program sources.
      <span class="command"><strong>leaf</strong></span> is meant
      to be used as a quick editor for writing short notes and
      memos. As text is typed, words will automatically flow to
      wrap within a typical 80-character terminal display, even on
      larger display (due to <span class="command"><strong>leaf</strong></span>'s heritage as an
      editor for E-mail messages, which are traditionally formatted
      to fit an 80-character display). Word wrapping is "lazy":
      only long text lines are wrapped. Short text lines are not
      folded together. Individual paragraphs are separated by blank
      lines of text. Press <span class="keycap"><strong>CTRL</strong></span>-<span class="keycap"><strong>J</strong></span> to optimally rewrap the
      paragraph under the cursor. The bottom two lines on the
      screen list which keys to press for other functions.</p>

      <p>The <code class="option">-d</code> sets the name of the
      dictionary used for spell checking (overriding the default
      spell checking dictionary set by the <code class="envar">DICTIONARY</code> environment variable). <code class="option">+<em class="replaceable"><code>n</code></em></code>
      sets the initial cursor position to line #<em class="replaceable"><code>n</code></em>.</p>

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      <a id="id535446" shape="rect" name="id535446"> </a>

      <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

      <p><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">emacs</span>(1)</span>, <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">vi</span>(1)</span></p>

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