

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 9145b6bf044f4f4c1da80217b4d6f1df > files > 8


LibDsk v1.2.1 

John Elliott


LibDsk is a library intended to give transparent access 
to floppy drives and to the "disc image files" used by 
emulators to represent floppy drives.


This library is free software, released under the GNU 
Library GPL. See COPYING for details.

Table of Contents

    About this document
    About LibDsk
    What's new? 
    Terms and definitions
Supported file formats
    Logical and physical sectors
        DSK_GEOMETRY in detail
LibDsk Function Reference 
    dsk_open: Open an existing disc image
    dsk_creat: Create a new disc image
    dsk_close: Close a drive or disc image
    dsk_dirty: Read the dirty flag
    dsk_pread, dsk_lread : Read a sector
    dsk_pwrite, dsk_lwrite: Write a sector
    dsk_pcheck, dsk_lcheck: Verify sectors on disc against memory
    dsk_pformat, dsk_lformat: Format a disc track
    dsk_apform, dsk_alform: Automatic format
    dsk_psecid, dsk_lsecid: Read a sector ID.
    dsk_ptrackids, dsk_ltrackids: Identify sectors on track.
    dsk_rtread: Reserved.
    dsk_xread, dsk_xwrite: Low-level reading and writing
        dsk_xread(), dsk_xwrite(): Deleted data 
    dsk_ltread, dsk_ptread, dsk_xtread 
    dsk_lseek, dsk_pseek 
    dsk_dirty: Has drive been written to?
    dsk_getgeom: Guess disc geometry
    dg_*geom : Initialise disc geometry from boot sector
    dg_stdformat : Initialise disc geometry from a standard LibDsk format.
    dsk_*_forcehead: Override disc head
    dsk_*_option: Set/get driver option
    dsk_option_enum: Get list of driver options
    dsk_*_comment: Set comment for disc image
    dsk_drvname, dsk_drvdesc 
    dsk_compname, dsk_compdesc 
    dg_ps2ls, dg_ls2ps, dg_pt2lt, dg_lt2pt 
    dsk_strerror: Convert error code to string
    dsk_reportfunc_set / dsk_reportfunc_get
    dsk_set_retry / dsk_get_retry
    Structure: DSK_FORMAT
    LibDsk errors 
Initialisation files
    libdskrc format
        libdskrc example
    Locating libdskrc
Reverse CP/M-FS (rcpmfs) backend
    In Use
    rcpmfs initialisation file
The CopyQM file format
    Image comment
    Image data
LibDsk under Windows
    Windows 3.x
    Windows 4.x (95, 98 and ME)
    Windows NT (NT 3.x, NT 4.x, 2000, XP) without ntwdm driver
    Windows 2000 and XP with ntwdm driver
    General comments on programming floppy access for Windows
        The Win16 driver. 
        The Win32c driver.
        The Win32 driver.
        The ntwdm driver.
        Other floppy APIs
        Compiling LDSERVER
        Using LDSERVER
        Important Security Warning
    LibDsk and COM
        General points
LibDsk RPC system
    The 'serial' driver
        Servers for the serial driver
    The 'fork' driver
Writing new drivers
    The driver header 
    The driver source file
    Driver functions
        dc_xread, dc_xwrite 
        dc_option_set, dc_option_get
Adding new compression methods
    Driver header 
    Driver implementation 
    Compression functions
Adding new remote transports.
    Driver header 
    Driver implementation 
    Remote communication functions
DQK Files 
LibDsk with cpmtools
DSK / EDSK recording mode extension


 About this document

This document only covers LibDsk -- the library -- 
itself. For information on the example utilities 
supplied with LibDsk (apriboot, dskform, dsktrans, 
dskid, dskdump, dskscan, dskutil and md3serial) see 
their respective manual pages.

 About LibDsk

LibDsk is a library for accessing floppy drives and 
disc images transparently. It currently supports the 
following disc image formats:

 Raw "dd if=foo of=bar" images;

 Raw images in logical filesystem order;

 CPCEMU-format .DSK images (normal and extended); 

 MYZ80-format hard drive images; 

 CFI-format disc images, as produced by FDCOPY.COM 
  under DOS and used to distribute some Amstrad system 

 ApriDisk-format disc images, used by the utility of 
  the same name under DOS.

 NanoWasp-format disc images, used by the eponymous emulator.

 Disc images created by the Sydex imaging programs 
  Teledisk and CopyQM (read only in both cases).

 The floppy drive under Linux; 

 The floppy drive under Windows. Windows support is a 
  complicated subject - see section [ldwindows] below.

 The floppy drive (and hard drive partitions) under DOS.

LibDsk also supports compressed disc images in the 
following formats: 

 Squeeze (Huffman coded) 

 GZip (Deflate ) 

 BZip2 (Burrows-Wheeler; support is read-only)

 What's new? 

For full details, see the file ChangeLog.

 Should now compile out of the box on FreeBSD.

 A bugfix to the rcpmfs driver should allow it to 
  simulate a CP/M 2 filesystem as well as CP/M 3.

 Added two new drivers: "teledisk" and "logical".

 Changes by Ramlaid <> to the DSK and 
  NTWDM drivers to improve compatibility, and another 
  fix to stop file handles leaking.

 Added a new driver: "int25". This allows the DOS version 
  to run on Apricot PCs (which do not have an 
  IBM-compatible BIOS) and to access hard drive partitions.

 Bugfix in the Linux floppy driver, which could cause "
  No data" errors logging in certain disc formats.

 Bugfix in the rcpmfs driver: Files saved to user 1 no 
  longer go to user 0.

 Enhanced the ApriDisk driver to handle disc images 
  that start with a 'creator' block.

 Enhanced the rcpmfs driver to deal with truncation of 
  existing files.

 Added initial support for 'multiple/weak' sectors in 
  the 'dsk' driver. LibDsk can read such sectors, but 
  not write them (they get written as normal sectors).

 Bug fix: Don't leak file handles in the 'dsk' driver.

 The internal RPC system has been expanded to allow 
  operation over a serial line. 

 The Win32 (VC++ 6) version now includes an ATL project 
  to present LibDsk as a COM object.

 'ntwdm' driver added by Simon Owen.

 dsk_dirty() function added by Philip Kendall.

 LibDsk now reads a 'libdskrc' file (section [sub:libdskrc-format]) at 
  startup; this can contain additional format definitions.

 An experimental read-only driver to handle CopyQM disc 
  images (written by Per Ola Ingvarsson, who also 
  documented the file format - section [sec:copyqm]).

 Experimental support for an 'rcpmfs' driver (section [sec:rcpmfs]) 
  which presents directories as CP/M disk images.

 DSK files now store density and recording mode.

 LibDsk can now retry failed reads/writes/formats.

 Extra functions have been added to support disc images 
  that contain comments.

 Extra functions have been added for display of 
  messages from LibDsk.

 A driver has been added for the disc image files used 
  by the ApriDisk utility.

 The parameter order of the example utilities has been 
  made less rigid.

 Terms and definitions

In this document, I use the word cylinder to refer to a 
position on a floppy disc, and track to refer to the 
data within a cylinder on one side of the disc. For a 
single-sided disc, these are the same; for a 
double-sided disc, there are twice as many tracks as 

 <formats>Supported file formats

The following disc image file formats are supported by LibDsk.

  "dsk" : Disc image in the DSK format used by CPCEMU. 
  The format of a .DSK file is described in the CPCEMU 

  "edsk" : Disc image in the extended CPCEMU DSK format. 

  "raw" : Raw disc image - as produced by "dd if=/dev/fd0 of=image"
  . On systems other than Linux, DOS or Windows, this 
  is also used to access the host system's floppy drive.

  "logical" : Raw disc image in logical filesystem order. 
  Previous versions of LibDsk could generate such 
  images (for example, by using the now-deprecated 
  -logical option to dsktrans) but couldn't then write 
  them back or use them in emulators.

  "floppy" : Host system's floppy drive (under Linux, DOS 
  or Windows). 

  "int25" : Hard drive partition under DOS. Also used for 
  the floppy drive on Apricot PCs.

  "ntwdm" : Enhanced floppy support under Windows 2000 
  and XP, using an additional kernel-mode driver.

  "myz80" : MYZ80 hard drive image, which is nearly the 
  same as "raw" but has a 256 byte header. 

  "cfi" : Compressed floppy image, as produced by 
  FDCOPY.COM under DOS. Its format is described in cfi.html.

  "qm" : Disc images created by Sydex's CopyQM. This is a 
  read-only driver.

  "teledisk" : Disc images created by Sydex's TeleDisk. 
  This is a read-only driver.

  "nanowasp" : Disc image in the 400k Microbee format 
  used by the NanoWasp emulator. This is similar to "raw"
  , but the tracks are stored in a different order. 
  LibDsk also applies a sector skew so that the sectors 
  are read/written in the logical order. Strictly 
  speaking, it should not do this (when libdsk is used 
  with cpmtools, cpmtools is the one that does the 
  skewing) but cpmtools cannot handle the skewing 
  scheme used by the Microbee format.

  "apridisk": Disc image in the format used by the 
  ApriDisk utility. The format is described in apridisk.html.

  "rcpmfs": Reverse CP/M filesystem. A directory is made 
  to appear as a CP/M disk. This is an experimental 
  system and should be approached with caution.

  "remote": Remote LibDsk server, most likely at the 
  other end of a serial line.


LibDsk is composed of a fixed core (files named dsk*.c) 
and a number of drivers (files named drv*.c). When you 
open an image or a drive (using dsk_open() or 
dsk_creat() ) then a driver is chosen. This driver is 
then used until it's closed (dsk_close()). 

Each driver is identified by a name. To get a list of 
available drivers, use dsk_type_enum(). To get the 
driver that is being used by an open DSK image, use 
dsk_drvname() or dsk_drvdesc().

 Logical and physical sectors

LibDsk has two models of disc geometry. One is as a 
linear array of "logical" sectors - for example, a 720k 
floppy appears as 1440 512-byte sectors numbered 0 to 
1439. The other locates each sector using a (Cylinder, 
Head, Sector) triple - so on the 720k floppy described 
earlier, sectors would run from (0,0,1) to (79,1,9). 

Internally, all LibDsk drivers are written to use the 
Cylinder/Head/Sector model. For those calls which take 
parameters in logical sectors, LibDsk uses the 
information in a DSK_GEOMETRY structure to convert to 
C/H/S. DSK_GEOMETRY also contains information such as 
the sector size and data rate used to access a given 

Those functions which deal with whole tracks (such as 
the command to format a track) use logical tracks and 
(cylinder,head) pairs instead. To initialise a 
DSK_GEOMETRY structure, either: 

 call dsk_getgeom() to try and detect it from the disc; 

 call dg_stdformat() to select one of the "standard" 
  formats that LibDsk knows about; or 

 call dg_dosgeom() / dg_cpm86geom() / dg_pcwgeom() / 
  dg_aprigeom() to initialise it from a copy of a DOS / 
  CP/M86 / PCW / Apricot boot sector; or 

 Set all the members manually.

 <sec: dskgeom>DSK_GEOMETRY in detail

typedef struct


  dsk_sides_t dg_sidedness; /* This describes the 
  logical sequence of tracks on the disc - the order in 
  which their host system reads them. This will only be 
  used if dg_heads is greater than 1 (otherwise all the 
  methods are equivalent) and you are using functions 
  that take logical sectors or tracks as parameters. It 
  will be one of: 

  SIDES_ALT The tracks are ordered Cylinder 0 Head 0; 
    C0H1; C1H0; C1H1; C2H0; C2H1 etc. This layout is 
    used by most PC-hosted operating systems, including 
    DOS and Linux. Amstrad's 8-bit operating systems 
    also use this ordering.

  SIDES_OUTBACK The tracks go out to the edge on Head 
    0, and then back in on Head 1 (so Cylinder 0 Head 0 
    is the first track, while Cylinder 0 Head 1 is the 
    last). This layout is used by Freek Heite's 144FEAT 
    driver (for CP/M-86 on the PC) but I have not seen 
    it elsewhere.

  SIDES_OUTOUT The tracks go out to the edge on Head 0, 
    then out again on Head 1 (so the order goes 
    C(last)H0, C0H1, C1H1, ..., C(last)H1). This 
    ordering is used by Acorn-format discs.


  dsk_pcyl_t dg_cylinders; /* The number of cylinders 
  this disc has. Usually 40 or 80. */

  dsk_phead_t dg_heads; /* The number of heads (sides) 
  the disc has. Usually 1 or 2. */

  dsk_psect_t dg_sectors; /* The number of sectors per 
  track. */

  dsk_psect_t dg_secbase; /* The first physical sector 
  number. Most systems start numbering their sectors at 
  1; Acorn systems start at 0, and Amstrad CPCs start 
  at 65 or 193. */

  size_t dg_secsize; /* Sector size in bytes. Note that 
  several drivers rely on this being a power of 2. */

  dsk_rate_t dg_datarate; /* Data rate. This will be one of:

  RATE_HD High-density disc (1.4Mb or 1.2Mb)

  RATE_DD Double-density disc in 1.2Mb drive (ie, 360k 
    disc in 1.2Mb drive)

  RATE_SD Double-density disc in 1.4Mb or 720k drive

  RATE_ED Extra-density disc (2.8Mb) */

  dsk_gap_t dg_rwgap; /* Read/write gap length */

  dsk_gap_t dg_fmtgap; /* Format gap length */

  int dg_fm; /* Set to nonzero to use FM (single 
  density) recording mode. Not all PC floppy 
  controllers support this mode; the National 
  Semiconductor PC87306 and the Future Domain TMC 
  series SCSI controllers can at least read FM discs. 
  The BBC Micro used FM recording for its 100k and 200k 
  DFS formats. The Windows / DOS floppy drivers do not 
  support FM recording. */

  int dg_nomulti; /* Set to nonzero to disable 
  multitrack mode. This only affects attempts to read 
  normal data from tracks containing deleted data (or 
  vice versa). */

  int dg_noskip; /* Set to nonzero to disable skipping 
  deleted data when searching for non-deleted data (or 
  vice versa). */


 LibDsk Function Reference 

 dsk_open: Open an existing disc image

dsk_err_t dsk_open(DSK_PDRIVER *self, const char 
*filename, const char *type, const char *compress)

Enter with: 

 "self" is the address of a DSK_PDRIVER variable (treat 
  it as a handle to a drive / disc file). On return, 
  the variable will be non-null (if the operation 
  succeeded) or null (if the operation failed).  

 "filename" is the name of the disc image file. On DOS 
  and Windows, "A:" and "B:" refer to the two floppy 
  drives. On Apricot MS-DOS, "0:" and "1:" refer to the 
  floppy drives.

 "type" is NULL to detect the disc image format 
  automatically, or the name of a LibDsk driver to 
  force that driver to be used. See dsk_type_enum() 

 "compress" is NULL to auto-detect compressed files, or 
  the name of a LibDsk compression scheme. See 

Returns: A dsk_err_t, which will be 0 (DSK_ERR_OK) if 
successful, or a negative integer if failed. See 
dsk_strerror(). The error DSK_ERR_NOTME means either 
that no driver was able to open the disc / disc image 
(if "type" was NULL) or that the requested driver could 
not open the file (if "type" was not NULL).

Standard LibDsk drivers are listed in section [formats].

Compression schemes are: 

  "sq" : Huffman (squeezed). The reason for the inclusion 
  of this system is to support .DQK images (see 
  appendix [sec: dqk]). 

  "gz" : GZip (deflate). This will only be present if 
  libdsk was built with zlib support. 

  "bz2" : BZip2 (Burrows-Wheeler compression). This 
  support is currently read-only, and will only be 
  present if LibDsk was built with bzlib support.

 dsk_creat: Create a new disc image

dsk_err_t dsk_creat(DSK_PDRIVER *self, const char 
*filename, const char *type)

In the case of floppy drives, this acts exactly as 
dsk_open(). For image files, the file will be deleted 
and recreated. Parameters and results are as for 
dsk_open(), except that "type" cannot be NULL (it must 
specify the type of disc image to be created) and if "compress"
 is NULL, it means that the file being created should 
not be compressed.

 dsk_close: Close a drive or disc image

dsk_err_t dsk_close(DSK_PDRIVER *self)

Pass the address of an opaque pointer returned from 
dsk_open() / dsk_creat(). On return, the drive will 
have been closed and the pointer set to NULL.

 dsk_dirty: Read the dirty flag

int dsk_dirty(DSK_PDRIVER self)

This function returns non-zero if the disc has been 
modified since it was inserted into the drive, and zero 
if it has not been modified. 

 dsk_pread, dsk_lread : Read a sector

dsk_err_t dsk_pread(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head, dsk_psect_t sector) 

dsk_err_t dsk_lread(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_lsect_t sector)

These functions read a single sector from the disc. 
There are two of them, depending on whether you are 
using logical or physical sector addresses.

Enter with: 

 "self" is a handle to an open drive / image file. 

 "geom" points to the geometry for the drive. 

 "buf" is the buffer into which data will be loaded. 

 "cylinder", "head" and "sector" (dsk_pread) or "sector" 
  (dsk_lread) give the location of the sector. 


 If successful, DSK_ERR_OK. Otherwise, a negative 
  DSK_ERR_* value. 

 If the driver cannot read sectors, DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL 
  will be returned.

 dsk_pwrite, dsk_lwrite: Write a sector

dsk_err_t dsk_pwrite(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, const void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t 
cylinder, dsk_phead_t head, dsk_psect_t sector) 

dsk_err_t dsk_lwrite(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, const void *buf, dsk_lsect_t sector)

As dsk_pread / dsk_lread, but write their buffers to 
disc rather than reading them from disc. If the driver 
cannot write sectors, DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL will be returned.

 dsk_pcheck, dsk_lcheck: Verify sectors on disc against memory

dsk_err_t dsk_pcheck(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, const void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t 
cylinder, dsk_phead_t head, dsk_psect_t sector) 

dsk_err_t dsk_lcheck(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, const void *buf, dsk_lsect_t sector)

As dsk_pread / dsk_lread, but rather than reading their 
buffers from disc, they compare the contents of their 
buffers with the data already on the disc. If the data 
match, the functions return DSK_ERR_OK. If there is a 
mismatch, they return DSK_ERR_MISMATCH. In case of 
error, other DSK_ERR_* values are returned. If the 
driver cannot read sectors, DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL will be returned.

 dsk_pformat, dsk_lformat: Format a disc track

dsk_err_t dsk_pformat(DSK_PDRIVER self, DSK_GEOMETRY 
*geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t head, const 
DSK_FORMAT *format, unsigned char filler) 

dsk_err_t dsk_lformat(DSK_PDRIVER self, DSK_GEOMETRY 
*geom, dsk_ltrack_t track, const DSK_FORMAT *format, 
unsigned char filler)

Enter with: 

 "self" is a handle to an open drive / image file. 

 "geom" points to the geometry for the drive. The 
  formatter may modify this if (for example) it's asked 
  to format track 41 of a 40-track drive. 

 "cylinder" / "head" (dsk_pformat) or "track" (dsk_lformat) 
  give the location of the track to format. 

 "format" should be an array of (geom->dg_sectors) 
  DSK_FORMAT structures. These structures must contain 
  sector headers for the track being formatted. For 
  example, to format the first track of a 720k disc, 
  you would pass in an array of 9 such structures: { 0, 
  0, 1, 512 }, { 0, 0, 2, 512, } ..., { 0, 0, 9, 512 } 

 "filler" should be the filler byte to use. Currently the 
  Win32 driver ignores this parameter. If the driver 
  cannot format tracks, DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL will be returned.

Note that when formatting a .DSK file that has more 
than one head, you must format cylinder 0 for each head 
before formatting other cylinders.

 dsk_apform, dsk_alform: Automatic format

dsk_err_t dsk_apform(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t 
head, unsigned char filler) 

dsk_err_t dsk_alform(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_ltrack_t track, unsigned char filler)

These function calls behave as dsk_pformat() and 
dsk_lformat() above, except that the sector headers are 
automatically generated. This saves time and trouble 
setting up sector headers on discs with standard 
layouts such as DOS, PCW or Linux floppies. If the 
driver cannot format tracks, DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL will be returned.

 dsk_psecid, dsk_lsecid: Read a sector ID.

dsk_err_t dsk_psecid(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t 
head, DSK_FORMAT *result) 

dsk_err_t dsk_lsecid(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_ltrack_t track, DSK_FORMAT *result)

Read a sector ID from the given track. This can be used 
to probe for discs with oddly-numbered sectors (eg, 
numbered 65-74). Enter with: 

 "self" is a handle to an open drive / image file. 

 "geom" points to the geometry for the drive. 

 "cylinder" / "head" (dsk_psecid) or "track" (dsk_lsecid) 
  give the location of the track to read the sector 

 "result" points to an uninitialised DSK_FORMAT 

On return: 

 If successful, the buffer at "result" will be 
  initialised with the sector header found, and 
  DSK_ERR_OK will be returned. 

 If the driver cannot provide this functionality (for 
  example, the Win32 driver under NT), DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL 
  will be returned.

Note that the DOS, Win16 and Win32 (under Win9x) 
drivers implement a limited version of this call, which 
will work on normal DOS / CP/M86 / PCW discs and CPC 
discs. However it will not be usable for other purposes.

 dsk_ptrackids, dsk_ltrackids: Identify sectors on track.

dsk_err_t dsk_ptrackids(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t 
head, dsk_psect_t *count, DSK_FORMAT **result) 

dsk_err_t dsk_ltrackids(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_ltrack_t track, dsk_psect_t 
*count, DSK_FORMAT **result)

These functions are intended to read all the sector IDs 
from a track, in order, and (preferably) starting at 
the index hole. If they succeed, 'result' will point at 
an array of DSK_FORMAT structures describing the 
sectors found. This array will have been allocated with 
dsk_malloc() and should be freed with dsk_free().

 dsk_rtread: Reserved.

dsk_err_t  dsk_rtread(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head, int reserved); 

This function is reserved for future expansion. The 
intention is to use it for diagnostic read commands 
(such as reading the raw bits from a track). Currently 
it returns DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL.

 dsk_xread, dsk_xwrite: Low-level reading and writing

dsk_err_t dsk_xread(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head, dsk_pcyl_t cyl_expected, dsk_phead_t 
head_expected, dsk_psect_t sector, size_t sector_len, 
int *deleted); 

dsk_err_t dsk_xwrite(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, const void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t 
cylinder, dsk_phead_t head, dsk_pcyl_t cyl_expected, 
dsk_phead_t head_expected, dsk_psect_t sector, size_t 
sector_len, int deleted);

dsk_xread() and dsk_xwrite() are extended versions of 
dsk_pread() and dsk_pwrite(). They allow the caller to 
read/write sectors whose sector ID differs from the 
physical location of the sector, or to read/write 
deleted data.. The "cylinder" and "head" arguments specify 
where to look; the "cyl_expected" and "head_expected" are 
the values to search for in the sector header. 

These functions are only supported by the CPCEMU 
driver, the Linux floppy driver and the NTWDM floppy 
driver. Other drivers will return DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL. 
Unless you are emulating a floppy controller, or you 
need to read discs that contain deleted data or 
misnumbered sectors, it should not be necessary to call 
these functions.

 dsk_xread(), dsk_xwrite(): Deleted data 

The "deleted" argument is used if you want to read or 
write sectors that have been marked as deleted. In 
dsk_xwrite(), this is a simple value; pass 0 to write 
normal data, or 1 to write deleted data. In 
dsk_xread(), pass the address of an integer containing 
0 (read normal data) or 1 (read deleted data). On 
return, the integer will contain: 

 If the requested data type was read: 0 

 If the other data type was read: 1 

 If the command failed: Value is meaningless. 

Passing NULL acts the same as passing a pointer to 0.

The opposite type of data will only be read if you set 
geom->dg_noskip to nonzero. Some examples:

| geom->dg_noskip  | deleted  | Data on disc ||    Results      | *deleted becomes |
|        0         |  -> 0    |    Normal    ||   DSK_ERR_OK    |        0         |
|        0         |  -> 0    |   Deleted    || DSK_ERR_NODATA  |        ??        |
|        0         |  -> 1    |   Deleted    || DSK_ERR_NODATA  |        ??        |
|        1         |  -> 0    |    Normal    ||   DSK_ERR_OK    |        0         |
|        1         |  -> 0    |   Deleted    ||   DSK_ERR_OK    |        1         |
|        1         |  -> 1    |    Normal    ||   DSK_ERR_OK    |        1         |
|        1         |  -> 1    |   Deleted    ||   DSK_ERR_OK    |        0         |

 dsk_ltread, dsk_ptread, dsk_xtread 

dsk_err_t dsk_ltread(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_ltrack_t track) 

dsk_err_t dsk_ptread(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head) 

dsk_err_t dsk_xtread(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head, dsk_pcyl_t cyl_expected, dsk_phead_t 

These functions read a track from the disc, using the 
FDC's "READ TRACK" command. There are three of them - 
logical, physical and extended physical.

If the driver does not support this functionality, 
LibDsk will attempt to simulate it using multiple 
sector reads.

Enter with: 

 "self" is a handle to an open drive / image file. 

 "geom" points to the geometry for the drive. 

 "buf" is the buffer into which data will be loaded. 

 "cylinder" and "head" (dsk_ptread, dsk_xtread) or "track" 
  (dsk_ltread) give the location of the track to read. 

 (dsk_xtread) "cyl_expected" and "head_expected" are used 
  as the values to search for in the sector headers. 


 If successful, DSK_ERR_OK. Otherwise, a negative 
  DSK_ERR_* value. 

 (dsk_xtread() only) If the driver does not support 
  extended sector reads/writes, then DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL 
  will be returned.

 dsk_lseek, dsk_pseek 

dsk_err_t dsk_lseek(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_ltrack_t track)

dsk_err_t dsk_pseek(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t head)

Seek to a given cylinder. Only the CPCEMU driver, the 
Linux floppy driver and the NTWDM floppy driver support 
this; other drivers return DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL. You should 
not normally need to call these functions. They have 
been provided to support programs that emulate a 
uPD765A controller.


dsk_err_t dsk_drive_status(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_phead_t head, unsigned char *result)

Get the drive's status (ready, read-only etc.). The 
byte "result" will have one or more of the following bits set:

  DSK_ST3_FAULT: Drive fault 

  DSK_ST3_RO: Read-only 

  DSK_ST3_READY: Ready 

  DSK_ST3_TRACK0: Head is over track 0 

  DSK_ST3_DSDRIVE: Drive is double-sided 

  DSK_ST3_HEAD1: Current head is head 1, not head 0. 
  Usually this just depends on the value of the "head" 
  parameter to this function. 

Which bits will be "live" depends on which driver is in 
use, but the most trustworthy will be DSK_ST3_READY and 
DSK_ST3_RO. This function will never return 
DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL; if the facility is not provided by the 
driver, a default version will be used. 

 dsk_dirty: Has drive been written to?

int dsk_dirty(DSK_PDRIVER self); 

This returns zero if the disc has not been written to 
since it was opened, nonzero if it has.

 dsk_getgeom: Guess disc geometry

dsk_err_t dsk_getgeom(DSK_PDRIVER self, DSK_GEOMETRY *geom)

This attempts to determine the geometry of a disc 
(number of cylinders, tracks, sectors etc.) by loading 
the boot sector. It understands DOS, Apricot, CP/M-86 
and PCW boot sectors. If the geometry could be guessed, 
then "geom" will be initialised and DSK_ERR_OK will be 
returned. If no guess could be made, then 
DSK_ERR_BADFMT will be returned. Other values will 
result if the disc could not be read.

Some drivers (in particular the MYZ80 driver, and the 
Win32 driver under NT) only support certain fixed disc 
geometries. In this case, the geometry returned will 
reflect what the driver can use, rather than what the 
boot sector says.

 dg_*geom : Initialise disc geometry from boot sector

dsk_err_t dg_dosgeom(DSK_GEOMETRY *self, const unsigned 
char *bootsect) 

dsk_err_t dg_pcwgeom(DSK_GEOMETRY *self, const unsigned 
char *bootsect) 

dsk_err_t dg_cpm86geom(DSK_GEOMETRY *self, const 
unsigned char *bootsect)

dsk_err_t dg_aprigeom(DSK_GEOMETRY *self, const 
unsigned char *bootsect)

These functions are used by dsk_getgeom(), but can also 
be called independently. Enter them with: 

 "self" is the structure to initialise;

 "bootsect" is the boot sector to initialise the 
  structure from.

Returns DSK_ERR_BADFMT if the sector does not contain a 
suitable disc specification, or DSK_ERR_OK otherwise.

  dg_dosgeom will check for a PC-DOS boot sector.

  dg_pcwgeom will check for an Amstrad PCW boot sector.

  dg_cpm86geom will check for a CP/M-86 boot sector.

  dg_aprigeom will check for an Apricot DOS boot sector.

 dg_stdformat : Initialise disc geometry from a 
  standard LibDsk format.

dsk_err_t dg_stdformat(DSK_GEOMETRY *self, dsk_format_t 
formatid, dsk_cchar_t *fname, dsk_cchar_t *fdesc)

Initialises a DSK_GEOMETRY structure with one of the 
standard formats LibDsk knows about. Formats are:

  FMT_180K: 180k, 9 512 byte sectors, 40 tracks, 1 side 

  FMT_200K: 200k, 10 512 byte sectors, 40 tracks, 1 

  FMT_CPCSYS: Amstrad CPC system format - as FMT_180K, 
  but physical sectors are numbered 65-73 

  FMT_CPCDATA: Amstrad CPC data format - as FMT_180K, 
  but physical sectors are numbered 193-201 

  FMT_720K: 720k, 9 512 byte sectors, 80 tracks, 2 

  FMT_800K: 800k, 10 512 byte sectors, 80 tracks, 2 

  FMT_1440K: 1.4M, 18 512 byte sectors, 80 tracks, 2 

  FMT_160K: 160k, 8 512 byte sectors, 40 tracks, 1 side 

  FMT_320K: As FMT_160K, but 2 sides 

  FMT_360K: As FMT_180K, but 2 sides 

  FMT_720F: As FMT_720K, but the physical/logical 
  sector mapping is "out-and-back" rather than "alternate sides"
  . See section [sec: dskgeom] for details. 

  FMT_1200F: As FMT_720F, but with 15 sectors 

  FMT_1440F: As FMT_720F, but with 18 sectors 

  FMT_ACORN160: Acorn 40 track single sided 160k (used 
  by ADFS 'S' format) 

  FMT_ACORN320: Acorn 80 track single sided 320k (used 
  by ADFS 'M' format) 

  FMT_ACORN640: Acorn 80 track double sided 640k (used 
  by ADFS 'L' format) 

  FMT_ACORN800: Acorn 80 track double sided 800k (used 
  by ADFS 'D' and 'E') 

  FMT_ACORN1600: Acorn 80 track high density 1600k 
  (used by ADFS 'F' format) 

  FMT_BBC100 BBC micro 40 track single sided 100k 
  (using FM encoding) 

  FMT_BBC200 BBC micro 80 track single sided 200k 
  (using FM encoding)

  FMT_MBEE400 Microbee 40 track double sided 400k

  FMT_MGT800 MGT 80 track double sided 800k (used by 
  MGT +D and Sam Coupé).

If the "fname" is not NULL, it will be pointed at a short 
name for the format (suitable for use as a program 
option; see tools/dskform.c). 

If the "fdesc" is not NULL, it will be pointed at a 
description string for the format. With these two, it's 
possible to enumerate geometries supported by the 
library without keeping a separate list in your program 
- see tools/formnames.c for example code that does this.

If additional formats have been specified in the 
libdskrc file (section [sub:libdskrc-format]), they will be returned by this 
function, using format numbers starting at the last 
builtin format plus 1.

 dsk_*_forcehead: Override disc head

dsk_err_t dsk_set_forcehead(DSK_PDRIVER self, int 

dsk_err_t dsk_get_forcehead(DSK_PDRIVER self, int *force)

(This function is deprecated; it is equivalent to 
dsk_set_option() / dsk_get_option() with "HEAD" as the 
option name).

Forces the driver to ignore the head number passed to 
it and always use either side 0 or side 1 of the disc. 
This is used to read discs recorded on PCW / CPC / 
Spectrum+3 add-on 3.5" drives. Instead of the system 
software being programmed to use both sides of the 
disc, a switch on the drive was used to set which side 
was being used. Thus discs would end up with both sides 
saying they were head 0.

Anyway, when using dsk_set_forcehead, pass: 

  -1: Normal - the head passed as a parameter to other 
  calls is used. 

  0: Always use side 0. 

  1: Always use side 1.

 dsk_*_option: Set/get driver option

dsk_err_t dsk_set_option(DSK_PDRIVER self, const char 
*name, int value)

dsk_err_t dsk_get_option(DSK_PDRIVER self, const char 
*name, int *value)

Sets or gets a driver-specific numeric option.

The "name" field is the option name. If the selected 
driver does not support the appropriate option, then 
the error DSK_ERR_BADOPT will be returned. If the 
option is valid but the value requested is not, 
DSK_ERR_BADVAL will be returned.

The following driver options are supported by the Linux 
and NTWDM floppy drivers:

  HEAD Force the drive always to use one or other side 
  of the disc, ignoring the disc geometry. Valid values 
  are 0 or 1 to force one or other side of the disc, -1 
  to allow either.

  DOUBLESTEP To support a 48tpi disc in a 96tpi drive, 
  double all cylinder numbers. Valid values are 1 
  (enable) or 0 (disable).

  ST0 / ST1 / ST2 / ST3 These are the values of the floppy 
  controller's 4 status registers returned by the last 
  operation. They cannot be changed, only read.

The 'remote' driver supports the following option (plus 
any options that the remote driver supports):

  REMOTE:TESTING This disables an optimisation in the 
  remote driver, so that it sends method calls to the 
  remote server even if it has been asked not to. The 
  purpose of this is to ensure that all calls to the 
  remote driver result in RPC packets being sent.

 dsk_option_enum: Get list of driver options

dsk_err_t dsk_option_enum(DSK_PDRIVER self, int idx, 
char **optname)

If "idx" is in the range 0 -> number of driver options, 
(*optname) is set to the name of the appropriate driver 
option. If not, (*optname) is set to NULL.

 dsk_*_comment: Set comment for disc image

dsk_err_t dsk_set_comment(DSK_PDRIVER self, const char 

dsk_err_t dsk_get_comment(DSK_PDRIVER self, char **comment)

Used to get or set the comment (if any) for the current 
disc. Comments are only supported by the ApriDisk 
format; you can set a comment for other file types but 
it will not be saved. The pointer passed or returned 
may be NULL (meaning "No comment").


dsk_err_t dsk_type_enum(int index, char **drvname)

If "index" is in the range 0 -> number of LibDsk drivers, 
(*drvname) is set to the short name for that driver 
(eg: "myz80" or "raw"). If not, (*drvname) is set to NULL.


dsk_err_t dsk_comp_enum(int index, char **compname)

As dsk_type_enum(), but lists supported compression schemes.

 dsk_drvname, dsk_drvdesc 

const char *dsk_drvname(DSK_PDRIVER self) 

const char *dsk_drvdesc(DSK_PDRIVER self)

Returns the driver name (eg: "myz80") or description (eg "
MYZ80 hard drive driver") for an open disc image.

 dsk_compname, dsk_compdesc 

const char *dsk_compname(DSK_PDRIVER self); 

const char *dsk_compdesc(DSK_PDRIVER self);

Returns the compression system name (eg: "gz"; NULL if 
the disc image isn't compressed) or description (eg: "
GZip compressed") for an open disc image.

 dg_ps2ls, dg_ls2ps, dg_pt2lt, dg_lt2pt 

Convert between logical sectors and physical 
cylinder/head/sector addresses. Normally these 
functions are called internally and you don't need to 
use them.

dsk_err_t dg_ps2ls(const DSK_GEOMETRY *self, dsk_pcyl_t 
cyl, dsk_phead_t head, dsk_psect_t sec, dsk_lsect_t *logical)

Converts physical C/H/S to logical sector.

dsk_err_t dg_ls2ps(const DSK_GEOMETRY *self, 
dsk_lsect_t logical, dsk_pcyl_t *cyl, dsk_phead_t 
*head, dsk_psect_t *sec)

Converts logical sector to physical C/H/S.

dsk_err_t dg_pt2lt(const DSK_GEOMETRY *self, dsk_pcyl_t 
cyl, dsk_phead_t head, dsk_ltrack_t *logical)

Converts physical C/H to logical track.

dsk_err_t dg_lt2pt(const DSK_GEOMETRY *self, 
dsk_ltrack_t logical, dsk_pcyl_t *cyl, dsk_phead_t *head)

Converts logical track to physical C/H.

 dsk_strerror: Convert error code to string

char *dsk_strerror(dsk_err_t err)

Converts an error code returned by one of the other 
LibDsk functions into a printable string.

 dsk_reportfunc_set / dsk_reportfunc_get

void dsk_reportfunc_set(DSK_REPORTFUNC report, 

void dsk_reportfunc_get(DSK_REPORTFUNC *report, 

Used to set callbacks from LibDsk to your own code, for 
LibDsk to display messages during processing that may 
take time. The code could be used to set the text on 
the status line of your program window, for example.

typedef void (*DSK_REPORTFUNC)(const char *message); 

typedef void (*DSK_REPORTEND)(void);

The first function you provide will be called when 
LibDsk wants to display a message (such as "Decompressing..."
). The second will be called when the processing has finished.

 dsk_set_retry / dsk_get_retry

dsk_err_t dsk_set_retry(DSK_PDRIVER self, unsigned int count);

dsk_err_t dsk_get_retry(DSK_PDRIVER self, unsigned int *count);

Sets the number of times that a failed read, write, 
check or format operation will be attempted. 1 means "
only try once, do not retry". 


unsigned char dsk_get_psh(size_t sector_size)

Converts a sector size into the sector shift used by 
the uPD765A controller (eg: 128 -> 0, 256 -> 1, 512 -> 
2 etc.) You should not need to use this. The reverse 
operation is: sectorsize = (128 << psh).

 Structure: DSK_FORMAT

This structure is used to represent a sector header. It 
has four members:

  fmt_cylinder: Cylinder number. 

  fmt_head: Head number. 

  fmt_sector: Sector number. 

  fmt_secsize: Sector size in bytes.

 LibDsk errors 

  DSK_ERR_OK: No error.

  DSK_ERR_BADPTR: A null or otherwise invalid pointer 
  was passed to a LibDsk routine. 

  DSK_ERR_DIVZERO: Division by zero: For example, a 
  DSK_GEOMETRY is set to have zero sectors. 

  DSK_ERR_BADPARM: Bad parameter (eg: if a DSK_GEOMETRY 
  is set up with dg_cylinders = 40, trying to convert a 
  sector in cylinder 65 to a logical sector will give 
  this error). 

  DSK_ERR_NODRVR: Requested driver not found in 
  dsk_open() / dsk_creat(). 

  DSK_ERR_NOTME: Disc image could not be opened by 
  requested driver.

  DSK_ERR_SYSERR: System call failed. errno holds the 

  DSK_ERR_NOMEM: malloc() failed to allocate memory. 

  DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL: Function is not implemented (eg, 
  this driver doesn't support dsk_xread()). 

  DSK_ERR_MISMATCH: In dsk_lcheck() / dsk_pcheck(), 
  sectors didn't match. 

  DSK_ERR_NOTRDY: Drive is not ready. 

  DSK_ERR_RDONLY: Disc is read-only. 

  DSK_ERR_SEEKFAIL: Seek fail. 

  DSK_ERR_DATAERR: Data error. 

  DSK_ERR_NODATA: Sector ID found, but not sector data. 

  DSK_ERR_NOADDR: Sector not found at all. 

  DSK_ERR_BADFMT: Not a valid format. 

  DSK_ERR_CHANGED: Disc has been changed unexpectedly. 

  DSK_ERR_ECHECK: Equipment check. 

  DSK_ERR_OVERRUN: Overrun. 

  DSK_ERR_ACCESS: Access denied. 

  DSK_ERR_CTRLR: Controller failed. 

  DSK_ERR_COMPRESS: Compressed file is corrupt. 

  DSK_ERR_RPC: Error in remote procedure call.

  DSK_ERR_BADOPT: Driver does not support the requested option.

  DSK_ERR_BADVAL: Driver does support the requested 
  option, but the passed value is out of range.

  DSK_ERR_UNKNOWN: Unknown error


LIBDSK_VERSION is a macro, defined as a string 
containing the library version - eg "1.0.0"

 Initialisation files

In addition to its built-in library of formats, LibDsk 
can also load formats from one or two external files - 
a systemwide file (libdskrc) and a user-specific file 
(.libdskrc). The rules for how these files are found 
differ from platform to platform.

 <sub:libdskrc-format>libdskrc format

The file format is similar to a Windows .INI file. Each 
format is described in a section, which starts with the 
format name in square brackets (format names may not 
start with a hyphen). After the format name, there are 
a number of lines of the form variable=value.

Anything after a semicolon or hash character is treated 
as a comment and ignored. Blank lines are also ignored. 

For each geometry, the entries listed below can be 
present. If not all the values are present, LibDsk will 
use default values from its "pcw180" format. As you can 
see, they correspond to members of the DSK_GEOMETRY structure.

  description=DESC The description of the format as 
  shown by (for example) dskform --help. 

  sides=TREATMENT How a double-sided disk is handled. 
  This can either be alt (sides alternate -- used by 
  most PC-hosted operating systems), outback (use side 
  0 tracks 0-79, then side 1 tracks 79-0 -- used by 
  144FEAT CP/M disks), or outout (use side 0 tracks 
  0-79, then side 1 tracks 0-79 -- used by some Acorn 
  formats). If the disk is single-sided, this parameter 
  can be omitted.

  cylinders=COUNT Sets the number of cylinders (usually 
  40 or 80). 

  heads=COUNT Sets the number of heads (usually 1 or 2 
  for single- or double- sided).

  sectors=COUNT Sets the number of sectors per track. 

  secbase=NUMBER Sets the first sector number on a 
  track. Usually 1; some Acorn formats use 0. 

  secsize=COUNT Sets the size of a sector in bytes. 
  This should be a power of 2.

  datarate=VALUE Sets the rate at which the disk should 
  be accessed. This is one of HD, DD, SD or ED.

  rwgap=VALUE Sets the read/write gap.

  fmtgap=VALUE Sets the format gap.

  fm=Y or N Sets the recording mode - Y for FM, N for MFM.

  multitrack=Y or N Sets multitrack mode.

  skipdeleted=Y or N Sets whether to skip deleted data.

 libdskrc example

; This is FMT_800K as a libdskrc entry


Description = 800k XCF2DD format 

Sides = Alt 

Cylinders = 80    

Heads = 2 

Sectors = 10 

SecBase = 1 

SecSize = 512 

DataRate = SD 

RWGap = 12 

FmtGap = 23


Description = 200k XCF2 format

Cylinders = 40

... etc.

 Locating libdskrc


The systemwide file is located at 
${datadir}/LibDsk/libdskrc. The ${datadir} is usually 
/usr/local/share; you can change it with the --datadir 
or --prefix arguments to the configure script. 

The user-specific file is $(HOME)/.libdskrc. 


The systemwide file is in the path specified at


If this registry key is not found, LibDsk finds the 
path of the program that called it (using 
GetModuleFileName()), and then uses "/...program 

The user-specific file is in the path specified at


If this registry key is not present, the user's "My Documents"
 directory is used. Either way, the file is called .libdskrc.


The systemwide file is found from the location of the 
calling program using GetModuleFileName(). There is no 
user-specific file.


The systemwide file is only searched for if the LIBDSK 
environment variable is set; if it is set, it is 
assumed to be the name of the directory containing 
libdskrc. There is no user-specific file.

 <sec:rcpmfs>Reverse CP/M-FS (rcpmfs) backend

The rcpmfs backend is designed to present a host 
directory as a read/write CP/M disk image. This has a 
number of uses:

 You could construct a CP/M disk image using dsktrans 
  directory filename .

 Conversely, you could extract the files from a CP/M 
  disk image using dsktrans filename directory.

 It is possible for a CP/M emulator running a genuine 
  copy of CP/M to use LibDsk to access files on the 
  host system, without altering the BDOS or installing 
  additional drivers. 

rcpmfs does not work with systems that only support "8.3" 
format filenames; it also needs a system call that can 
set the size of a file (such as truncate() under Unix). 
It therefore remains unimplemented in the DOS and Win16 
versions of the library. 

 In Use

To use an rcpmfs directory in LibDsk, pass a directory 
name instead of a filename. Files in the directory 
which match CP/M naming conventions (8.3 filenames) 
will appear in the emulated disk image; if there are 
more files than will fit in the emulated disk, LibDsk 
will stop when it reaches one that doesn't fit. Under 
Windows, the 'short filename' is used, so files with 
names not matching CP/M conventions may also be mapped 
with names like README~1.HTM. 

CP/M has 16 user areas (some variants support 32; 
rcpmfs does not), and files with the same name can 
exist in each area. rcpmfs represents nonzero user 
areas by prepending "nn.." to the filename; so if a CP/M 
program created a file called EXAMPLE.DAT in user 4, 
this would be saved as "04..example.dat" in the 
underlying directory. The double dot ensures that the 
resulting filename is not a valid CP/M name, and 
therefore won't conflict with any file in user 0.

rcpmfs can behave as a CP/M 2 or CP/M 3 filesystem. If 
the latter, it constructs a disc label (based on the 
name of the directory) and turns on date/time stamping. 
Update and access stamps are used, because they map 
nicely to the utime() system call.

 rcpmfs initialisation file

For a directory to be usable by rcpmfs, it should 
contain a file called .libdsk.ini describing the format 
to use. This file is in INI format, similar to libdskrc 
(section [sub:libdskrc-format]). It must contain only one section: [RCPMFS]. 
Within that section, the following variables may be present:

  BlockSize Size of a CP/M data block. Must be a power 
  of 2, and at least 1024. If there are more than 255 
  blocks in the CP/M filesystem, this must be at least 2048.

  DirBlocks Number of blocks containing the CP/M directory.

  TotalBlocks Total number of data and directory blocks.

  SysTracks Number of system tracks. These will be 
  stored in a file called .libdsk.boot. 

  Version CP/M version that will be accessing the 
  filesystem - either 2 or 3. Setting it to 2 should 
  disable time stamps and disk labels.

  Format Name of one of the LibDsk built-in or 
  user-supplied formats, giving the geometry that the 
  simulated disk will have. Alternatively, you can 
  specify the format manually, using the same variable 
  names as in libdskrc.

If there is no .libdsk.ini file present, LibDsk will 
assume BlockSize=1024, DirBlocks=2, 
TotalBlocks=175,SysTracks=1, Version=3, Format=pcw180.


rcpmfs is new and untried code. The following are known 
bugs or missing features:

 So far, rcpmfs has only been tested under the dsktrans 
  pattern of usage (which writes the directory and then 
  the file space), and with fairly simple operations in 
  a CP/M emulator. It is not known how well it holds up 
  under heavy use as a live CP/M filesystem.

 The CP/M attributes F1-F4, passwords and permissions 
  are not mapped. The SYS and ARC attributes are only 
  mapped in the Win32 version.

 Formatting (or reformatting) an rcpmfs directory 
  writes out a new .libdsk.ini containing the geometry 
  used to do the format. However, since DSK_GEOMETRY 
  doesn't contain the CP/M filesystem parameters (block 
  size, block count, etc.) these will be the ones 
  previously used in that directory, and quite possibly 
  completely wrong. It's a much better idea to 'format' 
  the directory using means other than LibDsk.

 <sec:copyqm>The CopyQM file format


This section describes the file format of files created 
by CopyQM. A lot of the information has been extracted 
by looking at hex-dumps of the files, so there might be 
some errors in the description. 


The CopyQM files consist of a header, an optional 
comment (if indicated by the header) followed by the 
tracks of the image encoded with a run length encoding 
scheme. The header is 133 bytes long, see table. It 
always starts with {0x43, 0x51, 0x14 }, which can be 
used for auto-detection of the image. All numbers have 
little-endian byte ordering. When all bytes in the 
header are added together in a byte, the result should 
be zero.

| Offset  | Size  | Comment                                          |
|  0x00   |  1    | Always 0x43 ('C')                                |
|  0x01   |  1    | Always 0x51 ('Q')                                |
|  0x02   |  1    | Always 0x14                                      |
|  0x03   |  2    | Sector size                                      |
|  0x0b   |  2    | Total number of sectors. (DOS)                   |
|  0x10   |  2    | Number of sectors per track                      |
|  0x12   |  2?   | Number of heads                                  |
|  0x1c   | 60?   | Description (e.g. "0K "Double-Sided)             |
|  0x58   |  1    | Type of image. 0=blind, 1=DOS, 2=HFS             |
|  0x59   |  1    | Density. 0=DD, 1=HD, 2=ED                        |
|  0x5a   |  1    | Number of tracks used on image                   |
|  0x5b   |  1    | Total number of tracks for image                 |
|  0x5c   |  4    | CRC for the used, unpacked tracks                |
|  0x60   |  11   | Volume label (DOS/HFS)                           |
|  0x6b   |  2    | Creation time                                    |
|  0x6d   |  2    | Creation date                                    |
|  0x6f   |  2    | Length of image comment                          |
|  0x71   |  1    | Number of first sector - 1                       |
|  0x74   |  1    | Interleave. (0 for older versions of CopyQM)     |
|  0x75   |  1    | Skew. Normally 0. Negative number for alt. sides |
|  0x84   |  1    | Header checksum byte                             |


The CRC is calculated for the unpacked data for all 
tracks that are used in the image. The CRC value is 
initialized with 0 and then updated using the CRC 32 
polynomial 0x104C11DB7, bit reverse algorithm. Due to a 
feature in CopyQM (8 bit register as an index into a 
1024 byte table) all bytes must have their top two bits 
removed before added to the CRC.

 Image comment

The image comment follows the header. It has a variable 
size found in the header. The image comment can contain \0-bytes.

 Image data

The image data is run length encoded. Each run is 
preceded by a 16-bit length. If the length is negative, 
the byte after the length is repeated -length times. If 
the length is positive, it is followed by length bytes 
of unencoded data. It seems like a new run of repeating 
or differing data is always started at each new track. 
Older versions of CopyQM always alternates between runs 
of differing data and repeating data, even if the 
length of one of them is zero.

 <ldwindows>LibDsk under Windows

This section mainly deals with the subject of direct 
floppy drive access. Other aspects of LibDsk remain 
relatively consistent across Windows versions.

As with so many other aspects of Windows, direct access 
to the floppy drive is a case of "write once - debug everywhere"Originally said by Microsoft with respect to Java. Pot. 
Kettle. Black.
. Not only does support vary across different systems, 
it varies depending on whether LibDsk was compiled with 
a 16-bit compiler or a 32-bit one. This table shows the 
different possibilities and the resulting behaviour:

|     Windows Version      |   Win16 Subsystem     | Win32 Subsystem |
|           3.x            |     Fairly good       |       n/a       |
|   4.x (95, 98 and ME)    | Good but less stable  |     Limited     |
|      NT, 2000, XP        |              Very limited               |
| 2000, XP + ntwdm driver  |                  Good                   |

 Windows 3.x

Only the 16-bit build of LibDsk will run. The floppy 
support in Win16 is pretty much the same as in DOS; 
there is support for discs with arbitrary numbers of 
tracks and sectors, and arbitrary sector sizes. This 
means that LibDsk can, for example, read Acorn ADFS 

 Windows 4.x (95, 98 and ME)

Both the 16-bit and 32-bit versions of LibDsk will run. 
The 16-bit version is more capable, but less stable; it 
can read Acorn ADFS floppies, which the 32-bit version 
cannot. Unfortunately, 32-bit programs can't link to 
the 16-bit version of LibDskAnd no, the Generic Thunk isn't good enough. I've tried it., but there is a workaround 
(described below) involving the use of LDSERVER.

 Windows NT (NT 3.x, NT 4.x, 2000, XP) without ntwdm driver

The floppy drive can only read/write formats which are 
supported by the floppy driver. This is the case using 
either version of LibDsk.

 Windows 2000 and XP with ntwdm driver

Simon Owen's enhancement to the Windows 2000 floppy 
driver can be downloaded from 
<>. Once it is installed, 
LibDsk (using its 'ntwdm' driver rather than 'floppy') 
has pretty much carte blanche regarding floppy formats, 
and can access discs in many formats including Acorn ADFS.

 General comments on programming floppy access for Windows

LibDsk has four independent drivers for accessing 
floppies under Windows. They are:

 The Win16 driver. 

This uses INT 0x13 to do the reads and writes, just as 
in MSDOS. Again as in MSDOS, there is a diskette 
parameter table pointed to by INT 0x1E. This table 
seems not to be documented, which is perhaps why the 
Win16 subsystem in Windows 2000/XP doesn't implement 
it. You can, fortunately, tell if this is the case; if 
the first two bytes are both 0xC4, then what you have 
is a Windows 2000 trap rather than a diskette parameter 

 The Win32c driver.

This driver uses VWIN32 services to make INT 0x13-style 
calls under Windows9x. However, there is no VWIN32 call 
to change the diskette parameter table, which is why 
the Win16 driver can do things the Win32 drivers can't. 
It isn't possible to get round this by thunking to a 
16-bit DLL either; the INT 0x1E vector is zero for 
16-bit DLLs in 32-bit processes.

 The Win32 driver.

Windows NT gets close (but not close enough) to the 
UNIX idea that everything is a file. So while in theory 
it would be enough to use the normal "raw" driver on "\\.\A:"
 , in practice there are a number of nasty subtleties 
relating to such things as memory alignment and file locking.

 The ntwdm driver.

This driver is a wrapper around fdrawcmd.sys, which 
allows commands to be issued to the floppy controller. 

 Other floppy APIs

Sydex produce a replacement floppy driver for 32-bit 
versions of Windows (SydexFDD) which is not supported 
by LibDsk. 


LDSERVER is a program that makes the 16-bit LibDsk DLL 
available to 32-bit programs. It does this by creating 
a mailslot ("\\.\mailslot\LibDsk16") and listening for 
messages. Each message corresponds to a LibDsk call.

The 32-bit LibDsk library checks for this mailslot and, 
if it finds it, uses it in preference to its own floppy support.

 Compiling LDSERVER

A compiled version of LDSERVER is not supplied. You 
will need to build it yourself from the files in the 
rpcserv directory; projects are provided for Microsoft 
Visual C++ 1.5 and Borland C++ 5.0.

LDSERVER calls functions in NETAPI.DLL. If your 
compiler doesn't include an import library for this 
DLL, you will have to generate it using the IMPLIB tool 
- eg:


or the equivalent utility for your compiler.


Just run LDSERVER.EXE, and then use a 32-bit LibDsk 
program. The server window shows a reference count (0 
if it is idle, nonzero if LibDsk programs are using it) 
and the status should change to "Active" when it is 
performing disc access.

LDSERVER does not shut down automatically. 

 Important Security Warning

LDSERVER is a 16-bit program, written using APIs 
intended for use on a local area network. These APIs 
have no security support. It will happily obey commands 
sent from anywhere on your network. If your computer is 
connected to the Internet, it will obey commands sent 
to it over the Internet. A malicious attacker could use 
LDSERVER to overwrite important system files or read 
confidential documents.

If you have a firewall, then make sure that the NetBIOS 
ports 137, 138 and 139 are blocked. If you don't have a 
firewall, do not run LDSERVER while your computer is 
connected to the Internet!

 LibDsk and COM

If you are building the 32-bit version of LibDsk with 
Visual C++ 6.0, you can also build the accompanying 
'atlibdsk' project, which builds a version of LibDsk 
that exports its API through COM. This allows 
relatively easy use of LibDsk from languages that 
support COM binding, such as Visual BASIC or .NET languages.

 General points

Where LibDsk functions return a dsk_err_t, ATLIBDSK 
returns a COM HRESULT. This will be S_OK for success, a 
general COM error (such as E_POINTER or E_INVALIDARG), 
or a FACILITY_ITF error (0x8004xxxx). The low word of a 
FACILITY_ITF error is the LibDsk error code, converted 
to a positive number (eg: 0x8004000C is FACILITY_ITF 
error 12, so the LibDsk error is -12, DSK_ERR_SEEKFAIL).

Sector buffers to be read/written must be passed as 
variants containing arrays of bytes. 

The arrays of DSK_FORMAT structures passed to 
dsk_lform() and dsk_pform() are replaced by variants 
containing arrays of bytes - four bytes per sector to 
format. The last byte is the physical sector shift (0 
for 128, 1 for 256 etc.)

ATLIBDSK exports four object classes: 


This contains LibDsk functions not associated with a 
particular disk image. Its methods are:

|     Method       |  Equivalent LibDsk call   |                        Comments                        |
|      open        |         dsk_open          |            Instantiates a new Disk object.             |
|     create       |        dsk_creat          |            Instantiates a new Disk object.             |
|     get_psh      |       dsk_get_psh         |                                                        |
|     dosgeom      |        dg_dosgeom         |          Instantiates a new Geometry object.           |
|    cpm86geom     |       dg_cpm86geom        |          Instantiates a new Geometry object.           |
|     pcwgeom      |        dg_pcwgeom         |          Instantiates a new Geometry object.           |
|    aprigeom      |       dg_aprigeom         |          Instantiates a new Geometry object.           |
|    stdformat     |       dg_stdformat        |          Instantiates a new Geometry object.           |
| stdformat_count  |                           |  Returns the number of formats supported by stdformat  |
|    type_enum     |      dsk_type_enum        | Returns TRUE if the passed index is valid, else FALSE. |
|    comp_enum     |      dsk_comp_enum        | Returns TRUE if the passed index is valid, else FALSE. |
|    reporter      | dsk_reportfunc_{set,get}  |          This is a property of type IReporter          |


This corresponds to the DSK_GEOMETRY structure. The 
following properties correspond to the structure members:













There are also five functions. Four are for 
logical/physical sector conversions:





and the last is stdformat(), which wraps dg_stdformat().


The Disk object corresponds to a LibDsk DSK_PDRIVER 
value. You should not create one yourself (method calls 
will fail with E_POINTER) but call the 'create' or 
'open' methods of the Library object.

Functions included are:

























all of which are pretty similar to their LibDsk 
namesakes. There are also the following properties:









IReporter is used for the LibDsk message callback. It 
is an interface that should be implemented by an object 
in your program. Set the library's "reporter" property 
to your object; then its report() and endreport() 
methods will be called.

 LibDsk RPC system

The LibDsk RPC system is designed to make disc drives 
on remote computers transparently available to LibDsk 
applications. It operates on a client/server basis; 
LibDsk contains a driver (called 'remote') that can act 
as a client, and it can be used to implement a server.

The on-the-wire protocol is described in protocol.txt 
in the documentation directory.

 The 'serial' driver

This is designed for using LibDsk over a serial 
connection - say from a 3.5" computer to a 5.25" 
computer. The filename specification to use at the 
client end is:


for example:


The various parts of this filename specification are:

  port The local serial port to use.

   Under Linux, this is the name of a serial port (eg 

   Under Windows, this is likewise the name of a serial 
    port (eg COM1:).

   Under DOS, you need to have a FOSSIL serial port 
    driver loaded; LibDsk was tested using ADF 
    (or do a web search for The port is 
    then the number assigned by the FOSSIL driver 
    (normally 0). Note also that ADF uses a single 
    fixed baud rate, so you should make sure that the 
    rate on the command line matches the rate that was 
    used when ADF was loaded.

  baud The speed and handshaking options. LibDsk does 
  not allow the number of bits, the parity or the count 
  of stop bits to be changed; it insists on 8-bit 
  communications with 1 stop bit and no parity. The 
  speed is a number (300, 600, 1200 etc.) and the 
  handshake option is "+crtscts" (to use RTS/CTS 
  handshaking) or "-crtscts" (not to). If neither 
  handshake option is present, "+crtscts" is assumed.

  remotename The name of the file or drive on the 
  remote computer.

  remotetype The type of the file/drive ("dsk", "floppy" 

  remotecompress The compression to use on the remote 

 Servers for the serial driver

One of the sample utilities supplied with LibDsk is 
called serslave (serslave.exe under DOS / Windows). 
This is a server using the same serial protocol as 

Launch serslave with the command:

serslave port,baud 

for example:

serslave COM1:,9600+crtscts

or in DOS (again, a FOSSIL driver is required):

serslave 0,19200

I have written a similar server for CP/M systems, 
called AUXD. This is a separate download from the 
LibDsk web page.

 The 'fork' driver

The 'fork' driver is used (on any system which supports 
the fork() system call) to send LibDsk requests to a 
local program using pipes. This driver was written for 
testing purposes, but may come in handy as a poor man's 
plugin system. The filename specification is: 


for example:


The various parts of this filename specification are:

  program The name of the program to use; execlp() is 
  used to launch it, so if no path is given the user's 
  PATH will be searched. The program must take LibDsk 
  calls from its standard input and send results to its 
  standard output.

  remotename The name of the file or drive.

  remotetype The type of the file/drive ("dsk", "floppy" 

  remotecompress The compression to use. 

An example of a server for this protocol is the example 
'forkslave' program; this is a very simple wrapper 
around dsk_rpc_server() which reads RPC packets from 
its standard input and writes them to its standard output.

 Writing new drivers

The interface between LibDsk and its drivers is defined 
by the DRV_CLASS structure. To add a new driver, you 
create a new DRV_CLASS structure and add it to various files.

 The driver header 

Firstly, create a header for this driver, basing it on 
(for example) lib/drvposix.h. The first thing in the 
header (after the LGPL banner) is: 

typedef struct 


    DSK_DRIVER px_super; 

    FILE *px_fp; 

    int px_readonly;

    long px_filesize;


This is where you define any variables that your driver 
needs to store for each disc image. In the case of the "raw"
 driver, this consists of a FILE pointer to access the 
underlying disc file, a "readonly" flag, and the current 
size of the drive image file. The first member of this 
structure must be of type DSK_DRIVER.

The rest of this header consists of function 
prototypes, which I will come back to later.

 The driver source file

Secondly, create a .c file for your driver. Again, it's 
probably easiest to base this on lib/drvposix.c. At the 
start of this file, create a DRV_CLASS structure, such as:

DRV_CLASS dc_posix = 




    "Raw file driver", 





The first three entries in this structure are: 

 The size of your driver's instance data; 

 The driver's name (as passed to dsk_open() / 
  dsk_creat() ) 

 The driver's description string. 

The remainder of the structure is composed of function 
pointers; the types of these are given in drv.h. At the 
very least, you will need to provide the first three 
pointers (*_open, *_creat and *_close); to make the 
driver vaguely useful, you will also need to implement 
some of the others.

Once you have created this structure, edit: 

 drivers.h. Add a declaration for your DRV_CLASS 
  structure, such as 

extern DRV_CLASS dc_myformat; Insert a reference to your structure (eg: "
  &dc_myformat,") in the list. Note that order is 
  important; the comments in describe how 
  to decide where things go.

Edit "lib/". Near the top of this file is a 
list of drivers and their header files; just add your 
.c and .h to this list.

If your driver depends on certain system headers (as 
all the floppy drivers do) then you will need to add 
checks for these to "" and "lib/drvi.h"; then 
run "autoconf" to rebuild the configure script.

The function pointers in the DRV_CLASS structure are 
described in drv.h. The first parameter to all of them ("self"
) is declared as a pointer to DSK_DRIVER. In fact, it 
is a pointer to the first member of your instance data 
structure. Just cast the pointer to the correct type:

/* Sanity check: Is this meant for our driver? */ 

if (self->dr_class != &dc_posix) return DSK_ERR_BADPTR; 

pxself = (POSIX_DSK_DRIVER *)self;

and you're in business.

 Driver functions


dsk_err_t (*dc_open )(DSK_PDRIVER self, const char *filename)

Attempt to open a disc image. Entered with: 

 "self" points to the instance data for this disc image 
  (see above); it will have been initialised to zeroes 
  using memset(). 

 "filename" is the name of the image to open. 


  DSK_ERR_OK: The driver has successfully opened the 

  DSK_ERR_NOTME: The driver cannot handle this image. 
  Other drivers should be allowed to try to use it. 

  other: The driver cannot handle this image. No other 
  drivers should be tried (eg: the image was recognised 
  by this driver, but is corrupt).

If the file has a comment, record it here using 


dsk_err_t (*dc_creat)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const char *filename)

Attempt to create a new disc image. For the "floppy" 
drivers, behaves exactly as dc_open. Parameters and 
results are the same as for dc_open, except that 
DSK_ERR_NOTME is treated like any other error.


dsk_err_t (*dc_close)(DSK_PDRIVER self)

Close the disc image. This will be the last call your 
driver will receive for a given disc image file, and it 
should free any resources it is using. Whether it 
returns DSK_ERR_OK or an error, this disc image will 
not be used again.


dsk_err_t (*dc_read)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head, dsk_psect_t sector)

Read a sector. Note that sector addresses passed to 
drivers are _always_ in C/H/S format. This function has 
the same parameters and return values as dsk_pread().


dsk_err_t (*dc_write)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, const void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t 
cylinder, dsk_phead_t head, dsk_psect_t sector)

Write a sector. This function has the same parameters 
and return values as dsk_pwrite(). If your driver is 
read-only, leave this function pointer NULL.


dsk_err_t (*dc_format)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t 
head, const DSK_FORMAT *format, unsigned char filler)

Format a track. This function has the same parameters 
and return values as dsk_pformat(). If your driver 
cannot format tracks, leave this function pointer NULL.


dsk_err_t (*dc_getgeom)(DSK_PDRIVER self, DSK_GEOMETRY *geom)

Get the disc geometry. Leave this function pointer as 
NULL unless either:

 Your disc image does not allow a caller to use an 
  arbitrary disc geometry. The two drivers which 
  currently do this are the Win32 one, because Windows 
  NT decides on the geometry itself and doesn't let 
  programs change it; and the MYZ80 one, which has a 
  single fixed geometry.

 Your disc image file contains enough information to 
  populate a DSK_GEOMETRY completely. rcpmfs does this. 

 You want to do an extended geometry probe including a 
  call to the default one. The internal function 
  dsk_defgetgeom() has been provided for this; it's the 
  same as dsk_getgeom() but always uses the standard probe.

Returns DSK_ERR_OK if successful; DSK_ERR_NOTME or 
DSK_ERR_NOTIMPL to fall back to the standard LibDsk 
geometry probe; other values to indicate failure.


dsk_err_t (*dc_secid)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t 
head, DSK_FORMAT *result)

Read the ID of a random sector on a certain track/head, 
and put it in "result". This function is primarily used 
to test for discs in CPC format (which have 
oddly-numbered physical sectors); if the disc image 
can't support this (eg: the "raw" or Win32 drivers) then 
leave the function pointer NULL.


dsk_err_t (*dc_xseek)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t head);

Seek to a given cylinder / head. For disc images, just 
return DSK_ERR_OK if the cylinder/head are in range, or 
DSK_ERR_SEEKFAIL otherwise. For a floppy driver, only 
implement this function if your FDC can perform a seek 
by itself.

 dc_xread, dc_xwrite 

dsk_err_t (*dc_xread)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head, dsk_pcyl_t cyl_expected, dsk_phead_t 
head_expected, dsk_psect_t sector, size_t 
bytes_to_write, int *deleted); 

dsk_err_t (*dc_xwrite)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, const void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t 
cylinder, dsk_phead_t head, dsk_pcyl_t cyl_expected, 
dsk_phead_t head_expected, dsk_psect_t sector, size_t 
bytes_to_read, int *deleted);

Read / write sector whose ID may not match its position 
on disc, or which is marked as deleted. Only implement 
this if your disc image emulates sector IDs or your 
floppy driver exposes this level of functionality. 
Currently it is only implemented in the Linux and 
CPCEMU drivers.


dsk_err_t (*dc_status)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY &geom, dsk_phead_t head, unsigned char 

Return the drive status (see dsk_drive_status() for the 
bits to return). "*result" will contain the value 
calculated by the default implementation; for most 
image file drivers, all you have to do is set the 
read-only bit if appropriate.


dsk_err_t (*dc_tread)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head);

Read a track. You need only implement this if your 
floppy driver exposes the relevant functionality; if 
you don't, the library will use multiple calls to 
dc_read() instead. This function has the same 
parameters and return values as dsk_ptread().


dsk_err_t (*dc_xread)(DSK_PDRIVER self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, 
dsk_phead_t head, dsk_pcyl_t cyl_expected, dsk_phead_t 

Read a track, with extended sector matching (sector 
headers on disc differ from physical location). This 
function has the same parameters and return values as 
dsk_xtread(). As with dc_tread(), you need only 
implement this function if your floppy driver has a 
special READ TRACK command.


dsk_err_t (*dc_option_enum)(DSK_DRIVER *self, int idx, 
char **optname);

List numerical options which your driver supports. If 
your driver does not support any, you need not 
implement this.

 dc_option_set, dc_option_get

dsk_err_t (*dc_option_set)(DSK_DRIVER *self, const char 
*optname, int value); 

dsk_err_t (*dc_option_get)(DSK_DRIVER *self, const char 
*optname, int *value);

Get or set the value of a numerical option. Again, if 
your driver has no settable options, this need not be 


dsk_err_t (*dc_trackids)(DSK_DRIVER *self,  const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder, dsk_phead_t 
head, dsk_psect_t *count, DSK_FORMAT **result);

Read the IDs of all sectors on the specified track, 
preferably in the correct order and starting at the 
index hole. If you leave this function pointer as NULL, 
LibDsk will use a default implementation.


dsk_err_t (*dc_rtread)(DSK_DRIVER *self, const 
DSK_GEOMETRY *geom, void *buf, dsk_pcyl_t cylinder,  
dsk_phead_t head, int reserved);

For future expansion. Leave this function pointer as NULL.

 Adding new compression methods

Adding a new compression method is very similar to 
adding a driver, though you only have to implement four 

To add a new driver, you create a new COMPRESS_CLASS 
structure and add it to various files.

 Driver header 

This is done as for disc drivers. If you don't need any 
extra variables (for example, gzip and bzip2 
compression don't) then you don't have to declare a new 
structure type - see lib/compgz.h for an example.

 Driver implementation 

Secondly, create a .c file for your driver. It's 
probably easiest to base this on lib/compgz.c. At the 
start of this file, create a COMPRESS_CLASS structure, 
such as:





    "Gzip (deflate compression)", 

    gz_open, /* open */ 

    gz_creat, /* create new */ 

    gz_commit, /* commit */ 

    gz_abort /* abort */ 


The first three entries in this structure are: 

 The size of your driver's instance data. The GZip 
  driver has no instance data and so just uses 
  COMPRESS_DATA. If it had extra data these would be in 
  a struct called GZ_COMPRESS_DATA, so the size here 
  would be sizeof(GZ_COMPRESS_DATA). 

 The driver's name (as passed to dsk_open() / 
  dsk_creat() ) 

 The driver's description string. 

The remainder of the structure is composed of function 
pointers. The types of these are given in drv.h. You 
must implement all four.

Once you have created this structure, edit: 

 comp.h. Include your header. Insert a reference to your structure 
  (eg: "&cc_myzip,") in the list. Note that order is important.

Edit "lib/". At the bottom of this file is a 
list of drivers and their header files; just add your 
.c and .h to this list.

If your driver depends on certain system headers (eg, 
the gzip one depends on zlib.h) then you will need to 
add checks for these to "" and "lib/compi.h"; 
then run "autoconf" to rebuild the configure script.

The function pointers in the COMPRESS_CLASS structure 
are described in lib/compress.h. The first parameter to 
all of them ("self") is declared as a pointer to 
COMPRESS_DATA. In fact, it is a pointer to the first 
member of your instance data structure. Just cast the 
pointer to the correct type:

/* Sanity check: Is this meant for our driver? */ 

if (self->cd_class != &cc_sq) return DSK_ERR_BADPTR; 

sqself = (SQ_COMPRESS_DATA *)self;

and you're in business.

 Compression functions


dsk_err_t (*cc_open )(COMPRESS_DATA *self)

Attempt to decompress a compressed file. 

 "self" points to the instance data for this disc image. 

 self->cd_cfilename is the filename of the file to decompress.


  DSK_ERR_OK: The file has been decompressed. 

  DSK_ERR_NOTME: The file is not compressed using this 
  driver's method. 

  other: The file does belong to this driver, but it is 
  corrupt or some other error occurred.

Two helper functions may be useful when you are writing cc_open:

dsk_err_t comp_fopen(COMPRESS_DATA *self, FILE **pfp);

Open the the file whose name is given at 
self->cd_cfilename. If successful, *pfp will be the 
opened stream. If not, it will be NULL. If the file can 
only be opened read-only, sets self->cd_readonly to 1.

dsk_err_t comp_mktemp(COMPRESS_DATA *self, FILE **pfp);

Create a temporary file and store its name at 
self->cd_ufilename. You should use this to create the 
file that you decompress into.


dsk_err_t (*cc_creat)(COMPRESS_DATA *cd)

Warn the compression engine that a disc image file is 
being created, and when closed it will be compressed. 
The filename is stored at self->cd_cfilename. Normally 
this just returns DSK_ERR_OK.


dsk_err_t (*cc_commit)(COMPRESS_DATA *cd)

Compress an uncompressed file. self->cd_ufilename is 
the name of the file to compress. self->cd_cfilename is 
the name of the output file.


dsk_err_t (*cc_abort)(COMPRESS_DATA *cd)

This is used if a file was decompressed and it's now 
being closed without having been changed. There is 
therefore no need to compress it again. This normally 
just returns DSK_ERR_OK.

 Adding new remote transports.

Adding a new remote transport is also very similar to 
adding a driver.

To add a new driver, you create a new REMOTE_CLASS 
structure and add it to various files.

 Driver header 

This is done as for disc drivers. Create a structure 
based on REMOTE_DATA to hold your class's data -- see 
lib/rpctios.h and lib/rpcfork.h for examples.

 Driver implementation 

Create a .c file for your driver. It's probably easiest 
to base this on lib/rpcfork.c. At the start of this 
file, create a REMOTE_CLASS structure, such as:

REMOTE_CLASS rpc_fork = 




    "UNIX client using fork", 

    fork_open, /* open */ 

    fork_close, /* close */ 

    fork_call, /* perform RPC */ 


The first three entries in this structure are: 

 The size of your driver's instance data -- 
  sizeof(your_REMOTE_DATA) structure.

 The driver's name. If the filename passed to LibDsk 
  begins with this name followed by a colon, then it's 
  assumed to be using your driver. 

 The driver's description string. 

The remainder of the structure is composed of function 
pointers. The types of these are given in lib/remote.h. 
You must implement all three.

Once you have created this structure, edit: 

 lib/remall.h. Include your header. 

 lib/ Insert a reference to your structure 
  (eg: "&rpc_fork,") in the list. The drivers will be 
  tested in the order in which they appear in the file.

Edit "lib/". At the bottom of this file is a 
list of drivers and their header files; just add your 
.c and .h to this list.

If your driver depends on certain system headers (eg, 
the termios one depends on termios.h) then you will 
need to add checks for these to "" and "lib/drvi.h"
; then run "autoconf" to rebuild the configure script.

The function pointers in the REMOTE_CLASS structure are 
described in lib/compress.h. The first parameter to all 
of them ("pDriver") is declared as DSK_PDRIVER; you can 
extract a pointer to your instance data using the 
dr_remote member like this:

/* Sanity checks */ 

self = (FORK_REMOTE_DATA *)pDriver->dr_remote;

if (self == NULL || self->super.rd_class != &rpc_fork) 

        return DSK_ERR_BADPTR; 

 Remote communication functions


dsk_err_t (*rc_open )(DSK_PDRIVER pDriver, const char 
*name, char *nameout)

Connect to a remote server. 

 pDriver points to a DSK_DRIVER containing the pointer 
  to your instance data.

 name is the filename as passed to LibDsk, starting 
  with "driver:" and containing any connection parameters 

 nameout is an output buffer with enough space to hold 
  a string of the same length as the input filename. If 
  you are returning DSK_ERR_OK, it must be set to the 
  input filename minus any options this driver has 
  used. For example, the "serial" driver, given a 
  filename like "serial:/dev/ttyS1,2400-crtscts,example.ufi,raw"
   would extract its own options and return "example.ufi,raw"


  DSK_ERR_OK: Connection established.

  DSK_ERR_NOTME: The filename passed is not recognised 
  by this driver. 

  other: An error such as out-of-memory occurred.


dsk_err_t (*rc_close)(DSK_PDRIVER pDriver)

Close the connection to the remote server.


dsk_err_t (*rc_call)(DSK_PDRIVER pDriver, unsigned char 
*input, int inp_len, unsigned char *output, int *out_len)

Perform a remote procedure call to the server. 

  input is the packet LibDsk wants to send.

  inp_len is the number of bytes in the packet.

  output is a buffer for the result packet.

  *out_len (on entry) is the size of the result buffer.

  *out_len (on return) is the number of bytes that were 
  populated in the result buffer.

In general, this call will wrap the input in whatever 
framing bytes are necessary (usually including the 
packet length, since packets do not contain their own 
length), send the packet over the wire, wait for a 
response, and unpack the response into 'output'. Return 
DSK_ERR_TIMEOUT if the connection timed out (the 
'serial' driver waits 30 seconds) and DSK_ERR_ABORT if 
the user deliberately broke the connection.

 <sec: dqk>DQK Files 

A DQK file is a .DSK file compressed using Richard 
Greenlaw's Squeeze file format (originally from CP/M as 
SQ.COM, and later built in to NSWP.COM; versions also 
exist for DOS and UNIX). SQ was used in preference to 
more efficient compressors such as gzip because it can 
be readily decoded on 8-bit and 16-bit computers.

The original reason for DQK files was software 
distribution. A disc image of a 180k disc won't fit on 
a 180k disc, owing to various overheads. However, the 
compressed DQK version may fit onto such a disc, and 
leave room for a tool to write the DQK back out as 

Such a tool has been included in the "dskwrite" directory 
in this distribution. It contains the following files: Program to write .DSK or .DQK files out 
  to a real disc. The .COM file works on PCs, Amstrad 
  PCWs and Sinclair Spectrum +3s. 

 dskwrite.txt: Documentation for dskwrite. 

 dskwrite.z80: Z80 source for the CP/M version. 

 dskwrite.asm: 8086 source for the DOS version. The dskwrite distribution file - a 
  self-extracting archive. It will self-extract under 
  CP/M or DOS.

Note that the files in the "dskwrite" directory are not 
GPLed or LGPLed. They are public domain. You may do 
whatsoever you please with them.

LibDsk has been given .DQK support (use the "dsk" driver 
with "sq" compression) so that .DQK files don't have to 
be created and compressed in a two-state process. 

 LibDsk with cpmtools

cpmtools v1.9 and later 
<> can be 
configured to use LibDsk for all disc access, thus 
allowing CP/M discs and emulator disc images to be read 
and written. 

The myz80 and nanowasp drivers use a fixed disk format; 
here are diskdefs entries which can be used to read 
them (these are for the old diskdefs format with one 
line per entry):

myz80    1024 64 128 4096 1024 1 0 3 

microbee  512 80  10 2048 128  1 2 2.2

 DSK / EDSK recording mode extension

This extension was proposed by me on the 
comp.sys.sinclair and comp.sys.amstrad.8bit newsgroups 
on 10 January 2004. It was subsequently released in 
ANNE 2.1.4 and added to the formal EDSK format 
definition at <[||]>.

DSK/EDSK originate on the Amstrad CPC, which ordinarily 
writes all its diskettes in MFM recording mode and at 
the Double Density rate. However, ANNE emulates the 
PcW16, which also supports the High Density rate; and 
the system software depends on DD discs not being 
readable at the HD rate.

The extension gives meanings to two unused bytes of the 
DSK/EDSK "Track-Info" block:

  Byte 12h: Data rate. 

  0 Unknown 

  1 Single or Double Density (180k, 720k, etc.) 

  2 High Density (1.2M, 1.4M, etc.) 

  3 Extended Density (2.8M)

  Byte 13h: Recording mode. 

  0 Unknown 

  1 FM

  2 MFM

Existing files should have zeroes in these bytes; hence 
the use of 0 for Unknown. LibDsk will guess the values 
in if the ones in the file are zero.