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<li id="no" title="The cosTime Application" expanded="false">The cosTime Application<ul>
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<li title="A Tutorial on How to Create a Simple Service"><a href="ch_example.html#id2258531">A Tutorial on How to Create a Simple Service</a></li>
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<h1>4 cosTime Examples</h1>

  <h3><a name="id2258531">4.1 
        A Tutorial on How to Create a Simple Service</a></h3>

    <h4>Initiate the Application</h4>
      <p>To use the complete cosTime application Time and Timer Event Services
        must be installed. The application is then started by using 
        <span class="code">cosTime:start()</span>. To get access to Time Service or Timer Event Service,
        use <span class="code">start_time_service/2</span> or <span class="code">start_timerevent_service/1.</span></p>
      <p>The Time Service are global, i.e., there may only exist one instance per
        Orber domain.</p>
      <p>The Timer Event Service is locally registered, i.e., there may only exist 
        one instance per node.</p>
      <div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content"><p>
        <p>The Time and Timer Event Service use the time base 
          <strong>15 october 1582 00:00</strong>. Performing operations using other time
          bases will not yield correct result. Furthermore, time and inaccuracy
          must be expressed in 100 nano seconds.</p>

    <h4>How to Run Everything</h4>
      <p>Below is a short transcript on how to run cosTime. </p>
      <div class="example"><pre>
%% Start Mnesia and Orber
%% Install Time Service in the IFR.

%% Install Timer Event Service in the IFR. Which, require
%% the Time Service and cosEvent or cosNotification 
%% application to be installed.

%% Now start the application and necessary services.
%% Tdf == Time displacement factor
%% Inaccuracy measured in 100 nano seconds
TS=cosTime:start_time_service(TDF, Inaccuracy),

%% Access a cosNotification Proxy Push Consumer. How this is
%% done is implementation specific.
ProxyPushConsumer = ....

%% How we construct the event is also implementation specific.
AnyEvent = ....

%% Create a new relative universal time.
%% Time measured in 100 nano seconds.
      new_universal_time(TS, Time, Inaccuracy, TDF),
      register(TES, ProxyPushConsumer, AnyEvent), 

%% If we want to trigger one event Time*10^-7 seconds from now:
'CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler':set_timer(EH, 'TTRelative', UTO),

%% If we want to trigger an event every Time*10^-7 seconds, starting
%% Time*10^-7 seconds from now:
'CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler':set_timer(EH, 'TTPeriodic', UTO),

%% If we want to use absolute time we must retrieve such an object.
%% One way is to convert the one we got, UTO, by using:
%% If any other way is used, the correct time base MUST be used, i.e.,
%% 15 october 1582 00:00.
'CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler':set_timer(EH, 'TTAbsolute', UTO2),
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