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<li id="no" title="Introduction" expanded="false">Introduction<ul>
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<li title="Scope and Purpose"><a href="megaco_intro.html#id2258808">Scope and Purpose</a></li>
<li title="Prerequisites"><a href="megaco_intro.html#id2259591">Prerequisites</a></li>
<li title="About This Manual"><a href="megaco_intro.html#id2259869">About This Manual</a></li>
<li title="Where to Find More Information"><a href="megaco_intro.html#id2258833">Where to Find More Information</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Architecture" expanded="false">Architecture<ul>
<li><a href="megaco_architecture.html">
              Top of chapter
<li title="Network view"><a href="megaco_architecture.html#id2258814">Network view</a></li>
<li title="General"><a href="megaco_architecture.html#id2252914">General</a></li>
<li title="Single node config"><a href="megaco_architecture.html#id2253646">Single node config</a></li>
<li title="Distributed config"><a href="megaco_architecture.html#id2260375">Distributed config</a></li>
<li title="Message round-trip call flow"><a href="megaco_architecture.html#id2252848">Message round-trip call flow</a></li>
<li id="loadscrollpos" title="Running the stack" expanded="true">Running the stack<ul>
<li><a href="megaco_run.html">
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<li title="Starting"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2260276">Starting</a></li>
<li title="MGC startup call flow"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2262108">MGC startup call flow</a></li>
<li title="MG startup call flow"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2257745">MG startup call flow</a></li>
<li title="Configuring the Megaco stack"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2262154">Configuring the Megaco stack</a></li>
<li title="Initial configuration"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2258660">Initial configuration</a></li>
<li title="Changing the configuration"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2258456">Changing the configuration</a></li>
<li title="The transaction sender"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2258486">The transaction sender</a></li>
<li title="Segmentation of transaction replies"><a href="megaco_run.html#id2260130">Segmentation of transaction replies</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Internal form and its encodings" expanded="false">Internal form and its encodings<ul>
<li><a href="megaco_encode.html">
              Top of chapter
<li title="Internal form of messages"><a href="megaco_encode.html#id2261223">Internal form of messages</a></li>
<li title="The different encodings"><a href="megaco_encode.html#id2261351">The different encodings</a></li>
<li title="Configuration of Erlang distribution encoding module"><a href="megaco_encode.html#id2261547">Configuration of Erlang distribution encoding module</a></li>
<li title="Configuration of text encoding module(s)"><a href="megaco_encode.html#id2261637">Configuration of text encoding module(s)</a></li>
<li title="Configuration of binary encoding module(s)"><a href="megaco_encode.html#id2261872">Configuration of binary encoding module(s)</a></li>
<li title="Handling megaco versions"><a href="megaco_encode.html#id2262678">Handling megaco versions</a></li>
<li title="Encoder callback functions"><a href="megaco_encode.html#id2262951">Encoder callback functions</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Transport mechanisms" expanded="false">Transport mechanisms<ul>
<li><a href="megaco_transport_mechanisms.html">
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<li title="Callback interface"><a href="megaco_transport_mechanisms.html#id2263046">Callback interface</a></li>
<li title="Examples"><a href="megaco_transport_mechanisms.html#id2263118">Examples</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Implementation examples" expanded="false">Implementation examples<ul>
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<li title="A simple Media Gateway Controller"><a href="megaco_examples.html#id2263215">A simple Media Gateway Controller</a></li>
<li title="A simple Media Gateway"><a href="megaco_examples.html#id2263275">A simple Media Gateway</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Megaco mib" expanded="false">Megaco mib<ul>
<li><a href="megaco_mib.html">
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<li title="Intro"><a href="megaco_mib.html#id2263412">Intro</a></li>
<li title="Statistics counters"><a href="megaco_mib.html#id2263441">Statistics counters</a></li>
<li title="Distribution"><a href="megaco_mib.html#id2263481">Distribution</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Performance comparison" expanded="false">Performance comparison<ul>
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<li title="Comparison of encoder/decoders"><a href="megaco_performance.html#id2263568">Comparison of encoder/decoders</a></li>
<li title="System performance characteristics"><a href="megaco_performance.html#id2264407">System performance characteristics</a></li>
<li title="Description of encoders/decoders"><a href="megaco_performance.html#id2264450">Description of encoders/decoders</a></li>
<li title="Setup"><a href="megaco_performance.html#id2264580">Setup</a></li>
<li title="Summary"><a href="megaco_performance.html#id2264595">Summary</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Testing and tools" expanded="false">Testing and tools<ul>
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<li title="Tracing"><a href="megaco_debug.html#id2264744">Tracing</a></li>
<li title="Measurement and transformation"><a href="megaco_debug.html#id2264795">Measurement and transformation</a></li>
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<h1>3 Running the stack</h1>

  <h3><a name="id2260276">3.1 
    <a name="starting"></a>
    <p>A user may have a number of "virtual" connections to other
      users. An MG is connected to at most one MGC, while an MGC may
      be connected to any number of MG's. For each connection the user
      selects a transport service, an encoding scheme and a user
      callback module.</p>
    <p>An MGC must initiate its transport service in order to listen
      to MG's trying to connect. How the actual transport is initiated
      is outside the scope of this application. However a send handle
      (typically a socket id or host and port) must be provided from
      the transport service in order to enable us to send the message
      to the correct destination. We do however not assume anything
      about this, from our point of view, opaque handle. Hopefully it
      is rather small since it will passed around the system between
      processes rather frequently.</p>
    <p>A user may either be statically configured in a .config file
      according to the application concept of Erlang/OTP or
      dynamically started with the configuration settings as arguments
      to megaco:start_user/2. These configuration settings may be
      updated later on with megaco:update_conn_info/2.</p>
    <p>The function megaco:connect/4 is used to tell the Megaco
      application about which control process it should supervise,
      which MID the remote user has, which callback module it should
      use to send messages etc. When this "virtual" connection is
      established the user may use megaco:call/3 and megaco:cast/3 in
      order to send messages to the other side. Then it is up to the
      MG to send its first Service Change Request message after
      applying some clever algorithm in order to fight the problem
      with startup avalanche (as discussed in the RFC).</p>
    <p>The originating user will wait for a reply or a timeout
      (defined by the request_timer). When it receives the reply this
      will optionally be acknowledged (regulated by auto_ack), and
      forwarded to the user.  If an interim pending reply is received,
      the long_request_timer will be used instead of the usual
      request_timer, in order to enable avoidance of spurious re-sends
      of the request.</p>
    <p>On the destination side the transport service waits for
      messages. Each message is forwarded to the Megaco application
      via the megaco:receive_message/4 callback function. The
      transport service may or may not provide means for blocking and
      unblocking the reception of the incoming messages.</p>
    <p>If a message is received before the "virtual" connection has
      been established, the connection will be setup automatically. An
      MGC may be real open minded and dynamically decide which
      encoding and transport service to use depending on how the
      transport layer contact is performed. For IP transports two
      ports are standardized, one for textual encoding and one for
      binary encoding. If for example an UDP packet was received on
      the text port it would be possible to decide encoding and
      transport on the fly.</p>
    <p>After decoding a message various user callback functions are
      invoked in order to allow the user to act properly.  See the
      megaco_user module for more info about the callback
    <p>When the user has processed a transaction request in its
      callback function, the Megaco application assembles a
      transaction reply, encodes it using the selected encoding module
      and sends the message back by invoking the callback
        <p>SendMod:send_message(SendHandle, ErlangBinary)</p>
    <p>Re-send of messages, handling pending transactions,
      acknowledgements etc. is handled automatically by the Megaco
      application but the user is free to override the default
      behaviour by the various configuration possibilities. See
      megaco:update_user_info/2 and megaco:update_conn_info/2 about
      the possibilities.</p>
    <p>When connections gets broken (that is explicitly by
      megaco:disconnect/2 or when its controlling process dies) a user
      callback function is invoked in order to allow the user to
      re-establish the connection. The internal state of kept
      messages, re-send timers etc. is not affected by this. A few
      re-sends will of course fail while the connection is down, but
      the automatic re-send algorithm does not bother about this and
      eventually when the connection is up and running the messages
      will be delivered if the timeouts are set to be long enough. The
      user has the option of explicitly invoking megaco:cancel/2 to
      cancel all messages for a connection.</p>

  <h3><a name="id2262108">3.2 
        MGC startup call flow</a></h3>
    <a name="mgc_startup_call_flow"></a>
    <p>In order to prepare the MGC for the reception of the initial
      message, hopefully a Service Change Request, the following needs
      to be done:</p>
        <p>Start the Megaco application.</p>
        <p>Start the MGC user. This may either be done explicitly
          with megaco:start_user/2 or implicitly by providing the -megaco
          users configuration parameter.</p>
        <p>Initiate the transport service and provide it with a
          receive handle obtained from megaco:user_info/2.</p>
    <p>When the initial message arrives the transport service
      forwards it to the protocol engine which automatically
      sets up the connection and invokes UserMod:handle_connect/2
      before it invokes UserMod:handle_trans_request/3 with
      the Service Change Request like this:</p>
    <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="MGC_startup_call_flow.gif"><br>
        MGC Startup Call Flow</em>

  <h3><a name="id2257745">3.3 
        MG startup call flow</a></h3>
    <a name="mg_startup_call_flow"></a>
    <p>In order to prepare the MG for the sending of the initial
      message, hopefully a Service Change Request, the following needs
      to be done:</p>
        <p>Start the Megaco application.</p>
        <p>Start the MG user. This may either be done explicitly
          with megaco:start_user/2 or implicitly by providing the -megaco
          users configuration parameter.</p>
        <p>Initiate the transport service and provide it with a
          receive handle obtained from megaco:user_info/2.</p>
        <p>Setup a connection to the MGC with megaco:connect/4 and
          provide it with a receive handle obtained from
    <p>If the MG has been provisioned with the MID of the MGC it can
      be given as the RemoteMid parameter to megaco:connect/4 and the
      call flow will look like this:</p>
    <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="MG_startup_call_flow.gif"><br>
        MG Startup Call Flow</em>
    <p>If the MG cannot be provisioned with the MID of the MGC, the
      MG can use the atom 'preliminary_mid' as the RemoteMid parameter
      to megaco:connect/4 and the call flow will look like this:</p>
    <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="MG-startup_flow_noMID.gif"><br>
        MG Startup Call Flow (no MID)</em>

  <h3><a name="id2262154">3.4 
        Configuring the Megaco stack</a></h3>
    <a name="config_megaco"></a>
    <p>There are three kinds of configuration:</p>
        <p>User info - Information related to megaco users. Read/Write. </p>
        <p>A User is an entity identified by a MID, e.g. a MGC or a MG. </p>
        <p>This information can be retrieved using 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#user_info">megaco:user_info</a></span>. </p>
        <p>Connection info - Information regarding connections. Read/Write.</p>
        <p>This information can be retrieved using 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#conn_info">megaco:conn_info</a></span>. </p>
        <p>System info - System wide information. Read only.</p>
        <p>This information can be retrieved using 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#system_info">megaco:system_info</a></span>. </p>

  <h3><a name="id2258660">3.5 
        Initial configuration</a></h3>
    <a name="initial_config"></a>
    <p>The initial configuration of the Megaco should be defined in the
      Erlang system configuration file. The following configured parameters
      are defined for the Megaco application:</p>
        <p><span class="code">users = [{Mid, [user_config()]}].</span></p>
        <p>Each user is represented by a tuple with the Mid of the user and a
          list of config parameters (each parameter is in turn a tuple:
          <span class="code">{Item, Value}</span>).</p>
        <p><span class="code">scanner = flex | {Module, Function, Arguments, Modules}</span></p>

            <p><span class="code">flex</span> will result in the start of the flex scanner with default 

            <p>The MFA alternative makes it possible for Megaco to start and
              supervise a scanner written by the user (see 
            <span class="code">supervisor:start_child</span> for an explanation of the 
    <p>See also <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco_encode.html#text_config">Configuration of text encoding module(s)</a></span> 
      for more info. </p>

  <h3><a name="id2258456">3.6 
        Changing the configuration</a></h3>
    <a name="changing_config"></a>
    <p>The configuration can be changed during runtime. This is done with
      the functions <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#update_user_info">megaco:update_user_info</a></span> and 
      <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#update_conn_info">megaco:update_conn_info</a></span></p>

  <h3><a name="id2258486">3.7 
        The transaction sender</a></h3>
    <a name="transaction_sender"></a>
    <p>The transaction sender is a process (one per connection), which handle
      all transaction sending, if so configured (see 
      <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#user_info">megaco:user_info</a></span> and 
      <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#conn_info">megaco:conn_info</a></span>).</p>
    <p>The purpose of the transaction sender is to accumulate transactions 
      for a more efficient message sending. The transactions that are 
      accumulated are transaction request and transaction ack. For 
      transaction ack's the benefit is quite large, since the transactions 
      are small and it is possible to have ranges (which means that 
      transaction acks for transactions 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be sent as a 
      range 1-4 in one transaction ack, instead of four separate 
      transactions). </p>
    <p>There are a number of configuration parameter's that control the 
      operation of the transaction sender. In principle, a message with 
      everything stored (ack's and request's) is sent from the process 
        <p>When <span class="code">trans_timer</span> expires.</p>
        <p>When <span class="code">trans_ack_maxcount</span> number of ack's has been 
        <p>When <span class="code">trans_req_maxcount</span> number of requests's has 
          been received.</p>
        <p>When the size of all received requests exceeds 
          <span class="code">trans_req_maxsize</span>.</p>
        <p>When a reply transaction is sent.</p>
        <p>When a pending transaction is sent.</p>
    <p>When something is to be sent, everything is packed into one message,  
      unless the trigger was a reply transaction and the added size of the 
      reply and all the requests is greater then 
      <span class="code">trans_req_maxsize</span>, in which case the stored 
      transactions are sent first in a separate message and the reply in 
      another message.</p>
    <p>When the transaction sender receives a request which is already 
      "in storage" (indicated by the transaction id) it is assumed to 
      be a resend and everything stored is sent. This could happen if 
      the values of the <span class="code">trans_timer</span> and the
      <span class="code">request_timer</span> is not properly choosen.</p>

  <h3><a name="id2260130">3.8 
        Segmentation of transaction replies</a></h3>
    <a name="segment_reply"></a>
    <p>In version 3 of the megaco standard the Segmentation package was
      introduced. Simply, this package defines a procedure to segment 
      megaco messages (transaction replies) when using a transport that 
      does not automatically do this (e.g. UDP). See also
      <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco_encode.html#handling_versions">version3</a></span>.</p>
    <p>Although it would be both pointless and counterproductive to use
      segmentation on a transport that already does this (e.g. TCP), the 
      megaco application does not check this. Instead, it is up to the 
      user to configure this properly. </p>
        <p>Receiving segmented messages: </p>
        <p>This is handled automatically by the megaco application. 
          There is however one thing that need to be configured by the user, 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#user_info">segment_recv_timer</a></span>
          option. </p>
        <p>Note that the segments are delivered to the user differently 
          depending on which function is used to issue the original request.
          When issuing the request using the 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#cast">megaco:cast</a></span> function,
          the segments are delivered to the user via the 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco_user.html#trans_reply">handle_trans_reply</a></span>
          callback function one at a time, as they arrive. But this obviously
          doe not work for the 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#call">megaco:call</a></span> function. 
          In this case, the segments are accumulated and then delivered
          all at once as the function returns.</p>
        <p>Sending segmented messages: </p>
        <p>This is also handled automatically by the megaco application. 
          First of all, segmentation is only attempted if so configured, see 
          the <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#user_info">segment_send</a></span> option.
          Secondly, megaco relies on the ability of the used codec to
          encode action replies, which is the smallest component the
          megaco application handles when segmenting. Thirdly, the 
          reply will be segmented only if the sum of the size of the
          action replies (plus an arbitrary message header size) are greater
          then the specified max message size (see the 
          <span class="bold_code"><a href="megaco.html#user_info">max_pdu_size</a></span> option).
          Finally, if segmentation is decided, then each action reply
          will make up it's own (segment) message.</p>
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