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Bazaar Explorer Release Notes

.. contents::

1.1.3 09-May-2011

New features:

* By default try to delete unversioned paths by sending them to trash (with
  help of cross-platform library ``send2trash``). User can force the old method 
  (simply kill paths) by changing option in Tools - Options - Behavior - Actions 
  dialog. (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #628561)

Bug Fixes:

* Rather than displaying an error saying "Invalid url supplied to transport"
  branches with non-ascii characters in the directory name can now be opened.
  (Martin [gz], #777860)

* Workaround for bug with losing changes in qbzr.conf: reset internal cache for
  qbzr config file after we restore size of explorer window.
  (Alexander Belchenko, #761535)


* Bulgarian translation added.

1.1.2 26-Nov-2010

Bug Fixes:

* Adapt to API changes in Bazaar 2.2 when creating colocated workspaces.
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #634240)

* Always run external qbzr/bzr-gtk commands using the same bzr 
  as the one that was used to run explorer itself. (Gordon Tyler, Bug #656072)

1.1.1 04-Oct-2010

Bug fixes:

* Open the shared repository with branches without parent location set
  no more produce traceback. (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #650708)

1.1.0 final 28-Sep-2010

New features:

* Running Update and Unbind actions (qupdate and qunbind dialogs)
  without waiting for user pressing OK in dialogs (using --execute
  option in dialogs). (Luis Arias)

* Add a new tool type, 'shell'. (Tres Seaver)

  Tools of this type pass their command line through to the OS shell. This
  allows "normal" shell scripting techniques to work:

   - Shell variable expansions.
   - Setting environment variables
   - Pipelines
   - Changing directories


* Filtering the working tree is now faster. (Gary van der Merwe)

Bug fixes:

* Custom switch dialog in colocated workspace works correctly with old PyQt 4.4.
  (Bug #582714, Alexander Belchenko)

* Fixed filter bar in repository view (Simon Kersey, #565083)

* Fixed refresh when directory renamed/deleted (Simon Kersey, #568728)

* Fix finding bzr.exe when running from bzrw.exe with out full path in the
  command line. Handel been launched from tortoisebzr without it having to
  change sys.executable. (Bug #641557, Gary van der Merwe)

* Fixed working tree browser show annotate/log options when undocked
  (Simon Kersey, #634989)


* Persian translation added.


* bzr-explorer now requires qbzr 0.19.

1.1.0 beta1 04-Aug-2010

New features:

* A tree style location selector is now supported as a preference.
  (Gordon Tyler, #403853)

* Language of the GUI can be set in DEFAULT section of bazaar.conf 
  as ``language = code``. Language codes are the same as for LANG environment
  variable. Environment variable LANGUAGE still preferred over settings
  in bazaar.conf. (Alexander Belchenko)

* To change default language of the GUI via Bazaar Explorer:
  Tools -> Options -> Appearance -> User Interface -> Language.
  Bazaar Explorer should be restarted to apply new language settings.
  (Alexander Belchenko, Bug #433784)


* tree-style toolboxes are now available on Windows.

* Added tool type 'bzr-exec' - tools with this type run immediately, when the
  tool is selected, rather than requiring further user confirmation.

Bug fixes:

* Fixed tools.xml parsing issues (Simon Kersey, #548971)

* Support nested folders in toolbars and the toolbox 
  (Simon Kersey, Bug #564811)

1.0.2 30-May-2010

Bug fixes:

* Better support of dark themes. (Michael Gliwinski, Bug #536954)

* Fixing content of bzr-explorer desktop file. (Andrew Starr-Bochicchio,
  Bug #585590)
* Look for locales in /usr/share/locale on Linux. (Bug #585942)


* Added translations for Catalan, Finnish, Lao, Occitan (post 1500),
  Chinese (Traditional).

1.0.1 07-Mar-2010

Bug fixes:

* Fixed empty toolbar in toolbox issue. (Simon Kersey, #532028)


* Added translations for English (Canada), Slovak.

1.0.0 28-Feb-2010

Compatibility breaks:

* Only a single location may now be given on the command line.

Bug fixes:

* Fixed tab-groups selector startup crash on Windows. (#528063)

* Fixed pixmap loading error. (#524265)

* Fixed Bazaar > Explore > System Log on Windows (#391334)


* Toolbox shows labels by default again.

1.0.0rc2 22-Feb-2010

Bug fixes:

* Fixed toolbox display on Windows. For consistency, the toolbox is now
  rendered using tabs on all platforms. On platforms other than
  Windows, a tree-style is also available as an option. (#517475)

* Enable translation of QBzr widgets.

* Fixed locations nested deeper than one level in a shared repository.

* Fixed location name refresh for tab-groups location bars.

* Fixed URLs for Maiing Lists and IRC under Bazaar Support.

* Copyright years updated in About dialog.


* Location bar names are more concise when they can be. (#525175)


* Added translations for Estonian, Brazilian Portuguese.

1.0.0rc1 15-Feb-2010

This is a bug fix and minor polish release. There are no new features.

Compatibility breaks:

* The Manage Bookmarks and Manage Tools submenus have been replaced
  with actions to edit the relevant objects. Refreshing of these is
  implicit now. If you still need to explcitly refresh these for some
  reason, use the Reload button in the Accessories dialog.


* Pages refresh implicitly more often, e.g. after editing a file
  via the Working Tree browser and after editing configuration settings
  like ignore patterns.

Bug fixes include:

* Fix toolbar appearance on OS X.

* Handle absence of PyQt4 when running selftest.
  (Alexander Belchenko, #488681)

* Fix per-file diffs in submit report. (#520819)

See for
the complete list.


* Added translations for Chinese (Simplified), Thai.

1.0.0beta1 05-Feb-2010

Compatibility breaks:

* User-defined hats are now stored in explorer/hats/xxx instead
  of explorer/xxx-hat. Please rename these directories if you
  have personal hats.

New features:

* Kind-specific toolbars are now available and are enabled by
  default. If you are using the ``extended`` toolbar, you may wish
  to change the toolbar contents preference to ``kind-specific``.

* Toolbars can now be customised. See
  for details.

* Preferences are provided to control whether the toolbox is available
  on the various views or not. By default, it is available on the
  status view but not the welcome or repository views. When enabled,
  the Toolbox is now displayed as a tree above the Working Tree browser.
  Clicking on a folder name expands or collapses it. Clicking on an
  tool runs it.

* Text filtering is now supported on the Working Tree browser again.
  If a directory is matched, all the items within it are implicitly
  matched. On large trees, the first time a filter is used, the UI
  may pause momentarily. After that, performance should be reasonable.

* The Browse/Manage/Edit buttons on the Working Tree Browser have been
  replaced with a toolbar of useful actions. Additional actions now
  available are Open, New File, New Directory, Collapse All and
  Expand All. A preference is now available for controlling whether
  double-click open or edits a file as well.

* Bazaar Explorer now provides a cool new extensions architecture
  called "Accessories". Many accessories are provided out-of-the-box
  (including ~20 hats for various Launchpad projects) and plugins
  may add their own by simply adding various files to their 'explorer'

  Accessories and the objects they provide can be browsed and
  managed using the new Accessories dialog under the File menu.

* Hat switching is now implicit based on configured rules. When
  opening a location which looks like one matching an installed hat,
  the user is given the option of associating that location with the
  suggested hat. Rules can also be added or deleted by editing your
  explorer.conf file directly. (The Accessories dialog will gain
  that feature soon hopefully.)

* A File > Open Recent menu is now provided. This displays the last 20
  opened locations. The welcome page now has a 'Recently Opened' panel
  for selecting a location from history as well.

* A custom switch dialog is now provided that makes switching between
  branches in a colocated workspace easier. (Neil Martinsen-Burrell)

* Plugins can now override Bazaar Explorer's custom dialogs in order
  to provide additional or alternative functionality.


* The *Advanced Commands* action has been renamed to *All Commands* to
  reflect the fact that this dialog exposes every command (including
  those from plugins), not just advanced core bzr commands. The icon
  has been changed to Bazaar's logo as well, rather than a terminal.

* Tool folders may now have an icon and contain predefined actions.
  Existing contents in a folder can also be replaced instead of
  appended to by specifying 'existing="replace"' as a parameter
  in the ToolFolder object inside an xml file containing tools
  (or toolbars).

* Custom logos can be provided for use on tool actions and folders.

Bug fixes:

* Allow spaces in command names on Mac OS X. 
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #515514)


* Added translations for Hebrew and Hungarian.
* Updated translation for English (UK).

0.11.2 24-Jan-2010


* A location selector style preference is now available. As well as the
  default 'tabs' selector, a selector style called 'group-tabs' is offered
  which groups objects in the same repository together. Plugins may add
  their own location selector styles (e.g. a list or tree in a sidebar)
  to the ones offered.

0.11.1 24-Jan-2010


* The 'Feature branches' workspace model now has a 'move existing files'

* A 'Workspace Model' preference is now available for controlling the
  default model in the Initialize dialog.

* A 'Bind branches by default' preference is now available for controlling
  the setting in the Branch dialog.

* For a repository within a 'Colocated branches' workspace, the checkout
  name is now used as the repository name.

* '.bzrbranches' (vs '.bzr/branches') is now a boolean parameter, not
  a registry parameter, for the 'Colocated branches' workspace model.

Bug fixes:

* Make Initialize dialog compatible with PyQt 4.4. (#511374)

0.11.0 23-Jan-2010

New features:

* The Working Tree browser is now more intelligent with state-based
  filtering and popup menus available. Only the versioned items are
  displayed by default now, though it's easy to switch the filtering
  to show all items, changed items, ignored items or unversioned items.
  The popup menus provide fast access to many features including
  annotations, per-file log, per-file diff, add, revert, rename and
  remove. A preference is provided for users who prefer the old browser.

* Numerous improvements have made to the set of workspace models supported.
  * The 'Shared tree' model has been replaced with a checkbox parameter
    on the 'Feature branches' model.
  * The 'Shared repository with treeless branches' model has been replaced
    with a checkbox parameter on the 'Shared repository' model.

  * The 'Colocated branches' model has been added. The embedded
    shared repository may be placed either in ``.bzrbranches`` or
  * Plugins can add their own workspace models, including custom parameters.
* The Initialize dialog is now available as the ``qinit-workspace`` command.
  The underlying functionality is available as the ``init-workspace``
  command. These commands have aliases of ``qnew`` and ``new`` respectively.

* When experimental mode is enabled by the ``--experimental`` option,
  the location selector groups objects in the same repository together
  and automatically opens a repository browser if one is not already
  opened. (This may become the default location selector in the future.)


* The Browse action now browses the last committed revision tree
  rather than the working tree by default.

* The Initialize dialog now shows model names alphabetically.

Bug fixes:

* Allow tools to work when not using standalone bazaar on Windows.
  (A. S. Budden, Bug #497008)

0.10.0 13-Dec-2009

Please edit ~/.bazaar/explorer/tools.xml (or the equivalent location
on Windows) and rename the top level folder to "My Tools".

Compatibility breaks:

* The Plugins and Advanced Commands actions have moved from the
  Tools menu into the main Bazaar menu.

New features:

* Bazaar > Advanced Commands now launches the qrun dialog by default.
  A preference is provided for users who prefer the old behaviour of
  launching a terminal instead.

* The status bar now provides a button for running lp-open.
  For a repository, the project page on Launchpad can be opened from
  that button if it can be intelligently guessed.

* For feature branches, a details panel is now displayed showing the
  submit delta so far. (This replaces the "Branch changes" experimental
  feature which is no longer available.)

* Numerous useful links have been added for Bazaar Support and
  Bazaar Development as standard tools.

* A toolbox now shares space with the working tree browser. This
  provides faster access to the standard tools, your personal tools
  and tools provided by the current hat, if any.

* A dialog is now provided for adding Tools.


* The default and extended toolbars now include an Advanced action.

* F8 is now a keyboard shortcut for Advanced Commands.

* The Preferences dialog now uses tabs rather than group boxes.
  (This arguably makes preferences harder to find but it scales
  better as new preferences are added later.)

* Custom dialog boxes are now individually configurable so that
  heavyweight checkouts can be used with the qgetnew dialog, but
  feature branches can be made with the custom init dialog.
  The old 'custom-dialogs' setting is no longer used so you
  can delete it from explorer.conf if you wish.
  (A. S. Budden)

Bug fixes:

* Allow switch action for bound branches (heavyweight checkouts).
  (A. S. Budden, Bug #479356)

* Create parent(s) of ~/.bazaar/explorer directory if needed.
  (A. S. Budden, Bug #474812)


* Added Greek translation.

0.9.0 02-Nov-2009

New features:

* Virtual repositories are now supported. These are plain directories
  which are searched for nested locations. If you attempt to open a
  location which is not a normal (shared) repository, branch or
  checkout, you will be asked if you wish to open it as a virtual
  repository. No question is asked if the location is bookmarked or
  given on the command line. The virtual repository view is pretty
  much identical to a normal repository view, though some menu actions
  (like Explore --> Location Information) are not enabled.

* Custom editor applications are now supported. This allows the Edit
  action to launch something more sensible than a text editor for
  images, diagrams, web pages, office documents, etc. A default set
  of editors are defined (in lib/standard_profile/editors.conf) and
  these can be extended or overridden by providing a file of the
  same name in your explorer configuration directory.

* The repository view now has a Log button. Multiple items can be
  logged at once by selecting more than one location at a time.
  If no location is selected, the repository is selected.


* Multiple branches can be opened from the command line with
  'bzr explorer trunk feature1 feature 2'

* The BZR_EDITOR environment variable is checked when searching for
  the text editor to use if one is not configured in bazaar.conf.


* Added translations for Danish, English (United Kingdom), Galician,
  Indonesian, Polish, Serbian, Swedish.

0.8.3 13-Oct-2009


* Change the Help URL to go to the Documentation page on the
  website, not the vision page.

* 'bzr help explorer' now points to the new website. It also
  provides more information about how to troubleshoot problems.

Bug fixes:

* Display a message rather than error when the "Local Changes" and
  "Missing Revisions" tabs are selected for a remote repository.
  (Craig Hewetson, #433916)


* Added translations for Arabic, Lithuanian and Ukrainian.

0.8.2 22-Sep-2009


* Creating a new branch now implicitly opens it on completion.

* When a branch destination is outside a shared repository,
  the user is now told and given the option of initializing one.

Bug fixes:

* Fixed the ImportError of parent_directories for bzr versions prior
  to 1.16.

* Handle non-ASCII path to wordpad.exe.


* Added Czech translation.

0.8.1 16-Sep-2009


* The layout of the Welcome page has been improved, particularly
  the "Open existing location" panel.

* The repository view is now less busy with the filter bar hidden
  by default. A checkbox has been added to display it when required.

* The repository view now refreshes to show the new branch after
  creating one using the Branch button.

Important bug fixes:

* Prompt via a dialog rather than via the console when connecting to
  a branch.

* Configuration files on Windows are now created if missing as Wordpad
  doesn't do that for us.

0.8 14-Sep-2009

New features:

* The Welcome page has been revised to provide better guidance for
  new users.

* The status report is automatically refreshed after actions
  that update it, namely Add, Commit, Pull, Merge, Update,
  Conflicts, Switch, Bind, Unbind, Revert and Uncommit.

* The working tree browser now provides dynamic filtering of the
  displayed items. This makes it easy to find files you wish to
  edit for example.

* Tools > Advanced Commands action is now supported. This currently
  launches a terminal (though it may launch 'qrun' in the future).
  On GNOME and KDE, the terminal is started in the root directory
  of the current location, if any.

* Bazaar > Start > Initialize now launches a custom dialog by default.
  This dialog makes it easy to set things up in commonly used
  ways. It also automatically opens the created location on

* Bazaar > Start > Checkout now launches a custom dialog by default.
  This dialog always creates a lightweight checkout and automatically
  opens the new location on completion. (Note that Explorer only
  supports lightweight checkouts. To obtain a "heavyweight"
  checkout, create a bound branch instead.)


* Import has been removed from the Welcome page and Bazaar > Start
  menu because it's not implemented yet.

0.7 25-Aug-2009

New features:

* Bazaar > Collaborate > Export action is now supported.
  This requires QBzr 0.14 or later be installed.

* Bazaar > Work > Bind and Bazaar > Work > Unbind actions are
  now supported. These require QBzr 0.14 or later be installed.

* Bazaar > Work > Uncommit action is now supported.
  This requires QBzr 0.14 or later be installed.

* Tools > Plugins action is now supported.
  This requires QBzr 0.14 or later be installed.


* The toolbar actions with menus now all display and behave the same
  way. As a consequence, Log History has been moved to the top of the
  Explore menu now it is no longer directly available on the toolbar.

* Update Working Tree now launches the qupdate dialog instead of
  the qgetupdates one.

* Bazaar > Explore > System Log now uses qviewer instead of the
  user's editor. This is because some editors (e.g. Wordpad)
  struggle opening files used by other processes.

* Shelve and Unshelve have been removed from the Bazaar > Work menu
  because they won't be ready by 1.0.

0.6.1 11-Aug-2009

Bug fixes:

* Compatibility with standalone bzr.exe re obtaining Python version 
  for About dialog.

0.6 11-Aug-2009

Compatibility breaks:

* The editor user configuration setting may now have options added.
  If the editor path contains spaces, the path component within that
  setting must now be quoted using double quotes.

* Now that the app-suite and toolbar-style are configurable via
  preferences, they are no longer available as command line options.

New features:

* Bazaar > Collaborate > Send New Revisions action is now supported.
  This requires QBzr 0.13 or later be installed.

* Bazaar > Work > Switch Checkout action is now supported.
  This requires QBzr 0.13 or later be installed.

* Preferences can now be selected via the appropriate menu action
  for each desktop. For example, the menu item is Edit > Preferences
  on GNOME and Tools > Options on Windows. Preferences are stored in the
  explorer/explorer.conf file under Bazaar's configuration directory.
  The preferences currently supported are:

  * app-suite - qbzr or gtk (latter only available if bzr-gtk is installed)

  * toolbar-contents - default or expanded

  * toolbar-style - text-below-icon, icon-only, etc.


* Checkouts now appear first in the repository view.

* Help > Contents and Help > About now link to the new website.

* "Edit" of a directory now opens it in the file manager, not the editor.

* Most exceptions are now trapped and reported to the user, instead
  of silently appearing in the terminal that launched Explorer.

* The gtk application suite now falls back to using actions in qbzr
  when bzr-gtk doesn't provide an alternative.

* The Help > About dialog now displays information about the current
  PyQt, Qt and Python versions being used.

Bug fixes:

* If a location no longer exists, tell the user and close the page
  instead of aborting.


* Added Dutch translation.

0.5 21-Jul-2009

General UI improvements:

* To simplify the UI for new users starting with the Solo workflow,
  the collaborate actions (pull/merge/update/push/send) are now a
  submenu on the toolbar instead of separate actions.

* Working tree browser hidden when not applicable, e.g. when showing
  Welcome page.

* If a page is opened a second time, switch to the already opened
  one rather than create a new one.

* The Bazaar menu has been tweaked with the Tags action now on the
  Collaborate submenu. The unimplemented Rename and Delete actions
  have also been removed from the Work submenu as these are more
  likely to be accessed in other ways (e.g. the Working Tree
  browser) once implemented.

* The Settings menu has been re-organised given ignores are actually
  working-tree-specific, not branch-specific. (The difference becomes
  important if you have multiple checkouts switched to the same

Status report improvements:

* Added a "What's next?" section providing state-sensitive workflow

* Included the tip (last revision) number in status report summary.

* Add action links to section headers, e.g. add for unversioned,
  log for pending merge tips, conflicts for conflicts.

* Clicking on a text conflict now launches the text editor.

* Add delete action link for unversioned items.

Working tree browser improvements:

* Double-click now opens a file using the default application instead
  of always opening the text editor.

Repository view improvements:

* More interesting locations within a repository (e.g. trunk, work)
  are placed first.

* Rename Unique Revisions tab to Local Changes,
  include the one line summary of working tree status and
  improve the wording w.r.t. unique revisions.

* Improved wording on the Missing Revisions tab.

* Added Manage, Branch and Open buttons. If an item is selected,
  the Manage action opens it in your file manager, otherwise it
  opens the repository. If a branch or bound branch is selected,
  the Branch action uses it as the default source.

Added an experimental mode previewing pending features:

* A "Branch Changes" view showing the equivalent of
  "bzr status -rsubmit:..-1", i.e. previewing what "bzr send"
  would put into a bundle.

Bug fixes:

* Refresh on the repository view now refreshes the details panel.

* Numerous others.


* Added German and Turkish translations.

0.4 30-Jun-2009

Welcome page now opened on start-up if no location given on the command
line. This page provides easy access to actions used to get started and
to any bookmarks that are defined.

Working tree status view now has clickable links for launching the editor
and file-specific diff.

Repository view now has a details panel showing recent history, revisions
unique/missing vs the parent branch.

Double-click on a file in the working tree browser now opens the file
in the text editor. The following actions are now supported in the
working tree browser as well:

* Browse - browse the versioned items (includes access to per-file
  log and annotate)

* Manage - open the current folder in the operating system's file manager

* Edit - edit the selected file.

Menu changes:

* Added Tools > Register Project On menu, providing easy access to the
  project registration pages of Launchpad, GNU Savannah and SourceForge.

* Added Help > Welcome.

* Added Help > Translate This Application.

* Minor renaming of several actions, e.g. List Items to Browse Items.

Added translations: English (Australia), Spanish, French, Italian, 
Japanese, Russian.

Note: Hats are now stored under the explorer directory within your
configuration directory, rather than being stored in the configuration
directory itself. The directory name for a hat named xxx is now
xxx-hat, not explorer-xxx.

0.3.1 22-Jun-2009

Urgent bugfixes:

 * Fixed broken import (no module named profile).
 * Fixed bookmark editing on OS X. (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #390450)
 * Switching hats now actually worked.

0.3 22-Jun-2009

Better main menu:

* Added some actions:
  * Bazaar > Work > Unbind Branch

  * Settings > Branch Specific > Configuration (branch.conf editing)

  * Settings > Branch Specific > Ignores (.bzrignore editing)

  * Bazaar > Explore > System Log (.bzr.log viewing)

* Hid some proposed actions:
  * Bazaar > Explore > Annotate File (available via other paths)

  * Bazaar > Work > Filter View (not going to make it for 1.0)

* Moves:

  * Bazaar > Information > Conflicts to Bazaar > Work > Conflicts

Better toolbar with Start, Explore and Work popup menus & Refresh action.

Better QBzr mapping: Checkout is now working and dialogs stay open on
completion of commands; qlog available on repositories.

bzr errors are now correctly trapped and displayed when getting the
status of a working tree. (#387241)

Added an initial cut of overview and roadmap documentation.

Bookmarks and tools can be added, edited and refreshed. Editing allows:

* removal of unwanted bookmarks
* organisation into folders

* placement of separators.

In addition to personal bookmarks and tools, role-specific ones can be
loaded by switching the "hat" you're wearing.

Numerous bug fixes including:

* improved unicode handling

* portability fixes/tweaks for KDE, Windows and OS X.

Initial support for I18N.

Windows installer.

0.2 10-Jun-2009

Core functionality working:

* better menu with clearer labels and status tips

* correct delegation to QBzr and bzr-gtk (if installed) commands

* repository view shows interesting nested locations with drill-down
  on double-click

* basic bound branch support

* numerous portability fixes.

0.1 02-Jun-2009

Initial release for early adopter feedback.