

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0bc8cf85bcf1c8d9e62c8128f7df4e77 > files > 1169


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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY kappname "&plasma;">
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>O manual do &plasma;</title>

> <firstname
> <surname
> </personname
> <email
> </author>
<othercredit role="translator"

>Sebastian Kügler</holder>



>O &plasma;, o pilar mais visível do &kde;, é a interface base para o ambiente de trabalho. </para>

>Ambiente de Trabalho</keyword>


<chapter id="introduction">

>&plasma; is one of the key technologies of &kde; 4 (also known as the &quot;Pillars of &kde;&quot;), and one of the most visible to users. As &plasma; treats the user interface differently than a traditional desktop, there may be confusion on what &plasma; is, what it does, and how to perform common tasks. </para>

>Este documento tenta resolver estes problemas, fornecendo respostas às questões mais comuns. </para>

<chapter id="using-kapp">
>Usando o &plasma;</title>

<sect1 id="plasmoids-and-containments">
>&plasmoids; and Containments</title>

>A essência do Plasma gira em torno de dois conceitos básicos: </para>

>Miniaplicativo ou pequenos aplicativos que residem no ambiente de trabalho. </para>
>Applets that act as the container for the &plasmoids; </para>

>Em um ambiente de trabalho padrão, existem dois elementos principais: o Painel e a Área de Trabalho em si. Ambos são contentores, no contexto do &plasma;. </para>

<sect1 id="panel">
>O Painel</title>

>The default panel holds a few &plasmoids;: starting from the left, there's the &kickoff; application launcher. You can use it to start applications, open recently opened files and the usual logout/shutdown options. There's also a structure that allows you to browse through your applications. The layout has been optimized for the use case that is most common: starting an application. The default tab is the <guilabel
> tab that holds the most-used entries. In the beginning, you'll probably find yourself using the <guilabel
> tab more often. Once you have found out what your most frequently started applications are, <mousebutton
> click on the items and select the <guimenuitem
>Add to Favorites</guimenuitem
> to add them to your <guilabel
> (or directly into the panel or on the desktop. Note that you need to &quot;unlock&quot; Plasma by means of <mousebutton
> clicking on the desktop for any kind of modification). If you prefer &kde;&apos;s traditional menu-style application launcher, change it by <mousebutton
> clicking on the menu button and selecting <guimenuitem
>Switch to Classic Menu Style</guimenuitem
>. </para>

>O próximo ícone (que se parece como um computador ou notebook na área de trabalho, dependendo do tipo de máquina) é o <application
>Notificador de Dispositivos</application
>. Conecte um disco <acronym
>, para que apareça uma janela de onde poderá abrir o dispositivo no &dolphin;. </para>

>The next item on your panel is the <application
>. It allows you to switch between your virtual desktops. If you change the layout of the <application
> through the <guimenuitem
>Number of rows</guimenuitem
> option, which will also affect the layout and animations that are shown in &kwin;&apos;s <guimenuitem
>Desktop Grid</guimenuitem
> effect -- (Switch on desktop effect, press <keycombo action="simul"
> to see it.) For larger pagers, selecting <guimenuitem
>Display windows icons</guimenuitem
> typically makes sense. </para>

>The taskbar is up next on the panel. It shows an area for all open windows on all desktops by default. You can make it show all open windows on the current desktop only by checking <guimenuitem
>Only show tasks from the current desktop</guimenuitem
> when you right click on the task manager, between two windows. The size of the text on the taskbar items can be set in &systemsettings; under the <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>. Right-clicking on the taskbar brings the Settings dialog where you can choose several options to customize your taskbar. <screenshot>
>Here's a screenshot of the taskbar settings dialog</screeninfo>
      <imagedata fileref="taskbar-settings.png" format="PNG"/>
>Janela de configuração da barra de tarefas</phrase>

>O próximo em seu painel padrão é a a <application
>área de notificação</application
>, que é usado pelos aplicativos tradicionais como área de acoplagem. Um clique direito na <application
>área de notificação</application
> permite que você oculte ou exiba ícones. </para>

>The right-most &plasmoid; in the default panel holds the <application
>Digital Clock</application
>. This clock can display the time in different timezones as well as have its size changed. The clock will adjust its font size to the area it is given by the surrounding containment (that is the panel in this case). If you choose to display the date, this date will be rendered using the <guimenuitem
>Small font</guimenuitem
> option from the &systemsettings; <guilabel
> dialog. The time will take the rest of the space. So in the end, you'll choose yourself the amount of information displayed, and if that fits. If you want to display more information, make the panel larger or put the clock on the desktop where it can grow freely. </para>


<sect1 id="toolboxes">
>As Caixas de Ferramentas do Painel</title>

>If your desktop is unlocked (you can do that by <mousebutton
> clicking on the desktop, or when no application has the focus, with <keycombo action="simul"
>),a small &plasma; logo will appear in the bottom right corner (it's commonly named the &quot;cashew&quot;). Click on this cashew, and the panel controller opens. The panel controller allows you to reposition, resize and realign the panel. The &plasmoids; living in this panel will adjust their size automatically. &plasmoids; have basic knowledge about sizing, provided by the containment. They are programmed to take advantage of that size, and inform the applet about how much space they possibly need. In the end, the containment gives a possible size to the applets, the applets obey. </para>


<sect1 id="add-applets">
>Adicionando miniaplicativos</title>

>Unlock the desktop and you'll be able to add and remove &plasmoids; from panel or desktop. You add &plasmoids; by simply dragging them where you want them. <mousebutton
> click on an applet to remove it. The <guilabel
>Add Applets</guilabel
> dialog also allows you to mark certain applets as <guilabel
> so you can find them back more easily. <screenshot
> <screeninfo
>Favorite Widgets</screeninfo
> <mediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="favorite-widgets.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> <textobject
> <phrase
>Favorite Widgets</phrase
> </textobject
> </mediaobject
> </screenshot
> The <guibutton
>Install new widgets</guibutton
> button allows you to add widgets you've previously downloaded. Currently it supports native &plasmagik; packages and &Mac; OSX dashboard widgets. Widgets you install this way can then be accessed just like regular, preinstalled widgets. </para>

<sect1 id="desktop">
>O Ambiente de Trabalho</title>

>The desktop is in fact another containment. One that doesn't put size constraints on the applets. Applets can be moved and sized freely. On the unlocked desktop, &plasmoids; will show a frame when you move the mouse over them. This applet handle allows you to move, resize, relocate and realign the panel. It also allows you to drag Plasmoids on the desktop. The buttons in the corner are used to resize, rotate configure and remove the applet. When rotated, a &plasmoid; will act magnetic towards 12 o'clock, so it's easy to get them back into sensible position. By default, most applets keep their aspect ratio when they are being resized. If you want to freely resize an applet, hold the &Ctrl; key pressed while resizing. </para>

>O clique com o botão direito na área de trabalho permite que você configure alguns aspectos, como o papel de parede usado ou o tema do &plasma;. Ambas as ações fornecem a possibilidade de obter novos papéis de parede e temas com o &knewstuff;. </para>

>With open applications, it quickly gets hard to see the &plasmoids; on your desktop. The <emphasis role="bold"
> gets those &plasmoids; in front of you, much like the <guilabel
>Show desktop</guilabel
> functionality you are used to from traditional desktops. </para>


<sect1 id="krunner">

>&krunner; is a versatile mini command-line. You can use it to start applications, open web pages, access bookmarks, search through your desktop data, calculate short equations, and many more.Pressing <keycombo action="simul"
> opens the &krunner; dialog. You just start typing and &krunner; will start searching matches as soon as you've entered more than two characters. You can open the settings dialog to learn about &krunner;&apos;s functionality, provided by plugins. You can navigate through the matches using the tab and arrow keys. </para>

>If you want to know what's going on on your system, there's the <guibutton
>Show System Activity</guibutton
> button, giving you quick access to a list of windows and processes, with options to monitor their output and kill processes. </para>


<sect1 id="zooming-user-interface">
>&quot;Activities&quot; or the &zui; (ZUI)</title>

>The desktop toolbox, accessed via the top right corner has a button for zooming out. &plasma; allows you to have more than one activity. Basically, that is multiple desktop containments hosting multiple sets of &plasmoids;. Zoom out from your current activity, choose <guilabel
>Add activity</guilabel
> to create a new containment, zoom in to your new containment and customize suiting your taste. &plasma;&apos;s zooming and &kwin;&apos;s desktop grid are similar in that respect, but there is a fundamental difference. While virtual desktop are used to group and organize windows, &plasma;&apos;s activities are used to group and organize plasmoids. This way, you can switch between activities and have relevant &plasmoids; supporting the task you're currently trying to accomplish. You can create a &quot;Free time&quot; activity, with comic strips, a puzzle and other &plasmoids;, and a work activity, with relevant <acronym
> feeds, calculator and calendar, for example. </para>


<sect1 id="shortcuts">

>Most of &plasma;&apos;s functionality is also accessible through keyboard shortcuts. Currently, the following default shortcuts can be used: </para>

><keycombo action="simul"
>Adicionar widgets</para

><keycombo action="simul"
>Bloquear widgets</para

><keycombo action="simul"

><keycombo action="simul"

><keycombo action="simul"
>Próximo miniaplicativo</para

><keycombo action="simul"
>Miniaplicativo anterior</para

><keycombo action="simul"
>Próximo contentor</para

><keycombo action="simul"
>Contentor anterior</para

><keycombo action="simul"
>Configurações do miniaplicativo</para

<keycombo action="simul"
> </keycombo>
>Configurações do contentor</para

><keycombo action="simul"
>Remover miniaplicativo</para




<chapter id="credits">
>Créditos e Licença</title>

>&plasma; </para>
>Programa com 'copyright' 2008 de &Aaron.J.Seigo; &Aaron.J.Seigo.mail; </para>

>Konqui the KDE Dragon <email
>Tux the Linux Penguin <email

>Documentation Copyright &copy; 2008 Sebastian Kügler <email
> </para>

>Tradução de Marcus Gama<email
&underFDL; </chapter>


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