

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0bc8cf85bcf1c8d9e62c8128f7df4e77 > files > 621


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>O escravo <acronym
> fornece um modo de executar programas <acronym
> sem a necessidade de executar um servidor web. Isto pode, por exemplo, ser usado para testes locais de programas <acronym
> ou para o uso de mecanismos de busca que fornecem somente uma interface <acronym
>, como o <application

>The slave implements the <command
> protocol. It uses the filename from the given &URL; and searches a configurable list of folders. If it finds an executable with the given name it executes it, passes the arguments of the &URL; and sets the environment variables needed by <acronym
> programs.</para>

[kde-doc-english] Documentation/Example for CGI kioslave
Juergen Pfennig <> -->