

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0d67d3f1445b059d27e41f3a09f4032a > files > 12


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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY kpolynome "<application>kpolynome</application>">
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<!-- This header contains all of the meta-information for the document such
as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords -->

<title>The &kpolynome; Handbook</title>



<holder>Janos Toberling</holder>


<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->

	&kpolynome; is a KDE application designed to calculate mathematical polynomes based on given data coordinates.

	<keyword>function curve</keyword>


<chapter id="introduction">
	&kpolynome; is a &kde; application designed to calculate mathematical polynomes based on given data coordinates.
	You can enter data coordinate points and give a searched power. This application calculates a mathemetical polinom 
	that can best "fit" - maybe hits these points.
	The points sould be entered in (X,Y) pairs.
	The program has a textfile interface so you can load the dataset and save the results.
	<para>You can also draw the functional curve and save this image to a file.
	<para>Here is a short example:</para>
	<para>Let's assume you measured the following: ((-1,1), (0,0), (1,1)).
	What is the function that hits theese points? Let's enter the coordinates to the program and set index to 2.You will get the result x^2.

<chapter id="using-kpolynome">
<title>Using &kpolynome;</title>

	<sect1 id="kpolynome-maindialog">
	<title>KPolynome main screen</title>
		Here's a screenshot of the main screen of &kpolynome;.
			<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of the main screen of &kpolynome;</screeninfo>
				<imagedata fileref="screenshot_main.png" format="PNG"/>
				<phrase>Screenshot: Main dialog</phrase>
		<tgroup cols="2">
				<entry>Data Entry Area</entry>
				<entry>- CoordinatePair Entry</entry>
				<entry>The (X,Y) data.</entry>
				<entry>- List of added pairs</entry>
				<entry>Short list with the entered coordinates</entry>
				<entry>- Control buttons</entry>
				<entry>You can add coordinate or modify/delete the selected one.</entry>
				<entry>- Searched degree</entry>
				<entry>The desired degree of the calculated polinome</entry>
				<entry>Calculation results</entry>				
				<entry>- Power</entry>
				<entry>Element of the polinome</entry>
				<entry>- Calculated coefficients</entry>
				<entry>The calculated coefficient for current the element.</entry>
				<entry>- Divergences</entry>
				<entry>Empiric and corrected empiric divergences.</entry>
				<entry>Program contoll</entry>
				<entry>- Show Graph</entry>
				<entry>Invokes the drawing dialog.</entry>
				<entry>- Load and Save</entry>
				<entry>Import and export data.</entry>

	<sect1 id="kpolynome-curevedialog">
	<title>KPolynome curve drawing dialog</title>
		<para>Here's the screenshot of the curve drawing dialog:</para>
			<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of the curve drawing screen of &kpolynome;</screeninfo>
				<imagedata fileref="screenshot_curve.png" format="PNG"/>
				<phrase>Screenshot: Curve drawing</phrase>
		<tgroup cols="2">
				<entry>Functional parameters</entry>
				<entry>Input and calculated data.</entry>
				<entry>Drawing area</entry>
				<entry>You will see the image here.</entry>
				<entry>Modify drawing area</entry>
				<entry>Scroll, Zoom and Autofit the screen.</entry>
				<entry>Save function curve</entry>
				<entry>Press this button to save the image.</entry>
				<entry>TopRight/BottomLeft coordinates</entry>
				<entry>Controlls the drawing window.</entry>
				<entry>Mouse Position</entry>
				<entry>Shows the mouse coordinates in the drawing area.</entry>

	<sect1 id="kpolynome-textiface">
	<title>Loading and saving data</title>
		<para>KPolynome has a simple input/output interface where you can load the coordinates and 
		save the results. The loading and saving can be started from the main dialog save and load button.</para>
		<para>The defaule extension of the file comes form KPolynome_DataSet ".kpds". </para>
		<para>Here follows an example for the dataset ((0,0),(1,1),(-1,-1),(2,8)) with searched power 3:
		<tgroup cols="2">
				<entry>Input file</entry>
				<entry>Output file</entry>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0 ;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0 )</para>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;1 ;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;1 )</para>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;-1 ;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;-1 )</para>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;2;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;8 )</para>
					<para>Num_ads: 3</para>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0 ;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0 )</para>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;1 ;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;1 )</para>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;-1 ;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;-1 )</para>
					<para>(&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;2;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;8 )</para>
					<para>Num_ads: 3</para>
					<para>------ Calculated_data ------</para>
					<para>x^0 =&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0</para>
					<para>x^1 =&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0</para>
					<para>x^2 =&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0</para>
					<para>x^3 =&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;1</para>
					<para>sigma =&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;0&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;sigma^* = 0</para>

<chapter id="faq">
<title>Questions and Answers</title>

<qandaset id="faqlist">
	<para>Why can I see divergence such as xxxe-yy?</para>
	KPolynome wants to be as precise as it can be. So inside the calculation ruotines I use long double variables to store numbers. Insted of printing the results in a form where the "little" calculation failures are unseeable I print out all the result to the screen - includeing the failure also. 
	</para><para>So you sould understand what is the output of the program.</para>


<chapter id="credits">

<title>Credits and License</title>

Program copyright 2004 Janos Toberling <email>tobi&#64;rakis&#46;homeip&#46;net</email>

Documentation copyright 2004 Janos Toberling <email>tobi&#64;rakis&#46;homeip&#46;net</email>

&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->

<appendix id="installation">

<sect1 id="getting-kpolynome">
<title>How to obtain &kpolynome;</title>
	You can found &kpolynome; at <ulink url=""></ulink>, 
	or at <ulink url=""></ulink> .</para><para>
	At you can find on the following url: <ulink url=""></ulink>. (No packages are here but on sourceforge.)</para><para>
	At the project's home resides at <ulink url=""></ulink>. Here you can find the source and some precompiled packages for SuSE92_KDE34. The newest developments are in the <ulink url="">CVS</ulink> system of sourceforge.


<sect1 id="requirements">

In order to successfully use &kpolynome;, you need &kde; 3.x. .

All required sources to compile &kpolynome; can be found
on <ulink url="">The &kpolynome; home page</ulink>.

<!-- For a list of updates, you may refer to the application web site
or the ChangeLog file, or ... -->
You can find a list of changes at <ulink url=""></ulink>

<sect1 id="compilation">
<title>Compilation and Installation</title>





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