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<li id="no" title="The Orber Application" expanded="false">The Orber Application<ul>
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<li id="no" title="Introduction to Orber" expanded="false">Introduction to Orber<ul>
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<li title="Overview"><a href="ch_introduction.html#id112392">Overview</a></li>
<li id="no" title="The Orber Application" expanded="false">The Orber Application<ul>
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<li title="ORB Kernel and IIOP "><a href="ch_orber_kernel.html#id108295">ORB Kernel and IIOP </a></li>
<li title="The Object Request Broker (ORB)"><a href="ch_orber_kernel.html#id108479">The Object Request Broker (ORB)</a></li>
<li title="Internet Inter-Object Protocol (IIOP)"><a href="ch_orber_kernel.html#id104307">Internet Inter-Object Protocol (IIOP)</a></li>
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<li title="Interface Repository(IFR)"><a href="ch_ifr.html#id106371">Interface Repository(IFR)</a></li>
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<li title="Configuration"><a href="ch_install.html#id120522">Configuration</a></li>
<li title="Firewall Configuration"><a href="ch_install.html#id124079">Firewall Configuration</a></li>
<li title="Interface Configuration"><a href="ch_install.html#id124520">Interface Configuration</a></li>
<li id="no" title="OMG IDL to Erlang Mapping" expanded="false">OMG IDL to Erlang Mapping<ul>
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<li title="OMG IDL to Erlang Mapping - Overview"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id124739">OMG IDL to Erlang Mapping - Overview</a></li>
<li title="OMG IDL Mapping Elements"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id124763">OMG IDL Mapping Elements</a></li>
<li title="Getting Started"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id124819">Getting Started</a></li>
<li title="Basic OMG IDL Types"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id124880">Basic OMG IDL Types</a></li>
<li title="Template OMG IDL Types and Complex Declarators"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id125422">Template OMG IDL Types and Complex Declarators</a></li>
<li title="Constructed OMG IDL Types"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id125908">Constructed OMG IDL Types</a></li>
<li title="Scoped Names and Generated Files"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id126347">Scoped Names and Generated Files</a></li>
<li title="Typecode, Identity and Name Access Functions"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id126739">Typecode, Identity and Name Access Functions</a></li>
<li title="References to Constants"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id126882">References to Constants</a></li>
<li title="References to Objects Defined in OMG IDL"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id126942">References to Objects Defined in OMG IDL</a></li>
<li title="Exceptions"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id126965">Exceptions</a></li>
<li title="Access to Attributes"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id126998">Access to Attributes</a></li>
<li title="Invocations of Operations"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id127054">Invocations of Operations</a></li>
<li title="Implementing the DB Application"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id127213">Implementing the DB Application</a></li>
<li title="Reserved Compiler Names and Keywords"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id127431">Reserved Compiler Names and Keywords</a></li>
<li title="Type Code Representation"><a href="ch_idl_to_erlang_mapping.html#id128176">Type Code Representation</a></li>
<li id="no" title="CosNaming Service" expanded="false">CosNaming Service<ul>
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<li title="Overview of the CosNaming Service"><a href="ch_naming_service.html#id128842">Overview of the CosNaming Service</a></li>
<li title="The Basic Use-cases of the Naming Service"><a href="ch_naming_service.html#id128985">The Basic Use-cases of the Naming Service</a></li>
<li title="Interoperable Naming Service"><a href="ch_naming_service.html#id129332">Interoperable Naming Service</a></li>
<li id="no" title="How to use security in Orber" expanded="false">How to use security in Orber<ul>
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<li title="Security in Orber"><a href="ch_security.html#id130194">Security in Orber</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Orber Stubs/Skeletons" expanded="false">Orber Stubs/Skeletons<ul>
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<li title="Orber Stubs and Skeletons Description"><a href="ch_stubs.html#id130571">Orber Stubs and Skeletons Description</a></li>
<li id="loadscrollpos" title="CORBA System and User Defined Exceptions" expanded="true">CORBA System and User Defined Exceptions<ul>
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<li title="System Exceptions"><a href="ch_exceptions.html#id131150">System Exceptions</a></li>
<li title="User Defined Exceptions"><a href="ch_exceptions.html#id131587">User Defined Exceptions</a></li>
<li title="Throwing Exceptions"><a href="ch_exceptions.html#id131607">Throwing Exceptions</a></li>
<li title="Catching Exceptions"><a href="ch_exceptions.html#id131639">Catching Exceptions</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Orber Interceptors" expanded="false">Orber Interceptors<ul>
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<li title="Using Interceptors"><a href="ch_interceptors.html#id131750">Using Interceptors</a></li>
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<h1>10 CORBA System and User Defined Exceptions</h1>

  <h3><a name="id131150">10.1 
        System Exceptions</a></h3>
    <p><span class="code">Orber</span>, or any other <span class="code">ORB</span>, may raise a <span class="code">System Exceptions</span>.
      These exceptions contain status- and minor-fields and may not appear in the
      operations raises exception IDL-definition.</p>

    <h4>Status Field</h4>
      <p>The status field indicates if the request was completed or not and will be
        assigned one of the following Erlang atoms:</p>
      <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><strong>Status</strong></td>
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><strong>Description</strong></td>
          <td align="left" valign="middle">'COMPLETED_YES'</td>
          <td align="left" valign="middle">The operation was invoked on the target object but an error occurred after the object replied. This occur, for example, if a server replies but Orber is not able to marshal and send the reply to the  client ORB.</td>
          <td align="left" valign="middle">'COMPLETED_NO'</td>
          <td align="left" valign="middle">Orber failed to invoke the operation on the target object. This occur, for example, if the object no longer exists.</td>
          <td align="left" valign="middle">'COMPLETED_MAYBE'</td>
          <td align="left" valign="middle">Orber invoked the operation on the target object but an error occurred and it is impossible to decide if the request really reached the object or not.</td>
        System Exceptions Status</em>

    <h4>Minor Field</h4>
      <p>The minor field contains an integer (VMCID), which is related to a more
        specific reason why an invocation failed. The function 
        <span class="code">orber:exception_info/1</span> can be used to map the minor code to a string. 
        Note, for VMCID:s not assigned by the OMG or Orber, the documentation
        for that particular ORB must be consulted.</p>

    <h4>Supported System Exceptions</h4>
      <p>The OMG CORBA specification defines the following exceptions:</p>
<strong>'BAD_CONTEXT'</strong> - if a request does not contain a correct
         context this exception is raised.</li>
<strong>'BAD_INV_ORDER'</strong> - this exception indicates that operations
         has been invoked operations in the wrong order, which would cause,
         for example, a dead-lock.</li>
<strong>'BAD_OPERATION'</strong> - raised if the target object exists, but
         that the invoked operation is not supported.</li>
<strong>'BAD_PARAM'</strong> - is thrown if, for example, a parameter is out
         of range or otherwise considered illegal.</li>
<strong>'BAD_TYPECODE'</strong> - if illegal type code is passed, for example,
         encapsulated in an any data type the <span class="code">'BAD_TYPECODE'</span> exception
         will be raised.</li>
<strong>'BAD_QOS'</strong> - raised whenever an object cannot support the 
         required quality of service.</li>
<strong>'CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE'</strong> - raised if two ORB's cannot 
         communicate due to different representation of, for example, 
        <span class="code">char</span> and/or <span class="code">wchar</span>.</li>
<strong>'COMM_FAILURE'</strong> - raised if an ORB is unable to setup 
         communication or it is lost while an operation is in progress.</li>
<strong>'DATA_CONVERSION'</strong> - raised if an ORB cannot convert data 
         received to the native representation. See also the 
        <span class="code">'CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE'</span> exception.</li>
<strong>'FREE_MEM'</strong> - the ORB failed to free dynamic memory and 
<strong>'IMP_LIMIT'</strong> - an implementation limit was exceeded in the
         ORB at run time. A object factory may, for example, limit the
         number of object clients are allowed to create.</li>
<strong>'INTERNAL'</strong> - an internal failure occurred in an ORB, which
         is unrecognized. You may consider contacting the ORB providers 
<strong>'INTF_REPOS'</strong> - the ORB was not able to reach the interface
         repository, or some other failure relating to the interface 
         repository is detected.</li>
<strong>'INITIALIZE'</strong> - the ORB initialization failed due to, for
         example, network or configuration error.</li>
<strong>'INVALID_TRANSACTION'</strong> - is raised if the request carried an
         invalid transaction context.</li>
<strong>'INV_FLAG'</strong> - an invalid flag was passed to an operation, 
         which caused, for example, a connection to be closed.</li>
<strong>'INV_IDENT'</strong> - this exception indicates that an IDL 
         identifier is incorrect.</li>
<strong>'INV_OBJREF'</strong> - this exception is raised if an object 
         reference is malformed or a nil reference (see 
         also corba:create_nil_objref/0).</li>
<strong>'INV_POLICY'</strong> - the invocation cannot be made due to an
         incompatibility between policy overrides that apply to the
         particular invocation.</li>
<strong>'MARSHAL'</strong> - this exception may be raised by the client- or
         server-side when either ORB is unable to marshal/unmarshal requests or
<strong>'NO_IMPLEMENT'</strong> - if the operation exists but no implementation
         exists, this exception is raised.</li>
<strong>'NO_MEMORY'</strong> - the ORB has run out of memory.</li>
<strong>'NO_PERMISSION'</strong> - the caller has insufficient privileges, 
         such as, for example, bad <span class="code">SSL</span> certificate.</li>
<strong>'NO_RESOURCES'</strong> - a general platform resource limit 
<strong>'NO_RESPONSE'</strong> - no response available of a deferred
         synchronous request.</li>
<strong>'OBJ_ADAPTER'</strong> - indicates administrative mismatch; the object
         adapter is not able to associate an object with the implementation
<strong>'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'</strong> - the object have been disposed or 
         terminated; clients should remove all copies of the object reference
         and initiate desired recovery process.</li>
<strong>'PERSIST_STORE'</strong> - the ORB was not able to establish a
         connection to its persistent storage or data contained in the
         the storage is corrupted.</li>
<strong>'REBIND'</strong> - a request resulted in, for example, a 
        <span class="code">'LOCATION_FORWARD'</span> message; if the policies are incompatible 
         this exception is raised.</li>
<strong>'TIMEOUT'</strong> - raised if a request fail to complete within the 
         given time-limit.</li>
<strong>'TRANSACTION_MODE'</strong> - a transaction policy mismatch detected.</li>
<strong>'TRANSACTION_REQUIRED'</strong> - a transaction is required for the
         invoked operation but the request contained no transaction context.</li>
<strong>'TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK'</strong> - the transaction associated with
         the request has already been rolled back or will be.</li>
<strong>'TRANSACTION_UNAVAILABLE'</strong> - no transaction context can be
         supplied since the ORB is unable to contact the Transaction
<strong>'TRANSIENT'</strong> - the ORB could not determine the current status
         of an object since it could not be reached. The error may be
<strong>'UNKNOWN'</strong> - is thrown if an implementation throws a 
         non-CORBA, or unrecognized, exception.</li>

  <h3><a name="id131587">10.2 
        User Defined Exceptions</a></h3>
    <p>User exceptions is defined in IDL-files and is listed in operations raises
      exception listing. For example, if we have the following IDL code:</p>
    <div class="example"><pre>
module MyModule {

  exception MyException {};
  exception MyExceptionMsg { string ExtraInfo; };

  interface MyInterface {

    void foo() 

    void bar() 
      raises(MyException, MyExceptionMsg);

    void baz();

  <h3><a name="id131607">10.3 
        Throwing Exceptions</a></h3>
    <p>To be able to raise <span class="code">MyException</span> or <span class="code">MyExceptionMsg</span> exceptions, 
      the generated <span class="code">MyModule.hrl</span> must be included, and typical usage is:</p>
    <div class="example"><pre>

bar(State) -&gt;
    case TestingSomething of
        ok -&gt;
           {reply, ok, State};
        {error, Reason} when list(Reason) -&gt;
           corba:raise(#'MyModule_MyExceptionMsg'{'ExtraInfo' = Reason});
        error -&gt;

  <h3><a name="id131639">10.4 
        Catching Exceptions</a></h3>
    <p>Depending on which operation we invoke we must be able to handle:</p>
      <li>foo - <span class="code">MyException</span> or a system exception.</li>
      <li>bar - <span class="code">MyException</span>, <span class="code">MyExceptionMsg</span> or a system
      <li>baz - a system exception.</li>
    <p>Catching and matching exceptions can bee done in different ways:</p>
    <div class="example"><pre>
    case catch 'MyModule_MyInterface':bar(MIReference) of
        ok -&gt;
           %% The operation raised no exception.
        {'EXCEPTION', #'MyModule_MyExceptionMsg'{'ExtraInfo' = Reason}} -&gt;
           %% If we want to log the Reason we must extract 'ExtraInfo'.
           error_logger:error_msg("Operation 'bar' raised: ~p~n", [Reason]),
           ... do something ...;
        {'EXCEPTION', E} when record(E, 'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST') -&gt;
           ... do something ...;
        {'EXCEPTION', E} -&gt;
           ... do something ...
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