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<img alt="Erlang logo" src="../../../../doc/erlang-logo.png"><br><small><a href="users_guide.html">User's Guide</a><br><a href="index.html">Reference Manual</a><br><a href="release_notes.html">Release Notes</a><br><a href="../pdf/public_key-0.12.pdf">PDF</a><br><a href="../../../../doc/index.html">Top</a></small><p><strong>public_key</strong><br><strong>User's Guide</strong><br><small>Version 0.12</small></p>
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<li id="no" title="Introduction" expanded="false">Introduction<ul>
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<li title="Purpose"><a href="introduction.html#id150271">Purpose</a></li>
<li title="Prerequisites"><a href="introduction.html#id150256">Prerequisites</a></li>
<li id="loadscrollpos" title="Public key records" expanded="true">Public key records<ul>
<li><a href="public_key_records.html">
              Top of chapter
<li title="RSA as defined by the PKCS-1 standard and RFC 3447."><a href="public_key_records.html#id151798">RSA as defined by the PKCS-1 standard and RFC 3447.</a></li>
<li title="DSA as defined by Digital Signature Standard (NIST FIPS PUB 186-2)
    "><a href="public_key_records.html#id151786">DSA as defined by Digital Signature Standard (NIST FIPS PUB 186-2)
<li id="no" title="Certificate records" expanded="false">Certificate records<ul>
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<li title="Common Data Types"><a href="cert_records.html#id151630">Common Data Types</a></li>
<li title=" PKIX Certificates"><a href="cert_records.html#id153514"> PKIX Certificates</a></li>
<li title="Standard certificate extensions"><a href="cert_records.html#id151357">Standard certificate extensions</a></li>
<li title="Private Internet Extensions"><a href="cert_records.html#id146651">Private Internet Extensions</a></li>
<li title=" CRL and CRL Extensions Profile"><a href="cert_records.html#id151894"> CRL and CRL Extensions Profile</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Using the public_key API" expanded="false">Using the public_key API<ul>
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<li title="General information"><a href="using_public_key.html#id152260">General information</a></li>
<li title="PEM files"><a href="using_public_key.html#id152278">PEM files</a></li>
<li title="RSA public key cryptography "><a href="using_public_key.html#id153709">RSA public key cryptography </a></li>
<li title="Digital signatures"><a href="using_public_key.html#id153741">Digital signatures</a></li>
<li title="SSH files"><a href="using_public_key.html#id153771">SSH files</a></li>
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<h1>2 Public key records</h1>
  <p>This chapter briefly describes Erlang records derived from asn1
  specifications used to handle public and private keys. The intent
  is to describe the data types and not to specify the meaning of
  each component for this we refer you to the relevant standards and RFCs.</p>

  <p>Use the following include directive to get access to the
  records and constant macros used in the following sections.</p>
  <div class="example"><pre> -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl"). </pre></div>

  <h3><a name="id151798">2.1 
        RSA as defined by the PKCS-1 standard and RFC 3447.</a></h3>
    <div class="example"><pre>
	  modulus,       % integer()
	  publicExponent % integer()

          version,         % two-prime | multi
	  modulus,         % integer()
	  publicExponent,  % integer()
	  privateExponent, % integer()
	  prime1,          % integer() 
	  prime2,          % integer()
	  exponent1,       % integer()
	  exponent2,       % integer()
	  coefficient,     % integer()
	  otherPrimeInfos  % [#OtherPrimeInfo{}] | asn1_NOVALUE

         prime,           % integer() 
 	 exponent,        % integer()
         coefficient      % integer() 


  <h3><a name="id151786">2.2 
        DSA as defined by Digital Signature Standard (NIST FIPS PUB 186-2)
    <div class="example"><pre>	 
	  version,      % integer()
	  p,            % integer()
	  q,            % integer()
	  g,            % integer()
	  y,            % integer()
	  x             % integer()

         p,         % integer()
	 q,         % integer()
	 g          % integer()
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