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<li id="no" title="Agent Functional Description" expanded="false">Agent Functional Description<ul>
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<li title="MIB loading"><a href="snmp_manager_funct_descr.html#id119773">MIB loading</a></li>
<li id="no" title="The MIB Compiler" expanded="false">The MIB Compiler<ul>
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<li title="Operation"><a href="snmp_mib_compiler.html#id119895">Operation</a></li>
<li title="Importing MIBs"><a href="snmp_mib_compiler.html#id119958">Importing MIBs</a></li>
<li title="MIB Consistency Checking"><a href="snmp_mib_compiler.html#id120030">MIB Consistency Checking</a></li>
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<li title="Compiling from a Shell or a Makefile"><a href="snmp_mib_compiler.html#id120163">Compiling from a Shell or a Makefile</a></li>
<li title="Deviations from the Standard"><a href="snmp_mib_compiler.html#id120216">Deviations from the Standard</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Running the application" expanded="false">Running the application<ul>
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<li title="Configuring the application"><a href="snmp_config.html#id120475">Configuring the application</a></li>
<li title="Modifying the Configuration Files"><a href="snmp_config.html#id122599">Modifying the Configuration Files</a></li>
<li title="Starting the application"><a href="snmp_config.html#id122690">Starting the application</a></li>
<li title="Debugging the application"><a href="snmp_config.html#id122740">Debugging the application</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Definition of Agent Configuration Files" expanded="false">Definition of Agent Configuration Files<ul>
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<li title="Agent Information"><a href="snmp_agent_config_files.html#id123233">Agent Information</a></li>
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<li title="Communities"><a href="snmp_agent_config_files.html#id123431">Communities</a></li>
<li title="MIB Views for VACM"><a href="snmp_agent_config_files.html#id123514">MIB Views for VACM</a></li>
<li title="Security data for USM"><a href="snmp_agent_config_files.html#id123752">Security data for USM</a></li>
<li title="Notify Definitions"><a href="snmp_agent_config_files.html#id123969">Notify Definitions</a></li>
<li title="Target Address Definitions"><a href="snmp_agent_config_files.html#id124049">Target Address Definitions</a></li>
<li title="Target Parameters Definitions"><a href="snmp_agent_config_files.html#id124255">Target Parameters Definitions</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Definition of Manager Configuration Files" expanded="false">Definition of Manager Configuration Files<ul>
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<li title="Users"><a href="snmp_manager_config_files.html#id124628">Users</a></li>
<li title="Agents"><a href="snmp_manager_config_files.html#id124728">Agents</a></li>
<li title="Security data for USM"><a href="snmp_manager_config_files.html#id124912">Security data for USM</a></li>
<li id="loadscrollpos" title="Agent Implementation Example" expanded="true">Agent Implementation Example<ul>
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<li title="MIB"><a href="snmp_impl_example_agent.html#id125163">MIB</a></li>
<li title="Default Implementation"><a href="snmp_impl_example_agent.html#id125203">Default Implementation</a></li>
<li title="Manual Implementation"><a href="snmp_impl_example_agent.html#id125282">Manual Implementation</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Manager Implementation Example" expanded="false">Manager Implementation Example<ul>
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<li title="The example manager"><a href="snmp_impl_example_manager.html#id125615">The example manager</a></li>
<li title="A simple standard test"><a href="snmp_impl_example_manager.html#id125705">A simple standard test</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Instrumentation Functions" expanded="false">Instrumentation Functions<ul>
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<li title="Instrumentation Functions"><a href="snmp_instr_functions.html#id125848">Instrumentation Functions</a></li>
<li title="Using the ExtraArgument"><a href="snmp_instr_functions.html#id126463">Using the ExtraArgument</a></li>
<li title="Default Instrumentation"><a href="snmp_instr_functions.html#id126570">Default Instrumentation</a></li>
<li title="Atomic Set"><a href="snmp_instr_functions.html#id126676">Atomic Set</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Definition of Instrumentation Functions" expanded="false">Definition of Instrumentation Functions<ul>
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<li title="Variable Instrumentation"><a href="snmp_def_instr_functions.html#id126852">Variable Instrumentation</a></li>
<li title="Table Instrumentation"><a href="snmp_def_instr_functions.html#id127226">Table Instrumentation</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Definition of Agent Net if" expanded="false">Definition of Agent Net if<ul>
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<li id="no" title="Definition of Manager Net if" expanded="false">Definition of Manager Net if<ul>
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<li id="no" title="Audit Trail Log" expanded="false">Audit Trail Log<ul>
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<li title="Manager Logging"><a href="snmp_audit_trail_log.html#id129419">Manager Logging</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Advanced Agent Topics" expanded="false">Advanced Agent Topics<ul>
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<li title="When to use a Sub-agent"><a href="snmp_advanced_agent.html#id129567">When to use a Sub-agent</a></li>
<li title="Agent Semantics"><a href="snmp_advanced_agent.html#id129677">Agent Semantics</a></li>
<li title="Sub-agents and Dependencies "><a href="snmp_advanced_agent.html#id129742">Sub-agents and Dependencies </a></li>
<li title="Distributed Tables"><a href="snmp_advanced_agent.html#id129759">Distributed Tables</a></li>
<li title="Fault Tolerance"><a href="snmp_advanced_agent.html#id129816">Fault Tolerance</a></li>
<li title="Using Mnesia Tables as SNMP Tables"><a href="snmp_advanced_agent.html#id129889">Using Mnesia Tables as SNMP Tables</a></li>
<li title="Deviations from the Standard"><a href="snmp_advanced_agent.html#id130167">Deviations from the Standard</a></li>
<li id="no" title="SNMP Appendix A" expanded="false">SNMP Appendix A<ul>
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<li id="no" title="SNMP Appendix B" expanded="false">SNMP Appendix B<ul>
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<li title="Appendix B"><a href="snmp_app_b.html#id130706">Appendix B</a></li>
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<h1>8 Agent Implementation Example</h1>
  <p>This <strong>Implementation Example</strong> section describes how an
    MIB can be implemented with the SNMP Development Toolkit. </p>
  <p>The example shown can be found in the toolkit distribution. </p>
  <p>The agent is configured with the configuration tool, using
    default suggestions for everything but the manager node. </p>

  <h3><a name="id125163">8.1 
    <p>The MIB used in this example is called EX1-MIB. It contains two
      objects, a variable with a name and a table with friends.
    <div class="example"><pre>
                  RowStatus      FROM STANDARD-MIB
                  DisplayString  FROM RFC1213-MIB
                  OBJECT-TYPE    FROM RFC-1212
          example1       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { experimental 7 }
          myName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
              ACCESS  read-write
              STATUS  mandatory
                      "My own name"
              ::= { example1 1 }
          friendsTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF FriendsEntry
              ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS  mandatory
                      "A list of friends."
              ::= { example1 4 }
          friendsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  FriendsEntry
              ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS  mandatory
              INDEX   { fIndex }
              ::= { friendsTable 1 }
          FriendsEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                      RowStatus              }
          fIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  INTEGER
              ACCESS  not-accessible
              STATUS  mandatory
                      "number of friend"
              ::= { friendsEntry 1 }
          fName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
              ACCESS  read-write
              STATUS  mandatory
                      "Name of friend"
              ::= { friendsEntry 2 }
          fAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
              ACCESS  read-write
              STATUS  mandatory
                      "Address of friend"
              ::= { friendsEntry 3 }
           fStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      RowStatus
              ACCESS      read-write
              STATUS      mandatory
                      "The status of this conceptual row."
              ::= { friendsEntry 4 }
          fTrap TRAP-TYPE
              ENTERPRISE  example1
              VARIABLES   { myName, fIndex }
                          "This trap is sent when something happens to
         the friend specified by fIndex."
              ::= 1

  <h3><a name="id125203">8.2 
        Default Implementation</a></h3>
    <p>Without writing any instrumentation functions, we can compile
      the MIB and use the default implementation of it. Recall that MIBs
      imported by "EX1-MIB.mib" must be present and compiled in the
      current directory ("./STANDARD-MIB.bin","./RFC1213-MIB.bin") when
    <div class="example"><pre>
unix&gt; <span class="bold_code">erl -config ./sys</span>
1&gt; <span class="bold_code">application:start(snmp).</span>
2&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmpc:compile("EX1-MIB").</span>
No accessfunction for 'friendsTable', using default.
No accessfunction for 'myName', using default.
{ok, "EX1-MIB.bin"}
3&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, ["EX1-MIB"]).</span>
    <p>This MIB is now loaded into the agent, and a manager can ask
      questions. As an example of this, we start another Erlang system
      and the simple Erlang manager in the toolkit:
    <div class="example"><pre>
1&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:start_link([{agent,""},{community,"all-rights"},</span>
 %% making it understand symbolic names: {mibs,["EX1-MIB","STANDARD-MIB"]}]).
{ok, &lt;0.89.0&gt;}
%% a get-next request with one OID.
2&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:gn([[1,3,6,1,3,7]]).</span>
* Got PDU:
[myName,0] = [] 
%% A set-request (now using symbolic names for convenience)
3&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:s([{[myName,0], "Martin"}]).</span>
* Got PDU:
[myName,0] = "Martin"    
%% Try the same get-next request again
4&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:gn([[1,3,6,1,3,7]]).</span>
* Got PDU:
[myName,0] = "Martin"    
%% ... and we got the new value.
%% you can event do row operations. How to add a row:
5&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:s([{[fName,0], "Martin"}, {[fAddress,0],"home"}, {[fStatus,0],4}]).</span>
 %% createAndGo
* Got PDU:
[fName,0] = "Martin"    
[fAddress,0] = "home"    
[fStatus,0] = 4    
6&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:gn([[myName,0]]).</span>
* Got PDU:
[fName,0] = "Martin"    
7&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:gn().</span>
* Got PDU:
[fAddress,0] = "home"    
8&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:gn().</span>
* Got PDU:
[fStatus,0] = 1    

  <h3><a name="id125282">8.3 
        Manual Implementation</a></h3>
    <p>The following example shows a "manual" implementation of the
      EX1-MIB in Erlang.  In this example, the values of the objects are
      stored in an Erlang server.  The server has a 2-tuple as loop
      data, where the first element is the value of variable
      <span class="code">myName</span>, and the second is a sorted list of rows in the
      table <span class="code">friendsTable</span>.  Each row is a 4-tuple.
    <div class="note">
<div class="label">Note</div>
<div class="content"><p>
      <p>There are more efficient ways to create tables manually, i.e.
        to use the module <span class="code">snmp_index</span>.</p>

      <div class="example"><pre>
%% External exports
-export([start/0, my_name/1, my_name/2, friends_table/3]).
%% Internal exports
-define(status_col, 4).
-define(active, 1).
-define(notInService, 2).
-define(notReady, 3).
-define(createAndGo, 4).   % Action; written, not read
-define(createAndWait, 5). % Action; written, not read
-define(destroy, 6).       % Action; written, not read
start() -&gt;
    spawn(ex1, init, []).
%% Instrumentation function for variable myName.
%% Returns: (get) {value, Name}
%%          (set) noError
my_name(get) -&gt;
    ex1_server ! {self(), get_my_name},
    Name = wait_answer(),
    {value, Name}.
my_name(set, NewName) -&gt;
    ex1_server ! {self(), {set_my_name, NewName}},
%% Instrumentation function for table friendsTable.
friends_table(get, RowIndex, Cols) -&gt;
    case get_row(RowIndex) of
   {ok, Row} -&gt;
        get_cols(Cols, Row);
   _  -&gt;
        {noValue, noSuchInstance}
friends_table(get_next, RowIndex, Cols) -&gt;
    case get_next_row(RowIndex) of
   {ok, Row} -&gt;
        get_next_cols(Cols, Row);
   _  -&gt;
       case get_next_row([]) of
     {ok, Row} -&gt;
         % Get next cols from first row.
         NewCols = add_one_to_cols(Cols),
         get_next_cols(NewCols, Row);
     _  -&gt;
%% If RowStatus is set, then:
%%    *) If set to destroy, check that row does exist
%%    *) If set to createAndGo, check that row does not exist AND
%%         that all columns are given values.
%%    *) Otherwise, error (for simplicity).
%% Otherwise, row is modified; check that row exists.
friends_table(is_set_ok, RowIndex, Cols) -&gt;
    RowExists = 
   case get_row(RowIndex) of
        {ok, _Row} -&gt; true;
       _ -&gt; false
    case is_row_status_col_changed(Cols) of
   {true, ?destroy} when RowExists == true -&gt;
        {noError, 0};
   {true, ?createAndGo} when RowExists == false,
                                 length(Cols) == 3 -&gt;
        {noError, 0};
   {true, _} -&gt;
       {inconsistentValue, ?status_col};
   false when RowExists == true -&gt;
        {noError, 0};
   _ -&gt;
        [{Col, _NewVal} | _Cols] = Cols,
       {inconsistentName, Col}
friends_table(set, RowIndex, Cols) -&gt;
    case is_row_status_col_changed(Cols) of
   {true, ?destroy} -&gt;
        ex1_server ! {self(), {delete_row, RowIndex}};
   {true, ?createAndGo} -&gt;
       NewRow = make_row(RowIndex, Cols),
        ex1_server ! {self(), {add_row, NewRow}};
   false -&gt;
       {ok, Row} = get_row(RowIndex),
        NewRow = merge_rows(Row, Cols),
    ex1_server ! {self(), {delete_row, RowIndex}},
       ex1_server ! {self(), {add_row, NewRow}}
    {noError, 0}.
%% Make a list of {value, Val} of the Row and Cols list.
get_cols([Col | Cols], Row) -&gt;
    [{value, element(Col, Row)} | get_cols(Cols, Row)];
get_cols([], _Row) -&gt;
%% As get_cols, but the Cols list may contain invalid column
%% numbers. If it does, we must find the next valid column,
%% or return endOfTable.
get_next_cols([Col | Cols], Row) when Col &lt; 2 -&gt;
    [{[2, element(1, Row)], element(2, Row)} | 
     get_next_cols(Cols, Row)];
get_next_cols([Col | Cols], Row) when Col &gt; 4 -&gt;
    [endOfTable | 
     get_next_cols(Cols, Row)];
get_next_cols([Col | Cols], Row) -&gt;
    [{[Col, element(1, Row)], element(Col, Row)} | 
     get_next_cols(Cols, Row)];
get_next_cols([], _Row) -&gt;
%% Make a list of endOfTable with as many elems as Cols list.
end_of_table([Col | Cols]) -&gt;
    [endOfTable | end_of_table(Cols)];
end_of_table([]) -&gt;
add_one_to_cols([Col | Cols]) -&gt;
    [Col + 1 | add_one_to_cols(Cols)];
add_one_to_cols([]) -&gt;
is_row_status_col_changed(Cols) -&gt;
    case lists:keysearch(?status_col, 1, Cols) of
   {value, {?status_col, StatusVal}} -&gt;
        {true, StatusVal};
   _ -&gt; false
get_row(RowIndex) -&gt;
    ex1_server ! {self(), {get_row, RowIndex}},
get_next_row(RowIndex) -&gt;
    ex1_server ! {self(), {get_next_row, RowIndex}},
wait_answer() -&gt;
   {ex1_server, Answer} -&gt;
%%% Server code follows
init() -&gt;
    register(ex1_server, self()),
    loop("", []).
loop(MyName, Table) -&gt;
   {From, get_my_name} -&gt;
        From ! {ex1_server, MyName},
       loop(MyName, Table);
   {From, {set_my_name, NewName}} -&gt;
        loop(NewName, Table);
   {From, {get_row, RowIndex}} -&gt;
       Res = table_get_row(Table, RowIndex),
       From ! {ex1_server, Res},
       loop(MyName, Table);
   {From, {get_next_row, RowIndex}} -&gt;
       Res = table_get_next_row(Table, RowIndex),
        From ! {ex1_server, Res},
       loop(MyName, Table);
   {From, {delete_row, RowIndex}} -&gt;
    NewTable = table_delete_row(Table, RowIndex),
       loop(MyName, NewTable);
   {From, {add_row, NewRow}} -&gt;
       NewTable = table_add_row(Table, NewRow),
       loop(MyName, NewTable)
%%% Functions for table operations. The table is represented as
%%% a list of rows.
table_get_row([{Index, Name, Address, Status} | _], [Index]) -&gt;
    {ok, {Index, Name, Address, Status}};
table_get_row([H | T], RowIndex) -&gt;
    table_get_row(T, RowIndex);
table_get_row([], _RowIndex) -&gt;
table_get_next_row([Row | T], []) -&gt;
    {ok, Row};
table_get_next_row([Row | T], [Index | _]) 
when element(1, Row) &gt; Index -&gt;
    {ok, Row};
table_get_next_row([Row | T], RowIndex) -&gt;
    table_get_next_row(T, RowIndex);
table_get_next_row([], RowIndex) -&gt;
table_delete_row([{Index, _, _, _} | T], [Index]) -&gt;
table_delete_row([H | T], RowIndex) -&gt;
    [H | table_delete_row(T, RowIndex)];
table_delete_row([], _RowIndex) -&gt;
table_add_row([Row | T], NewRow) 
  when element(1, Row) &gt; element(1, NewRow) -&gt;
    [NewRow, Row | T];
table_add_row([H | T], NewRow) -&gt;
    [H | table_add_row(T, NewRow)];
table_add_row([], NewRow) -&gt;
make_row([Index], [{2, Name}, {3, Address} | _]) -&gt;
    {Index, Name, Address, ?active}.
merge_rows(Row, [{Col, NewVal} | T]) -&gt;
    merge_rows(setelement(Col, Row, NewVal), T);
merge_rows(Row, []) -&gt;

    <h4>Association File</h4>
      <p>The association file <span class="code">EX1-MIB.funcs</span> for the real
        implementation looks as follows:
      <div class="example"><pre>
{myName, {ex1, my_name, []}}.
{friendsTable, {ex1, friends_table, []}}.

      <p>To use the real implementation, we must recompile the MIB and
        load it into the agent.
      <div class="example"><pre>
1&gt; <span class="bold_code">application:start(snmp).</span>
2&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmpc:compile("EX1-MIB").</span>
3&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmpa:load_mibs(snmp_master_agent, ["EX1-MIB"]).</span>
4&gt; <span class="bold_code">ex1:start().</span>
%% Now all requests operates on this "real" implementation.
%% The output from the manager requests will *look* exactly the
%% same as for the default implementation.

    <h4>Trap Sending</h4>
      <p>How to send a trap by sending the
        <span class="code">fTrap</span> from the master agent is shown in this section. 
        The master agent has the MIB <span class="code">EX1-MIB</span> loaded, where the 
        trap is defined. This trap specifies that two variables should 
        be sent along with the trap, <span class="code">myName</span> and <span class="code">fIndex</span>. 
        <span class="code">fIndex</span> is a table column, so we must provide its value 
        and the index for the row in the call to <span class="code">snmpa:send_trap/4</span>. 
        In the example below, we assume that the row in question is 
        indexed by 2 (the row with <span class="code">fIndex</span> 2).
      <p>we use a simple Erlang SNMP manager, which can receive traps.
      <div class="example"><pre>
1&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:start_link([{agent,""},{community,"public"}</span>
 %% does not have write-access
1&gt;<span class="bold_code">{mibs,["EX1-MIB","STANDARD-MIB"]}]).</span>
{ok, &lt;0.100.0&gt;}
2&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmp_test_mgr:s([{[myName,0], "Klas"}]).</span>
* Got PDU:
Received a trap:
      Generic: 4       %% authenticationFailure
   Enterprise: [iso,2,3]
     Specific: 0
   Agent addr: [123,12,12,21]
    TimeStamp: 42993
3&gt; <span class="bold_code">snmpa:send_trap(snmp_master_agent, fTrap,"standard trap", [{fIndex,[2],2}]).</span>
* Got PDU:
Received a trap:             
      Generic: 6
   Enterprise: [example1]
     Specific: 1
   Agent addr: [123,12,12,21]
    TimeStamp: 69649
[myName,0] = "Martin"    
[fIndex,2] = 2    
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